Spontaneous Road Trip to Canada | Vancouver at Christmastime

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- Hello from Vancouver, Canada. (upbeat music) I've decided to take a spontaneous little road trip up to Vancouver in Canada, which is about a three hour drive from Seattle. So, it's not that far because I want to see the Capilano suspension bridge that's in North Vancouver. It's this beautiful suspension bridge in the forest and during the holidays, they actually light it up with holiday lights. I saw it online last year and I made a mental note that I needed to go this year when the lights were up again, and then I completely forgot about it until like three days ago when I was on Instagram and I saw someone post a photo from the bridge and I was like, Oh yeah, I meant to do that this year. So at the very last minute, I've decided to come up here for a night and I'm bringing you guys along with me. (lighthearted humming) ♪ Silent night ♪ ♪ Holy night ♪ ♪ All is calm ♪ ♪ All is bright ♪ ♪ Round yon virgin, mother and child ♪ ♪ Holy infant, so tender and mild ♪ This place is absolutely magical. I am having the best time walking around even though it's kind of raining. It's just enchanting. If you live anywhere near here, you should come here. I think it's up through January too. (lighthearted music) Good morning from my hotel room. I have to say, I think I really lucked out with this pick for last night, because when I looked for hotels in the area, there was like nothing available. I don't know what it was about Tuesday night in Vancouver that it was so booked out. There were three options available. There were hostels. There was one, I think it was the Fairmont or the Pan Pacific on the waterfront. That was like $500 for the night or something. And then there was this one and I paid like $70, I think for this room for the night. And it was awesome. The bed was super comfy. The parking was free. I slept really well. It just goes to show that you don't always have to stay somewhere that's super expensive to be comfortable because I know that online and on Instagram, I know I feel this way and I think it probably also appears this way in my content. Like I'm always staying at fancy places and sometimes I am lucky enough to stay somewhere that's really nice. But I also like don't mind staying in a budget place. I think that they can be just as comfortable because at the end of the day, I'm just getting in bed and getting on my laptop and hanging out anyway. So I don't need to pay $500 a night to be able to do that. (upbeat music) I've made it down to the Waterfront which is so beautiful here in downtown Vancouver. And I'm trying out a new camera today and I'm really curious to see how the footage turns out and what you guys think of it. It's the DJI Osmo Pocket, which is about a year old. Like it came out about a year ago, and I've just resisted trying it even though there's a lot of hype around this camera. It's very unique because it's a pocket sized camera with a built in three axis gimbal on top to stabilize your footage. And to give you a comparison of like how cool this is that it's so tiny, here's another gimbal that I have on me in my camera bag that I use for my little like Sony RX 100 which is what I'm filming on right now. So this is the size of just the gimbal without the camera for a like next size up set up. The perk of using a gimbal is you get really, really smooth, beautiful footage. So like when you're walking down the street, you don't get like the shake of it's like you're stepping. It's just that smooth footage. So the reason I decided to crack and buy this recently is I always mean to film more when I'm home in Seattle, but I don't carry a camera with me and then I get out somewhere and I see something cool and I'm like, Oh, but I don't have the camera. So I got this kind of thinking that I would just always keep this in my everyday bag. And then I always have like a little pocket sized camera on me because this even comes with its own case which is so cool. So I'm going to be shooting with this today. And I'm curious to see how the footage comes out because with cameras this small, it also means the sensor is super small. Which means you tend to get like grainier footage, or it doesn't do as well in low light. This is also a very inconspicuous size. So if you're like kind of self-conscious about vlogging in public or having a camera out, like no one is going to look at this in your hand if you're walking around. This isn't sponsored by DJI by the way. But DJI, if you were looking for somebody to sponsor, I love all your stuff. I'll go ahead and insert a montage of footage that I get with this here so you guys can see it. (upbeat music) Next I am heading to the Christmas market here on the Waterfront to check it out. This is one of my favorite views in Vancouver. The Canada place with all like the sails up there. (cheerful guitar music) Is there a special technique to eating it? - (laughs)For a hotcake, you kind of fold it into half, eat it like a taco. - Eat it like a taco. - But it tastes better with ice cream and a hotcake together. - Thank you. (upbeat music) I am about to try my first inside out cinnamon roll pancake. I've never heard of this before. Pretty good. It started to rain and I think it's supposed to pickup throughout the afternoon. So I think that's my cue to go find where I parked my car and start heading back to my country. (upbeat music) I've made it over the border. I am back in Washington. I stopped and grabbed a coffee and I'm getting some gas. I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me for this little mini Vancouver road trip. It was a lot of fun to just run up for a night. Every time I go up to Canada, I tell myself I need to go more because it's so great. And it's so accessible from Washington. Like it's only a few hours to get to Vancouver. Whistler isn't that much further North and it's beautiful in the winter time. I still haven't been in the summer but I went last winter and it was amazing. Canada is just awesome. I still need to get up to Banff and Jasper which is quite a ways from Seattle. I think it's a 10 hour drive to get up there but I've never been and it looks incredible. So that is on my list for my next big road trip. It's interesting that a lot of the time I focus on doing bigger international trips, but some of the smaller trips or the trips that are closer to home turn out to be the best. Maybe because they're a little less stressful because they're not such like, well I guess Canada is international, but it's not. It doesn't feel that way if I'm just driving there. And it's always a good reminder to explore closer to home. On a completely random side note, I have gotten a new pair of glasses. And I think in my, I think it was my Charleston travel video, that I talked about a pair of glasses from the Hillary Duff glasses, USA line. I actually lost those glasses when I was in Alaska this summer. And so I ordered a new pair from her line and I went with this like green, Sage color which is very out of my comfort zone. It's very different for me but I'm kind of loving it so far. Anything that she puts her name on I'm, I'm in for. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you know when new videos are posted. And I think that's it. I'm gonna head home and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Allison Anderson
Views: 163,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada vlog, road trip, canada road trip, vancouver, vancouver bc, pacific northwest, capilano suspension bridge, vancouver canada, vancouver itinerary, british columbia, travel vlog, seattle blogger, solo travel, solo female travel, solo female traveler, why i solo travel, how to solo travel, best travel destinations 2020, christmas in canada, christmas vlog, vlogmas, allisonanderson, allison anderson, alaska, christmas market, vancouver vlog, things to do in vancouver
Id: VNRO0rOppbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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