My Story Animated Best Story

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mom there's one in every high school an activity that everyone does for months on end a fad everyone talks about and if you aren't doing it you don't get to participate in the conversation I'm not talking about drugs or sex I'm talking about scaring each other for months in my high school all anyone could talk about was the haunted houses they visited over the weekends just floated up the stairs you could hear the woman crying out for her children I called on all of their stories even the ones people clearly thought they experienced figuring it was a faulty wiring or old houses settling I wasn't too interested in their stupidity but little did I know I was about to experience things for myself unwillingly I'm from a very small town in the Upper Midwest my childhood home was literally in the middle of nowhere our closest neighbor was about a mile away the home I grew up in until I was 14 was a rental then my parents bought some land and moved a huge old Victorian farmhouse onto it the house hadn't been occupied in several years probably decades the last person who owned it wanted it off his property so the cows could roam free on the land I still don't know when the house was built but the original basement had a sign that it was 1909 was the year they installed the furnace so sometime before that after the house was knew there were some repairs that needed to be done before we could move in it was months before we were able to put anything into it the first night we actually got to stay there it was when I realized my family was not the only ones living in it my parents picked me up from a school function late on a Saturday the new house was kind of on the way to the old house so when my dad turned on the road to go to the new house I asked where are we going to which my dad just smiled I kindly reminded him that I had the clothes on my back and nothing else to stay at the new house we took a detour back to the old house grabbing the essentials toothbrush pajamas books posters we headed back to the new house I spent the remainder of my evening putting up the posters I had saved from numerous magazines of cute boys and even cuter animals I hadn't put them up in the old house not wanting to rip them down to put in the new house I listen to music and set up my room for a while before going to bed before I go any further I need to give you a lay out of sorts of this house there are four levels basement main floor upstairs attic the basement is basically a large living area with the laundry area no bedrooms down there the main level is kitchen dining room living room fancy living room small bathroom upper level is four bedrooms with the second full bathroom attic is a big open space my parents gave me the option to have my bedroom in the attic or have the master bedroom on the second floor since I would be moving out in a few years I chose the actual bedroom because I want the closet the attic never creeped me out I seriously considered taking it as my room but I'm a closet girl what could I say when you walk up the stairs to the left is my sister's room in my room because they are both the biggest on the right is a smaller spare bedroom my brother's room in the bathroom between the two rooms the hallway is very wide and at the end of the hallway is a door to the upper level of the porch when we first moved in there is no porch yet so the door led to a long drop onto a rocky driveway the master bedroom is huge almost a perfect square since I had not been able to set up my room that day my sister and her friend set it up for me they put my dresser by the door at the desk by the window in the bed on the opposite side of the room from the door they did a pretty good job I just had to personalize it so I turned on some music and shut my door so anyone trying to sleep wouldn't hear my brother's room is right across the wide hall from mine his bed was right next to his bedroom door and his door was cracked open just a bit by the time I went to bed everyone else in the house was sleeping I was just falling asleep on my new bed at the new house when I woke in by a whisper mom mom like when you're little and you wake up in the middle of the night to find you wet the bed or thrown up all over yourself so you go get your mom and whisper right next to her ear that's what I heard I open my eyes to see nothing I had cracked open my bedroom door just a tiny bit to allow the hall light to see pen just in case I woke up and needed to use the bathroom without having to turn on the lights my closet door was also open about three inches there was no one there who could have whispered confused I fell back asleep thinking yos probably my brother who woke up in being 7 in the new house for the first time was disoriented about what was going on I didn't say anything to anyone at first but after I thought more about it there was no possible way I could have heard my brother whisper from that far away I couldn't stop thinking about the strange whisper and who it could have been also I'd like to remind you I now occupy the master bedroom where my parents of the previous family most likely slept finally I told my mom to my surprise she didn't dismiss me or tell me I was hearing things or that the house was probably settling she paused just a second most likely trying to decide if I was mature enough to handle what she was about to tell me and said I've heard it too my experience with an Internet Crusader I apologize in advance if I look like a crybaby myself here on reddit I just can't find any other place where I can unleash my anger and know I am NOT looking and asking for sympathy so my story begins in a random Facebook group I was invited to it by an Internet friend to be specific the group was dedicated to trolling and starting flame wars and I joined to spectate on the idiocracy that is going on there when I saw a meme a dog name I was extremely outraged when it was created in an extremely out of context and normy manner I called a friend who was also in the group and pointed out the monstrosity of a meme he too was outraged by it so we tried to correct the opie of the meme and told him the Mimas out of context and cringe-worthy instead of the opie accepting correction he went out on a tantrum started to call a stupid and Kanna philic for liking a dog meme we argued for an hour so with weak responses from the Opie throwing alimentary level of insults to us such as stupid or dumb etc when the threat of replies ends I thought it was all over and went back on Facebook like an army I ever M and continued browsing in the sed platform a couple of minutes later when I came to see what's up with the group I was extremely shocked when I saw the opie of the dog meme made a post highlighting me and my friend for being Kenna philic looking