Can we Buy and Repair a Tank for under 20k?

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DeadMemesAreUs1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 29 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

spoiler alert: they won't be able to repair anything on that tank

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/carrot_farmer_gf ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 29 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
okay really yeah right this is concrete cheese to them we've had it I don't know probably a year now we've ordered it for 12 Grand everyone keeps asking how much we pay for these things possibility of Transport probably 15 minutes it was one problem obviously we're calling concrete achievement and that's just the whole back end was felt to The Brick with concrete Park was a gate guard for many many years well [Music] it's all going so well we'll show you in the back we've got all the concrete now we did find quite a major problem which we'll show you now right so when we actually got all the concrete out of it you can still see there's still a bit in there that we've still got to do and inside wherever the quill goes so the biggest problem was that I had not realized that the whole project is this we chibbled it out we realized that when they obviously decommissioned it rather than just filling it with concrete and being done with it which you think that was enough damage they gassed out the gearbox mounts for the flames which is a major problem because the engine and gearbox are shimmed up because they're separate they're not a pack everyone calls them an L sexier pack it's not a pack it's an engine and it's a separate gearbox um so the engine uh needs to sit dead dead in line with the gearbox otherwise the the clutches it were or the spinning around on the back of the flywheel will be all out of balance and it'll smash the gearbox bear into pieces or the back of the crank so that's in other words a major major problem so I thought about making a bracket because this this point here where the engine base of the engine bolts down on these two points here and it goes in that all there so we know that these points are still original and I dare say in with intolerance so with sab's Chieftain that we've currently restoring at the minute and we've got the engine out so what I'm going to do is make a bracket to mirror from these I'll be able to bolt this bracket to here which will which will then I'll lock the concrete out there hold that in the right position I'll bolt that to my bracket and it'll hold that dead in the right place at the right height so then I can just weld up to it and then weld them in weld that piece back in and I know I'll be banging the right place and fingers crossed that will solve the problem I mean some of you in the comments are going oh that will never work well we will find out but that's the plan and obviously the wiring um that all got needle guns and not needs guns Jack hammered so all this wiring here goes to the gearbox and that went to the fan that goes up along there now although it looks in a pretty poor state which it is um Believe It or Not There are marks on the wires and it will just be a slow job of just going off the tags and the soldering them back up and I think the plugs Believe It or Not aren't actually that enacted so that shouldn't be too hard to mend I've got a new I'll say no it's not me I've got nothing new I've got a engine oil tank I've got a decent engine and a decent gearbox to go in and obviously we'll try and make it paint it make it nice I'm not going to bother with a donkey engine or the GUI whatever you want to call it and the reason I'm not is because there's too much uh taking out the turret regarding the gun kit it's all been removed on this a lot of it so I'm not even going to bother with that or attempt to uh attempt to put any of that in um because really without a working gun kit it's pretty pointless putting the donkey engine in without friends of mine have done it for years without we've never had a problem so uh I'm just going to ignore everyone that says that and Carry On and do it anyway um so it should make a usable vehicle that's the plan out of scrap because bearing in mind it's only costs 12 grand for a 1300 quid to move it I don't think it's going to cost a great deal to put those bits of plate in and I've got an old engine and boxed out of a previous tank we had that I think I can repair which owes us very little so can we get this main battle tank working for bonds of 20 grand that's the gold let's see if it's possible all right we'll show you the rest of it while we're here does this hatch work so this is it inside concrete Chieftain as you can see absolutely mint um the accumulators nitrogen accumulators are actually uh been left for so many years they've lost all the gas and the guns come back so it's it's in the position now as as if you'd fired the gun it's recoiled which is the reason why we tell people never stand behind the breach in one of these because you should have a lock which Seb will show you now this would actually hold the breech block up um and even then to be fair I don't like getting behind them because this is incredibly heavy and if you were behind here when that just slid back you're going to be crushed um so that's a good example of showing you why they're so dangerous in the turret um it's a bloody heavy breakfast I might as well just see if it traverses I'll try and get it it's a good workout this is it's been parked up so long it actually don't turn too bad can everyone see like the bowel wave the mark where the water came but it's obviously this was totally flooded so this is a little look inside the driver's compartment and you can see where the water damage has got in you can see where the water's been been literally left a tide mark on the side there so everything has been underwater under here so I can imagine that's not done the electrics much good whatsoever so it'd be interested to see what works on this thing you're absolutely fine if you're going a little bit more be brave be very brave rock well we're back in the workshop and this is seb's Chieftain which we're going to use as a template I use some cardboard and the rubber Hammer to knock out an impression on the cardboard to give us the right measurements I did this both sides and then I went and found a piece of thick plate and got the gas out and gas the bits out foreign [Music] do when he's when his Abdullah right anyway just need to get the holes through without and dead the right place we've got our pattern to the engineering shop let's go all right well I've left the plates with the engineers they're going to drill the holes out and dead the right place I've also left some sets of brake discs self-achievements to be skimmed while it's with them as well The Lads reckon that the the bits and pieces will be ready sometime next week so it'd be quite interesting to see if we can actually weld these um brackets back in the right place and when we put an engine and a gearbox in it actually starts to line up I've also got to get the engineers to make me up some shims so I can actually shim the engine up properly anyway thank you all for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Mr Hewes
Views: 429,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chieftain, Tank, Concrete, Project, On the cheap, Fix, Mechanical, TikTok
Id: HkGUKA2hScc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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