My Top 10 Favorite Cinema 4D Plugins ! (and how to use them)

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel today we have an exciting video I think you guys are gonna like I'm gonna be talking about my top 10 favorite cinema 4d plugins so this is gonna be great for those of you that are first starting out with C 4d or maybe your intermediate but you're looking for some more creative plugins things you can do and I'm not gonna give you a full tutorial on every single plug-in which is in this list I'm just gonna give you a brief breakdown a general overview I'm also going to show you step-by-step some cool little setups that I like to do and I'm gonna point you to some useful tutorials and other materials that are gonna help you along the way also another added bonus I tried to put in as many free plugins as I could on the ones that are paid I'm also going to mention a free little similar alternative those of you that don't want to spend any money and that's pretty much it I also want to mention that tomorrow I'm gonna be dropping my 3d beginner starter pack which is going to give you guys a bunch of Awesome's digitally sculpted 3d models as well as textures and I'm excited about that because you can use that in anything like c4d blender even using an After Effects with element 3d or one of those red giant plugins where you can bring in simple 3d obj files so that's gonna up your game a huge amount keep on the lookout for that dropping on my website tomorrow media monopoly co anyways let's get right into the video so the first plugin we're gonna talk about is actually three different plugins and that's because I want to mention the third-party renderer plugins which are pretty key and pretty useful for using cinema 4d or any other 3d software so my favorite is octane on two of the other big ones are Arnold and bread shift and the reason why I think you guys should look into these third-party render plugins first they're gonna give you a lot of super useful tools which is gonna help a huge amount here's what c40 looks like normally what we're gonna do is let's open up a little live for your window and this is probably one of the best features you can do this is why I recommend that you guys look into a third-party renderer first having this little live viewer window where you change something and you see what its gonna look like rendered out in real time is just very very useful especially when it comes to designing the scene knowing generally what it's going to look like when it's rendered it's just very useful to not only do get the live viewer with these 3d renders but when you are going to render you can change your actual render to octane Arnold whatever it is redshift and that'll actually utilize your graphics card instead of your CPU to render out these scenes which is going to help a lot more in terms of speeds and in turn of the complexity that you can get with the scenes also things like octane Arnold and redshift usually come with their own lighting kits which is pretty awesome so if I go to objects lights I can put in an octane daylight and octane area light targeted light whatever it is and you can let your scenes according to that and it really does depend on what render you use like I said I like octane the best because there's a lot of cool stuff also most of them will come with a camera what you can put in here so this post-processing if we open that we can enable it and you'll see the first thing that it does is just add this cool glow over all of our light sources another thing is with octane you can create materials you can create materials which are different from actual normal materials they're based for octane so we create an octane material and within here you can do some cool stuff like for example create a blackbody emission which is basically a light and you can change your temperature change the power so that we get this cool glow a lot of awesome stuff you can do with in octane not only that but just with an octane specifically you get octane scatter which is basically like a mograph cloner where you can scatter things across a claim to make a bunch of them fog volumes I'm tuned shaders HDRI environments textures invite extra environments aren't old you get your Arnold sky you also get Arnold lights IPR window which is similar to octane where you can see what's happening in real time well as depending on what I render you go with there's different options for each talk about this Arnold volume and some other cool stuff later on I'm probably least familiar with redshift but there are some really awesome things you can do with redshift that are mentioned in a bunch of different tutorials so check out the description so now that we mentioned that like I said definitely look into it you can get monthly subscriptions for using these plugins so it's not too expensive let's talk about some more of the creative specific plugins that we have for this video let's go over to my plugins bin here and let's just go down so Forster this is one of my favorite ones let's go ahead and open up this so we can put in either tree flowers rocks it also comes with its own little cloner let's just drop in a tree and you can see what's going on here if we go down to my objects menu that you're seeing in the bottom right you have a bunch of different trees that you can use and this is probably one of my favorite plugins because there's a huge amount of options that you have for being able to change this up if you see these little tabs you can actually change each of the branch levels you have sliders so you can really customize the look of the tree very specifically all the way from the leaves all the way from