for sympathy and said that we should some dogs it was a complication of 4 screenshots antagonizing us and not showing how he argued to us the sole purpose of it was to gather attention and to find an ally he did not find one though at this point I don't know if I should feel funny or enraged I responded and called the opie a crybaby and he respond that we should just commit bestiality somewhere else the argument once again are between me and my friends against the opie of the post it lasted more than hours not until the opie made a bad slip he said that he does not care on 4chan and would rather use omegle for socialization I laughed at him and said that I shall screenshot what he just said so I could show how much of a Normie he is he is not familiar with 4chan by the way and he responded that screenshotting is a form of being an attention seeker and a Fame at this point he just contradicted himself and called him out a hypocrite and said I shall show the whole group how much of a hypocrite he is as soon as the post was published he immediately responded and tried to control the damage and once again hurling elementary level of insults towards me by that time I was afk and my friend was dealing with him and to be honest when I read the thread he no longer makes sense and are illogical at his statements when I arrived I called him out once again a hypocrite and told him his opinion no longer counts for being a hypocrite and said he should just suck his own he didn't respond that night and I thought it was over the next day I woke up and checked my notifications and I saw him arguing against us during our sleep he replied at this time span of 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. I once again responded and insulted him for being a no-life and taunted that he probably doesn't have any friends for he just invests his time and sleep just to argue with a random person who just wants to correct his use of a meme at this point he no longer makes sense started to be delusional and claims he won the argument he didn't my friends and I concluded that he cannot be talked to his senses and decided to ignore him at this point me and my friend also too decided to block him because he just won't shut up never ever in my life I blocked someone in social media over just an argument but I was extremely frustrated at this point and left me with no option by the time I'm writing this he is now just ranting on the group stating that the system is unfair was it really necessary to speak in English in an argument English is our secondary language and also I apologized if I had a bad grammar and says that we live in a democratic country and shouldn't be dictated what to do I couldn't deduct if he is either ignorant narcissistic plain stupid or all of it combined and all of this was just because of us wanting to explain a context of a meme I admit that I may be harsh by calling him and cringe but I'm just frustrated that he cannot just accept correction and is plain apathetic regarding the matter thank you for listening and I will end my story here my biggest secret I have to tell you hi all you need to know about me is that I'm currently almost 14 and a female one day I was with my older sister at a festival and we went to a psychic palm reader and my sister went first and according to hers it went very well and she had a great reading now when I went in the lady touched my hands and jolted back I was scared but she seemed terrified of what she had just noticed she started chanting out the number 14 over and over and then she started trying to get some words out of it I was scared and trying to help her she said and I quote dark something dark window 14 him 14 No dark z m SJ beach name i was shaking her to make her come out of it and when she did she sprung straight into action writing down her phone number and address of her shop and told me to come there before my 14th birthday so she could help for a while i just thought she was insane and it was a scam then i decided to call her and the phone line said that it was disconnected so i looked up her shop and it is not a thing it's like she completely disappeared off the face of the earth that's when I looked back at what she said and I remembered she said window and immediately I thought of one thing when I was about 11 years old I had a thing happened to my window when I was in my room that I remember my dad telling me to shut my window and lock it because it started to get cold outside and I did as he said but later that night I woke up to being really cold I looked over in my window and it has been unlocked and lifted just slightly but nothing else happened that night I shut the window locked it and I woke up in the morning it was still locked and then my 12th birthday the same thing happened but the winter was just a little bit more open that happened twice that night before I woke up in the next morning but then my 13th birthday happened I had remembered that my window opens on my birthday sometimes which I thought was just some weird coincidence so that night I had a couple of friends over and we and my parents all watched a movie outside the living room but in the middle of watching a movie we heard a crack a loud crack come from my room immediately my dad ran into there to see what happened and he just walked in and said what the heck I followed him in there when I looked at the window I was a little scared to see that there had been a large crack and the middle of the top part of my window in the window was completely open and the screen was popped out and it had fallen onto the ground outside we checked everywhere that night inside the house and outside there was no sign of forced entry no one had been there the window just cracked open and the screen had popped out and now to hear that the palm reader said something about my being aware of being 14 I was so scared I mean how could she have known that the scary part was the fact that she was scared of me but just this experience isn't why I decided to write this it was because I went to the fair a few days ago and I went to a tarot card reader with my older sister again and she heard everything my tarot card reader said that I would be going somewhere soon I didn't know but it wasn't really my decision and that something very dark would happen to me and she said that it would happen very soon my birthday is also very soon I was immediately scared of what that could have meant but she also said that I would meet someone a boy he would make my life better he would take me somewhere that I would feel free but she did say that I would never fall in love with him until I really saw who he was she said that he would be a cocky and full of himself and mean and just overall not a good person but then I would see the real him and fall in love even though no one wouldn't even know about it