My Top Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals LIVE

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well well well good evening one and all hopefully you can hear me and see me and as always if you could just let me know in the chat section if everything sounds okay looks okay and coming through clear that'll be great thank you very much so let's just say hello to a few people once i know that everything is working it sounds okay oh let me just mute myself a second [Music] oh weird i've got audio coming back out of my own system that's really weird okay just bear with me while i get rid of the audio on here this is kind of weird so just bear with me otherwise i'm just kind of feeding back on myself there we go now i'm going to listen to my own voice which is always good okay so everything sound okay and look okay thank you very much looks like we're all on to a win of a winner so fantastic so let's just wait for a few more people to come in and i'll do my usual hellos as always please do remember if you are new to joining into the live streams do hashtag new in the comments or the chat section and if you're an old timer joined me many many times before feel free to drop in old just to make yourself feel really old as it were just like i do okay so we've got a few of the usual suspects it's like i say hashtag new if you're new around here old if you are a regular viewer so let's go and say hello to a few of the faces that i can see popping up on screen right now doug pogba joy always good to see you in thank you very much for joining in taz goldstein hope you're doing well giannis always a pleasure to see you around here kevin bogar i hope i said that correctly tim rushton christoph zeomek again i hope i said that one okay no reaction babak fp goran david walls good to see you in tonight wp tonic thank you very much for joining in and i'm pretty sure that tables will be turning quite soon chris olivier always good to see you in stars tutorials if you haven't checked his channel out make sure you do just do a quick youtube search for stardust tutorials tons of great content on there for elementor oxygen and much much more so check that out rich wade always good to see you it as well no reaction not sure if i already said hello if not hi again uh rich you can't stick around too long tonight that's okay no problem at all if you can't stick around thank you for taking the time just to join in to start off with everything we talk about will be in the link in the description below also on the facebook group if you haven't already taken a look on there okay so let's see if i've missed anybody at rob o'shea hope you're doing well and let's have a little look make sure great teeth bergman pleasure to see you in tonight as always wow so many people danny ulia i hope i said that right how you doing danny hope you're doing well john hassey always good to see you in and yep strahina pleasure to see you in as well i always feel like i say that name wrong so i do apologize tiaka van rensburg hope you're doing well thank you for joining in and i think that's pretty much everybody that's in so far if i've missed anybody out i do apologize but like i say remember to do the hashtag new if you're new around here old if you're not so taz thank you very much for joining in hope this is something you enjoy and you can come back and do this on a regular basis and join us take my fin new good to see you elstech pleasure as always hope you're doing well john hassey there's nothing wrong with being old it's all good we're all friends around here uzi i hope i said that correctly hope you're doing well uriel thank you very much for joining in coming to join us again and anthony t always a pleasure joseph a new person around you andrew chenko from uh oh what will you be from uh possibly croco block maybe good to see you joining in tonight if anybody's getting crocodile questions make sure you tag andrew in i'm sure he can help you out torsten good to see you in s double a consulting or steve ash as we should know you has and steve marsden wow so many people in so far already so mr gecko old as f we won't say too much about that will we okay so what is tonight all about well it's pretty much we all know it's black friday stroke cyber monday this week and this weekend so well this year some of the things that we're interested in picking up things we've already picked up we can share good deals we can tell each other what to avoid if we found any lemons out there and i'm going to tell you some of the things that i've either bought looking at buying or i already use that i would recommend links for pretty much everything are in the description you do help me out if you use those things cost you nothing more but if you don't want to do that you just want to buy them yourself then crack on no hard feelings whatsoever okay so i'm going to open the floor up to you guys as well tonight because i want you to tell me what you well i've either bought so far or you're thinking of buying just put hashtag bf in that's right blackberry yeah just for hashtag bf and just put whatever you've bought or you're thinking of buying after that and then we can have a chat about that and you can open my eyes up to some things that i might not have seen so first of all let me just talk about one of the things that i would recommend buying grabbing if you haven't already got it and let me give you my reasons why so i'm going to do a quick of a bit of a screen share a minute just so we can kind of see so hopefully this will work okay okay so the first one on my recommended list as you probably know if you've watched the channel at all it's the bloxy pro theme we all know that that i really like that theme so if you are looking for a theme and you want to have all the bells and whistles that you need to go with it i would highly recommend taking a look at the bloxy theme i've covered it several times in different videos there's more and more features being added into the pro version i especially like the ability to very easily add in your own custom post types add in your own custom metadata you can create great looking listings it's growing all the time so i'm really really enjoy using this particular theme if you don't want to buy it i would still recommend checking out the free version because there's an absolute boat load of features available inside the free version so even if you just want to use it free of charge i would recommend checking it out and if you've used it let me know your thoughts on this as well about a few people that have kind of watched the tutorials that i put out there and they've jumped on board and they love bloxy so it's not something that i'm alone in it's one of those things that i think you'd really enjoy using it if you use themes on a regular basis so check out bloxy link in the description below if you want to check that out currently the black friday deal is up to 40 off so let's just take a quick look at what those offers actually are so let me just hop over to the pricing page so we've got 40 off on the annual as you can see or up to 40 so agency is giving you what are we talking 40 off so yeah you're 40 but i would recommend if you can't stamp up the cash to go for the lifetime because at 210 dollars for unlimited licenses that's pretty awesome fair play so i would recommend taking a look at that very very good theme danny yuria very good theme built by two romanian guys and they are genuinely nice people that's one of the things i do like i've talked to sergio many many times with various different things opened up different uh sort of suggestions and things that i would recommend on how they can improve the theme things but i found little bugs or quirks that i kind of didn't get my head around and they've been absolutely amazing gracious listen to everything i've said take on board things and if they can and they think it's the right thing to do they've implemented the updates the tweaks the features whatever it is so check it out it's one of those things like i say i really really like this theme i think it's amazing okay so that's my first suggestion like i said link in the description if you want to check that out so let's have a little look at what you were all saying so we're going to have hashtag bf so i can see exactly what you are all recommending wp ultimo fluent support funnily enough um wp tonic fluent support uh i might be doing some work with them with some of their other uh plugins but yes their fluent support is currently offering 50 off i think on the lifetime deal there is again a link in the description if you want to check that out i haven't used it myself yet i will be testing it out so i can't recommend it without trying it but have a look at the deal like i said link is in the description as well okay richard be a fluent support i've not tried it yet but all the film products are very well developed i agree i've picked up a couple of those myself i think i've got fluent forms and i've got is it fluid crm i've got that as well so i've got both of those and i will be taking a look at some of the other ones as well and doing some content on those over the next couple of months or so stratos bf motion page now this is one of those things i was looking at the other day when someone else i think it was in um what was it i think it was the dynamic wordpress facebook page facebook group i think it was in there and that caught my attention as well and it does look really really cool uh let's have a little look this is motion page let's see if i can pull this up for you and show you what i'm talking about um let's see if i can find it motion dot page i think this is it let's hop over screen share a second so if you're curious now i haven't tried this i'm not recommending this this is one of those things that i'm just literally just taking a look at myself and it kind of caught