My Top 50 FAVOURITE FILMS of All Time!

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yo yo yo what is going on everybody welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is dominic if you're new here i talk about all sorts of different movie kind of stuff on this channel so if you love that kind of content definitely check out the rest of my channel today is a big video that you guys are all here for this is my top 50 favorite films of all time this is updated for 2022 i try to make this video updated every year and so this is the updated version for this year if you guys do know me well you know that this list will change 100 it's gonna change like probably in a week but i have to make this video eventually so just know that none of these are really set in stone i'd say except for number one but other than that everything can kind of be interchanged and real quick finally before we get into the list i just want to say that i don't want this video to be super super long editing dominic here uh this failed absolutely miserably and even though the video turned out really well i think that it is much longer than i anticipated so if you were hoping for a short video i'm sorry and to past dominic who thought this was going to be a short shoot i also apologize an hour and a half kind of took a toll on me but uh yeah let's just get right into it shall we i'm going to be going over i'm going to be naming my top 50 up to about 35 and then i'll be going in more in depth about 35 films instead of all 50 so i will be telling you what my top 50 is but going in depth about 35. with that being said i think we should get right into the video [Music] so real quick here i want to give a couple of honorable mentions that didn't quite make my top 50 but i feel like are worth mentioning for me those five are the living end boyhood a touch of zen chinese ghost story and black christmas those are the ones that didn't quite make that top 50 cut but i felt were worth mentioning because our films that i just absolutely love but with that being said let's get into the top 50 down to number 35. [Music] and those were my films from 50 to 36 and i with that being said let's get right into my top 35 starting off with number 35 this is i mean this is a movie that i don't really think like is better than a lot of these movies but i just had so much fun sitting back relaxing to this movie having this huge cast of characters jumping from there to here to all these different characters and getting to know all of them a little bit but having fun on this kind of first day of summer just it's an absolute vibe to say the least and you could just sit back with a bunch of friends and just throw this movie on just relax have some fun talk like yeah you don't really need to be fully engaged in this movie to get the full experience it really is just a movie that should not probably be ahead of a lot of these movies but i don't know man i just had so much fun watching this and i can't wait to just watch this with a bunch of friends richard linklater is just the goat man this guy can really do no wrong he's made so many amazing movies and this is not even the peak this is like top three for him so that just shows you how amazing he really is [Music] i'm sure all of you guys know who miyazaki is by now i'm sure all of you guys know spirited away by now so i don't need to explain too much why this film is so amazing so i'll kind of give you guys my experience for my first time watching it because it was a little strange um and probably a little different from what a lot of people experience so basically i wanted to watch this film and so i kind of just threw it on i started watching it and i thought it was great right because obviously miyazaki is amazing at world building these worlds are so creative lively colorful the animation is beautiful uh chihiro is a great character like i was invested in this movie i was like this is great i'm really liking this a lot but throughout um i kind of felt myself being like okay well this is great but why like why is it so revered why is it hailed as an all-time masterpiece of animation i wasn't quite getting that level of hype from the film and while i did love it i was like this wouldn't be really a favorite of mine i can respect it but i don't really know and then when the ending rolled around i feel like the ending was so simple but so effective and it really tied everything up and it ended the film perfectly it tied everything together and when i looked back on the rest of the movie having seen the ending having seen the whole thing as a whole package it really all just came together everything else before then i was like oh yeah that all totally works i see the whole movie as just amazing kind of masterpiece almost now at this point and that's what a kind of the ending really tied everything together for me and now i see the movie as a whole package and it's just so so so good very memorable as i said phenomenal animation great lead characters beautiful beautiful world building and atmosphere this is just a fantastic movie and obviously the score is excellent in almost all studio ghibli movies so spirited away you guys already know how amazing this movie is this one kind of stands out a little bit from the films i've mentioned already because for the most part this isn't one that a lot of people would consider like one of the best technical marvels in all of film history and it's not one of like the most excellently crafted cinematography or whatever you know like but when it really boils down to it the story here is really fun almost it's pretty heartwarming at times and it's just i just really enjoy watching it right all these other films yes they're technically phenomenal i do really enjoy watching them as well that's why they're on my favorites list but it doesn't necessarily have to be a technical masterpiece for me to absolutely just love it and just have a great time watching it a lot of these you know i would consider some of the best of all time but a lot of them i wouldn't but they're still on my favorites list because it's just how much i enjoy watching them this is exactly one of those movies i do think it's well written it has some pretty cool characters in here it has some pretty great music as well also natalie portman in this she's like 11 or 12 but the performance she gives for being that young is honestly like shocking because she is so good in this movie being so young there's obviously a fair amount of controversy surrounding this movie uh being the director is kind of a creep and the story can be seen as kind of reflecting that but when i watch it i try and kind of keep that off my mind because while if you do focus on it it definitely could seem like that but if you kind of just let yourself have some fun it's a little easier to ignore those bits and it's only like one or two scenes that i would argue is really kind of bad in that sense but the rest of the movie is just an absolute blast and just honestly so much fun to watch i really really enjoy this movie despite what people say i know it is a little weird but i just love it [Music] i just something about this really just it connects with me because it feels more like it feels more like me i'm sort of kind of like miles in a few ways you know i can relate to him more as you know a high schooler you