My Sunday Reset Routine 🌱 getting my life together

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[Music] what's good it is sunday which means that i need to do my sunday reset routine today as you can see the apartment is a complete mess so that needs to be reset but also my mind needs to be reset too because with physical clutter comes mental clutter i need to reset my entire life right now because this is driving me insane so basically today i'm going to show you my like sunday reset routine so these are things that i try to do every sunday to kind of like get my life together like get my life back on track so that i can prepare for the next week and have a really great next week but anyway let's get started so actually the first thing that i do every sunday morning is i refill my daily pill box so i take my antidepressants every morning along with probiotics these are the ones from seed and i also take 2000 iu of vitamin d because i have a deficiency if you're a brown or black person of color make sure you get your vitamin d levels check because we are most at risk for vitamin d deficiency one of the only downsides of having melanin now the cool thing about this mess is that it is telling me exactly what i need to do better so this mess is basically telling me that i need to do a better job at prioritizing putting the day away after every single day so next week i'm going to um make it a priority to spend like 10 15 minutes at the end of each day to put things away because this literally would not be here if i just put it away the day that i took it out next i'm going to take out this foldable cart that i got from amazon this thing is a lifesaver if you live in an apartment i use it for groceries sometimes i use it to take the trash out to the trash chute it's great but i'm gonna take this out today to take these boxes to the recycling bin downstairs [Music] [Applause] so this whole tidying up portion of my day took like almost an hour and a half but if i had just tidied up at the end of every day of the week i definitely would not have taken this long to get my apartment together this sunday so that's what i'm gonna work on next week [Music] now i'm going to do the dishes and run the dishwasher i love doing this every sunday so i have clean and fresh plates and utensils to use for the upcoming week and i also like to clean my sink on sundays too i like to clean my sink like this every week to avoid my sink from getting like super nasty in the future so i let that baking soda mixture sit in the sink for like five minutes and then i scrub and rinse it away then i take these fizzy sink deodorizers and i just throw it down the drain then i water my plants don't judge that palm plant when i first got it i didn't know how to take care of it but now i do so hey let's celebrate that [Music] i used to hate vacuuming but ever since i got this dyson i've really been loving it it is so easy to use it's cordless it's relatively compact it just makes a wonderful vacuum experience this is definitely the best adult purchase i have ever made all right you want to know what's really cool about this dyson this video is not sponsored but uh i have to vacuum the stairs because i haven't done that in a very long time so i am going to vacuum the stairs but instead of like taking this big long thing and trying to vacuum the stairs the cool thing about this dyson is there's like a shorter attachment for it so you just unlatch it down here so that you get the vacuum portion and then you just attach this and boom this is my best adult purchase of all time i love this thing then i made a little snack because i got a bit famished i literally just cut up an apple with some cashew butter and cinnamon it's a super easy delicious snack you can use peanut butter i just had cashew butter in my pantry and then i do my laundry so i have clothes to wear the next week also um i always forget what the laundry symbols mean i just have never memorized them so i literally like printed out like a sheet with all of the laundry symbols so that i know what to do with them i really like my clothes to last a long time i don't want to ruin them just by washing them incorrectly or not properly so i just make sure that i have this and this is um in my laundry quote-unquote room it's just like a closet and i use this drying rack to dry certain items that i can't tumble dry because i don't want to ruin my clothes prematurely [Applause] since i've been on my feet all day i decided to take like an hour rest and just read a book just chill out and read a book now i'm gonna clean my bathroom counter and sink i actually forgot to film myself cleaning my counter but usually what i try to do maybe like every other week is i boil a few cups of vinegar i know this sounds weird but i sprinkle this baking soda mixture in the bathroom sink and once that vinegar is boiling i'll pour it down the drain so the chemical reaction makes this mixture bubble and it actually clears out the drain [Music] i do not do this every sunday in fact i don't think i've ever done this at all but i decided to spot clean my floor for some reason i just had this weird burst of energy and i felt like doing it so i did [Music] okay so i just um took a shower and i did my evening skincare routine now i'm going to go on my laptop and i am going to start planning my week actually i lied i'm not going to take my laptop yet i'm going to take my notebook and i'm going to start doing a brain dump which is basically where i will literally just write a whole bunch of to do's or like things that are on my mind things that i have to do things that i want to remember um so that i can prioritize them and then organize them and then put them into my calendar for the week where is my pen we've secured the pen [Music] okay so right before i do my schedule for the week and like plug in stuff from my brain dump like my master to-do list i like to do a weekly recap of the week before so