which didn't make any sense to me the night after I got back in this dream I was running through the woods and I was happy I was running through the woods completely happy and someone was there running with me even though I couldn't see them I didn't see who it was and after I had run for a while I saw a beach that I recognized I don't know where from and I ran to the beach and sat next to me was a rock and engraved on that rock was the name Zita which for some reason I knew was the first name in the initials of ZM s J which were the initials of the thing the palm reader had said then that's when I woke up I had a dream the next night where I could tell that I was younger and I was in the small beach house on a small deserted island not much bigger than the house itself and I walked up to a mirror and looked at myself I looked just like me but with no memory of even being me I'll admit that looks a little more muscular and a little more roughed up but then I got angry at something for some reason and when I looked back at myself my soft green eyes trimmed ice blue for just a second and then I woke up but after that dream I'm scared to sleep tonight and also my birthday is coming up in less than a month and I don't know what to expect so there you go my story if literally anyone has read this far I just needed to put it out there somewhere because I'm scared Eliott so it's been a while since I've been able to continue my story sorry if you're seeing this part for the first time you should probably go back and watch mom and the silhouette because this might not make any sense if you don't if you had watched them both you're aware of the child haunting the home I grew up in he's been spotted and heard now I'd like to tell you about a little research my mom did after I told her about the creepy whisper I heard the first night we stayed here I mentioned my parents moved the house onto some land they purchased the previous owner was an elderly man who ended up in hospice care unable to carry on a conversation for too long when my mom went to visit him she realized she was not going to get very far by talking to him he couldn't even remember who she was no biggie there are records and death certificates right well sort of she ended up finding a small cemetery near the location the house was originally standing it was a small family one overgrown and hard to find but there was a grave that was marked Elliott the marker said the child died at 6:00 that seemed about right a six-year-old would behave the way our ghost was behaving but why had Elliott died in the early 1900s kids died in their sleep because of numerous things that doctors back then didn't even know about simple diseases were now vaccinated four were terminal back then sad I know not completely satisfied with her findings my mom headed to the library to see what else she could find records weren't kept as well as they are today back then but she did find something there was a small obituary on a child named Elliott who was said to be about four years old okay now what are the chances of a child around the same age with the same name dying around the same time on the same property I think someone messed up on the age or year Elliott died either way Elliott didn't go where they were supposed to go not knowing if Elliott is a boy or a girl I have a feeling he's a boy so from here on I will call him a he my mother had to be content with her search for the time being there are now no living relatives to ask so we have to rely on records even though there may not be totally accurate it's a bummer I'm curious about this child is he still here what does he mean how can we help him I have no idea not that I didn't try after that first night of hearing him whisper I kept the closet door closed not wanting him to wake me up again I spent a few evenings in my closet on a beanbag chair trying to talk to him and getting no response I had some luck with the Ouija board at a friend's birthday party once I suppose you like to hear that story and since it's somewhat relevant here I'll tell you my best friend from childhood had lost her grandmother to a heart attack very suddenly when we were in fourth grade as a fourth grader those things are understood fully like they are when you're older it really hit her a few years later when she finally realized what had happened and she got super bummed she hadn't been able to say goodbye that's when one of us suggested a spirit board what's the worst that could happen in our case her grandma can visit us and that's exactly what happened throughout the night I had been constantly pulling my hair behind my ear when my grown out bangs got in my face typical thirteen year old but I wasn't able to push them out of my face since my fingers were glued to the planchette where we were summoning the spirit I was looking down at the board waiting for words to be spelled out when my hair was gently scooped out of my face and placed behind my ear much like a grandmother would do for her granddaughter after what seemed like several minutes I looked at my friend who was crying we all immediately took our fingers off the board to console her admittedly a little freaked out my friend said she was able to say goodbye to her grandma because she had appeared in the corner and smiled at her she was the only one who saw her but I told her she had put my hair back behind my ear for me she had been a wonderful lady and it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for her to do that for me that was before my encounter with Elliot if my only other spiritual experience had been a less pleasant one I may have been more apprehensive about the whisper and since I had been a successful one I decided to have some friends over and try out myself we got nothing not even a glimmer maybe it's because he wasn't related to any of us or he was just hiding or shy we will never know I didn't hear him again while I lived there that doesn't mean he didn't announce his presence but that's another story for another day keep creeping peeps the silhouette if you've watched mom great if you haven't I highly recommend watching it before this to have a better understanding of the situation all of the events I'm about to describe all happened for real to me and my family it's okay if you don't believe it I honestly wouldn't either if I was hearing it I never believed any of the stories from my friends that had experiences they all seemed like I'm still skeptical when I hear some stories they seem a little too far-fetched or exaggerated for entertainment not mine these are a hundred percent true accounts of what happened now I don't know how the ghost world works maybe they're in another dimension maybe they could think they're still living maybe they could see or sense us all the time or maybe just at certain times our ghost wasn't always around