the simulation of how they react with things to the tree and trunk parameters you can even apply snow on to the branches which creates this tree snow and some other cool things like this hyper wind feature you turn on when and if you press play you'll see these kind of hover in the wind a little bit and of course you can change that so that it's crazy the thing I love about this plug-in is you can really go ahead and design beautiful forests and landscapes from scratch using the tools that they give you here as well as the cloner that they give you so let me just throw down a quick little plane and like I said we're not giving you a full tutorial if you're gonna gain the most from this if you really just research fully what you can do with this but let's go ahead and just drop a little let's just drop the forester cloner onto here and then we're gonna take our tree make it a child of the cloner and it's as easy as just clicking on your cloner go to distribute on geometry right here right here you have a little slot for it take the plane drop it in there so that it knows to distribute across the plane you'll see these little points pop up and then for the clones to pop up just go to distribute on geometry and turn off display points cloning a huge amount of these so what we can do is just lower the count and there you go just a brief little show of the powers of what you can do like I said look out a folds look up a full tutorial you can create some beautiful stuff with Forster now if you guys don't want to spend any money a great alternative for that is this plugin called ivy grower which I'm gonna show you here a link to this will be below create some cool animated growth 100% free so download link to that will be below as well as tutorial and how to use it will be below so let's hop back you see 4d and that was Forster let's go ahead and delete both of those and let's go back up to our plugins Rowsey now this is another one that I really like let's go ahead and create a cube so just click here create a normal cube we're also going to go ahead and create a floor so click and hold make a floor let's grab our cube and just bring it up a bit and just to give a little bit of differentiation from the floor to our cube let's go ahead and just take that octane material we made or earlier drop it on that and it's a little bit too crazy so we'll just lower the power so that it's glowing a tiny bit alright so we have our cube now what we're gonna do here is we're gonna use through Z and the cool thing about Rosie is that it automates a lot of things that you can do normally with the mograph fracture or vroni fracture that's built into c4d but it just makes it a lot easier faster and you can get some cool looks with it so let's click on plugins let's go to throws II also I want to mention that this is free so click on throws II actually we're gonna make sure cube select the first plugins throws II click here you can also do with the building we're gonna select Veroni instead of random and then pieces we're gonna select 15 you can mess around with that depending on the look you're going for click break now and bam attention the left here it basically just automates doing subdivision surfaces and like I said using the fracture mograph thing that's under here and if I hover over here you're gonna see it broke it up it broke this cube up into different pieces and all the pieces are here as you can see piece 1 through 15 now you may be wondering why you would want to do that well let's go ahead and take these cube place in the air and then it automatically puts a dynamics body under there so if you press play check this out BAM it actually fell through the floor so to fix that let's select the floor right click let's go to simulation tags and drop a rigidbody on to there now press play BAM shatters all across the floor guys can literally shatter any kind of object and if you think about this from a music video type of thing you can create some really awesome stuff just using this now there's some different things that you can do with this say for example you don't want it to fall and shatter as soon as you press play you can click on throw Z and you can change the trigger which you have here from immediately to on collision so now that that's on collision let's go ahead and create a sphere so click and hold on our objects and create a sphere and we'll move it over here we're gonna go ahead and line this up and we can even scale this down so it's just kind of like a little ball not what we're gonna do is I'm going to click this Auto King button right here so that any movement we make it's going to create a keyframe for that the scroll to around 50 and our timeline and then just take the sphere and make it move through the cube now you'll see it's created time it's created keyframes for that we can turn off auto King now press play you'll see the sphere move through the Q just like that but to actually start that collision that dynamic what we need to do is right-click on her sphere and just go to simulation tags Collider body now when you press play BAM you'll see the ball really creates this giant awesome shattering dough there really is a lot that you guys can do with that so that was a cool little fracture plugin so next we're going to talk about some spline plugins you can do a lot with this and you can create some really cool things using splines and some plugins that are built especially for splines so we're going to talk about two so we're gonna talk about Topa wire which is the main plugin that we're gonna mention this is something like twenty thirty bucks it's super cheap for those of you that don't want to spend the money there's