know as someone who is a human who lives in like a normal world and not a like fantasy world it's not like a dagon spirited away in any way but i'm just saying to me it's more relatable and it's just so much fun how can you not love this movie it is just an absolute blast the animation is phenomenal it is so good uh the story is actually really good too you know miles and his arc kind of getting to come to terms with being spider-man kind of you know filling in the suit stepping into the shoes of spider-man being coming into his own you know like growing up realizing how important his parents are in his life all that sort of stuff is really really well done there's some really emotional scenes here as well um but yeah really at the end of the day all it comes down to is this movie is just an absolute blast and i rewatch it all the time it still is just as good every single time just an absolute classic of film history i mean everyone who's into film you know at least what seven samurai is it's such an excellent movie i mean arguably probably the best just like action movie of all time and it's so so so good there's some amazing characters here in the mix obviously teshiro mufune gives an amazing performance his character is probably the best um it all is very long obviously it's like three hours long or something like that uh but it utilizes its entire run time to perfection the first two acts are really building up the characters building up the sort of atmosphere the story like what's going on what's gonna happen and then the third act is obviously the huge kind of battle the defense of the village which is amazing has some of the best action scenes ever to put to film they're so so so good but even the first two acts of build up are so engaging they're visually amazing i mean obviously akira kurosawa is a master of the craft and then you got some amazing performances and dialogue as well to kind of build that exposition to make it a little interesting and entertaining at least and it all kind of comes together as a whole package with that ending the ending is probably my top three favorite endings of all time it is so so so amazing the whole movie is just incredible and if you somehow haven't seen this yet i know some people who don't like this movie but you kind of have to watch it [Music] i mean i'm not a huge huge fan of bergman's works for the most part i mean obviously i have massive respect for the dude he's an absolute master technician he knows exactly what he's doing behind the camera and i definitely can respect that he's an excellent filmmaker but a lot of his films just don't resonate with me a ton and they all feel kind of cold and heartless almost and so i i have a hard time connecting to a lot of them but autumn sonata is a film that really turned that around for me i absolutely loved this movie it gave me a really solid emotional core these main characters are absolutely excellent again acting is phenomenal here that is a big thing for me for a movie that's so great an amazing performance will really bring it up for me and there were two in this obviously you got ingrid bergman and then you got liv ullmann who are both absolutely fantastic liv ullmann gives probably one of my top five favorite performances of all time in this movie she was so emotionally raw and vulnerable but everything she was doing was so real like it actually stressed me out how much i thought that this was like a real conflict because of how just authentic the performances were there's obviously some fantastic visuals in here and the framing is excellent because ingmar bergman as i said is just a phenomenal technician behind the camera and it's all orchestrated so perfectly the dialogue is fantastic it's not too long it's not too short the color even though it's very minimal does help actually in my opinion it brings a kind of warmth to the atmosphere that obviously immediately is just cut down by these performances that are just absolutely heartbreaking but this movie is for something so simple and something that is seemingly small scale this is one of the most exciting and just visceral films i've ever seen like i was exhilarated at the end of this it was absolutely insane la religios it is an absolutely amazing movie i think it's kind of an underrated gem at least in jacques rivets filmography because the man is so well known for a good handful of films like la belle noises even like celine julie go boating is probably his most famous movie but the nun is a movie that i feel like i don't hear a lot of people talking about when they talk about joker vet and i feel like they should because this is a really really really good movie obviously it helps that it has one of my favorite actresses of all time anna karina in it and i think this is probably her best performance of all time so that definitely gives it a little bit of an edge compared to some of his other movies but i truly truly think that this is a near perfect movie when it comes to clinically well-made it is it is just the soundscapes the direction the way he directs his actors is so it seems so precise and exact and meticulous but at the same time it all feels natural and real and it all kind of comes together to aid this story which is just absolutely harrowing and disturbing i cannot even imagine being in this girl's shoes being forced into nunhood which is something you're you know your whole life is devoted to it once you're in and not even being like having a choice being forced into it is i could not even imagine and then as i said anna karina just really sells the performance as a character who was forced into this lifestyle who did not want to be in it and it's just such an emotionally vulnerable and powerful performance and just the movie is long but it takes its time it builds this atmosphere the soundscape is excellent the sound design everything really really builds that atmosphere and moody kind of creepy vibe it really just is such a good movie if you're looking for a good film that isn't a horror film but really gets under your skin this is definitely a movie i would recommend [Music] i mean this is just a classic of classics this is a movie that everyone recognizes everyone knows star wars in one way or another even if they haven't seen the film that's just how big star wars is as a franchise today and it all got kick-started with this movie in my opinion the best of the bunch i mean this is where i think the banter between the three leads is at its best because it's still fresh it's still like high energy all three of them give great performances and it's not like some crazy dramatic performance like you know anna karina and the nun or something but they all give really fun energetic lively performances they have great chemistry they bounce off of each other really well you could totally buy that all these people are like kind of friends but are like actually genuinely annoyed with each other at times and the story is great it's about this boy obviously the hero's journey you know finding his potential uh finding a mentor all that sort of stuff it works perfectly this is the template basically for almost all big blockbuster movies nowadays and again as i said it still basically does it best there's almost nothing that has touched this movie in however long it's been like almost 50 years since this came out it's just