my attention and i don't think it's actually available yet i think it's still in sort of open-ish beta but if you want to add lots of different motion effects to your website regardless of what it's built on i believe this is sort of will work with wordpress and you know if you hand code all those kinds of tools it opens up the ability to create really powerful interactive animations and you know some really cool effects i would recommend taking a look at this this have a look at the videos on there because it does look kind of exciting and from my understanding let's say this is just literally i've probably spent 10 minutes watching the videos you don't need to be a coder to do any of this it's one of those things it's very much you stack the effects on top of each other select what you want to do build those things up and you can create some pretty amazing animations if you look at sites like the apple website they have amazing looking layouts with fantastic animations and interactive elements as you move around the page and so on and i think something like this motion dot page would give you the ability to do that and from my understanding like i say without the need to get stuck in and code so if anybody's picked this up or anybody's using this in their their beta let me know in the comment or in the chat section either now or afterwards if you're watching this on on replay or on the facebook group i'd love to know what people are thinking of this if you're using it what you kind of feel about it if it's something this is kind of like the next big thing to sort of break i'm kind of excited to see where this goes and i might well pick it up when it's available to uh take it for a test drive so yeah choose a plan i do apologize this looks like you can actually purchase it and again one of those things that not crazy expensive i mean 267 dollars split payment available if you want to grab it and that gives you the unlimited lifetime license so if animations are your bag and you want to add things like that to your website this might be one of those tools that opens up a ton of possibilities you could make your money back with one job and it's worth you know its weighting goal should we say so i will be taking a look at that having a little look to see what this is like and maybe i'll pick it up and do some content on it if i think it's something that i think you would find useful so stratos let me know if you grab this and what your thoughts and feelings and you know from use case are from that i'd love to know okay so that's what else are we looking at 301 redirects missed it before andrew blevins 300 redirects is a very very useful plug-in i've got it myself um i've done some content on that i think i've done some content on it if not let me know if you'd like to see some content on that plug-in it is a very very good plug-in it does make a whole lot of sense when you are moving sites or you make lots of sweeping changes on a design or something like that be cool to see if you want to sort of have some content just let me know in the comment or the chat section okay let's have a little look torsten croco block but having grid builder wp metabox and amelia ltd already bloxy and stackable also so i'm not sure if it's really necessary for me it's black friday necessary doesn't come into it we all know that we buy lots and lots of things because they look shiny and we know we'll put them to great use over the next year i need to come back next year see they're on offer forgot we've even actually bought them i'm definitely guilty of that myself on many many instances so i would say if you are interested in croco block check out my channel have a look at some of the videos on there and see if it does things you can't do inside the likes of grid builder wp or metabox those kinds of things if it does grab it if not no problem but i said 30 off for the lifetime or 40 off i think for all of the plans it's a pretty good deal i would say buddy boss lifetime deal i didn't know there's a buddy boss lifetime deal i've never used buddy boss so i've looked at it in the past i've just never really had a use case for it but if you do use buddy boss let me know what you think of it how you use it because i'd love to know some different use cases because you kind of see these different tools and you assume that they have a particular role or a particular set of roles but so many people will take something like this and they'll they'll run with it to come up with something completely different a different idea to what i would have thought with it so i would love to know if you use it what do you use it for drop some links in there so i can see how you're using if it's something that's open to the public because i'd love to see exactly how you use it mr gecko that's a very very long list indeed so fluent support there seems to be quite a few people in tonight that's interested in fluent support so i will be taking a look at that myself motion page again good to see that there is interest in that it seems to be doing the rounds you know right now it seems to be one of those things that's quite hot uh you know for people that maybe are interested in trying this and adding animations to their websites regardless of the tools that they use to build their websites tutor lms yep i believe they're doing a pretty good deal as well io bender my video helped thank you very much glad to hear that better uptime i would definitely recommend i mean i think i did a video when it was first on appszoomer which is probably what six eight months maybe a little longer than that and if you're looking for something that monitors your uptime for your websites for your clients websites i would definitely recommend better up time i think it's something like 59 for the deal let me just have a quick look and see if i can find it a second on appsumo and i would definitely recommend it if you were in the market for something like that it's incredibly easy to use it works well i've had several notifications come through to me where there's been you know a site has gone down just notified me but also a lot of the time it's just nice to know when the site is actually back up online that there might have been a bit of a glitch and it lasted a couple of minutes so it's not a case of always when the site goes down sometimes it can be how long it's been down for and knowing that it's actually back online you can't always react and i think if you're in the the states you can also use the sms messaging part of the deal you you could with the first deal right that's how it'll look if i can find if it's actually on the better up time there we go let's have a little look at what the deal currently is black friday better up time okay so the current deal runs for another five days and even with the bottom plan which i think is what i bought that gives you a lot for the money one member i mean if you were just a solopreneur or you just literally only need you know sort of just you to manage content then i don't see the problem with i think that's perfectly fine hundred monitors that's basically a hundred websites your status pages are more for your clients side of things so if you you won't have a status page and you can share that so clients can just keep an eye on things and see what uptime any down times that have gone on you know if you sell that kind of you promote that as part of your business quite useful and i say if you're in usa or canada you do get 50 phone calls and 30 sms a month and for 69 dollars for the peace of mind that i can bring it was a no-brainer for me once i tested it out i kept it and i still use it and it still runs every single day on my main sites and set quite a few client sites so yeah that's definitely a good one project huddle is another one that i do like brainstorm force have taken that over quite recently but again a good solid platform p cloud i've been using uh oh my god ice drive i did i missed out on on the the p cloud deal when it first came up onto app super which i kind of kicked myself about quite a few times since then but yeah i picked up ice drive and that's that's pretty good so if another deal comes up on p cloud i might grab that at some point affinity photo designer and publisher to replace adobe absolutely i did that probably i think i bought those two years ago i think i bought affinity photo way before that i think i bought that back probably three four years ago and they're currently running i think 30 off and i ditched adobe earlier this year with my subscription run out which i think was july and if i'm honest i wouldn't go back unless something specific i needed i would stick with those they're great so yeah some pretty solid deals there mr gecko i would say that uh definitely worth hopping on board with quite a few of those who else do we have and then we're going to go into my next one solid affiliate stratos i've never tried solid affiliate let me know if you do pick it up what it's like and if it's worth taking a look at i think solid affiliate was the one that i couldn't get on their website for love no money just kept giving me a security warning so i probably should try it with um a vpn or something just so i can see if that'll get past the problem but yeah it was kind of frustrating not knowing why you're not able to see what everybody was talking about so uh affinity can load psds affinity can load psds no problem whatsoever yep absolutely it'll open them up edit them you can work with them you can even save them back out as psds if you want to use that cross-platform yes there are going to be some things that you may not be able to do no really specific things that are included as part of you know photoshop itself but the reality is you're paying considerably less if you need those features yes you could use something like photo p again it's a great platform really good if you want something