My Thoughts On Mark Laita From Soft White Underbelly - Stop The Hate & Drama!

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hello everyone so I wanted to do a video today specifically about my experience with Mark Li from soft white underbelly I've noticed there's a lot of videos and a lot of threads of just hate and drama surrounding him and soft unil I wanted to talk about that for a little bit um if you want to support me or the channel the information is in the description but do not feel obligated so I watched a lot of soft white underbelly when I got into my my last accident so my tibia fibula was broken it was pretty bad and I wasn't allowed to put any weight on it for I think like 12 weeks so it was pretty bad I was in a lot of pain and basically on recliner in front of a TV that's basically what I could do so I started watching a lot of his videos I think one of the first ones I Came Upon was spooky which I thought was pretty interesting and then I found Hutch and others and I liked it uh it's a big learning experience seeing what happens when parents don't do a great job or don't know how to do a great job and um genetics I guess there it's a combination of of Nature and nurture so he posted a video it's I think one of those that he does yearly or every 6 months or whatever just explaining how things are going that sort of thing and at the end he said if you have a video or if you have a story or it would be interesting you can contact me so I thought my story was a little different you know being get into a horrific car accident and losing my son and becoming disabled from it so I sent him an email you know did the little video of myself and and 12 hours later he contacted me and said that he would like to do the video and I think it was the next day um I was driving to Santa Monica which is one of his Studios to do the interview uh he's a very nice guy um kind of all business but just just nice and so I sat there and just told him my story and he broke down a few times you could see him crying and wiping his eyes you know my story was affecting him you he's a human being he has a heart and after the video he I think he said he was sorry and he gave me a hug and he said let me give you some gas money and it was more than enough for gas but he didn't have to do it and it was nice of him it was basically 5 hours of driving 2 and 1/ half hours both way if there's no traffic I think I messaged him one other time well two other times one time I told him uh that he did a good job editing that I didn't think that would be a very good speaker and that I was happy with the way the video came out thank you for the opportunity and then I sent him another message uh saying happy new years's and that was the last time I talked to him so a lot of these videos started popping up when I would type in soft white underbon Under um on YouTube and it would say uh like you know Mark light to exploitation uh exploiting the Whitakers uh doing this doing that and I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and Mark Li is no l things he basically has a a job where he interviews people I came to him um he didn't have to pay me anything cuz I came to him but he still you know gave me some gas money and I told my story and the reason why I wanted to tell my story is cu I wanted it I figured if it stops one person from drinking and driving that it did its job you know it saved a life and before he interviewed me we talked about the importance of unconditional love you know in a kid's life and how that really shapes them and basically he wants to make the world a better place he wants to leave an imprint or show people what happens when you don't get love or more importantly unconditional love in [Music] life so uh me pause one second sorry about that with the two strokes I kind of lose my train of thought sometimes but one my video posted there's a lot of comments a lot of I would say 99% were good but there's a couple of a few comments where people are just just horrible it's almost like they're trying to hurt your feelings and and they didn't watch the whole video and Mark talks about that in one of his interviews by somebody else where basically if you want to see the evil of the world just read YouTube comments for a few minutes it just some people are just pretty horrible well anyway I'm going to share a few of the comments this this this is just a few of the comments one person told me thank you for posting your video you know I usually have a few drinks at home and then I'll drive just a couple blocks away to like a 7-Eleven and get some more beer and then go home it's just a few blocks away but I'm not going to do that anymore after watching your video that was great so that's one person that it helped another person told me I want to be a better dad and your video really kind of opened my eyes and I'm going to try harder to be a better dad so that's number two and another another person said that um he decided to quit drinking he said that it wasn't completely because of my video but my video kind of sealed the deal he's not going to drink anymore and there's a few others like that so there was actually plenty of of comments like that saying that I have changed their lives uh that they're going to think differently and do things differently you know they want to be a better person that kind of thing so that's my video okay my video only has I think 302,000 views uh and it's I think it's been about 3 months since it was posted so my doesn't have a whole lot of views compared to other videos especially when the chicks are hot that sort of thing or the the drama videos you know which ones they are but if my video with just that many likes has affected that many people think about all the hundreds of his other videos that have changed people I know that there's been kids who are thinking about doing drugs and they