i used to do this in a journal actually i used to do it in here i used to do it in a moleskin but i noticed that i actually prefer typing it rather than writing it down so i have this template that i created in notion i'll try to see i don't know if you can link templates but i'm going to try to link it in the description box if you're interested but basically i do a weekly a weekly review every week to um kind of check in with myself kind of check in with like how i was feeling last week like you know wins i love doing the wins because sometimes you are focusing on what didn't work as opposed to like small wins so you can write anything here like i did yoga one day or i meditated every day or like something even smaller like i got out of bed you know what i mean like just to remind yourself of like all of the wins that you did throughout your week because it's so easy to focus on what you didn't do but also i have what's not working so things that weren't working this week last week so for example for me what wasn't working was letting the clutter build up in my apartment and then in the next column i i do what i can do about it so for each bullet point here i do another bullet point about what i can do about it to you know solve the problem so that next week i can address that issue um this system has worked really really well for me because it helps me keep track of like what i'm doing in the week because so often we're like daydreaming or just kind of going on autopilot um so it's like really important to be conscious of like you know your wins what's not working and then what you can do to improve it the next week and then i also have values check in here so i have one for mind and body and this is just to check in with my mind and body so you know have i exercised how was my body feeling how was my mind feeling where was my mind at how was i feeling mentally things like that and then the craft so um under this i put like acting stuff and um youtube stuff so like um for example last week i like rebranded my youtube channel i made new thumbnails i made a new uh header i like you know made a whole new brand identity because i wanted a redesign i wanted something new and fresh for this new direction of videos i wanted to create so that would be an example of something i put under craft or if i watched like a film to study the acting in that movie um i'll list it like oh i watched rush hour that's an interesting film example but you get the point and then under playfulness i will put all the things that i did that were playful so i played animal crossing i um created an entrance on my island stuff like that would go under playfulness just to remind myself that i am also having fun and then order i love this because this is what gets me back on track so under here under order i would write like i didn't tidy up after every day so next week i want to tidy up every day at the end of the day like you know what i mean so i really like this system again i will try to leave this template link below if i can figure out how to do that um if you also use notion because it's been working out really well for me oh and then down here i just have notes um and that's just if i have something extra to say i kind of use this as like a journal entry for the week but yeah so now i'm gonna do this okay so now i am going to create my schedule for the rest of the week so we've got october 5th through october 9th i chose a little cute little jack-o'-lantern as the icon for this page and i'm covering up some active brand deals that i have because i don't want to spoil it so this is my template for my weekly schedule my weekly agenda um so mondays wednesdays and fridays i like to do like a cardio workout and then on tuesdays and thursdays i like to do yoga or something low impact and then i like to post on instagram on monday wednesday and friday so that's why they're all like in this template because i post the same days every week you know what i'm saying and then also i try to upload on tuesdays and i always upload on fridays so this live bar right here just tells me to fill it in like whatever video is going live that day um and then i have these cool like template buttons i think they're called so anything that's work related i like to highlight as yellow so instead of like typing things manually and then manually changing the color to yellow this just does it for me so if i do add a work event it literally just adds something for me to type so at 11am i have a meeting with my manager and this is on monday so then i'm going to move it here and i love the drag and drop it just makes everything super super easy and yeah i can do like a whole video about like how i organize my life on notion if you guys are interested so let me know in the comments if you're interested in that [Music] video [Music] and obviously things will change every like from day to day like things will probably need to be moved around that's why i like doing this on the computer as opposed to writing it down in a planner because my chain my plans for the week change like day to day so what i like about notion is that you can just like drag and drop to like move things around all right yo so that was my sunday reset routine these are things that i try to do every sunday to um kind of like recap the previous week so that i can prepare for the next week it has been working out so well for me this like reset routine that i've been doing it's been like setting me up for success success anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Asia Jackson
Views: 662,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asia jackson, aasian, sunday reset routine, weekly reset routine, productivity, morning routine, evening routine, clean with me, weekly reset, reset routine, how to improve your life, how to get your life together
Id: VdgFJ9g3BGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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