that's completely free or if you want to pay to get you know support them and those kinds of things but really cool good evening esther good to see you in and thank you for joining us tonight now as always if you do enjoy this live stream give it a thumbs up because it helps youtube realize that what we're doing here is actually of interest to some people and it might want to spread the word just a little bit better so please do give that thumbs up a click you can't hit the thumbs up well you can still hit the thumbs down it just doesn't tell me about it so i don't get hurt feelings anymore it's fine so okay solid affiliate for just fifty dollars start us i'll have to check that out and see what it's like and uh but if you do grab it let me know if it's any good because it's always handy to have affiliate options if you want to use that set of different sites and things i need to look into it a little bit more okay uh also another thing that's on sale is paid membership pro and member press you are absolutely right i did look at paid membership pro yesterday i think it was had a little look at that looks interesting it is quite expensive i don't really have a need for it at the moment so where i've been asked will i create content for it it kind of works out a bit expensive just to buy a license just to create potentially one uh one video or something so i might do that if i can contact the developers and see if they'll give me an nfr license so i can test it out and maybe create some content then i might take a look at paid membership pro oh if enough people are interested again let me know in the chat or in the comment section and uh i might take a look at doing something on that in the future okay what's next on my list well these are not so much sort of uh black friday deals these are appsumo deals these next two and they they're definitely ones i would recommend and literally i've just picked up the one myself probably an hour hour and a half ago and if you're wondering what that one is it's a let me just get rid of this comment a second it's a plug-in for wordpress to work with gutenberg i know i know it's guttenberg called quickly now i was watching this was sort of pulled up a couple of days ago by someone that said about to have a look at it so i had a look at a couple of videos i was blown away by what it could potentially do i mean the fact that this opens up so many options it has advanced customer feels pro included with every license that you purchase and integration with acf pro and obviously free you've also got repeater regions built into this directly into the editor you open up a ton of options for editing and creating content around gutenberg it's not very often i get excited about plugins to do with gutenberg so this really does sound like something that if you want to work with good and big or you just kind of feel like that is the next logical step for moving forward with your design you know you want to move away from your reliance upon page builders like you know elementor and those kinds of things i would suggest grabbing this dude even the 49 deal if we just hop down to the plans that gives you three websites and if you want to jump that up to more you can stack two codes for 10 websites and three codes for a thousand websites so for literally 149. give or take you can have a thousand websites and that's basically a thousand advanced custom fields pro licenses even if you didn't use quickly you would have a hundred and fifty so you'd have a thousand up to a thousand acf pro licenses for 150 dollars that's insane so if you haven't seen this i'd recommend checking out the videos again the links in the description to the appsumo deal check out the videos for quickly and if you this interests you i would say jump on this quickly pardon the pun that really wasn't intended because i think this is something that would probably go quite quickly it'll probably sell out and i think it's got some serious potential so i will be taking a look at creating some content on that over the next couple of weeks once i've had the opportunity to install it test it and see how it all works but like i say just the acf pro licenses on their own it's worth it for that kind of thing so take a look at that that's quickly there's another one over on appsumo that i would recommend and just let me just go and type this in so you can see what i'm talking about now if you've never heard or never used micro themer or if you have heard of it that's also available right now on appsumo starting at 59 and for the 59 that gives you i believe yeah three sites if you want 10 sites says 120 and unlimited sites 169 if you use you have a need for something like micro fema again 169 you would make that back on one single job and if you wonder what micro themer is again this is another one of the tools i bought this on lifetime probably i don't know 18 months ago they did a actually it might have been last black friday but i'm pretty sure they they did a a lifetime deal i think i bought that like three or five licenses i still don't have a chance to even try it yet but i heard so many good things about it i just grabbed the licenses when they were they put it in the back pocket ready for when i want to actually take a look at it but as you can see from this particular layout as you can see on screen right now the css grid is built into it you know you've got flexbox i believe all those options if you want to visually create and lay out designs without the need for something like a page builder micro theme is something worth taking a look at the thing to bear in mind if you do buy micro themer is once you use a license on a website that's locked to that domain you can't change it if you buy three licenses you think okay i'll use this on three sites and then if i get rid of one of those sites i'll open up the license it doesn't work that way or it didn't and i still still don't believe it it works in that way so just bear in mind your three licenses once you associate either like any of those licenses with a domain it's locked to that domain for evermore i say unless something's changed that's what it was like but micro fema definitely worth taking a look at and like i say for 59 for three sites it's worth it to jump on try it out you could even load elementor inside it and use an optimized workflow so you can edit content that's created by elementor through custom css using micro thema pretty cool so check that out if you are in the market for a lifetime deal you know that's overlapped soon again the link is in the description if you want to check that out and i would recommend taking a look at it okay so what else have we got then what other things we've done affinity is 50 off for black friday so even better 37 bucks that's even better than i thought you need 30 percent sebastian perez i'm from wales which is part of the united kingdom not so much england but uh same continent should we say pretty much esther sorry you're late that's okay that's no problem at all you're with us and that's the most important thing okay what else are we going to do esther you're going to buy a crocodile license today good i'm glad and hopefully this is one of those things that you'll be able to follow some of the tutorials on my channel and on the actual croco block channel itself there's tons and tons of great content on both those channels should give you so much information to help you get started with it and as always you've got great groups like the crocker blog group on facebook you've got the wp facebook group tons of helpful people if you get stuck on working with crocker block at all so welcome to the croco block club not so easy to say hit the thumbs down twice that works just as well too it does indeed rich except they've kind of removed the thumbs downs okay quickly sold out really now this was something that sort of popped up earlier on someone said the quick lead sold out um so i don't know if it's a kind of a glitch on there or what but if it has that'd be really disappointing i would let's have a look quickly no it's still on there let's just pull up the screen you can see there we go quickly wordpress gutenberg toolkit by now so you can still buy it still available if you want to grab it yep still available so don't worry about that hi rick it's all still there if you want to grab it you can grab it which i would suggest you do looks good okay best 30p host go daddy funny enough only if you don't care about security and if anybody doesn't know what i'm talking about there is godaddy several months ago the wordpress hosting was compromised and only i think last week or maybe even this week was that openly reported and not only did it affect they managed wordpress hosting but also the subsidiary companies they bought out like one two three reg and things like that so if you are using any other services that you use they managed hosting they managed wordpress hosting make sure go in and check that your security is in place and you haven't had your website's compromise i would at least at the bare minimum change your passwords just to make sure that you are not getting into problems and if you have client sites on there definitely definitely make sure you update passwords check security make sure everything is looking good it's not good not a good situation yeah so as tay says over 1 million wordpress accounts compromised through godaddy that's a lot of accounts so if you were using godaddy i would recommend making sure like you say you check your security size of things out just to make sure that you are all still good and safe okay next on my list cool the questions the comments are coming in thick and fast yep exactly sorry okay so what else do we have ucss hero for that yep omega you can actu absolutely use css here they are similar kinds of tools micro themer and css hero for anybody that doesn't know they