but he sure made his presence known as soon as there was activity in the house it hadn't been occupied in decades so maybe this little kid ghost had been alone for so long and now all of a sudden there are people around again and he's trying so hard to get our attention it makes me a little sad to think about it at 14 you're pretty susceptible to everything around you friends family movies and TV as my mom was studying the look on my face trying to decide if I should know the whole story I'm sure these thoughts went through her mind does she want to scare the out of me or should she just leave it alone and let me figure things out for myself she chose option a I also think she was relieved someone else had experienced something so she wasn't alone and thought she was just hearing strange voices she had been under a lot of stress to get the house ready for her family to live in staying up well into the night at the house got up to get us ready for school still had a job and took at least two hours out of every day to do some sort of cardio she was superwoman no wonder she may have thought she was just hearing things lack of sleep alone will do that to a person in the winter of my mom wrote her stationary bike in the living room after we all went to school it was loud and obnoxious so she had to turn on the TV up to a ridiculous volume to be able to hear it over the by this was why she preferred to be at home alone when she wrote it so she didn't disrupt everyone else in the house this was when my mom heard the whisper mom mom she heard it over the loud bike and the loud TV she paused everything to listen completely alone in the house and knowing she was it was quite a shock she didn't hear it again so she kept writing this is what she told me after I told her I had heard it then she said there was more over the winter was when she would go to work on the house winter in the Midwest means it's dark by 5:00 p.m. we're used to it no biggie so one night my mom exhausted goes to leave the new house to go home to bed she's driving away from the house down the driveway when she notices she left the upstairs Hall light on she stops the car to go back in and turn it off when she notices something strange there's someone in the window up there it appears to be the silhouette of a small child's head and fingers peeking out through the window in the door as if the child isn't quite tall enough so they're standing on their tiptoes and gripping the frame to see what's outside my mom didn't go back in to turn off the light that was the first sighting the second was a couple months before we moved into the new house my parents met with some friends at a bar they happened to run into the electrician who worked on the house before we moved into it he had quite the story for them if my parents were working on the house it was open and unlocked you could get from the basement to the Attic no problem when my parents weren't there but crews were working on it they only had access to the basement the electrician was making a few changes and checks one evening making sure all was working properly he had been in and out of the basement looking at lights and whatnot he was outside making sure the yard light was going to come on once it got dark enough and happened to look up at the house and see the silhouette of a child in an upstairs bedroom he was there alone with no crew members or their children and didn't even have access to the main level let alone the second floor he was clearly shaken up by it and was relieved when my mom said she had also seen a similar silhouette in the window of the door at the end of the hall he said it wasn't in the hall window it was in the bedroom to the right my bedroom summer 2018 neighbors husband growing up from the early ages of eighteen onwards I always had this fantasy of being an exhibitionist and exposing parts of my body to strangers in public or people who may intend to have a sexual relationship with doing this turns me on to another level and sometimes I don't mean it but the majority of time it's intentional my name is Jenny I'm 20 years old and five seven yet petite c-cup with my best bubbly looking ass I live with my parents yet my father works away for every two weeks or a month depends on his roaster this incident has taken place during the summer holidays it was Sunday morning when mom got a high fever which led us to the hospital early morning I was there the whole time taking care of her till we arrived back home as I rested her to bed and made her a warm soup I realized that I was actually turned on from the fact that at the hospital I got plenty of stares from many guys it kind of turns me on when I'm able to do such thing without being physical I was wearing a white cami top with a short denim skirt that reaches to my upper thighs white thongs and flip-flops with white nail polish the man who sat near us was just crazy and in deep stares I mean I could see other empty seats on the other side but looks like my view was way better we were kept in the kids section because the other doctor hasn't arrived yet the guy opposite me kept giving me smiles and since I kept adjusting my crossing legs I'm sure he got a few glimpses of my white thong I noticed he kept adjusting his bulge moments went by and it was only mom and I until this dude came in sat beside us with his little daughter he had her play with me on a small tablet so that he could interact and see my bare cleavage legs and foot up close the little girl was so adorable I just couldn't resist I do understand all these small gestures from people specifically men I read them like an open book it's unbelievable we were called in by the nurse and on we went here I thought things got a bit naughty because as soon as we entered I saw the doctors eyes change from a doctor to a straight-up predator it was crazy as my mom sat down in front of the doctor to get examined and asking questions I was just minding my own business using my phone he then told my mom to lay in bed and relax while he examines her further while he was doing that he kept looking left where I was sitting watching my legs and asking me basic questions how his studies etc as I intentionally stretched my legs on the other chair while my bare foot and legs were crossed on each other I could feel him staring while examining my mom so he then told me to get to the bed and just sit beside my mom while he prescribes her for the medicines when I got up at the stool and sat on bed my skirt lifted a bit more upwards so I crossed my legs but I know it's useless since he can clearly see everything I swear the looks and stares he kept giving me was just indescribable fast-forward after making mom her soup and she rested I laid in my bed fully naked just turn on my vibrator and working myself like never before fingering myself as I moaned ever slightly