my story

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everyone so today I'm going to be filming a video gosh it's probably one of my most requested videos I get asked to film this all the time I'm nervous to film this video I know religion is one of those things that people can be really sensitive about and really mean about to and I don't want my channel to be a place of negativity or fighting or anything if you don't know I'm a Christian I have been a Christian all of my life basically just gonna tell you my story from the very beginning up until now and who knows maybe it will help someone maybe it'll inspire someone I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of people watching this video that don't share the same beliefs as me and don't agree with what I say I'm not going to hate you for that I'm not gonna see any differently and so I just I hope that there can be a level of respect here where like I do believe what I believe but if you don't that's okay too also I have no plan I have no no it's nothing I was gonna write some notes just so I wouldn't forget anything but I just wanted this to be a super lot like casual conversation so I don't actually know where this is going but that's all sorry okay sorry I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember my family were Christian my family like my aunts and uncles and stuff like we would all go to church my friends went to church too like I always knew faith and I knew Christianity and then when I was about 10 or 11 I can't exactly remember but I just know that I was sitting in my room one night I think I was listening to a Hillsong CD you know back when you would buy CDs and you'd like how to like at work and you'd flip through the pages where it has like the songs and stuff I was looking through that do that I was this one Hillsong album of up on the screen I can't remember what it's cold but I know exactly what it looks like and when you open the CD that was like a booklet that you would flip through and I think in that had like a prayer if you wanted to give you a life to God and I remember reading it and just going like I haven't given my life to God and then so I've said that prayer and then so that is my memory of giving my life to God I went to a Christian school I had awesome Christian friends and I had friends that went Christian - I wasn't like only friends with Christian people but I'm just trying to say like I was always surrounded by it and I was really blessed I went to youth group I loved youth group I went to church and so I I guess it wasn't until I moved cities when I was about 15 I moved to a new city I moved to Brisbane and I moved schools and I had to leave my friends my school which I love my youth group I just had to leave everything and great Brisbane and my new school that I was going to wasn't a Christian school it was just a private like nondenominational school and so there weren't many Christian people that I knew that I'm not actually sure if there were any Christian people in my grade I wasn't friends with any anyway I guess that was the first time that I had ever been sort of challenged about my faith because it was just all I knew it was all I was surrounded by so I'm from my Christian school to going to a school where people were into drinking and smoking and partying and swearing and I just didn't do any of that so that was the first time that I I wasn't ashamed of my face but I just wasn't very like vocal about it I'm not really gonna go into that but that was just sort of the first time in my life where I was challenged about my faith right sort of during that time a couple years later I was surrounded by people who didn't believe what I believed in and that really made me question my faith that was the first time that I had ever questioned what I believed in why do I actually believe this I think I was just always used to believing what I believed and I didn't know why I believed it started looking into other religions and different churches just because I was so confused and I sort of stopped going to the church that I was going to at the time this really lost it a couple months maybe six to 12 months that I was sort of confused at where I was at but at the end of the day it just didn't sit well with me and it didn't feel right what I was doing and other things that I was looking into it's weird like that time in my life I don't remember a lot of the details that happened with my face like I don't remember when I started going back to church or anything like that but I just know something in me didn't fully sit right with what I was looking into I wish I could give you more detail about it but I don't really remember it but all I know is I started going back to my church I was making friends at my church I was getting more into my Bible I was praying and I just feel like going through that season of confusion and just questioning like what I believed I came out the other end in my face just like skyrocketed and that's just the only way I can explain it I got so happy and content with where I was in my face and it's crazy because a couple months after I fully like started going back to church and getting back into my faith and stuff God blessed me with Gabriel and it's just crazy to me like the huge blessing that Gabriel was to me and the perfect timing that it just all happened that is probably the main chunk of my story I really wish I could tell you more about like what made me click or anything like that but I honestly don't remember but I fully just rededicated my life to God and he just blessed me immensely also having someone like Gabe when he came into my life and even to this day he taught me so much and he still teaches me so much about faith and just about Christianity oh my gosh we're gonna get emotional he just loves God so much I don't want to cry right now so I guess that brings a story to it like present-day a lot of you guys are majority if you guys know but if you don't I'll just quickly explain Gabe and I got married at the end of 2016 and then we moved me over to LA so we are still going through at my see it's being at two and a half years and because of some mistakes that were made in my case I can't leave the country basically until my residency is sorted we are almost done thankfully we just have an interview but we have been waiting months and months and months for an interview notice so if you guys could please pray for that I would so appreciate it the last two and a half years I haven't been able to visit home I haven't been able to visit my family my grandparents my best friends and moving to a new country is really hot are you guys listening this is Los Angeles people are so rude with their honking it's insane moving to a new country is already so so hard already going through that difficult transition and then not being able to go back home um it's been the toughest two and half years of my life you guys are also probably sick of me talking about it too but um through this whole oh my gosh I'm so emotional going through this whole residency journey has really pushed me with my faith and I'm really I'm really lucky I'm really lucky that I have someone like Gabriel with me he helps me so much I'm so thankful for the times that he has picked me up all the times that he would just sit with me when I'm sad and he doesn't ask questions he just fully understands he'll pray with me and he'll just like be with me I'm really thankful that I have him to go through this with it has pushed my faith a lot you know some days I would just be sad and I wonder like why is this happening like I fully believe in God's plan and God's timing but sometimes it's just so hard we're doing everything right and like legally and I just it's hard that it's taking so long I know a lot of you will probably say it takes long for everyone because it does it does take such a long time but since speaking about it and since telling you guys about it I get messages probably every day at least a couple times a week of people is asking me about it or telling me about their journey and I have people tell me that they get the interview in three months six months even a year and so that is kind of hot I don't want this video to be negative and sad because I love my god and I love my faith and I love my relationship with God and so I want this to be a happy video I also do want to be very honest and say that it has pushed my faith during this season in my life just two and a half years I've had to put my trust fully in God just knowing that he has the best to me and that his timing is perfect and to whatever reason that I don't have my MTV yet and for whatever reason I don't know when I'm gonna have my interview I just need to trust that God's timing is perfect and that is really what gets me through I don't know how I would be able to go through this journey if I didn't have my faith and my trust in God because even though I go through some really sad days where I'm just confused at the end of the day I still have this piece of just knowing that like God is with me and God loves me and he's looking out for me I don't want this to be sad anymore even though I go through some really sad days I have such a peace and a joy in God because I know he's with me in tough moments and in sad moments I know he's guiding me through this and I know his timing is perfect I remind myself that every day but is that noise outside I'm so sorry with all the noises in this video that is my story sorry that it got so emotional I was not expecting that at all I hope all of that made sense I know probably what I'm editing this going oh my gosh I missed out this I missed out this but in general that is my story I'm really worried that I missed out a lot or that I didn't talk about the Bible and offer I didn't talk about this enough so I'm sorry if this was different than you expected it to be it is literally just my story if you have any questions about faith or anything that I mentioned feel free to tweet me that's kind of where I keep up with you guys and chat back to you guys a lot so my Twitter is at Jess Conte if you want to go follow me on there and chat with me on there god bless you guys I love you and I'll see in my next video you
Channel: Jess Conte
Views: 1,865,399
Rating: 4.9444547 out of 5
Keywords: bauerbirds, jess conte, jess bauer, jess and gabriel, gabriel conte, American, Australian, long distance, LDR, long distance couple, christian, christian youtuber, christian couple, vlog, daily vlog, my story, my testimony, faith, christianity, testimony
Id: ux9JVuw321Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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