are basically visual ways of editing css in a sort of drag-and-drop environment where you can use that to to customize lots of things and css hero or micro thema i mean the benefit of css hero over micro fema is the fact that you can release those licenses afterwards if you use something like um woocommerce and you want to customize various different aspects of that using something like css hero or micro thema makes the whole process a lot easier to manage because you can visually edit things if you're a non sort of like css coder you don't really know that too well or you just you know the basics but you want to do a little bit more this just makes the whole process really quick and easy you select an item on the screen click it and then you can make your css changes in a visual way like you would in something like you know elementor so if you're in the market or something like that check them out and again the link for css hero which i think is running a 70 discount at the moment is in the description of this video the live stream check that out i've done quite a few videos on that in the past so you can see exactly how that works and version 5 has just been released i believe which opens up even more possibilities so if you're in the market for something to customize your css i would highly recommend that the other thing is if you don't want to use page builders you just want to edit that css then a tool like this is invaluable because you can visually make those changes and with css hero the css file will be saved separately so you can easily take that move it somewhere else if you want to make edits to it manually outside of css hero there's lots of benefits for doing things like this and using these kinds of tools okay what we got it was sold out i agree it was sold out earlier on or it was marked as sold out so this is one of those things that there was a bit of a problem whether it was like there's too much traffic they couldn't keep up with the needs whatever but thankfully it is still only and um yeah still going so that's pretty cool hi nick i use microthema for a long time now it's a real life saver like i say i think these are the kinds of tools that when you want to quickly go in and make some changes visual changes to a website and you don't want to go in and start messing them up with the code underneath even if you know it these kinds of tools just make that process really quick and easy so check out micro fema or css hero and see what they offer and i'm sure most of these different software things offer you know a 30-day money-back guarantee or 14-day money-back guarantee and anything you buy off appsumo you've got 60 days if you don't like it at all well you can just get your money back and it's easy to do i mean i've literally done it several times myself and it literally takes a couple of minutes and it's back in your account so there's no real risk when it comes to the app sumo deals we don't like them just refund them uh okay wp tonic woof funnels are offering a nice lifetime deal i shall have to check that out let's have a look i've never tried move funnels has anybody actually tried wu funnels uh let me know because i know there's a lot of people sort of like comparing it to the likes of cart flows um and you know sort of like the comparison between those kinds of tools so be interesting to find out is this clickfunnels yeah no i won't move funnels do let's try that again it's been a long day let's go past the adverts let's build move funnels i believe that's the right one what's the deal they're offering yes if anybody actually used woof funnels if you have how'd you find it have you found that it's increased your sales you know have you had a good return on your investment very quickly because these are the things that are important you know are you getting a return on that investment so we've got a funnel builder let's just pop this over let me just get rid of the charts on there and let me just swap this over so the current deal on there for the lifetime access is going to give you a 300 discount if you go for the funnel builder and auto army or the funnel builder alone is 499 and you can pay it in three parts or four parts which is always nice to see i mean a lot of people would like these kinds of things but they are a big investment you know if you build funnels for clients you could probably make your money back with one job if you build funnels for yourself might take a little longer but sales funnels definitely work so if anybody's using this let me know if it's any good because again it's one of those things that it's always nice to know what tools you use and how you find how you you sort of find them in use are they easy to get started with are they easy to use those kinds of things so let me know if build move funnels or wall funnels is something you've taken a look at and you use okay the godaddy incident was not big only 1.2 million sites practically a drop in the ocean nothing water nothing to see here nothing to see so all right let's get rid of the funnels okay so next up what's the next deal that we're going to take a look at on the live stream tonight well i've got to say it haven't i if you're in the market for some dynamic content there's only two kids on the block if you ask me we've got croco block which is currently offering a 40 discount across the board except for the lifetime which i believe is 30 discount so this is running for the next seven days yes we've got 30 percent on a lifetime 35 on yearly subscriptions and 40 on single plugins as you can see there's a breakdown there and again links in the description if you want to use that cost you no more money but it does help support the channel you know all the usual bumps so if you want something like this i would say the lifetime is the best way to go about it because they are regularly updating the features adding new features to it expanding what you can do with it the dynamic side of things like with jet engine jet smart filters those kind of things now work with gutenberg which is something that i always like to see so that's nice that's been expanded away from reliance upon just one page builder like elementor and obviously the next one that i would recommend is to also take a look at dynamic content for elementor they're running a 30 off discount with black week 21 being the discount code and as you can see that's running across all the different options personal business and professional for the annual and also your lifetime for personal and professional and one of those things that i like to see which doesn't sound staffed i like it where there's like a thousand site limit as opposed to being totally unlimited because companies have to make money and a thousand websites if you created a thousand websites you can definitely afford another license on this kind of thing so yeah so that's that's the two deals i'd recommend if you want to expand what you can do with your dynamic content your dynamic designs those kinds of things because these two plugins are absolute powerhouses when it comes to working with dynamic content i use them all the time and as pretty many of you know i've created lots and lots of video content on all of these tools and i will be creating even more over the coming months okay so what else do we have what other things are you guys buying gravity forms is 50 off yep gravity forms that's pretty good too move funnels is more of crm and we use it on a client project which is kind of weird and if anybody doesn't know what a crm is it's content relationship manager i believe or customer relationship manager should say sorry um which is good i mean these are kinds of tools that if you sell things digital products services those kinds of things your customers or your clients are your bread and butter they're the things that make you the money so i've definitely invested in tools over the last couple of years to make that process a lot easier still room for improvement as i'm sure we all would have but definitely definitely important to have those kinds of tools um hester i'm such a dork that i'm more excited about wordpress black friday deals other people are going short for closing ties this week but good career investment absolutely we all like to know that these career investments are there for us and who needs toys and clothes you know you can stay in in a room on your own with nobody around and you can play with all these new new toys that you buy on black friday deals i see nothing wrong with that no one's going to know any different but yeah it is i think this is probably the talking and nerd in all of us is that we do kind of get excited for these new tools these things that make our lives easier but i think if you work with clients and customers and things like that these are tools are investments not just in the tool itself but in your skills in your clients businesses because if you can offer more to a client then these will pay themselves back in one job and i think that's the most important thing to consider is that everything that you buy that improves your skill improves your productivity improves what you can provide what you can offer customers and clients and so on they're good investments and that's the thing they're an investment yes we all get shelf way where you buy something you think's the best thing and then you never use it that's part and parcel of this kind of thing but when you find that diamond in the rough especially with sites like appsumo where there's a lot of very early in development products find a good one like for me i found pluto on there probably about 18 months two years ago and that has gone from strength to strength to strength to strength you know there's good ones there's ones that kind of fall by the wayside but when you find a good one the money you pay for it it can make itself back very very quickly excuse me i've