One Mudra - Solution For All The Problems

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hello everyone namaskar today I'm going to share with you one important Putra this I practice daily as a part of yoga because it's having lots of benefits if you see the benefits you will not leave it by the way before discussing let me introduce myself my name is Dr devika batnagar soft skill stainer and motivational speaker now let me tell you the benefits then after that I'll show you this mudra so the main benefits are given on the screen first thing is that it helps to manage the diabetes and also it is useful for constipation and it strengthens the pelvic Argon relieves the any kind of Bank pain and it cures all kinds of heart problems also and also it strengthens the immune system and generates energy in the liver and gallbladder it's a good remedy for migraine and it also regulates the menstrual cycle and it is useful for the improving the digestion 10 10 benefits are there so each and every problem almost it has covered diabetes heart problem and digestion system if General problems all problems it has covered that is why this mudra is much recommended I do practice this mudra especially while doing pranayama and also while doing meditation and also eye exercises because hands are free when I do pranayama like kumbaka pranayama hands are not required when I practice even for eye exercise also most of the time hands are free so I practice this and meditation time whenever I get a time I practice this mudra curious to know yes this mudra is apan mudra always remember you have to take any good position take yoga mat and sit comfortably and back should be always straight if you can't sit down doesn't matter you can use chair you can sit on chair just like me but back should be straight and close your eyes slowly and take few breathes and calm your breathing and relax your mind then after that this mudra you can take apan mudra apan mudra is very easy simply you are taking the middle finger ring finger and thumb finger these three fingers okay this is a panamudra both the hands you have to do with both the hands so take this position and keep it on your lap like this on your lap this is the position you are going to do apan mudra whenever you get time when to do this apan mudra apana mudra can be practiced in the morning itself it is much recommended when you do yoga at the same time you can practice this apan mudra when your hands are free you can just take this position because benefits are lot and also if not possible in the morning evening you can do this apan mudra evening time or morning time with empty stomach while doing while performing yoga it is much recommended and and anyone everyone can do this except pregnant women pregnant woman is not advisable right from the first month carrying to eighth month because so it impacts on the pelvic system so this is not advisable for the pregnant woman till eighth month but ninth month it is advisable why because it makes the birth of the child easy easy delivery apan mudra so that is my ninth month it is advisable but till eight months not advisable and also who's having a diarrhea or lose motion so these people also not advisable to do this rest of everyone can do it is quite safe okay so when are you going to practice whenever you get time just take this earlier while doing meditation breathing exercises and also eye exercises I used to take chin mudra only only this one chin mudra when I came to know the benefits of this apanamudra then I started practicing this one also very easy so just go ahead whenever you get time take this position and sit very much important so hope this talk is useful please practice it there are many videos I have already prepared related to the video related to the yoga meditation and exercises the link is given in the description box and also you can check it out the playlist also please practice regularly health is wealth if it is gone no wealth is going to save us please remember this and practice well see you in the next video with another interesting topic till that period take care of yourself stay healthy stay fit and keep smiling and keep shining always good luck
Channel: Dr. Devika Bhatnagar
Views: 1,004,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n9N6Cmv40-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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