also a similar plugin which can create some cool stuff with splines and that is called reaper 2.0 or reaper X and that is 100% free so let's start with Topa wire the reason why I like this is you just click on it is you just click on your plugins you open up the Topol wire object and then we can go ahead and create two cubes so let's create one here and then let's create one over here and let's apply our texture on here so that we can differentiate now what we can do is we can take these cubes and we can both make them and we can drag and make them a child of our top wire object and then click on Topa wire actually I don't think that was made a child there we go now it's a child and you'll see these crazy little splines string things pop up here now if you want the geometry to stay the same what you can do is just copy both of your cube or whatever it is you're trying to put in Topa wire and just paste it and it'll show up so now you have the geometry and the splines and for it to actually pop up in our viewer windows click on top of wire go to generate and then check thickness and you'll see the actual geometry being created that's a cool little thing you can do and you can change the radius for the thickness you can go over to object and you can put down the points if you don't want that many wires and the cool thing about this is if you select one of these cubes like this and you actually move it around you see that the splines are following and reacting to where the cube is and say for example you want to bring in another cube and put it in a third and really have the wires reacting all the way to that so it's really cool especially if you're designing some kind of like sci-fi scene or maybe like an alley scene cool hanging splines that are connected to different objects another awesome feature of this plug-in let's click on our top wire object again and we're going to go over to generate we can click generate dynamics plying I know that my FaceCam is covering it but click this button here and you're gonna see it go away but it also creates an actual spline here named topi wire and if we press play you guys are gonna see that now it's reacting to physics it's actually bouncing it's reacting to that if you put a fan in there some sort of collider or whatever it is it would react in that way so it's giving you that life leg kind of feel you want it to pop up into octane or any other third party render all you need to do is just select the spline here right click go to see 40 octane tags or C Fergie Arnold tags I mean usually they'll have this little object tag which you can place here and then select your object tag this is hair so we can render it as hair and we'll bump up the root and the thickness and there you go now we have dynamic splines using Topa wire within octane which is pretty pretty cool so that's about like 20 dollars or I talked about Reaper X which is the free spine plug-in now what I mentioned I also want to just quickly show you this is made by someone named by murk Ville sin he also creates some other cool plugins like snap to floor Topa former which is cool in terms of changing geometry like this I'm gonna leave his store and his patreon below so let's hop back into c4d now let's go ahead and talk about Reaper X so this one is actually very easy like I said is free download link is in the description let's go ahead and hold down here where our splines section is and let's create something like a helix and then for this helix let's go ahead and rotate it and let's bring it up a bit so that we can see it clearly now we're gonna click on our helix and we're gonna go to our start angle and just bump that up so that we get some more rings in there and then for height let's go ahead and make that higher so a pretty easy little spring so to actually activate the plugins it's very easy just go up to plugins reaper 2.0 make the helix a child of your Reaper plug-in and you'll see the geometry pop up and then you can go ahead and select Reaper and you get some cool little coiled string looks but at the same time what you can do there's also a lot of literally nice animation things that you can do using this you can change around the strands so this is some cool things that were made using Reaper so something like dive you tracking in real life and you mix it together like this that's a cool little creative application that you can do now let's just take a quick little break before I show you the next plugin because I want to show you the general way going to be installing these plugins for those of you that may be wondering along the road so it's pretty easy all I need to do is right-click on cinema 4d your shortcut right click here and go to properties and then click open file location' and this will just open the program file or wherever you have your cinema 4d installed and then you can just go to plugins and then just paste the downloaded folder that you download from these plug-in websites here so it's pretty simple this is one of my favorite plugins because this is a cool simulation plug-in and I use this in a music video that I did recently creating some awesome smoke animations and smoke characters let's go ahead and just open up the turbulence container and then we can click on the coordinates for that and maybe make it like five for everything so that it's a little big I'm gonna make full tutorials talking about this and the exact settings I just want to give you a little general overview so we create our turbulence container and let's put a object within our container so something like a cube and it's as simple as right-clicking on a cube go to turbulence FD tags and put the emitter tag onto it