MY TOP 10 GENESIS GAMES - Happy Console Gamer

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so welcome back to another episode and welcome to my top 10 genesis games of all time I've been in a very nostalgic mood thinking about the old Sega days the Sega Genesis known as the Mega Drive in Japan and Europe I love this machine I absolutely adored it my entire life and I've adored a lot of games on it and I want to come in here and do a top 10 list and before I begin I just want to say this is just my personal picks there is no official top 10 list out there these are games that I played I finished all of these games and I love them and that's why I want to come in and talk about them today but before we begin that there's a few honorable mentions I have to mention the amazing Musha is a great overhead shooter game and then another shooter game that I this game means a lot to me Thunder force - this game is great and its side of you and overheads and here's one the very first Genesis games I ever got for Christmas and that's why it means a lot to me this is the North Star in Japan last battle over here I played the ever-loving crap of it out of it Christmas morning and over the years I finished this game multiple times I I think it's really a lot of fun another game that really deserved to be in the top 10 list they almost made it end there's a few others that just kind of pushed it out a little bit ya can only be 10 that would be Strider I would have to put Strider here as a very very honorable mention this honestly should be in the top 10 list for sure so many great times playing this in the arcade and then this conversion to the Genesis at that time you couldn't believe what you were seeing it was like this is my capcom sideview game playing a strider awesome stuff now we begin the top 10 list we're gonna start with number 10 here a very popular mascot I put this guy on the list because it's he's so symbolic of Sega the biggest mascot a great game when it came out blast proccesing Sonic the Hedgehog the original the classic where it all began I remember Nintendo had Mario and Sega created Sonic and it was incredible I remember the first time seeing the game the incredible speeds of Sonic racing around the levels and collecting rings and I'm talking about blast processing and you know Nintendo couldn't do this and I'm like wow maybe Nintendo can't do this and they had me really really going with Sonic and obviously Sonic has had so many games since but this in my heart is where it began from it's a true classic I don't think I could say I have a top 10 single Genesis list without including Sonic it would be an impossible shame so that's why it is there now I remember being a kid going to my local 7-eleven and seeing this brand-new arcade game whose shining it was blowing up in front of me and I couldn't believe it and I was really into Conan the Barbarian love the comics love the movies this is right up my alley and that is Golden Axe the amazing medieval brawler awesome stuff from the medieval ages where you plays a barbarian an Amazon woman or is it dwarf a Viking very very cool game I love this and I remember I got my Genesis and I was waiting for this to come out I'm like when she's coming out once it's coming out once it's coming out and yeah I saw all the advertisements in magazines I'm like is it out yet is it out yet and I still wasn't out and I was getting very very frustrated and I'm like I just want to play this game it finally was released and every single friend of mine bought a copy and we played the crap out of it and he's a sideview an you know action beat him up style of game you're fighting wave after wave of enemies but you could write creatures and you could use magic and it was really a lot of fun I highly recommend Golden Axe and it shows its age a little bit but it's still a true classic number 8 we finally get into an RPG on this system and the system had a few really amazing RPGs this is one by you Suzuki the guy who created hang on and later in his life Shenmue but in the middle of that he created this really awesome little RPG called sword of Vermillion yes there's an overhead style game but it also had like side view missions as well and had action scenes like they were out of an arcade there was a very unusual RPG he was trying to combine so many different things into one and I think I think it's a success a lot of people can argue sort of sort of vermilion and say yeah I don't really like it or you know it wasn't really for me this was really for me I spent so many hours in my friend Andrews basement watching him play the game because he got it first I got years later and I loved it I loved the music I loved the world setting that kind of 3d dungeons that were going on I think it offered a lot I think it was for you Suzuki's first RPG he did pretty good number seven we have to get into the next RPG on my list it had to be another RPG right it's here this was the big one the first really big one on the Genesis and I remember reading about this for like a year before it came out I was like oh my god just like gold max is like is it out yet I was like that back then I was like is this game coming out and I couldn't believe it was finally released was that gonna own a copy no but my friend andrew was again as I said I've said it many times on this shows history my friend Andrew back then he seemed to get everything years before I did he was crazy so