My Thyroid Problem Vanished With Pranayama - Acupressure Point & Yoga Mudra

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hello everyone thyroid it's a common problem if you ask anyone most of the people are discussing how to cure thyroid there are medicines for thyroid English medicines allopathic but it will control it will not remove right from the roots if you go to our ancestors methods like yoga meditation and pranayama so it is going to cure right from the roots the best example is myself I had this thyroid along Back 2010 year but after using few years for five years I used medicine then after that I have entered into yoga and pranayama and also there are some mudras also so with this I have queued now right now I don't have thyroid at all so this is possible with pranayama yoga mudra acupuncture points this I am going to share with you by the way my name is Dr devika vatnagar soft skill strainer and motivational speaker so as per my knowledge I am sharing this yoga related videos now coming to this thyroid there are two types of thyroid hypothyroid hyperthyroid whatever may be the thyroid if it is increasing or decreasing both are dangerous it should be in Balance always the victims of this thyroid is most of the time women only because as per the age hormonal changes so that is making difference in women getting thyroid and cure and all these problems now let us see first what are the symptoms of this thyroid if you get a thyroid how do you come to know there are many symptoms especially weakness you feel fatigue lack of concentration and though you are not eating much you are gaining weight a loss a losing weight and excess sweating hair fall and anemia so these are all the general problems if you find any of these problems severe just go for thyroid test then you'll come to know whether you have this or some other problem okay now how to cure this I am going to tell you first four pranayamas then after that acupressure point I'll tell you then after the shank mudra one mudra is there so that also I am going to show you first let us discuss about this pranayama pranayama for beginners and pranayama for yoga yoga yoga for brain there are such kind of pranayamas already I uploaded in our Channel everything you can find it in a description box and comment box yoga and meditation link playlist link we can just go ahead now today for paradigms which are advisable for thyroid these paradigms anyone can do but it's useful for thyroid people if you don't thyroid you will not get if you practice this thyroid thyroid related and general pranayamas the first to foremost important best pranayama is much useful especially for thyroid where do you find thyroid here thyroid you'll find here what we do is here we exha inhale a lot of air through the nose through the nose we inhale maximum then First Step second step is that after inhaling chin lock means this chin we are going to lock like this means we are locking the air we are locking there a does not goes to anywhere it will be inside of the lungs only at least 10 to 15 counts if you are having high BP problem 10 is more 10 counts or more than enough okay so count it like this then just up your head and exhale with no string left nostril three points inhale as much as possible second Point chin lock and third Point exhale with left nostril that's it okay so see the practicals always close your eyes whenever you want to do pranayama close your eyes take chin mudra on your lap or knees sit in any sukasan vajrasana or padmasana if not possible you can take a chair no problem at all right so [Music] [Music] are you getting once again of the inhale chin lock and exhale with nose left nostril okay oh like this five rounds one round is leaving inhaling and exhaling like second round like five rounds this is much effective daily morning you do it if not possible evening time right and the second pranayama is also I already taught you simple we take same position for and what we have to do is here we are going to excel forcefully inhale normal we don't focus on inhale we Excel forcefully like this slowly and forcefully we have to Exhale it you can't see in my in camera I think the stomach and chest but everything it will uh it will shake a lot when you are forcefully exhaling and this is you have to do it at least for two minutes two minutes continuously okay so this is much useful to lose the weight also there are many advantages for kapalbati now right now you remember to lose the weight and also for thyroid wonderful pranayama this is and the third one is brahmari pranayama this also I taught a long back only so brahmari pranami award means honeybee we make this sound like just like honeybee we are going to close our eyes with these two fingers middle finger and ring finger and ears with thumb finger so this is the position we are going to take right so this is the position we are going to closing both and we are going to make sound from here like brahmari means like honeybee we are not going to inhale or exhale we are just topping our we are just stopped taking this inhale just simply making sound like this from here um I'm not inhaling I'm not exhaling am I clear so let's try this um [Music] while doing we are not inhaling or exhaling but before we can take a long breath and we can start like this [Music] once again you can observe take a long breathe um no I'm leaving my hair that's it exhaling so this is much useful because we are making exercise we are giving some struggle or exercise to this thyroid so that is why brahmar is also always preferable and fourth one Nadi show the pranayama Nadi show them is nothing but analoma vilom only this also I taught you anyway let me give you a recap another villoma what we do we inhale from the next left nose drill and exhale from right okay once again from right we take we inhale and with the left exhale once again left from left inhale right exhale like this inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale once if you inhale and leave it that is one count okay so just of the for this what we do we just close our index finger and middle finger and with the ring finger and thumb finger we are going to practice it like this observe it chin mudra when we inhale when we retain the air four counts you do and after that exhale it slowly inhaling slowly exhaling slowly and retaining the air four cards okay once again observe foreign [Music] so what is the acupressure point for this thyroid means this is here thumb finger after this slide first line this area entered this area is related to the thyroid neck so acupressure partner so what we have to do press it like this while watching TV while working something while talking with someone you can just start pressing it like this then after that you can give more pressure like this with hand you can just do like this or you can do like this pressure okay so this thyroid will be activated and it will be under control in the same way for right hand also press it uh at least two minutes three minutes press it then after that rub it like this current with two fingers three fingers you can just wrap like this this also two minutes daily then after that coming to the shanka mudra in Shankar mudra what we do simple easy just focus so one hand is showing like this another hand is like this okay Focus now what I'm going to do I'm going to catch this thumb finger with this hand lock it okay then after that place the rest of the four fingers here and attaching with this thumb finger thumb finger middle finger and just lock it like this can you find the shank here so this is the mudra what you can do keep this hand like this in your lap and at the same time I already taught you uh karate meditation inner thra attack when we are keeping our hand like this why to waste our time in any in any in any Asana like padmasan sukhasana or vajrasana you can sit and you can start doing the inner attack inner attack means just closing our eyes and focusing only on Bindi this area between two eyebrows closing and no thoughts at all that's it that is another attack so at a time we are practicing Shankar mudra and inner tatratic also like this my hand is in my lap and focusing on between the eyebrows feeling peaceful no thoughts my focus is only on that area in between two eyebrows two minutes or five minutes that will be a double benefit also at a time right so if you practice this thyroid definitely you can remove right from the roots you may ask how much time it will take more than one week 10 days no at least five to six months some people it may take around one year also let me be frank but anyway results you will find trust me thyroid is not a problem that's in our hands because I have removed it I am not using any medicines because doctors are saying I don't have thyroid when I go for any testing need not to use even you can write so when are you going to practice from tomorrow yes even evening timings also today if you are watching video in the morning or afternoon timing evening also you can start only the thing is pranayama whenever you want to do your stomach should be your belly should be empty empty and just take any peaceful place and focus and do this pranayama around 10 minutes 15 minutes more than enough right so practice it remove this thyroid kick this thyroid with this tips see you in the next video with another interesting topic which will useful for you all thank you for all your affection and thank you for spending your valuable time take care of your health good luck
Channel: Dr. Devika Bhatnagar
Views: 1,803,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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