an absolute testament to how timeless this story is and it's just so phenomenal [Music] this is an excellent excellent movie by one of my favorite directors of all time you could definitely make an argument that he is maybe my favorite filmmaker of all time i just absolutely love this man's style uh it is very characteristic of the taiwanese new wave movement which is essentially a lot of kind of slow character driven cinema that just takes its time is very kind of just real world stuff like just stuff that happens in real life it's not like overly dramatized it's not you know big and bombastic it's kind of just capturing life as it's lived by normal people essentially and it is kind of in a way very simple and probably not for everyone but if you can appreciate that kind of movie and if you can really get invested and resonate with these characters which i absolutely do these movies will hit so hard for you these are some of my favorite movies like i still have like two three or even four of these movies from this movement alone that are still to go in my top like 25 films so i won't go too on about this movie but there are so many memorable images from this film and so many memorable scenes that this just has stuck with me ever since i first watched it but that first watch while you're kind of engaged with everything going on it just really hits different the experience of watching these films for the first time is really something special just such an amazing movie again one of those kind of slow burns ones that really takes its time has virtually no dialogue and basically the entire movie but there's something so beautiful about the way psy frames his shots and the visuals tell a story on its own you can just watch everything kind of unfolding here and what goes on and that just tells the whole story for you you don't need so much dialogue for exposition and just dumping all this information on you just the visuals alone tell a story at the end there's sort of that interaction between the two old men who both kind of grew up coming to the cinema and seeing that it was closing down they had to come for the final showing of the film dragon inn and they're both kind of reminiscing on their childhoods of coming to the theater and that scene alone just made me absolutely break down it was so emotional it was like what the whole movie was building to and it's such an anti-climactic climax but at the same time it hit me so hard the emotional punch is just insane for such a small thing and i don't know the whole thing just is so amazing and again i've said this before about vivla more i've said it about other taiwanese new wave movies specifically simon liang's movies they're not for everyone you will not like you will get some people who absolutely hate this movie who don't know why there's no dialogue and thinks it's stupid or boring or whatever which is totally fine but for me this movie just hit exactly how i wanted to hit and even a little bit more so this movie is just so so amazing to me the first stanley kubrick movie on this list i mean man this movie is so so good the both of the lead performances are absolutely excellent the direction is so so so good i mean i'd expect nothing less than perfection from kubrick because he basically always delivers it the atmosphere of this movie is so creepy and the vibes are just like so uncomfortable and like you're just getting the feeling that something is wrong and that's just the perfect atmosphere for this movie the story is the story is so strange i mean it's really something and it moves along in such a unorthodox way for the whole time you you never feel comfortable in this world and that's exactly what i think it was going for it achieves it perfectly there are some really disturbing scenes in here some very uncomfortable scenes but at the end of the day for a movie that set out to be uncomfortable and set out to be disturbing and set up to go under get under your skin and be very strange but also an incredibly investing narrative and just one of the most immersive experiences ever it really did all of those things this is a movie that is very very interesting to me because if you do know me well you know that i re-watch a ton of movies i'm really bad about that i'm trying to fix it but i re-watch a lot of movies specifically my favorite movies and so i've seen most of these movies like multiple times some of them i've only seen once and i've only needed to see once but a lot of these i've seen more than a few times bicycle thieves is one of the ones that i've only seen the one time and it's been the longest out of all of these since i've seen it last because i watched it back in like april or early may of 2020 so i saw it like two years ago and it's still absolutely just ingrained in my mind i remember like every single little detail about this movie i remember expressions i remember specific shots and cuts i remember each story beat it is an insanely memorable movie and it honestly is a testament to how amazing this film really is it's so well made the performances are all extremely authentic obviously because as a film in the italian neo-realism movement they used non-actors people who were you know actually suffering and in italy at the time the authenticity is real it's just real people going through this essentially it's almost like a mix of documentary but infused with a narrative and that was kind of the whole thing for the italian neorealism and i think it works so so well it's incredibly emotionally potent the ending is just oh it really ripped my heart out that ending was insanely like depressing this movie is just so excellent it's fantastic i don't i like i feel like i don't need to ever watch this movie again because of how amazing it is but i've really found myself lately wanting to watch it again so be kind of on the lookout in the next few days if you follow me on letterbox you'll probably see this list after comes out on youtube and so look out for a re-watch of bicycle thieves and maybe it moving up pretty significantly on my list because this movie is one i cannot ever stop thinking about [Music] this is a movie that is so profound and a lot of the stuff it tackles is so huge but talking about this movie it's hard to not sound pretentious but just it's kind of inherent in the way that this movie tackles the as big of themes as it does and for me it really struck a chord with me because not only visually it's one of the best movies of all time it has some great characters it is minimal on dialogue when it needs to be but it has some when again when it needs to have dialogue um but for me mostly it's in the themes that it tackles kind of faith uh life death what happens after we die is there anything after we die these are all sort of things that i've personally struggled with all these questions that i've asked and it tackles them in a way that feels very comforting almost knowing that there are people out there who are going through the same things and it all really culminates in a very cathartic experience that was also very emotional and also just incredibly incredibly just beautiful to look at essentially rushmore directed by wes anderson another one of my favorite directors of all time this movie is kind of one that is a little bit of a surprise because it is one of his least polished movies it feels almost