got a bit of a dry throat okay also woocommerce extensions of 40 off through the 30th now this might just be me but i don't really like investing in the official woocommerce extensions because i didn't like the way that when they were taken over by automatic i believe a good few years ago the way that automatic basically you just got rid of any kind of loyalty support for people that have bought their licenses in the past renewal discounts those kinds of things and it was a bit of a middle finger to those people that had actually bought those products and support those products and given the money for those developers to create expand maintain those kinds of things and i kind of thought that was a bit of a a bit of a bad move so out of principle i probably wouldn't buy a woocommerce official uh plug-in unless i had no option or a client needed something very specific and let's be honest about it you can find other companies that do pretty much exactly the same thing uh okay esther you're getting featured quite a lot tonight so being late wasn't such a bad thing i was holding off buying croco block because i wasn't sure if i needed it i was using acf and cpt ui and custom skin the more tutorials i see on youtube for the all jet plug is the value is too good the value is very very good and while you could do probably most things if not everything with that combination of acfc pt ui and custom skin sometimes it's nice to have a setup that is all integrated and you don't need to worry so much about them not working together so i mean i use acf and cpt ui and custom scale on some projects i use jet engine jet smart filters jet search on other projects the right tool for the right job and when you've got a lifetime deal on those things but once you've done one job and paid for them they're just there for when you need them you know and that's the way i kind of look at it if i got a job that can pay for that particular product and still make me profit it was worth investing in that everything else after that becomes pure profit and that's the way to look at it you're investing in the future of your business the future of your skills and also having the right tools for your clients as and when they need them so you can fulfill the job in the best possible fashion that's why i would look at it 702 pros good to see you in tonight thank you very much for hashtag new great to see you and thanks for joining us okay gregory keith thanks for those tutorials they've helped me a ton i'm not sure which tutorials you're talking about but no problem at all with over 600 on the channel it kind of gets difficult to keep track of them all so but thank you very much i'm glad they've been useful to you and hopefully they will continue to be useful as i create more uh okay is it worth getting shop engine if you already have a full croco block plan again it's one of those things i mean each of these has a different flavor a different way of working and sometimes you know one plug-in will do something and it's more than enough whereas another plug-in might be overkill for it so i think if the price is right you can afford to invest in it and it doesn't break the bank and you think you've got a use for it i would say invest in it you know shop engine try the free version out before you think about investing it you've got probably a couple of days before the black friday and cyber monday deal ends anyway so you've got nothing to lose by trying the free version out and if that does what you want and you still want more but you see how it all works and you like it then invest in it if not nothing mentioned nothing gained and you've lost nothing other than a little bit of time so try the free version of shop engine because that offers an absolute ton of features for zero cost really impressed by that so take a look there's a couple of videos on the channel as well about it okay almost at my 1k subs i'll buy more tools this black friday deals well congratulations on almost reaching that 1k subs hopefully it won't take very long these milestones are important and you need to make sure you celebrate them so celebrate it enjoy it and then keep on creating more content to get to the 10 000 to 50 000 and beyond i've got my first thumbs down it's a good night so whoever give me the thumbs down thank you very much i love it now let's just kick them off by getting lots and lots more thumbs up hit that thumbs up if you enjoy this anyway okay yeah congratulations only hitting a thousand um okay stardust keep on i'm gonna hit that band button you keep on coming out he's black friday windows 98 se discount if anybody ever remembers windows 98 sc it was a bad period in the microsoft era okay buddy boss yep we talked about that one a little earlier on i haven't tried it myself but like i say if you have let me know if things any good ah mr gecko thank you for the thumbs up guys you much appreciate it can you please confirm that quickly is okay to get i mean the website is not so convincing for design tool i mean it's incredible team behind the plugin i want to buy three codes look at the end of the day i can't guarantee it for everybody you know if the tool is what you want and you enjoy it cool if you get it through appsumo you've got 60 days to try it and if you don't like it just get your money back on it that that's the beauty of buying it through appsumo i think i'll probably stack it full to be honest for the fact that you know if it is good i've got tons and tons of licenses then with you know acf pro even though i've got the acf pro unlimited lifetime deal anyway but still good i like supporting smaller developers i think it's at this point in their careers that they need to have that support i haven't tested the speed side of things i think it was you that said on my facebook group about it being a little bit slow so i'll check that out i'll have a little look but we have no idea how they put things together if they've optimized things since then so i think it's one of those things you have to try it out with appsumo you literally have nothing to lose other than a little bit of time trying it out for yourself but i certainly will be trying it out for the next couple of days and give my findings on this once i've had time to have a little play about this so you can expect something probably next week once sort of black friday cyber monday is kind of over with i'll probably have the time then to put something together and i'll put some content out giving my first impressions on it so yeah but don't miss out on it like i said you can refund on it if you find that it just doesn't do what you want to do it's not quick enough you don't like it whatever it's it's no loss to you other than legacy a little bit of time uh stratos pluto is gold and it keeps expanding leo is the only one that does code in life for his product leo is he's the main guy behind plutio and i've got to be honest he's been a very genuine person in all of the interactions with when it came on to appsumo originally every other time it's been on appszoom where they brought it back because it was so successful in the facebook group and any interaction he has with anybody very open very responsive and comes across as a genuinely nice person and i like supporting companies like that i think that's what we want we like having those people that are they creating tools that we can use listening to what we need and then building the products out to make something truly unique and special so i agree with you that will start us leo has been a very very good person to have at the head of that particular tool so yeah pretty cool don't be tonic i'm 100 right about woocommerce i'm glad it's not just me that kind of feels like this i just felt like it was a little bit of a kick in the teeth for the people that had actually paid into things and they used these tools and then suddenly the discount that they were getting for that long-term support was a case of you've got a middle finger for it and it's like thanks very much you want to carry on using it now you're kind of committed to it you're now going to pay the full amount every single time and i just think that sucked a little bit it was just the wrong way to go about it if they'd been like that from the beginning then there would have been no precedent set but the president had been set if asked me uh okay all we got no wp themes or plugins though but sparrowing in inbox on appsumo seem nice your feedback is highly appreciated i've looked at inbox quite a few times i haven't looked at sparrow so i need to look at those so if i get the chance to to take a look i will take a look but i can't guarantee it because black fridays cyber monday commitments coming up to the sort of holiday period it's like how much time is there oh and the other thing that i probably will say at this point in time as well is that if around the holiday period at the beginning of the year i look considerably more tired it's because um i'm going to be a dad in about a month's time it wasn't something i was expected to ever say but i'm expecting my son to be born on the 21st of december so if i am looking more tired than normal or you don't see me as much as you did chances are because i'm trying my best to find some short gaps in my day and night to get some sleep so yeah 702 pros thanks no problem at all love the channel thank you very much that's very much appreciated okay tase i like your sense of humor speaking of crm jetpack crm 60 off i think now jetpack is one of those things that i would never install on the website at all ever ever i've never seen such a horrible tool to to use in my life so no they could offer me 99.9 percent off and i still wouldn't install it on anything vivek thank you very much glad you could join in and great to have you here meh hi paul how's it going it's going very very well thank you very much and how's it going with you