for the joy that I made a few people hard about me and it was such a sensational orgasm around 4:00 p.m. the doorbell rang and to be frank I wasn't expecting anyone to come since my dad was away I and on to open the door and it was our close neighbor she came to check on my mom which was so sweet of her I took this time to have a shower and finally wear some comfy clothes I wore a loose tank top without a bra and a mini shorts as it was only us ladies at home an hour goes by and I hear the bell ringing again this time it was her husband as they welcomed him inside i sat with him in the living room and for the first time he stared at me like that from top to bottom and checking me out while adjusting his bulge I played a little game which was trying as much as possible to tease him before we go upstairs to see my mom I got up while getting the TV remote the side of my petite boobs were clearly exposed and I was really enjoying it as my nipples are hard on I was sure I was making him go crazy till time I escorted him upstairs to my mom's room just as they were leaving the wife said she will come tomorrow morning to check on her again and we were cool with that next morning I woke up again so horny it was crazy I started masturbating passionately thinking about how it is amazing for people staring at me and enjoy the view I kept playing with my with my eyes closed I turned round on my tummy and just poked my ass towards while fingering it hard I felt so satisfied till I finally got up went down first to make my mom tea and some biscuits gave it to her and went to shower when I was about to finish I hear a doorbell so in my mind I knew who it was I dried myself quickly and took my towel wrapped it around and rushed to open the door keep in mind my towel was barely covering my ass bum as I opened the door it was our neighbours husband who came by with flasks of ginger tea before even saying alo he was in shock in the way I appeared he hesitated so he gave me a flask and got down to on to untie his shoes so he was doing that I turned around and walked to the kitchen counter to put the flasks while doing that I am a hundred percent certain he was able to see my ass and clearly that's when I got really turned on he came in the kitchen and asked for a glass of water so I took this opportunity to try out a few things first it stretched to the upper cupboard to grab a glass and while doing that I thought my bum was fully exposed so as I could feel the breeze and it got even better when I bent down to grab the water bottle from the fridge I can only imagine by this point he was a rock hard on me he asked me how's my mom etc just small conversation to keep things going I said I will take this mug of tea up for her as she will be happy he said you don't need to tell her I came I then stretched again to the upper cupboard at this time I felt a warm hand squeezing my ass bum while pushing me down to the counter as he unbuttoned his pants and started pounding me hard as he grabbed and squeezed my boobs even harder I haven't felt so satisfied as we took it to the living room where he didn't stop bouncing me till he turned me around and fingered my non-stop which made me shiver for my squirts it was just fantastic he then came all over me while leaving me naked on the couch he told me that all day yesterday he was just jerking himself over me which made me smile from how naughty I was that was it how losing my mother saved my life my mother died a little over two years ago on October 31st of 2016 it was sudden and sort of unexpected but then when does one look at death as expected I digress apologies reader I tend to ramble kudos to you if you get to the end and it's a bit of a long painful story but I feel it's important as well as therapeutic to tell I moved away from my family my mom especially since she and I were the closest about three years ago my mom was of course sad to see me go but knew it was best for my family so I moved and unbeknownst to me my mother neglected her own health to care for my male DNA donor in my autistic but amazingly intelligent younger brother so she got sick really sick like rushed to the hospital into the ICU kind of sick I'm my mother's POA so I was notified and she called me to tell me not to panic so I panicked big time she tells me she had a hard time breathing one day so my brother tried to convince her to go to the ER and it got so bad that she got scared and called 911 saved her life for a little while turns out my mother had a severe case of pneumonia she smoked I had suspected for years she had COPD and she knew but wouldn't tell me so ok pneumonia I work in the medical field I know it's serious but treatable and she's obviously doing ok if she's calling me right except at the end she drops the bombshell they found cancer on her chest CT my mother had cancer that was the first time in the next few weeks my world would shift on its axis this was October 10th so I cry and I freaked out but when the nurse takes over and I start asking about stages type treatment plans scans etc she was a very vague but told me it was bad she had met with an oncologist and was going to do chemo so I relaxed a little figured it was gonna suck but we would get through this the next week's went by blur I spoke to my mother daily usually on my ride to work to see how kima went how she was feeling etc I had made a trip home two days after I found out thanks to some amazing friends and family that helped me and my husband get there so I laid eyes on her judge for myself how bad I thought it was I called her after her chemo appointment Thursday October 27th she was feeling okay but very tired so we didn't talk long I can recall exactly where I was on my drive and what song on Pandora I paused to talk to her her last words to me were bless you for ringing my mother was British and very verbally proper so that was her typical goodbye I hung up from that call not knowing that that would be the last time I heard her voice everything was going okay from then up until October 29th my world shifted again I got a frantic email from my brother he doesn't like phones stating our mother was in the hospital and something about papers that if her heart stopped again that they couldn't restart it and I needed to call the hospital so I have a feeling of absolute dread sinking in it's 10 o'clock at night what is going on I call the hospital and find out she is in the ER okay she got sick let's talk to charge to find out why I actually got to talk to the ER doctor that told me my mother was intubated and unconscious in the ER q a panic attack my mother had gotten sick at home vomited and we think she aspirated or inhaled her vomit bad times my poor brother called 911 they came to their house and resuscitated her but she had suffered brain damage or something because she wouldn't wake up then the really bad