like visually speaking at least not entirely like a wes anderson movie there are some camera movements some of the pans and like the whip pans and all that stuff are very characteristic of wes anderson so at points you're like oh yeah this is a wes anderson shot but a lot of the time it's mostly just the characters and kind of the dialogue and humor that really paints the picture of who really made this movie but at the end of the day this really again feels one of like his lesser polished movies but i feel like that's what kind of what makes it so special to me uh obviously max fisher is a fantastic character i relate to him in more ways than i'd probably like to admit i'm obviously not some like narcissistic a-hole and you know i'm not self-centered but at the end of the day it's really fun it's hilarious it's melodramatic it's it's all of these things that you would want from a wes anderson movie done at almost his peak it's just so much fun i absolutely love this movie and i know again i'm saying this a lot it won't be for everyone but something just hits with this and it is absolutely one of my favorite films [Music] a lot of these movies coming up are just so personal to me mononglos specifically just really strikes personal chord with me tati is arguably probably my favorite filmmaker of all time his movies are just so personal to me everyone that i know like on discord and stuff they know me as the tati guy which is you know that i kinda am i really cannot even lie to you but while this isn't my favorite of his movies it is probably his most fun his most heartwarming and on top of that it's also just an amazing satire of like modernism and you know consumerism just all these people who are like obsessed with work and money and they have to have the newest technology and the most modern house and it's all just so absurd and you're kind of laughing at how stupid they look for doing all this stuff and then you just got monsieur lowe over here who's like an old-fashioned old-school parisian dude who is just he's just vibing you know he's living life and that's kind of the film very heavily romanticizes that lifestyle and i'm i'm vibing with it i love this movie so much fire me so twin peaks fire walk with me is a very new entry into this list new enough to the point where i actually watched this after i recorded my whole video for this and so i'm actually recording this uh while i'm in post production while i'm editing this video and so uh yeah this movie is quite honestly incredible obviously i absolutely love the twin peaks original series one of my favorite tv shows of all time you know this is excuse me a damn fine cup of coffee and i was coming in expecting to love firewalk with me but not this much uh it really paints laura laura palmer in such an interesting light like she's an incredible incredible character in this movie one of my favorite characters ever and in such a short time she's able to be fleshed out so much and it's honestly pretty horrifying this movie it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time my heart was just pounding in my chest i mean this thing was like one of the scariest movies i've ever seen it has a haunting ending like one of the best endings as well as that twin peaks charm once in a while that it brought from the original show and then obviously as i said laura palmer is just one of my favorite all-time characters now and she's fleshed out with such care in this film so it's truly incredible by all means and definitely a worthy companion piece to the twin peaks original series [Music] vertigo directed by alfred hitchcock i mean this movie is basically like the peak of you know how good can you make a movie and like what is the best movie of all time you know i would point to citizen kane and i would point to vertigo probably because i mean alfred hitchcock is alfred hitchcock um but a lot of the time for me personally a lot of his suspense and a lot of his mastery comes with how he directs his actors you know dialogue stories all that stuff and music a lot of the time as well but in this movie the visuals are also insanely good one of the best uses of color of all time it also has some just amazing shots beautiful framing like this movie's all around excellent beautiful two lead performances it's tragic it is dramatic it is emotional it is suspenseful it is kind of scary at times it is trippy it is everything that you could possibly want from an amazing movie and it's really just all in there like this is what i'm saying if you're talking about the best movies of all time vertigo has all bases covered it is a beautifully well written and amazing story amazing phenomenal acting incredible visuals especially the use of color it's just everything the music some of the best music of all time bernard herrmann man that dude is so talented everything just this movie is just flawless from front to back i don't even know what else to say that's just that's it this movie is so good on a technical standpoint i mean a lot of the direction and the way the camera moves and the editing sequences that are like fast cutting are so masterful and amazing but the big thing that really gets me about this movie is the two main performances the two lead characters they're kind of relationship and dynamic it is so amazing and they're just the absolute emotional core of this film and that's really at the end of the day what makes it work obviously there are amazing themes of sort of the price of success and how you can achieve your dreams but what you need to sacrifice to get there obviously all that stuff really works for me but it's just that main central you know relationship that emotional core that really hits for me and it is kind of all culminated in the end of this movie which is the only time i've ever fully broke down and like ugly cried during a movie was the ending of lala land because i mean i was so happy for both of them but i was so depressed that they didn't end up getting together and i was just a mess yeah it's i don't know man this movie is so good and just for the soul fact that it made me like cry like fully just break down is something in itself this movie is perfection i've said this a lot but this is a movie that on rewatch again moved way way back up my favorites list it is so amazing i mean malcolm mcdowell gives one of my favorite performances of all time as alex alex is such a despicable gross awful character but at the same time his character is so perfect because there's this awful terrible person that is so charming and you hate it but you kind of root for him and then at the same time you're like no he's doing horrible stuff he deserves to go away then he goes to prison but then they kind of start reforming him in a very unethical like immoral way that doesn't give him a choice and then you're like wait he's a horrible person but like he doesn't have a choice he's not a human essentially like being human is having that choice of what you do and they're not giving him this choice it's the really conflicting morals that is the big part of this movie you're like he's a terrible person but does he deserve this horrible stuff happening to him even though he did it to other people and it's kind of that big thing of him finally being cured and then once he's cured going out into the real world and karma just coming back to bite him