i just have a t-shirt with me written on it because that was one of my my favorite sayings when people ask me do things i didn't want to do it like meh don't do that okay mario ortiz i'll answer the question if esther hasn't already what is custom skin custom skin is just basically a free plugin for elementor that allows you to create individual loop items so for example a product uh so they display where you've got the image you've got the price the name of the product little description all your posts or custom post types it's basically his full name is elementor or ellie custom skin if you have a look on my youtube channel do a search for eddie custom skin there's a ton of videos on there it'll show you what it does why it's so useful why it's one of those tools that i recommend and it's absolutely free so have a little look if you're interested if that's the kind of thing that picks your interest because it's a really really good tool there's a pro version pretty much the you don't really need it okay good to hear you did the thumbs up if you don't mind about a thumbs down it's always a good one it's fine uh okay let's scroll through because there's a lot a lot of comments congratulations paul thank you thank you very much yeah there's a thank you very much david mccann made a review video of quickly he did indeed else i totally agree and i will be doing my own version of it as well i will be checking this out and if you haven't taken a look have a look at david mccann's channel because he does a lot of great reviews great tutorials and things have a little look up on youtube just for search i think it's just david mccann i think it is just have a look search for that also has a very very good facebook group called i think it's dynamic wordpress one of those ones that i actually enjoy being in this so check that out if you haven't already okay yeah thank you very much for everybody with the uh the congratulations on on the impending baby a mini paul well i'm hoping doug that um within the first year i can train him up to do video editing and he can also take control of doing some of the live stream things keeping you know control of the comments and so on but if my track record with our dog burt and his training is anything to go by i've got no chance i'll be doing it all myself and more but thank you very much for all congratulations it really does mean a lot to me thank you very much okay what else do we have what other things have we got it could have created spate on twitter uh no probably not i think there's there's so so many different platforms you can kind of create content on you can have different things on if i'm honest i like the live streams on youtube i like youtube in general to use i also like obviously i use twitter but i mostly just sort of shade tutorials and other things that i find interesting on there so i kind of like to keep it to the things that i i enjoy using like the facebook group and also just like say creating the content on hue and using this i think this is the better platform for what i do but never say never we don't know today's tech talks awesome i'm almost at 350 subscribers well congratulations and hopefully you have a few people on tonight's live that'll pop over take a look check out your channel and you get a few more subscribers so fingers crossed go and check that out okay uh is there a viable alternative to woocommerce if you want to stay inside the wordpress ecosystem not really not right at this point in time there's a couple of tools out there but i think unfortunately woocommerce kind of has that side of things sewn up there's nothing that's come along that's really kind of pushed that or potentially pushing that out of the uh the top spot should we say but again as well as i would love to see something to come and just sort of give woocommerce a run for this money because when you have no real competition there's no incentive to continually improve and expand what you're doing offer offer your user base more and that's kind of a little bit sad so i'd like to see more companies come along and offer you know some kind of e-commerce facilities there are a couple out there but nothing that's going to kind of match it at this point in time okay um apparently maybe we have a parenting touch channel soon you never know god knows what will happen in the future so um who knows but yeah we'll see okay so we've covered quite a few different tools what else do i think is worth checking out right let me just close these things down and let me just open up and take a look at some of the things okay so there's a couple of things that i would recommend taking a look at excuse me looking at you guys i'm sort of trying to pull up the links that are kind of newer tools or tools that i've created content on that i think are definitely worth taking a look at so let's just have a little look at some of these let me just open up different tabs now i created a video not too long ago about net grid and if you don't know what pr net grid is if you've ever seen grid builder wp or you've just dropped in the sort of like the post widget or anything like that in elementor they're basically just grids and grids can have just uh sort of like items like posts and and uh sort of products and things like that or custom post items or it can also have in conjunction with that filters and searches and things to create you know real estate state websites car sales websites those kinds of things anything at all and that's kind of what pnet grid does and they're currently offering a lifetime deal for 98 for 100 sites that gives you lifetime update lifetime support and all the features so everything included pretty good deal i would say i did a video on this a couple of weeks back or maybe like two months back something like that when it was first released i was quite impressed by what it does for a first iteration so again check out the video if you're in the market for something like this and if you want something that's very similar to this i've also created content on grid builder wp or wp grid builder it kind of goes by both and this is basically the same kind of thing but a more polished product right now because this has been a lot longer it integrates with elementor integrates with oxygen or you can use it as a standalone you can use it alongside woocommerce advanced custom fields i believe you can use it with like pods and those kind of things you can use it wpml so multilingual options are available to you and they are currently offering a 40 off on their lifetime deal so let's have a look if you can find the prices on this and again there's a pile of different add-ons that you can expand what you can do with this but the uh yeah the unlimited this is for annual is going to set you back 149 per year with a 40 renewal discount which is nice so cost you pretty much the same or you could go to lifetime and that's going to give you for up to a thousand sites 450 dollars it's a solid product i've been quite impressed by how good it is to work with how easy it is to work with so if you're in the market for these kinds of tools there's two options you could take a look at different price ranges but one has been around considerably longer in the case of wp grid builder but is considerably cheaper but both of these are pretty solid products for what they offer the other option is let me just close this down a second if in the market for more options to customize your woocommerce stores then another option is and they are currently offering a 70 discount on their their builder as you can see rental and this gives you all the different options so let's get rid of the pop-up i hate those things and you can see we can opt in for the one time and in all honesty the agency license is 199. one time for unlimited websites that's pretty solid if you want something to customize it and let's be honest about it with the pretty lackluster update that elementor brought up with the uh woocommerce options for the you know the cart page the my account page and for the checkout page this just gives you a ton more options at 70 percent off that's pretty solid i mean 199 dollars for unlimited websites that's a bit of a steal to be honest so there's a couple more options again links are in the description if you want to check those out they are pretty cool i've used quite a few of these myself in various different things and i've covered them in quite a few different uh sort of youtube videos and things like that i'm going to put something else because i've literally got an image of myself on the screen at the same time with a little bit of a delay kind of lag so weird um okay so i'm going to just go through a couple of comments and questions on here and i'm going to start to take a look at wrapping things up because i don't want to take up all of your evening i'm conscious of the fact that you know there's only so much you can kind of talk about when it comes to these things without coming across as if you're trying to sell the entire world but let's have a little look what else okay burner 918 not sure if you've covered this but zion build has limited lifetime deal 921 licenses left not sure it's a black friday deal or just a general limited deal i wasn't overly impressed by zion builder when i tested it out um both the free version and the pro version uh so it's not something that i would want to put my name behind unless things have changed quite a lot and i've taken a look at it and i like it but my initial impressions of the couple of times that i've tested it and used it i didn't really gel that well with it that's just a personal thing like i say other people will probably find it it might work exactly you want it kind of felt a bit of a a conglomeration of divi and uh visual composer neither of which interfaces i particularly like so maybe that's part of the reason why i didn't really like