shocking news my mother signed a DNR or do not resuscitate which means she had legal papers saying that they had to remove the tube and let her go my mother didn't tell anyone it wasn't until they got her to the hospital and pull her records they knew I am over 800 miles away and this doctor is saying he has to let my mother die I am sobbing at this point begging him to keep it long enough for me to get home to see her he refused saying it was her wish to go I had no choice but to agree so I went to bed thinking my mother died that night I called the hospital the next day expecting the news but my mother was still alive my hopes soared my mom is a fighter the nurse tells me she still isn't conscious I told her to tell my mom hang on I'm coming I made the 12 hour plus Drive home to get to the hospital to see my mother I got there at 1:00 a.m. on October 31st Halloween my favorite holiday the third time my world shifted on its axis was sitting in the hospital parking lot preparing to go see my mother walking into the hospital was surreal like I was watching some other daughter walk down the hall to her mother's ICU room one thing about ICU is how quiet they can be I stopped at the nurses desk told them who I was and who I was there to see the nurse gave me a sympathetic look and took me to her room the second I stepped foot in her doorway I knew my mother was gone a husk of her lay in that hospital bed truly one of the most horrific things I have ever seen her body struggled to live these horrible gasping respirations she was gone but her body was still here meds kept her blood pressure up enough to sustain life I wanted to rip it all off of her this wasn't right I knew my brother needed to be there to say goodbye so I sat by my mother's bedside alone for nine hours watching her gasp for air her body had shut down except her heart lungs in a tiny portion of rain it was the worst thing I ever had to do but I talked to her told her about my babies and how excited they were to trick-or-treat my brother and got to the hospital around 9:30 my mom's oncologist met me before they got there and dropped the bombshell the cancer my mom had was ovarian with Mets everywhere and she recommended I get tested for the gene that increases risks I just kind of nodded in shock I signed the papers to take my mom off all medical support shortly after she left once my brother and got there the nurse took all the machines and lines off and I held her hands as they gave her meds to make her comfortable my mother died October 31st at 1007 in the morning my whole world fell off its axis I was now the caretaker of my family and I had to figure out how to be her I got things as situated as I could in the three days I could stay arranged her cremation as she wanted and ended up paying for it because the left her life insurance lapse I grieved the loss of my mother heavily and had to scramble to take care of my brother and to say I was stressed and busy it was an understatement I put the oncologist warning out in my head until almost two years later when I had pain in my abdomen and suddenly her warning popped in my head I had blood work done and found out I do carry that gene that increases my cancer risk right as my own doctor finds a mass on my ovary Kew world shift again my doctor immediately orders more scans and schedules me for surgery rather than do a biopsy and wait I'm on board with this idea so I went in for surgery December of last year my doctor found a suspicious mass on my left ovary he removed both ovaries both tubes and mass the biopsy on the mass actually came back the nine but on my other ovary the one with no visible mass they found stage one cancer I had ovarian cancer and had no idea by doing the surgery the surgeon actually caught it early if my mother had not died of ovarian cancer and her doctor told me to get genetically tested I would not have known I had it until it was too late ovarian cancer spreads quickly and usually by the time it sound like my mother it's too late my blood test result pushed my doctor to do more than biopsy and removing both ovaries he caught the real threat my mother's death saved my life along with the bracken gene tests I cannot stress enough that everyone should get that test to find out your cancer risks knowledge is power especially in health care I have set my mother's oncologists flowers every year on her birthday and Halloween [Music] creepy grocery guy little backstory I was 16 when this happened and I was in excellent physical shape I'm now 17 the diner I worked at was on the side of a road and was next to a gas station that we shared car parks with the diner had an odd setup to get to the back bins and the storeroom you had to go through a big metal door and that was at the back of the kitchen the diner I worked at also had a fresh produce supplier that delivered most days early in the morning and they had a new delivery boy I'll call him Billy he had been with them for around two months he was a hot topic between the female employees as he was extremely good-looking but seemed to be a loner I don't know for sure but I think he was around eighteen and nineteen I'd spoken to him before and he had asked me for my number once but I politely said I don't give it out I was three months into my first paying job at a local diner working as a waitress when this happened and on this particular day I was asked to stay on and work the night shift with a female colleague that I was familiar with I didn't mind as I sighed as an opportunity for extra cash it was around 12:30 a.m. when the last family eating left so it was up to me the other female waitress age 18 and the male chef who I believe was around the age of 24 to clean and lock the place up as the owners were on vacation I decided to take the trash to the bins out back as I was too tired to do anything else like sweep up or clean the tables to this day I regret being lazy to get back to the bins you have to go through the kitchen and then through a big heavy metal door which I was okay about doing as I've done it many times before but once I got out I forgot that the hinge where the door clips to the wall was broken and it slipped and closed naturally I was angry as I'd have to walk around the whole diner to get back in through the front door as I stretched up to throw the bag in the bin I heard a noise it sounded like a grunt and it kind of spooked me but I put it down to my imagination but then I heard it again and it was coming from the storeroom me being my stupid dora the explorer' ass self poked my head into the storeroom and at the beginning I saw nothing but out of the corner of my eye I caught something moving very slowly toward me and as my eyes adjusted it was Billy the grocery boy and he was holding his trainers in one hand once he saw I noticed him he froze I was trying to think through every