in the ass and then you're like okay but he's cured now and he's you kind of like him but he also kind of deserves it and it's just the whole time you're going back and forth about whether he deserves it does he not and on top of that you have some of the most creative production design of all time amazing score and soundtrack accompanying the film beautiful direction of fantastic lead performances an amazing set of characters that are all super memorable in their own way and just one of the most potent memorable and just immersive experiences in film history this is an absolute masterwork [Music] i watched this movie like a week ago maybe not quite a week ago this was insane oh my god this movie was so amazing it was emotionally potent and scarring i mean this movie was crazy but i feel like this is probably a little bit of recency bias but i can honestly not see this movie falling any lower than like the top 20. so definitely deserving of this spot uh definitely francis ford coppola's best movie in my opinion a lot of the acting performances are really really good but marlon brando specifically gives one of my favorite performances of all time for the limited screen time he has he is so insanely good um the atmosphere obviously that is built here is incredible it is very authentic realistic the depiction of war is super horrifying and like again as i said it's very realistic um it just is so scary to see what these guys are going through and what it would have been like to be in vietnam and it's like it's quite honestly terrifying it's one of the scariest movies at points uh and it's a war movie not a horror movie but to me that kind of stuff the stuff that is way more like realistic and stuff that actually happened is way more terrifying than just like some made-up like demon that kills people or something i don't know it just not that's not scary to me this truly terrifying stuff but on top of that it is kind of a film that kind of descends into the surreal the more the movie goes on it gets kind of trippy it gets really intense at times and the direction it's all just orchestrated perfectly by coppola the pacing is slow but meticulous it builds all these characters it builds kind of the themes of you know war kind of creating monsters almost in a sense and the ending definitely to me at least that's kind of how i interpreted it but yeah this movie is quite honestly essentially flawless like this is a movie that if you really like if it really came down to it and i had to give this movie like a 5 out of 5 or a 10 out of 10. i would probably do it because this movie is as close as you can get to perfect in a lot of senses you know citizen kane you know the praise it gets and for a lot of you this is not a favorite movie and that's totally okay if you're like big into film you have probably seen citizen kane and you probably respect it for what it is but you don't love love it i personally love love it i love the story and that's kind of what a lot of people that's what like holds the movie back from being a favorite but for me that actually hits and i think that story is excellent the acting is fantastic um but on top of that the technical prowess of the visuals the just absolutely groundbreaking visuals and camera techniques that they used are just the cherry on top of what makes this movie so amazing the story is so investing i mean to me this is a super interesting character study and it works so well specifically when you have such an amazing lead performance by orson welles himself who also directed the movie so the dude got the double whammy here he gives one of my favorite performances and just one of the most stellar directorial jobs ever like almost unanimously agreed on and i don't know like that's really all i have to say about it the story the visuals the metaphors the symbolism everything is so amazing about this movie and then just getting invested into the story just makes it one of my absolute favorite movies of all time even though it really probably isn't for a lot of people [Music] this is one of the most perfect movies ever it is tackling such an important stuff similar to do the right thing a lot of the same thing with racism police brutality you know discrimination all of that is amazing it has a very raw masculine unapologetic energy that just really goes for it it's angry and it's moving all the time and it gets way more like messy and discombobulating once it gets to paris and once everything kind of starts going down and i feel like that's a perfect representation of the story at least visually speaking like everything that this movie has going for it going together you know it just everything works and it is so so perfect [Music] i'm kind of you know juggling his two films because i got this film spoiler alert yi yi is the next movie i've kind of been juggling these ones a little bit i'm still not 100 sure which one i prefer at this time but i think for now i'm gonna put a brighter summer day here i feel like it might change when i re-watch the movie but regardless they're both basically perfect movies to me a brighter summer day has one of my favorite characters of all time in the lead here xiao sir i believe i don't want to butcher that name but i think that's how you say it is so amazing and also the female the main lead female character in this movie is also excellent her performance is just so so amazing as well obviously edward yang is a filmmaker who was in the taiwanese new wave movement as i said before they're very slow moving very realistic character-driven movies and again i really related to a lot of the stuff in this movie i felt their struggles even though a lot of the stuff that they went through uh is specifically like in those circumstances of you know moving to taiwan in a time where things were like not very good it i obviously can't relate to that but i felt it you know i resonated with those characters i almost felt like i knew what it was like because of how masterfully the story is told with the performances with the camera work and all that but really at the end of the day for a four hour movie like don't get it twisted this movie is long but every frame every second of this movie is utilized to perfection to tell this story so much so that the ending was kind of brutal but like i i cried it was like it was just beautiful the movie was so poetic i watched it all in one sitting like that's how investing this film was i just sat down for four hours straight and just watched this thing and honestly like if you can i think that's how you should watch this movie but not everyone can for sure but you know at the end of the day the movies just straight up a masterpiece that's really all there is to it this is my favorite sai ming liang movie it is amazing amazing amazing it feels kind of rough on the edges and kind of unpolished but for the story it's trying to tell here with this main character it feels so characteristic of him and it feels like the style was almost intentional even if it wasn't and obviously having that slow methodical patient style mixed in with these very personal characters that are kind of of my age these characters in this movie are seemingly around my age they're like teenagers it just it hits and i don't think it should hit as hard as it does but it it really really really does and i just feel myself increasingly