10 Dope Cinema4D Tips Vol.1

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in today's video I want to show you 10 the hope cinema4d tips that I'm quite certain many of you haven't heard about let's get into it first of all of course of an obscene Authority the first tip we're going to talk about relates to sound in your cinema 4d scene I don't know how many of you had that pain before I had it a lot and I regret that I didn't know about it earlier so what we will do now is go to window timeline F curve to reveal our timeline then I will create a null and call it with something obvious as sound drag it to your timeline right-click add special tracks at the bottom of the list there is sound click it and on your right now you can select any track you need I will extend our scenes duration to 500 frames so that we will be able to hear it if you need to visually see the waveform you could go to keyframe mode and expand that sample track dot WAV file here you go you have your waveform right here now you can animate your scene precisely following the soundtrack how cool is that very handy alright next tip is related to timeline as well let me quickly create something with a lot of old objects all right to make it editable and expand the list we have a lot of objects alright let's set up a primitive animation so that we would have some keyframes okay doc can go to your timeline if I would select and the objects in the timeline I would see their keyframes their splines all that fun but I don't know which objects are which when there are hundreds of those objects it becomes very painful if I want to animate this one for it for instance I don't know which one is that and that list on the Left I honestly don't know why it's not set up by default but have a look go to view link link TLO am selection which means link timeline to object manager now if I'll select something in my viewer it selects automatically in the timeline which is handy but if I'll select something in the timeline it doesn't select anything in the viewer to fix that go to view link again and uncheck that one directional selection linking now the linking works both ways if you select something in timeline that selects automatically in the viewer if you select something in the viewport have no idea why I called it viewer if you select something in the viewport it selects automatically in the timeline and in some situations it's like a lifesaver okay done with that one next one relates to the way you animate stop the convenience again so for example let's take that size here right select X Y is that right click Add to hood and here we have a window with all the parameters if you would control click and drag it you can place it wherever you want on a screen if you would then select the object this little overlay control disappears to fix that right click the overlay show and click always so now when you unselect the cube the little overlay stays forever and now you can control all all these parameters without the cube being actually selected and it comes really handy during your animation session sessions I'll quickly show you my other set up with this little robot okay this is a little bit messy it wasn't like that when I was setting it up but than I updated to our 20 so maybe that causes the cows here we go so see in this case we have a lot of parameters to control in order to animate this little ground and it's really handy without actually expanding whole tree in the object manager and trying to animate all those parameters individually all right this was tip number three moving to the tip number four this will be a little animation method comes in handy with quite a few scenarios for example let's say if I have wire on a desk right and there are something happening on a desk surface and I need that cable to interact with the rest of the scene instead of building complicated rigs I would use this method so if I would need to animate the point and click the keyframe nothing would happen of course why would it but there is a handy mode in cinema 4d that many of us overlook by some reason check this out click it now let's set up the keyframe move the slider a bit move the point keyframe again it moves here you go now you can animate your spline point by point if that's something you wish to do as I already mentioned it comes handy with some little tiny animations of the wires for example helps a lot ok next one next one is inspired by the questions I received after my paper village breakdown people asked how did I record the time lapse of putting the buildings in the scene well it's really simple we have all those using here right if I would Midd middle click I would see all my four view panels let's place this little dude here all right but what if I would want to work in this view panel and see the character from particular angle in done another view panel now I have a dedicated button here it's called create a new view panel and it's basically a second viewport that can expand to four view panels it can be perspective view panel from a particular angle and whatever you do in your one this one won't change you can get to by clicking window new view panel and here you have it this is exactly how I recorded that layout setup of the village from one perspective I was actually doing everything in that main viewer while the screen capture software was recording something else on another screen so see whatever you're doing the main one the right one remains untouched okay next one let's create a lot of objects so that I could be able to show it this one refers to the materials and how painful it might be managing them and the object viewer I'll create two materials blue one and red one assign them to my Platonic s-- and make the cloner editable so that we would have loads of objects cool now let's say a progress Talaat with this project and made this cloner editable ages ago there is no turning back and I suddenly need to change some red objects to blue ones oh my goodness what would you do assign the materials manually there should be a better way of Tinian definitely ok right-click on the your material select texture tank and object alright alright materials are selected and just drag that blue one into this field here here you go all your materials were placed there is another cool way of doing it and it comes handy when you were importing some OBJ's with their you know random white materials on them in that case