logical explanation for why he would be in the storeroom at this time but I got interrupted by Billy stuttering um I'm just putting your delivery in here my van broke down that's why I'm so late this frightened me to the core as my boss told me she had not made any orders as we needed to use an old stock first and then it clicked he had no shoes on he was trying to sneak up on me we just stared at each other and I muttered oh that's okay I'm going inside now shut the door when you're done as I felt if I questioned why he was there he would get hostile and the situation for me would become even worse I proceeded to back away still facing him until I was near the gate that opened into the carpark the kitchen doors shut silly he laughed slightly I've never felt so patronized in my life he was talking to me as if I was a child that he is correcting oh yeah hahaha looks like I'll have to go the long way I joked about it as I could feel my situation getting worse he just had an expression that reminded me of that cat from Alice in Wonderland um yeah just shut the door when you're done bye I shout out before turning around and opening the gate my whole body froze when I felt a vise grip on my wrist now that I think of it I'm surprised he didn't break it by instinct I started tugging my arm away and shouted at him something like dude what the get off me but that only seemed to make it worse and it was almost like he loved to see me struggle stop resisting me he said in a flat tone as he used his other hand to try and pull my skirt down I think all my fear turned into fight as I began kicking and punching the right side of his face I'm about five eight and he is probably around 6 - I think I poked him in the eye with one of the fake nails I had on and he instantly let go and started cussing very loud I took my chance and bolted out of the gate and into the car park which was empty a part of one car parked in the gas station at a pump I looked closer inside was occupied before I ran toward it I looked back at the gate and saw Billy running straight at me calling and shouting things like I knew you were a bad girl and get back here you stupid the loud shouting seemed to get attention of the car and to my surprise it was the family that had left 10 minutes before once I reached the car they were all standing outside and looked confused until they saw Billy running towards us the father and the son stood in front of me and told him to calm down or they'll call the cops this just seemed to make Billy worse he started hissing at them and jumped at me before he could grab me the father grabbed him and pushed him so hard and he fell to the ground we all just stared at him while he got up off the floor and dusted himself off you really should have given me your number he just nodded his head at me like he was scolding a child all the Fuhrer was keeping and just came out and I began sobbing hysterically into the mother's chest the older brother started to cuss Billy out and push him away from all of us and like the way you fight me he smirked at me and turned around and started walking towards the road the brother following him to make sure he left when the cops arrived we went into the diner and I gave a full statement and so did the family it turns out the other waitress and the chef were cleaning with the radio on with full volume so they couldn't hear me screaming when my boss came back she was told everything by the police and we now have a new supplier the kitchen door hinge is now fixed and I no longer take the trash out at night as we knew all of Billy's employers the police paid them a visit only to be told he quit two weeks prior and the address he had given them was a block of abandoned apartments and his number was disconnected so nothing ever came of the police report I'm now dating the oldest brother of the diner family I am so thankful that they couldn't work their sat-nav because I know I couldn't have outrun Billy to the entrance of the diner you spirit Universal signs or final destination it's 9/11 2018 at 10:30 a.m. and I'm having the most weird day of my life but this weirdness isn't just affecting me my boyfriend is also having an off weird and unsettling day as well we woke up between 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. not on purpose but this isn't an odd occurrence for us to wake up early I have a kidney disease so when the pain is high I cannot sleep he usually stays up with me until I feel better nothing weird started happening until around 7 or 8 a.m. he goes off in a trance and I knew he had seen something that had freaked him out I asked him what he had seen and he replied that I seen a white light go from the kitchen door to the bathroom door but my eyes were probably playing tricks on me I had replied to that with a simple ear tired go get some sleep for once he's awake he's awake for good some time goes by and I see a white round and bright light that resembles an orb fly from the kitchen to the bathroom I got freaked out and expressed to him what I had seen we sat for a little bit being spooked we decided to play with an ug board wonderful idea I know nothing happened it didn't work or did it we started hearing knocks and threes in our kitchen when to investigate nothing appeared normal it happened three times hasn't happened since this was 8:30 8:00 a.m. after this happened my boyfriend randomly says oh today is 9/11 and we go on discussing that topic a little bit then we decided to Google signs of ghosts in house another wonderful idea and the sign seemed true for us at the moment knocks orbs etc then I stumbled across pages like signs a spirit is trying to communicate with you when will you die and how will you die quiz I clicked every page and well here's my discoveries spirit communication sending certain numbers or words radio stations light bulbs going out frequently which doesn't happen all the time at our house death date took the quiz got a long time before I died your 2069 the boyfriend got 2092 no we do not believe in this did it merely for shits and giggles how will I die I got car accident and he got in his sleep from old age again do not believe in this but it does have significance to my story nothing else happens weird I'm still feeling sick and pain but it's time for him to work I Drive him to work because he can't drive at the moment this is where our day gets weirder like guys I'm talking the feeling of final destination we keep hitting all red lights nothing unusual though except he goes to turn on the radio Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light funny coincidence we laughed it off and continued our car ride I take the exit to the interstate and he flips radio stations interstate driving ok not funny anymore we started getting spooked talk about the spirit communicating through radio stations we get on the