talking increasingly little about these movies because the closer i get up to my favorite movie the more kind of speechless i am about how amazing these are and the more i'm kind of just going to say if you want to see how brilliant it is just watch it for yourself but it's really just a beautiful kind of character study that has a very slow methodical pacing but it's a pretty short movie and the pacing just like it doesn't feel like long it definitely just breezes by it is it's just excellent all all around amazing movie so another richard linklater movie again not the last one you're gonna see if you know me i mean you know exactly what i'm talking about but before sunset basically perfection i mean i can't think of a single thing that's wrong with this movie i mean the performances ethan hawk julie delphi on point perfection the dialogue perfection like amazing it's talking about more substantial and you know thought-provoking themes than before it is a lot more heavy-handed in the dialogue especially on the latter half of the film it is the like the cinematography and the visuals of this movie are even a step up from before sunrise the color grading is fantastic i mean it's more bright and vibrant and it really accentuates paris as they're walking around the kind of concept of the movie of it being obviously them just walking around and talking is very simple if you're not aware with these movies but it is just works perfectly i mean richard linklater is basically the king of making these really gimmicky movies just work perfectly with amazing characters and beautiful dialogue there's really not much else to say uh the ending of this movie again perfection probably top three endings of all time if it's not my favorite which it very well could be it's another one of those that if i wasn't so ecstatic when this movie ends i would probably break down crying because it's so beautiful and it would be tears of joy this movie is just gorgeous this is an incredible film obviously if you guys know the backstory of this movie it makes it that much more incredible obviously hubo this is his only directorial feature length film because shortly after this film was wrapped or shortly after the film was finished like completely imposed he actually ended his own life unfortunately it's super unfortunate and tragic because it's so clear that he was an immense talent in the filmmaking realm because this movie is just basically perfect on so many levels i love the way there's a lot of handheld cinematography and the way it kind of is so a lot of close-ups of characters it feels so personal and up close and kind of uncomfortable at times and then you also got the beautiful color grading to where everything looks pretty gray and dull but like in a very purposeful way as if that's what the world looks like because everything is so dark and depressing and it's so intentionally sad and depressing and it all works incredibly well again i love those movies that are really long but can completely invest you in all of its run time this is again another four hour movie but it uses all four of those hours to build some amazing characters that has some amazing interactions beautiful visuals i mean everything about this movie is basically perfect on every level and the ending feels so satisfying and so poetic and so beautiful it wraps everything up so perfectly i mean this is one of the most memorable film watching experiences i've ever had and it's just one of the most beautiful but heartbreaking movies of all time and knowing that backstory i think it just makes it all that much better this is a truly incredible film yes this movie is so so so so amazing i mean again just one of the most one of the best most important movies of all time i feel like not as many people have seen this as like citizen kane or at least recognize it as much as citizen kane but i do feel like it is just as important it's a really tough thing to say against a movie like kane but i honestly think especially nowadays like in 2022 in this decade it is so important and scarily relevant with a lot of its themes that it's tackling like you know with the police brutality racism racial discrimination like tensions and you know anger hatred all that stuff is very present in this movie incredibly relevant one of the best made films of all time like spike lee is so creative with his camera and with his edits and on top of all of this it being a very you know tackling some very heavy themes it does it in such a fun way like this movie is a blast to watch it's so much fun there's obviously some really dark stuff specifically near the end or at the end of the movie that is not fun at all but the whole movie is just incredibly so much just so much fun to watch and it is one of the most entertaining movies and one of the best made films of all time so you put that together you got do the right thing which is amazing it's truly truly a masterwork [Music] this is probably his most acclaimed work or at least most popular you could definitely make the argument that a brighter summer day is more critically acclaimed um on a lot of places like letterboxed and uh imdb maybe but i have no idea to be completely honest i could just be talking out of my ass right now but regardless yi yi is definitely his most popular movie and i can 100 see why the movie is just absolutely beautiful i love it for a lot of the same reasons that i love a brighter summer day um except i think the only reason i would put this above is it is a little bit more concise i do think the four hours works to perfection in a brighter summer day but i feel like this is a little more accessible being still three hours long but definitely more accessible in that way it covers a slightly broader cast of characters but i feel like you get to know them just as well as the characters in a brighter summer day and i feel like that little bit takes it just a tiny bit above a brighter summer day in that it it tackles more characters but in just as much detail and in a little bit less time so it's just beautiful in that way it is just emotional it is poetic it is gorgeous the way it's shot is phenomenal it's so slow and patient and it's just real this is real life stuff but it's made in such a beautiful way to where it's just one of my favorite movies like it is an excellent movie super kind of hard to explain what makes it so amazing but if you can appreciate this kind of cinema that it's just real life and it's just almost fully relying on you to kind of resonate with these characters if you can really get into these kind of movies i feel like edward yang will definitely be for you especially yi yi [Music] another kubrick movie here on the list another movie that is really kind of unnerving gets under your skin uncomfortable feels like something's up stanley kubrick is just the master of creating amazing atmosphere and just a perfect vibe for the story that he's trying to tell obviously the film has an amazing jack nicholson performance that really is kind of the central grounding thing that makes this movie so amazing and he really just sells the entire movie for a lot of people for me as well um but even the other two performances are at least the main ones uh shelley duvall and i i forget what the kids name it's like danny something but yeah those two performances even for me are great even