Andrew got Phase II start to a wonderful RPG a sequel to our favorite RPG of all time back then and did it live up to it yes it really really did gone were the you know animated backgrounds those were gone unfortunately but what was here was a a massive long huge RPG that took you so many hours there was so much grinding in it it was ridiculously over-the-top but we adored it we really enjoyed this game and I I spent most of my early days over Dan Jews watching him play it going god damn I'm so jealous when I'm gonna what am I gonna get this game and I I ended up get he lent his copy to me and I ended up getting this game years later it came with a hint book back then because Sega thought that a lot of people back then wouldn't be able understand an RPG in North America so then you know included this handbook and had all the maps and showed you a way to much there's a lot of spoilers in here earlier on but a wonderful game great music great monsters spent a lot of time with that high recommendation fantasy star up next number six I don't own a physical copy of this I did but I don't know in the last four or five years it's gone missing and I cleaned out the games from quite a bit at a time ago now and I looked for it and it's gone I don't know what happened to it I don't know what happened to it but it doesn't take away from it being my number six choice here this is an amazing strategy RPG on the Genesis Shining Force shining forces there I I remember playing this game for the first time and I couldn't believe the battle animation the characters on the screen I was like wow look at the animation and the music and the overhead graphics of moving your troops around I thought this was incredible I just want to mention another really great strategy game that's not in the top 10 list she's got an honorable mention war song which is a languorous er that's another great game but Shining Force is amazing and they released a few more of them and I really enjoyed those and then the Shining Force series now has become something different and I I'm a little hurt in the respect that I really wish it could go back to that strategy RPG series back then it was unbelievable the character designs the monster designs top-notch now this is kind of a hidden game not a lot of people know about this game on the genesis and rightfully so I don't think it's got a huge print run it didn't get heavy advertisements and it's an action RPG like Zelda but it's on the Genesis the Crusader of centi this little game here and I got this at a blockbuster video and it's worth a lot of money now it's crazy and I picked this up just because I want to play it I and I got it for I think around 20 25 bucks back in the day I don't know how it's worth hundreds now but I and I thought this was a really fun game it makes my top ten list because it was kind of an overhead action RPG and I really was you know was wanting that on the genesis and when I got it I was like okay I'm satisfied you know I got selda on Nintendo I got nutopia on the turbo graphics I got Crusader of sin T on the Genesis so I was a very happy camper a big recommendation on that here we go this I honestly feel should be in everybody's top 10 list but that's just my opinion because you know why cuz I love the game so much I just want everybody to adorn the same as I did back in the day and that is for Streets of Rage - oh my god the first game was incredible kind of building on the success of games like Double Dragon where Sega came and said we're gonna do our own sideview beat him up game and they launched with Streets of Rage and I remember sitting my friend Andrews basement I'm playing it and the graphics and the music and that's the thing I gotta say here the first game is music was amazing we've go into the second game and it's it's even better I think that's not taken away from the first game because the first games music is a 10 out of 10 to me music by Yuzo Koshiro and wonderful music great characters going into the second game I just love the level designs I love the characters I love the move sets this is a game that I've come back to over and over and over and over again I think I played it with every girl I've ever gone out with I think came over I'm like we have to place you to rage we have to do that and we have an up to now and I just absolutely love Streets of Rage to a huge classic and I know that continuing the franchise now we'll have to see how that turns out but for me I always go back to the second one now taking away from the first one either that's a great game as well we're moving into the top three at number three here this is a wonderful game and it's a sequel to number three number three is not in here I don't mind number three but it was number four that really did it for me you'll have to forgive my box but I got it from a blockbuster video mega movies back in the day when I was like 22 years old and that Spacey star for what can I say about fancy stuff for face star one favorite RPG of all time love that game number two was excellent that's why it's in the top ten as well number three it was a bit uh you know kind of when his own direction will say and that's number four strength it brought everything you liked in those original games and combine them all and created the greatest Pinal for neat finish to this game series in history and I love that it did it so well it brought back the past it brought it into this modern game and combined