you would want to hold out and drag your blue material over the red one that way it replaces the material and deletes the one that you want to be replaced if you don't want to lose the material you're replacing then just use the first method oh gosh so many good tips ok next one sometimes for animation purposes or for previous we don't want to see textures and materials on certain objects not talking about disabling all the object all the textures in the scene talking about some control so what you want to do right click and what on whatever you want to disable texture on go to cinema 4d tags display alright check use textures and uncheck textures damn just disables textures in this no and you can change it you can assign the stack to any group to any individual object and it comes in really handy during animation during modeling process if you don't want to remove the texture from that object you're modeling just use this tag great and that next one is probably a bit ridiculous one but think many of you will find it quite useful so you know when you hold shift and cinema 4d and trying to rotate something move something and snaps by 10 centimeters or 10 degrees so whenever you need to rotate something to 45 degrees you usually end up entering those values manually but there is a way to change that click mode right here go to modeling tab and there go to quantize here you have your settings by how many units movement scaling and the rotation will work does that make sense no probably not just change var tation to 5 degrees all right now when we shift rotate this cube it rotates by 5 degrees instead of 10 and you can easily do your 45 degrees rotations alright silly but useful little tip next one is a bit better and comes from a bigger pipelines in fact I didn't know about that its existence in cinema 4d until my production software's guide video was released and in this video I was moaning that Maya has that feature and that allows to optimize the workflow blah blah blah and then the director of Maxim said like hey Andre listen actually cinema 4d has this as well and that's exactly what I will show you now let's click create down there there is an xref add eggs wrap and select something from another scene in my case I will select the drone I already showed you so basically what this one does is creating an end another scene and this one why is it useful well for example let's say I'm animating this little drone in this scene I don't know he waves with his hands whatever let's place his hands in unusual position okay save it somewhere and let's imagine this was a big big big big big project with a lot of animation I don't know crazy scene alright and then clients come back and says I don't know put a pink kitten on this drone whatever and sometimes it means basically to redo a lot of stuff which we don't want to do now let's go to the original scene of this drone it's the same drone that we just animated and another scene but this one is in its original position and we can change him for example let's use my little trick where the replacing textures and replace this texture make that one red alright now save the scene oh I love that disabled texture tag here let's remove it now you see our animated modified scene with the X raffinate with instance and it updated automatically and we don't lose all the animations were already had we just animated the source of the instance and the instance gets updated automatically we can add details to the body of this drone change textures repainted remodel it while being able to animate it in another scene which is pretty cool let's go to original one change the material to the green one this time jump back to our new scene and click reload how cool is that we maintain all our animations kind of positioning whatever it is we're doing but we can modify the original model in another scene this is extremely cool next step relates to some pipeline optimization again that's great cube let's create platonic whatever and then when you're ready to render what you would usually do is go into your Simha for these settings go to save like you format all that fun save the project in the first place of course Desktop project folder whatever fancy project then you would select the location where you want your renders to be saved now you have your path here see users lavrov desktop project folder render test okay and of course as expected the render is saved here that's all cool but for me personally that's kind of painful because look how many workstations I have and they all have different names chorus on Dantooine that Ameri and allure Yoda the hunters Hut there I'm a big star Wars fan so whenever I'm sending this project to those machines I need to reset up this path because that username libro wouldn't work on those machines okay how to optimize that stuff so that I don't have to manually rewrite those locations all the time so I'll delete all that stuff and instead of this I'll just place a dot save the project actually let's save it to another location so that's our pad let's click render done let's go to the epic proof folder here we go render and render is safe there so with this set up with wherever you will save your project to create these folders and save your renders in there if you have several shots you can go render shot one slash test whatever for me personally when I'm done setting up the scene on my laptop I'm sending it to my dot on your machine which is a master in my render farm and I don't have to reset up at anything it's already set up and it will render to the same location both on my laptop and my master render machine this is super handy that would be it for today I hope you enjoyed it because these little tips save me in many different cases I particularly like a lot to tips about pipeline optimization especially house when the projects when you have to think about so many different things let me know in the comments down below if you like that sort of content I should keep doing those little tips you know maybe ten per video maybe you don't like it thank you for watching and I see you in the next one peace
Channel: Andrey Lebrov
Views: 212,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lebrov, cg, vfx, tutorial, how to, learning, filmmaking, step up, master, C4D, Cinema 4d, Tips, speed, workflow, xref
Id: Yo_PL2EotdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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