and then enter emitter tag let's just make sure these values are set to something like 1 on their channels and then we can click on the container and then in our actual simulation here also for container you can change where you want your simulation cache which is important but under simulation these are basically responsible for tweaking the look of the simulation the smoke and the fire that you're going to be getting and in terms of rendering you have your smoke shader and your fire shader this is also used for tweaking the actual look of how it's gonna look how it's going to react so for our smoke shader we can put the channel on density fire shader should already be on temperature I'm also changing up these little graphs does a lot then once you're ready you just go to plugins turbulence FD start cache simulation and check that out that looks really cool just in the actual object viewer you can place that emitter onto any different object even if it's still or animated like in the examples that I showed you so that looks pretty awesome if you want to see what that looks like rendered let's go ahead and open up a renderer so we can see so plugins I'm going to use are because that ties in with what I want to mention next so you'll see that this has this crazy burning look and that's what it looks like rendered another great thing the reason why I did show you with Arnold is because Arnold has this little volume object I use this Arnold volume and I also use the Arnold object tag place that on to my turbulence and I was able to change around the color of the smoke which was really cool and key for the look that I was going for also I want to mention if you don't want to pay for turbulence empty since it is a paid plugin a great alternative to be able to create that awesome looking smoke is to download Houdini apprentice edition there's some great tutorials on how you can use that which is free software to create some awesome smoke simulations through that and then import that into cinema 4d so that's a great little workaround definitely look into that so that's a little breakdown of turbulence FD I want to take this moment to shout out this website which is going to help you guys a lot so this website is from a youtuber and 3d content creator and on their website you're gonna find a bunch of these cool little setups for using Veroni fracture for using c4d octane um for real flow which is one of the plugins in this list turbulence FD some real flow basic setups harpers why I'm showing you this isn't so that you can take this and copy it it's so that you can take the project files and really study the different things we take some of the settings that you use with the plugins by that to your own scenes you're working on to create some cool stuff this is a great learning material and the prices are really cheap go check out this link support the Creator there's some really awesome stuff so anyways we talked about turbulence ft now let's go ahead and talk about real flow can do a lot of awesome stuff with real flow it's another simulation plugin that involves liquids like that dynamic liquids and you do everything from water to like slime let's start off we're just creating a plane and then with real flow it's pretty nice because you can just click on real flow and then just click see and it will set it all up for you or emitters let's go ahead and just create a circle emitter and then we can raise that up and what this basically is is this is the area where the liquid is going to fall from so it's better to watch a full tutorial and talking about this but there's a bunch of different ways you can use the emitter like filling objects splines triangles linear in this kind of in this daemon section this is like different effectors that work with the so magic surface-tension vortex wind and then measure for when you actually want to create the geometry and if I press play that is our actual particles which is being simulated so let's change things around before we start creating the mesh and the geometry of the fluid so what we can do is we can click on fluid and in this fluid tab you can change the actual look of the fluid like the resolution we can bump that up you can change the type which is gonna give it a different look every time you also get some real flow tags with this plugin so let's right click on our cube go to real flow tags and place a Collider very similar to just a normal dynamics Collider let's go ahead and place that on our plane as well so this time whenever I press play you'll see that the particles will hit our cube it'll react to that using dynamics so that the fluid actually collides in that specific way now once you've gone through with a tutorial and design the scene depending on what look you're going for all you really need to do is just go to measures actually go up to real flow and create a measure and then in this measure click build mesh now once you've done that once we play the simulation you're gonna see that this is actual geometry that's being created which is pretty cool and since we have that Collider on it is reacting with the cube like that and then of course what you can do is you can create another texture like a glassy octane one works well with real flow in my opinion and you can go ahead and texture it just like that so let's drop this on our mesh and there you go simple as that but simple as that you can take some really really cool looking stuff with this it's an awesome plugin really quick I'm just gonna show you a in this scene as you can see we have some dynamic topal wire splines that are holding up this skull that you can see as well is we also have this cool real flow mesh