though shelley duvall got nominated for razzie for her performance i thought it was pretty great and definitely contributed well to the story but it really boils down to jack nicholson and the visuals painting such a horrifying picture the overlook hotel is like the whole movie is directed in a way to where the overlook hotel feels like its own character and as i said the atmosphere is so dark unnerving it feels like something is wrong the entire movie which i mean it is but it's exactly like stanley kubrick the man knows what he wants to do and he just does it and it's perfect like i don't understand how someone could be that good at making movies but i mean here we are i guess my first wang car way movie on the list is not the last but man man oh man this movie is so so so so good not again the kind of criteria here is a little bit all over the place because is it as good of a movie as apocalypse now dad that's a bad comparison because chunking express while it is emotionally resonant and very very personal to me i do think it's still one of the best like it is so well made i love the wonkaway and christopher doyle partnership that style is probably my favorite style of filmmaking ever and you'll see that later on wink wink nudge nudge uh yeah it's it's so good the love stories are amazing the first one specifically is absolutely fantastic but even the second one which i think at times does drag and go on a little bit too long is still so amazing and i absolutely love this i absolutely love everything about this movie i still haven't got sick of california dreaming even after seeing this movie like three times this year um yeah this it's just so amazing and i could re-watch this all the time it's really as simple as that all right coming into these top five of all time i think by now if you know me personally you could probably guess what these are but i will say the order is not what you think and really like i could turn the camera off after this recording and want to punch myself in the nose because any of these top four could be anywhere except for number one i feel like is pretty set in stone but number two could be number four in about five minutes right after i finished this so bear with me but these can change at any time but right now how i'm feeling exactly at this moment these are just the movies i've ordered them kinda just if i were to throw any of these movies on right now which one would i want to watch right now the most and so coming in at number four this movie means so much to me if you guys know like you're probably annoyed at how much i've talked about this film because it is like arguably this and fantastic mr fox are the two movies that mean probably the most to me at least in terms of my love for film and it just is incredible how much this movie resonates with me it's simultaneously really funny really heartwarming really fun but also an amazing satire on again the same sort of themes that tati deals with like modernism you know consumerism modern architecture all that sort of stuff and you know it really is tackled brilliantly like it's a perfect satire on this stuff on top of being one of the most fun and entertaining movies of all time and the first time i watched this movie was a truly mind-blowing experience because i already loved tati i loved all of his other movies going up to this one but then seeing this was just the icing on the cake his crown jewel like it honestly was so amazing i probably like teared up a little bit at the end because it was just the culmination of my favorite filmmaker this was his crown jewel you could make a genuine argument that this is my favorite film of all time like i could honestly if i could get away with it on youtube i would probably like say all these are tied but i could not get away with that i have to rank them so having said that it is perfection i've rewatched this like 10 plus times and it is again still perfect every time i get more from it every time which is insane and i don't know it's just a huge comfort movie and it means so much to me as someone who loves film i can already see all of these people who have been subscribed to me for a long time just freaking out right now because i'm kind of the fantastic mr fox guy for a lot of people this was my favorite film of all time for i think like 10 plus years or even like 11 years i was my favorite when it came out in 2009 and it was my favorite all up until like last year or something it's still like it's still so perfect i could genuinely make an argument for this still being my favorite movie of all time so that really tells you how close all of these top four really are but i thought about it a little bit and just thinking about it a little more as of right now i feel like out of these four this is the one i would probably be you know the this is the last one i'd be like yeah i want to watch that right now because a i've already seen it probably like i don't know like 50 million times or something like that um so i feel like that definitely plays into it and obviously as i've said in all of my trillion letterbox reviews of this movie after i've rewatched it like it holds up every time every time i watch it again it's still just as perfect it's still one of my absolute favorite films like it's truly amazing how well this holds up on a hundred plus re-watches like easily in my lifetime but i think it also plays into the fact that i've seen it so many times that i'd rather watch the other ones just a tiny bit more so obviously you got amazing animation the stop motion is fantastic the characters are excellent ash specifically is probably my favorite character of all time but mr fox is amazing kylie you got christopherson you got mrs fox you got all the other animals you got rat you got bogus buns bean you got pb even the song was good i'll stick by that my entire life it's funny it's hilarious it's dramatic it's emotional it has everything it is a truly perfect animated film if there ever was one and there is because this is perfect another wanker way movie another one of the wang kawai and christopher doyle partnership that again that visual style that sort of filmmaking style my favorite kind of style of all time beautiful gorgeous perfect stuff and then on top of that this story and these characters are more emotionally resonant and potent to me than in chunking express at least as of this moment i used to prefer chunking express but on my most recent re-watch everything was hitting in fallen angels um the first story is really really good the one with the hitman and his partner really good stuff the pit man is a badass the music that is paired with all these guys and it's in the whole movie really the music is perfect the soundtrack choices are just amazing and even the second story is also fantastic with the the pineapple guy who doesn't talk anymore there's some really funny stuff in here there's some dark humor um but on top of that there's also really emotional stuff obviously with the pineapple dude and like his dad very very emotional stuff and then it all gets wrapped up perfectly at the end with the two characters that were selflessly loving their obviously not their partners but they were selflessly loving another person who didn't love them back so love sometimes obviously is kind of a one-way street but eventually them coming together at the