it that much so even if they're often they deal it's not something i would promote on you because like i say it's not something that i would put my name behind and so yeah um oh speaking of deals and there's no link to this in the description there's no kickback on this or anything else no affiliates anything but if you've been interested in brix builder which is something you know that i've talked about quite a few times and i'm excited to see where this is going they've changed their lifetime deal price is still the same but whereas it was a thousand sites i believe they've now made it unlimited sites so i think this is one of those ones that's worth jumping on and i believe let me just open this up a second if i can open this up in a different window i believe it's something like 149 for the deal which is just ridiculous uh all right there we go so 149 dollars and that gives you unlimited licenses for lifetime and they're gonna know they've got a no pressure money back guarantee and the money back guarantee on this one is a little different to what you're probably used to the money back guarantee is basically while this lifetime deal is running you can have your money back if you're not happy with it so it's not a case of 30 days or 14 days or 7 days or 60 days while this deal is running the lifetime deal is running at any point during that you can have your money back if you're not satisfied with either way brix builder is then or where it's going that's pretty crazy and i say 149 i still think that once they bring in full woocommerce integration the loop builder and also dynamic conditions that's going to be an awesome page builder for wordpress one to definitely keep an eye on so that's a good deal like i say there's no link in the description or affiliate link just hop over to bricksbuilder dot io if you're interested grab that save yourself a ton of cash in the future and also have unlimited licenses now so you can just use it to your heart's content on as many sites as you want to okay uh what are your thoughts on the 5.9 wordpress update i'll let you know when it's actually out for me full site editing is not something i'm particularly excited about at this point in time because if we take gutenberg as a good example that's sort of three years in development and it's still pretty lousy you still need to have a lot of extra tools to make it usable beyond creating blog posts i can't imagine that the full site editing is going to be more than just barely usable for at least the next 18 months to two years so not really excited about it not really bothered too much about it and the fact that they've held it back obviously says where it is in this development at this point in time so yeah i'll wait and see i'll hold judgment until i've actually tried it out but for me right now not something i'm overly excited or bothered about okay what else do we have i already have two grid builder mr gecko and how do you find it is it something you use what are your thoughts on it let me know in the chat as always okay so you can build your own we'll call it a dynamic acf and custom post type you could but it's one of those things that you kind of have to ask yourself is it worth the effort to create something that is literally already out there when you kind of look at just the basic functionality of an e-commerce website you know dealing with the order management dealing with all those emails and stuff that get automated during the process the fulfillment the stock control all those kinds of things it's not really worth it and i'm also a big believer that don't always use wordpress for everything it's not the right fit for every single job i don't think wordpress is a particularly good platform for woocommerce sorry for e-commerce it's not really built for that and you need a pretty powerful system you know your hosting and those kinds of things to really get maximum use out of it and to make it a truly usable platform i would say if you're dealing with bigger shops bigger stores woocommerce and wordpress not the right platform for that at all i really don't think it is but you could if you wanted to build it yet you actually got the tools there to do it but i don't think i would go down that route if i'm honest apparently that's the support of what you've created it you supporting your own product that's that comprehensive and complex that's hard going i did i built this uh my own cms years ago and that become a bit of a bind yes it was nice that you knew the ins and outs of it but then when some kind of technology changed you know it went from like php like say six to seven for example or whatever that could have massive impact upon how everything works and then the fault finding and so on just becomes a bit of a pain in the behind so well it's technically possible to do it i would just say it's not something i would suggest or recommend doing just for those very reasons uh okay your non-sponsored opinion what do you think about shop engine pro from wpma i don't feel like it's better than jetblue builder excuse me i think the easiest way to kind of look at it is if you go if you look at something like jet rule builder jet will build is a much more established product so it's had a lot more time to mature a lot more time to you know have a lot more users come on board so all those things help in its growth they help in how good it is how solid it is and reliable it is whereas a tool like shop engine pro it's literally been out what six weeks two months so it's not going to be on the same level as some of the more established tools but what it did do when it came out with a free version at least it came out with pretty much everything most of the other paid options were charging you for and that was kind of exciting so the pro version which i still haven't tested i've still got to test it out so i can't give you an unbiased opinion on how good it is in use cause i've not tried it i think it was just a really good way of causing ripples in that particular market and i would say try it out like i say do i think it's better than some of the other ones i don't think there's a best one out there i think each one of them has strengths and weaknesses whether it's in how reliable they are how smooth they are to work with how quick they are to everyone those kinds of things so yeah general builder like i say that's been around for what three years so it's already by its very nature probably gonna be a more solid robust platform because of that very reason so yeah that's why i would sort of say where it is now um i'm not going to get into this one too much what happened to elementor innovation stopped i think you summed up my thoughts yes the innovations have kind of stopped so hopefully they will bring that back maybe they're holding things back for version four i mean what are we at now 3.6 is it so maybe four isn't too far off and they're holding some things back but i don't feel they've innovated really since they brought out version two which as i've said plenty of times in different livestreams and so on that was game changing for a lot of people when he brought out the theme builder it brought out you know those kinds of tools the dynamic tools the dynamic tags and so on that was innovative since then i don't really think anything's innovated that much a couple of little bits and pieces have been useful but on the whole all right i think i've been vocal about that in the past anyway yeah two years ago hey pinto tv how are you doing thanks for the great information thank you very much for joining in uh let's have a little look l channel if you have jet engine do you need metabox or acf that really depends if you look at jet engine jet engine has most of the things that you would need to do most things but it's still it's still missing some of the things that acf has and metabox i'm not really that hot on metabox even though i've got the lifetime deal on that i've only really dabbled with it gen engine versus acf i think they the benefit of jet engine is it's become a system in its own right so you can utilize that with various other things and you have a lot of integrated tools inside it the negative side of things of acf is that acf does one job and one job only so when you want to get the full benefit out of that like creating custom post types you need something like cpt ui so you add another plug-in or you you know you you input the code into the uh the functions.php file and then when you want to do something like forms or front-end forms you need something else to do it generally i mean this is kind of the negative side of acf and the benefit of jet engine but then like i say acf has some metafield types the jet engine doesn't have so it really comes down to you know which one is right for the given job or project that you're kind of working on um okay cyan builder is backup on appsumo did it go away i think it went back on there quite a while ago like i say for me it wasn't something that i really enjoyed using whether it's a bad product or a good product i don't really know just my experience was i didn't really like it that much so that's why i've already gone back tebow i'm assuming that you were you quite like bricks builder then i'm i'm kind of with you on that one i uh i really do like it alan brick's price rise soon so get in quick okay there's a price rise dude is there do we know where it's going up to and we'll see until there we go what we've got 199 and 79. so yeah grab that while you can january the 10th 2022 that's going to go up by about what 25 something like that good deal either way uh okay what do you think is the best filter for woocommerce that's a difficult one um it really comes down to how you want to work if you look at things like facet wp that's a good filter set and that works straight out of the box with woocommerce if you use wp grid builder you can use just the