saw a video and saw what happens when you get addicted and they said you know you know what yeah I'm not going to do this there's probably been John's that saw the videos of the prostitutes and said you know I'm not going to yeah I'm not going to have prostitutes anymore you seeing how their lives are and I I don't want to participate in that that sort of thing and it seems like the Whitakers brought up a lot of drama for Mark nobody would even know who the Whitakers were if it wasn't for Mark you know people don't realize how hard it is to run a business I had a business uh before the accident and it's difficult in the end all the only person you can blame is yourself so you have to work really really hard and things always happen that don't work out well there's always some kind of issue that you have to deal with California isn't a very Pro business State you get taxed to death it's very difficult so just think about this think about how much money Mark spent on airline tickets to go see the Whitakers having to rent a car blowing money on gas being hustled constantly for money everybody wants to ask Mark for money imagine how taxing that is on you I'm sure Mark is pretty well off but he's not as well off as everybody thinks I mean like like I said California is a very difficult state to do business in remember he has two Studios besides I'm pretty sure he owns a house think about all the money that goes into just that all the time that goes into editing maybe having your equipment stolen which has happened to him what if this what if that things always happen it's very difficult to run a business doing a new video his phone's blowing up from the new person asking him for money let's say he goes down Skid Row an old interview sees him and wants money imagine how he must feel on that level but if you really look at the big picture and do the math the hundreds of videos that he that he's done and all the comments this guy has helped so many people if he were to pass away a few years ago I think he already left a big enough Dent to help people and to show people what happens when they don't get enough love and how how exactly things happen it's not like somebody just becomes a drug addict you know there's things that that happen that get that person there so we should really not create drama in somebody's life or just create hate there's people that actually created videos disrespecting this guy I mean they took time out of their day to badmouth him I mean that that blows me away why somebody would would do something like that there's some pretty horrible people in the world rather than lift somebody up they want to tear somebody down some of the comments I got were like godamn like how how H how could you say that like you don't know me and it was almost like they were just trying to hurt me or they were trying to get people to reply uh they had to be sick I don't understand why anybody would do something like that so I covered how difficult it is to run a business like I said I know how that is now think about this his videos keep getting demonetized I think I think his whole platform might be demonetized completely I'm not sure but you you post a video thinking you're going to make a few bucks off of it and then it get demonetized there's nothing now he has I think like around 5.5 million subscribers to YouTube but that doesn't mean that he has 10% of those people subscribing to his actual website where he actually makes money he's not charging that much I think it's like 15 bucks a month or 100 if you subscribe for the whole year so do the math you know it's it's not a whole lot of money and like I said if you're making x amount in California basically they're going to take you're going to be taxed half of it right off the bat you we're being taxed to death here so think about all the videos that you watched and how they affected you the videos that you may be shared with others cuz they hit you in a certain way people that you want to help that he feel sorry for a few people asked him I think he mentioned you know how do I help and he said well start in your own area you know don't worry about the people that he's interviewed and stuff like that if you live in you know Ohio start helping the people you see who are homeless on the street or just talk to them sometimes they just want to be talked to you know people don't look at homeless people they look the other way it's like they're the the scum of the Earth most people are just a few paychecks away from being homeless there's people that do not have a support system and there's people that they cannot save money like they just do not make enough you know things keep happening there's inflation and every six month your rent goes up it's so difficult to live it's so difficult to function and to to live in society today and to make it I get scared sometimes you know I don't know where I'm going to be so basically stop the hate stop the drama leave the dude [Music] alone treat people how you want to be treated remember the Golden Rule it's still a very useful tool like I said I don't know Mark all I did was get interviewed and talk to him a few times I think talked to him uh when we agreed to the interview and T him a few times that was it but I'm telling you he's a good guy and just focus on yourself don't worry about him and mark thank you for all you do you made a huge difference in the world and just keep doing what you're doing if that's what you want to do but I know you helped get my story out and a lot of people have changed because of it and I can't imagine how much good you've done with all your other videos so that's all I have to say thank you for your time
Channel: Peter Geo
Views: 23,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bvM72lXuxTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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