end of the movie is incredibly poetic and just so beautiful like the way that it just all comes together is so amazing and then that final shot of the camera just looking up to the open sky it's finally daytime like the whole movie takes place at night you're in like the middle of downtown hong kong you know it's very claustrophobic there's like neon lights it's dark outside and then you finally get this shot of the sky and it's just a perfect ending is a film that i've seen multiple times it's a film that has been you know it's been number one before it's been like outside the top 20 before but every time i re-watch it i kind of am reminded at how much i love this movie even if i'd not like to admit it but at this point i've kind of just come to love it so much that i'm not at all ashamed to say that sure call me a film bro whatever pulp fiction is my number two favorite movie of all time there's so much about this movie that is perfect because it's the entire movie it is i would argue one of maybe the most iconic movie of all time or at least has some of if not the most iconic scenes or shots in it and characters like there are so many amazing things you got vincent you got jules you got mia marcellus butch i like everyone every character in this movie is memorable on top of that you got some amazing tarantino style the visuals the camera pans the movements the way the film is shot is beautiful and it's really like it is very reminiscent of tarantino obviously because he directed the movie the dialogue is i'm so sad to say that i don't think it's the best dialogue of all time anymore but it certainly is up there um the story is on it's kind of pans out in a very unconventional way it is not in chronological order it kind of jumps in and out and at different points in the story but it works and everything is so easy to comprehend and understand and on top of that i can sit down for two and a half hours and love every single minute of this movie with my whole body and heart and mind like i just i rewatched this movie in the theater like not long ago and that was one of the best experiences of my life like i was so ecstatic the whole time i had the stupidest huge grin on my face the whole movie i just i don't know man i cannot deny it any longer this movie is insane i love it so much [Music] so coming in here at number one if you know who i am if you followed my channel or if you follow me on letterbox if you talk to me on discord at all you have seen this coming for sure i i said that any of my top four could be my favorite which is definitely true but right now it's kind of hard to put anything else at this number one spot except for before sunrise this movie is the definition of perfection for me uh you got the two lead performances are just perfect amazing ethan hawk julie delpy incredible their characters jesse and celine are amazing the dialogue this is the best of all time pulp fiction is probably number two um but it's incredible i mean the movie is just phenomenal there's not much you can really say it is truly the definition of lightning in a bottle they've captured something that is seemingly impossible to capture on film they have such perfect chemistry with each other they bounce off of each other the dialogue is amazing it's flirty it's romantic it's you know depressing at times it is introspective it has some great visuals like when you really look at it the visuals are really good but richard linklater does a very good job at framing shots well but also keeping that kind of on the back burner so it's not like noticeably not good but it is also not very noticeable at all so all the focus can be on the characters in the dialogue which is again the main kind of focus of the story the music even though at times it's very minimal it is very very good the pacing of this film is also incredibly perfect i mean the hour and 40 just flies by it just goes by in a flash you barely even realize that you're watching a movie essentially like it is just that perfect from start to finish and i mean wow this it's hard to get more amazing than this because it doesn't get more amazing than this and it truly comes down to the fact that yes all four of my top four are perfect they're perfect movies to me they all mean so much but what makes my number one my favorite movie of all time is it just makes me feel like no movie has ever made me feel ever and maybe like probably won't ever make me feel ever again like i truly like i've watched a lot of great movies since i've watched before sunrise i've seen a lot of movies that i would consider 10 out of 10 like a lot of these films on this list i saw for the first time after before sunrise but nothing has come even close to touching how much this movie resonated with me how i felt the way like my heart i just get excited and giddy watching this movie and i'm just smiling now thinking of it like it's just so incredible that the way this movie is ingrained itself in me this movie is a part of me now and i just get so excited every time i watch it i've seen it like five plus times and the excitement and the freshness and like even the tension of like oh are they gonna you know get together are they gonna you know make out are they gonna do this like it still is like i just as exciting just as nerve-wracking as the first time i watched it it's incredible i mean the movie doesn't age it does not get any worse it gets better every time i watch it i just cannot even begin to fathom how someone made a movie this perfect it is beyond me how someone even begun to make this film because it's just far it's like let's be honest it's far and away my favorite i just even just talking about it now it's easily my number one and that is going to do it for the video guys i know i wanted to make this video a little bit shorter because my last one went on a little too long so i only talked about 35 movies but the recording itself ended up being like an hour and a half still so i apologize if you didn't want to see a really long video but i'm sure a lot of you guys wanted to see this and wanted to see it in depth and big so here you go it's definitely a long video it's going to be a pain to edit but it's gonna be a great one so hope you guys enjoyed if you guys want to see more videos from me definitely let me know in the comments section if you want me to review a film if you want me to make a certain list or ranking again definitely let me know in the comments like the video if you enjoyed definitely check out my other videos subscribe to my channel turn the post notifications on but that is basically going to do it for the video so hope you enjoyed i'll see you guys all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Dominic Hemphill
Views: 4,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 50 favourite films of all time, top 50 favorite films, greatest films of all time, top 50 films, top 50 movies of all time, top 50 favorite films of all time, favorite films, top 50 films of all time, top 50 favourite movies of all time, films, favourite films, top films, top 10 favorite films, top 50 favourite films of the 1970s, 50 favorite movies of all time, top 50, greatest movies of all time, favourite movies of all time, best films of all time
Id: T2_wTbTZdak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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