all the things that you liked in phantasy star the backgrounds were back you had vehicles again this game was awesome the music was awesome the characters were awesome perfection perfection to me a 10 out of 10 game faces therefore great RPG really amazing story line two great cinematics I got to get often I got to get onto number two number two is one of those games where I finished it so many times where I'm a bit of a master of it I'm really good at the game and I know somebody else who's really good at the game as well a certain joke game sack we have this game in common and I know for Joe he loves this game it's up there for him I'd say it's probably there's one of his top Genesis games as well it is for me it's a Capcom game originally an arcade game it's a sequel game but a perfection game the level design the playability I've gone back to this game over and over they always has a constant challenge but if you learn the patterns of the game you can always get through it ghouls and ghosts ghouls and ghosts what an unbelievable game this this game is almost like a 12 out of 10 for me it really is for the playability the amount of times had gone back though as I say the level design the music the gothic horror monster setting that they created in this game is second to none Capcom didn't just create a game here it created and lived in world one that was creepy and surreal and you plays a night arts they're running through all of these levels and the first time you play this game you will die you will die very fast and you will be mad but she'll keep coming back and you're gonna keep on learning how to keep going through the levels and then you're gonna beat the game the first time then you're gonna beat the game the second time to get the true ending this game is a great game but then the stall she also takes me back to my friends down the street I remember it's all sitting there playing it over and over and over again and I loved it and I even remember reading about the super graphics was coming out in Japan and how that was getting an arcade perfect version of this you know of ghouls and ghosts and I was oh my god I I was really excited like this ghouls and ghosts was such a wonderful game and so big big big props to this and I think you can still get this game at a reasonable price pick it up without without a doubt we are there we're at number one we're at number one and I I made a video about this a few years ago and said this is my favorite genesis game of all time because I did some deep dive thinking on it I really thought about a lot and I it's one of those games I got my Genesis for Christmas and just after Christmas was my birthday and my parents took me down to bells fair and I was able to pick a few games I picked a Alex Kidd and and this game here revenge of shinobi now I loved the original game in the arcades back in the day and I was like oh my god there's revenge of shinobi this is like a sequel and so it's kind of one of those blind boys I bought it in a Fred Meyer in the States that night and I brought it home and I I didn't know what to expect because there was no internet back then so I brought it home I'm like am I gonna like this is it gonna be fun I know I finished Alex Kidd in a couple of days I was mad but revenge of shinobi took me a little bit longer ah oh my god what can i where do I start Yuzo Koshiro the create Streets of Rage music which I was loving on the genesis sound ship you know back then I thought oh my that musics great he did the music for this the music is awesome in this game but it's the platforming it's the action-adventure of this game it's memorizing the levels going through it all fighting the enemies the boss encounters there's so much to talk about in here I could sit here for an hour and a half and do a deep dive into revenge of shinobi and talk about every reason why I liked it but I will say this go and buy this game go and find it on the cheap and you can find it on the cheap there's a couple of versions of it though there's a version the original version that I have where you can fight you know Godzilla and Rambo and a lot of different characters like that that you know they didn't mind spider-man and Batman where they say you got away with that back then and then all of a sudden they're like oh my god you know the company's kind of came out to them or they were worried and said we better change this for licensing reasons and so they changed all those characters are no longer in the updated version of the later versions of the genesis version so if you have one of the early versions that's a bit of a collector's item that's the one that you want to have that is the perfect version so guys I just want to come in and talk about the Genesis today night I loved in these episodes because not only do I get to talk about my top 10 games but I get to kind of revisit them in my mind and all the fun times I had back in the good old Genesis days the days of my youth the days when I was like 15 years old playing all of these games and oh my god a small tear here for that younger John and you know all these years later now and I still love these games to death so anyways guys until next time
Channel: HappyConsoleGamer
Views: 123,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 10 genesis games, sega genesis mini
Id: 33ev2-Bv74I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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