my subs ask me questions girls are afraid to ask (exposing myself)

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okay terrified to ask this but why do you  why do you all get so easily can you feel   this one oh should i answer this one hey what's  up guys my name is kim ryan welcome back to my   channel so i just took a bath my hair is still wet  i was thinking like why don't we do a q a video we   haven't done it for a long time right and today's  video is going to be questions that girls are too   afraid to ask boys and i just talk about it's like  you know perfect time ah just kidding i already   chose some questions on my instagram if you don't  know my instagram i'm gonna put it right here   there are so many like weird questions and also  juicy should i call it juicy don't expect this   video to be a lot of effects with a lot of memes  okay because i wanna show you my real side with   100 honesty so yeah this video is for you guys  to know me better i hope that you watch till   the end of this video at that moment you'll know  that i'm still very innocent before we start the   video consider subscribing my youtube channel  also give it a like try to watch this video as   long as you could it will help the growth of  the channel like very much okay let's start it   first question is already like the boys believe  in real love law i mean of course there's a lot   of boys who believe in real lives and of course  i believe in real life and i even believe in   love at first sight sometimes it takes time to  confirm if that's the right person or not what   about girls girls believe in real life right next  one what do you do if that gets itchy in public   well i'm not trying to answer this question  because it's pretty normal okay maybe i'll   show you with my pajamas imagine i'm outside and  walking and that get itchy okay so it's like this or like this like this basically this is what we do i do know some guys  they really like scratch it massage it in public   i know that even though a lot of guys who don't  wash their hands after using toilet what are the   big turn offs for guys um for me i can't answer  for other guys i would say the breath like if you   have like very weird bad smell and i don't like  cigarettes i don't smoke so cigarette smell can   turn me off a little bit and if you haven't  brushed your teeth for like an eternity then   definitely it's a big turn off but some guys might  one thing so much it's a big turn off it's blood   yeah next one do you guys really rather date a  pretty girl i would say yes the answer is yes   because in this world everyone likes pretty things  like you love pretty guys cute guys handsome guys   and these guys like pretty girls it's very fair we  humans are designed like that and for me feeling   matters even if you're so beautiful okay let's say  like you're super beautiful but then this girl is   like swearing like crazy so rude and acting like  this and kicking straight dogs on the street or   stray cat then definitely no next one do boys  talk about girls like girls talk about boys how   do girls talk about boys i don't know do you talk  like oh my god you know that guy he has so big   something oh my god that guy he's like oh i want  to grab his ass and probably yeah yeah after all i   just want to say guys talk about girls especially  some f boys you know they just talk about like uh   all of these dirty things that you are thinking  right now that but true guys of evil next one   okay terrified to ask this but why do  you why do you all get bonus so easily   this is not what we want we're designed like that  we're walking walking walking and suddenly like oh   my god i want a boner let me get one it's not  like that like when we think about something   exciting thing because you know biologically  we're very energetic yeah oh this one is similar   to the last one how do you all control exciting  attacks probably you're talking about like sexual   attraction or like boner right how do we deal with  that if in the public i'm a very down-to-earth   person i'm not going to be like i don't have any  reaction no i'm a guy i do have in public i try my   best to think about something scary i think about  zombies make someone think about something and get   boner though anyways that's not my problem it will  go back to normal sometimes there's just way try   to relax i think it's pretty normal right anyways  hope you don't mind this messy ready to sleep hair   next one do you care if girls shave or not oh this  question is asking do i care my answer is i really   don't care like not at all if you don't shave your  legs and it makes you feel better it's okay other   areas for me is fine i don't really care but not  like i would think it's disgusting if girls have   hair because you know my mom sorry mom i'm gonna  expose you my mom never shaved and she has like   a brush you know like a forest on her armpit  sometimes sorry but my mom does not have hair   on her arm or on her like so yeah i got used  to that because of my mom but i know that a   lot of guys care a lot of guys say well you're so  disgusting you don't shave what yeah this is the   word not everyone has the same preference if you  don't like to shave don't shave you will always   find someone who don't care can you buy me some  tampons no i mean like of course no but if you're   asking can you buy tampons for your girlfriend  yes definitely