filter part that you don't need to use their grid so you could use that to filter and use facets and things like that and search i believe is also in there so that would be a potentially good deal again i've covered both of these on the channel i know i've covered wp grid builder with regards to just using the filter side of things with woocommerce that will be something i would say to take a look at but both facet wp and wp grid builder are both really good products that give you a ton of ways to sort of filter your woocommerce products that's what i would recommend taking a look at anyway uh web woo pro never heard of that one stratos i'd have to take a look at that giannis bricks is just amazing i mean there's a lot of love for bricks build out i think this is a nice thing for me it's like they came out of the gates really swinging when it came to the features that were offered in it and people said you know maybe you should release a free version of bricks in the same way that that elemental has done and i think that would be a bad move because once you start to include a free one a free version a cut down strip down version or something like that you've only got to look at the facebook group for elementor and you can see how many questions and comments and things people asking i've got this and i need to do this and i need to do that and i can imagine probably seven to eighty percent of those are probably using the free version of elementor and that's a lot of technical support you have to provide for zero income and you've also got to think that when you don't provide that technical support to a standard that they're happy with you potentially lose that potential paying customer because they might walk away thinking this product isn't what i want so i think there's a lot of negatives to take into consideration if you offer a free version of a product so i would prefer bricks to be a commercial product with a 30-day money-back guarantee because if you don't like it you can have your money back so there's no real risk to you than having a free version so yeah bricks i keep saying it's the one to look out look out for is it going to compete with the likes of elementor no because of that very reason there's no free version they don't have the same kind of budget that elemental have if they went out to venture capital you know in the same way that elementor did and raise money that way maybe they could do something like that but i think they're a bit early in their lifespan to be able to do something like that right now anyway but i would rather they didn't i don't think there's a don't think there's positives behind that kind of thing i like the way it's growing right now oh yeah mr gecko searching filter pro is another good one as well to take a look at this version three i think it is is due out at some point if ross ever actually finishes coding it so at some point we will have a newer version which has some nice features in it which it also includes or will include full styling controls for your filters and facets inside the plugin itself which is nice because it means then you don't have to rely upon your theme to style everything you can create your own custom styling inside the plugin itself so i'm excited to see where that goes um okay alan jacobs webflow have some cool stuff early next year no black friday deals so sadly i don't imagine that the webflow needs to do black friday deals i don't think it would be viable for what they do anyway but i agree if you haven't watched the uh the keynote that i posted on the facebook group a couple of days ago about webflow just do a search on on youtube for the webflow keynote and have a look because there's some exciting looking things inside that that i think make it a much more viable option for people that don't want to deal with wordpress and the inherent issues of updates and security all that kind of stuff but they want to be able to work with dynamic data front-end forms customers you know maybe even um sort of membership sites and things like that all those things are coming to webflow looking very very cool i think 2022 is definitely going to be the year to take a serious look at webflow and it's something that i will be doing for definite uh okay let's just have a little look amp is dead thank god for that uh okay cool lots and lots of comments um i'll ask this one johan are there situations in which the combination of jet engine and acf would be useful yeah i've used that combination myself probably before we had some of the features the jet engine brought with it in the last sort of say year 16 months 18 months something like that there's lots of times where you could use those because as i say if you look at you know acf it's still fairly limited so if you look at acf this there's more options availability compared to jet engine but jet engine makes working with some dynamic data much easier so there are times where you could put those together and use them and i'd say i've done it in the past myself with a couple of projects for clients now i would probably say i would look more towards just using jet engine if that's the the tool i was going to be using for the filtering side of things for the front ends those kinds of things because while you can use it with acf i think the natural connection between jet engines built-in custom uh post-type meta fields those kinds of things is more integrated into the whole system but you could use them very easily together and there probably are times where that would be a good way of working so yeah okay i'm gonna do one last question okay quarter past and then i'm going to call it a day would you recommend the absolute deal of sync spider or get directly public connect the lifetime deal now public connect is something that i've looked at and for anybody that doesn't know what sync spider and public connect are if you've ever used zapier or zapier it allows you to connect multiple different platforms together so for example you may have woocommerce and when someone buys something you know a course for example you can use a zap from zapier and you could then have them automatically enrolled in something like demio for example so you have them enrolled in a webinar and you also then automatically connect them up to your email marketing software and you could do something else you could have all these little things happening in different platforms but they all linked together from that purchase right at the beginning it's very very cool when you start looking things like that and public connect is and sync spider are very much tools in the same vein as sapia public connect probably will be the one of the two that is a bigger platform there's a lot of effort going into making that pretty expansive the thing that's put me off by improbably connect because i've been looking at this quite a few times and lots of people have have talked about it is they had a couple of different products and one was like an email product and it was a security issue with that service or plug-in or whatever it was and that kind of put me off so probably connect i think they're running a lifetime deal at the moment for starting like 149 for lifetime and when it comes to all these kinds of things they all basically every time you do something an action has a cost so you have credits per month unless you say for example to connect one thing to another thing when that kind of runs that will take one credit and you might have other things that have like 10 different stages into it that would be 10 credits for every time that runs and that's kind of how those kinds of things work so those are two tools to do that kind of thing i would say out of the two public connect would probably be the better option because i think it has more integrations right now over sync spider because i looked at sync spider a while back and that looked like it was very very minimal i didn't have the things that i needed but you can get away with web hooks to connect a lot of things that don't necessarily have their own dedicated api that you can tap into using a tool like probably connect and so on so uh yeah i would say if you're looking at one or the other public connector probably the better option i would say because i think it's just there's more options available for it okay i'm going to call it a day there now so i want to say thank you very much for joining me tonight for tonight's live stream hopefully you've found this interesting you've seen some of the things that i've either bought i'm going to be buying things i recommend all the links for everything i've covered and more are all down in the description of this video i say if you decide to use those then thank you very much you help support the channel help me create more content buy more tools to create even more content cost you no more money but if you decide you want to go direct and not use those things no hard feelings just grab the deals that you think are going to be good for you so i'm going to say thank you very much for joining me this evening i hope you've enjoyed it hope i'll see you back here again in the future for the next live stream thank you very much for all the congratulations about my impending fatherhood and please do take care spend wisely don't regret too much don't let the fomo get too bad and i will catch up with you very very soon have a fantastic day evening whatever your time of day it is wherever you are in the world stay safe and i'll catch up with you all very very soon thank you very much and i'll see you soon take care you
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 5,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black friday, black friday deals, black friday 2021, wordpress deals plugin, wordpress deals theme
Id: 1IbXF7Mcy0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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