that's around the actual skull and just playing around with this just learning the plugin I made it so that when the balls actually hit the skull all the paint flies everywhere any reacts to it like a Collider so that's pretty cool if you want a full breakdown on this that's gonna be coming soon I've also been messing around with just different things like like maybe creating something like this so this could be something that's coming in the future a whole breakdown of a scene similar to this ok so now let's go ahead and transition from real flow which is a paid plugin to a free plugin and this is hot for D so what we're gonna do here is create a simple little plane and now all you need to do is download hot 4 D all information down below like I said 100% free drop that in there and then make hot for da child of the plane and then you can go ahead and change a bunch of the thing change a bunch of the settings to make realistic-looking water so let's go ahead and change this to like 500 by 500 for the segments to get more detail in there and then in hot 4 D you can do a bunch in terms of changing the look like I said lookup a full tutorial for more info links will be down in the description and you can do something like keyframe the time to make this kind of flow like that here's another little example of what you can do with hot 4 D I think that looks really great and they have tutorials on how you can do that with all the info link down below so hot for D also another little cool thing is I mentioned before that you could use Houdini to create smoke if you didn't want to purchase turbulence FD this free plug-in hot for D h.o.t stands for a Houdini ocean toolkit so basically what they did was they took the ocean toolkit which existed within Houdini and they poured it over for C for D so that's another cool little way that Houdini and C for D can kind of coexist and you can use different things for both ok guys so we talked about a bunch of different things like third party renders like octane redshift Arnold we talked about some simulation plug-ins like turbulence FD for fire and smoke real flow for fluids we talked about creative things like Forrester IV grow where we talked about spline plugins like tapa wire and like Reaper X last two things I want to mention let's get into number 9 and number 9 isn't actually specific plugin I want to talk about it's more of a group of plugins if you guys don't know about greyscale gorilla definitely get on that probably one of the number one channels for 3d on YouTube here's just a little video showing some of their transform presets the one that I like to use a lot is there an HDR I link which you can get right here which basically links HTR eyes to ones that they have saved on their website so if we actually go on their website you're gonna see that there is endless plugins which you guys can shop for and look for so I did want to mention them as number nine and then for our tenth and final plugin that I want to talk about is X particles and don't have X particles yet myself I've tried it out but I am yet to get it on this specific rig when I do I'm planning on making some cool tutorials but I wanted to include this because it's probably one of the best particle plugins out there where you can create some cool just normal particle effects smoke and fire fluids and grains cloth it's similar to something like Krakatoa where you can really get that movie quality like crazy particle things going on and I'm gonna create some more future tutorials talking about that in specific but look into X particles definitely check out greyscale guerrillas plugins other than that guys that is my list of top 10 plugins you're definitely gonna find some value somewhere through this hopefully I taught you guys something new if you guys did enjoy please leave like comment and subscribe like I said tomorrow my 3d starter pack is gonna drop so we're getting you guys a bunch of cheap 3d models to use for your projects music videos whatever it is as well as some cool textures and other things like that and the great thing I like about this channel is it basically just reflects what I'm learning at the moment so we talked about premiere we talked about After Effects now we're branching out into animation like some of my past videos some 3d stuff using c4d maybe even blender we talked about element 3d I'm excited to be able to share these things as I learned them and hopefully inspire you guys to go on whatever path that is that you like if you're not into 3d maybe you're into more into animation we're always going to be putting out a variety of different things today was C for Dean tomorrow my PEC is dropping but after that probably going to talk about some more premiere After Effects stuff maybe some animation stuff so let me know what you want to see in the comment section down below guys as always thank you so much for supporting thank you so much for watching all relevant links are going to be down in the description thank you guys so much and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 90,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c4d, plugin, best, best c4d, plugins, favorite, top 10, free, download, max novak, cole bennett, justin odisho, greyscale gorilla, eyedesyn, turbulence fd, realflow, xparticles, justindeluc, marco morri, thrausi, hot4d, octane, red shift, arnold, topowire, reeper, forrester, how to, 3d, element 3d, video copilot, blender, 3ds max, 3d to real life, prest, adobe, premiere, after effects, peter mckinnon, top 10 favorite music video effects
Id: afLSAun6P80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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