yes because i don't find it that   embarrassing just temporarily though it's not like  a stretch marks really that undesirable stretch   marks is like hair on your body some people care  some people don't care i don't care because i   know that stretch marks is very very common thing  everyone has it i have it but i have it on my butt   why don't you tell me that accidentally i exposed  myself as well but if i have it i think it's   normal for girls to have it as well a lot of guys  mind because they always like obsessed with this   fantasy on instagram girls have perfect body do  guys like makeup and dressing up in skirts etc i   personally don't but i know someone who do some  people like that yeah especially some cosplay   it's not a problem for me though i don't really  mind but i won't i personally won't wear a skirt   so don't tell me to dress up like a mate okay how  do you feel when you had your first kiss oh this   is a good question when i had my first kiss i'm  gonna speak it softly because i'm worried if my   neighbors are spying on me i was like whoa a lot  of complexion super super complicated feelings   a lot of things going on in my brain and my body  it's just like going up and down and everything   so i was like feeling electrical stroke oh  my god and also at the same time i'm like oh   i'm so embarrassed like i don't know how to kiss  because of my first kiss right and i don't know   if i should put my tongue in or if i should just  like like this like or like you know it's just so   a very exciting feeling can you feel this one oh  should i answer this one can you feel our boobs   when we hug i hope you the person who's asking  this question have never hugged me but i would say   um no when i hug or also like try to keep my body  like with the distance okay i mean i don't want   girls to feel something weird but yes okay i can't  think about any prettier way less strange way to   explain my answer so the answer is yes okay what  do we expect like the guy not feeling anything   it's not possible who should make the first move  i think both honestly i never make any first move   why because i got rejected so i never do that  again usually girls wait for guys to make the   first move how long is your where's that eggplant  my finger my finger is like this long by the way   uh people said that uh longer your fingers are  longer your toes what is it like to have it   why are you curious about that do you want  one it's like um when you walk especially   without clothes it's like something that's  swinging around if you understand me and it's   so troublesome because you and also your buddy  they're like two individuals when you're like   so calm you're not even excited you just suddenly  get excited it can't happen like that rise of me   do you like when we act like mommy issue sugar  mommy i would say i would like to take care of my   girlfriend at the same time i would like her  to take care of me as much so sometimes if   my girlfriend can act like a mom you know like  to take care of me cook for me wash the dishes   especially it will be good but i would like  to take care of her especially when we go   outside because it makes me feel more like  like useful like important you know and we   feel proud if we can protect our girls so this  one a boy is only into girl's private parts   spicy question okay um no definitely  no we are attracted to eyes nose lips   some guys have like feet fetish and everything so   legs as well what are your thoughts on paying  for days would you want to pay would you want   to split it oh it's the last question this one how  do i say i will have a very positive and very nice   good impression if the girl offers to pay like  half her but at the same time i always want to   pay for my girl because it's like it makes me feel  like i'm taking care of the girl it makes me feel   more useful as well how i can say okay  if you want to pay if you want to split   and pay for yourself and me pay for myself i  would think that all this skill is like so cool   this girl is like independent enough but i will  always pay for my girl so it's like you can offer   that but i will always do that yeah that's a quick  video actually i hope you enjoyed watching this   and probably after this you know like some part  of asian guys like me if you're still watching   it really subscribe to my channel okay like  this video share this video comment down below   which part was surprising for you okay also my  instagram is right here uh i go live streaming on   twitch as well i'll put a link here i have merged  everything in the description box after this video   you probably know boys better boys are not perfect  but definitely not that disgusting yeah probably you
Channel: kinryyy
Views: 342,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: questions girls are afraid to ask, questions girls are afraid to ask guys, asking boys questions girls are too afraid to ask, girls, q and a, q & a, asking guys questions girls are too afraid to ask, college boys, tiktok, asian boys, high school, college, korean boys, boys answering question, japanese, chinese, asking questions girls are afraid to ask, answering questions boys, embarrassing, funny, qna, q n a, questions and answers, asking asian boys, shy questions, Weird questions
Id: 84EpHi9PZ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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