interstate and this van pulls out in front of me with a huge red or white sign that red September 11th 2001 remember how I was discussing 911 today's date strange I tell him I'm having anxiety I slow down drive with more caution than usual he flips radio stations I'm feeling anxious and we both get even more spooked turn off the radio drove past this loud sound construction zone and it freaked me out fault more louder than usual and I literally felt like I was in final destination rolled up my windows and we discussed being spooked reached his work nothing else happened he's there currently I don't work until 6:45 p.m. so I'm currently home while writing this I feel I'm being watched I have heard the creaking of the floor where you have to stand to make it creak and I have the feeling of something bad is going to happen I'll keep updated in comments but I wanted this day documented I also want to know if anyone has this type of stuff going on to them especially the radio stations I'm a big believer in Universal signs but now I'm debating whether a spirit is trying to contact me what do you think the really strange loss prevention guy I'm bored thought I tell my story about a creep I had to work with when I was a teenager I won't give a name to the store but I'm sure you will figure that out easy it's a lower-end Walmart that usually hosts a lower-end Pizza chain inside well I worked in the pizza part at 18 years old it was probably my third week at the job when the loss prevention guy Chad comes over and orders a pizza I'm ringing him up when he stares at me for a while and he says are you the new girl I smile and nod he tells me I should follow him to his office I kind of look back at my manager confused and my manager tells me it's okay he will cover my spot so I follow Chad to the back of the store on the way there he is pointing out all cameras in the store like on the ceiling and explaining to me how those are just the ones you see there are the ones and places you would never expect you are being watched I just nod and say yeah cool Wow because I could have cared less and thought there was not too much purpose for me to go in this little tour or know these things we make it back to his office and it's tiny just a wall half filled with modders and a couple computers a large desk and his chair he closed the door skirted past me and sat on his chair and I stood by the door because there was nowhere else to go he starts talking about his job and what he is supposed to do there and how that included even watching the pizza employees because the employees are known for stealing slices of pizza without paying he tells me a story about how just a few weeks before I was hired they fired three guys at the same time on the spot because the day before they ate the extra breadsticks on their lunch and didn't pay for it he gets really Stern for a second and asks me seriously have you ever stolen anything before I start to get really serious back in particularly snarky and sarcastic way oh no never Chad I have never and I will never steal anything I was actually a career criminal at this point in my life the only reason why I was working that job is because I moved across the country for a fresh start because a few years before I was a druggie and funded my hub my habits through a great deal of theft eventually I was slapped with an assault with a deadly weapon but I got those charges charges cleared and everything eventually went off my weapon my record I knew there was no way he would know any of this my record was squeaky clean at this point he just laughs and says yeah right I don't believe that I just played along I'm a really good person I would never ever do something like that it's yucky he just stares at me and says I think you're hiding something I'm like okay and stay quiet he says you moved here to the small town from a big city and when I asked around about you it turns out you moved here without any family either for a young girl like you that's really suspicious I think you're running from something I just shrug and say I'm independent however starting to get really annoyed that I'm being grilled for no reason by a rent-a-cop he says he wants to show me some things he turns around and starts explaining some of the tech behind the security cameras showing me some real-time video of the store he points out these two girls walking around and he goes on to explain on how he can zoom in and be able to read what is on their phones and he then chuckles and says say hi to your boyfriend from me which I can only imagine meant he was reading my phone screen when I was on my break he starts to say how he has been watching me for the security camera as he does with all new employees and says I have strange habits I just stay quiet he pulls up past footage like remembers the date off the top of his head and it's me walking into the bathroom I'm like pretty creeped out at this point but I stay quiet he says this is the only time I have seen you go to the bathroom since you have worked here and you work late and overtime don't you have to go more often I just say bladder of Steel he goes aha like he doesn't believe me he then pulls up the footage of me talking to some guy on my break and I say snarky oh look there's my boyfriend you want me to say hi to he then pulls up some things on his computer and he explains how all the employees are given a number that they can use in the store a check out for an employee discount I already knew this because I was given my number and have just been using it frequently he explains to me how he can even track employees purchases the date and exact time he puts in my employee number which was written down on a post-it note next to him and pulls up my purchase history in front of me he says I have learned you have quite the sweet tooth then he says let's look at your last purchase made at midnight just the other day he says oh look at this tampons and Pat's and you are still hardly using the bathroom I was major creeps out and I and said I had to get back to work and I just left and hurried back to my station it left a really bad feeling in my stomach and I stopped using my phone on break or buying anything from the store he didn't come around for his lunch break for a while until a few weeks later when he decides that he wants to come back behind the restaurant and help us kids out because he said he worked in some fancy restaurant way back when and he wants to teach us a thing or two I found it really annoying for him to be in my way and feeling he needed to teach me how to do everything he always has to be working right next to me and correcting everything I did but our manager didn't care so I couldn't do anything about it he was always asking me really personal questions about my life trying to know more about my past how he couldn't find me on social media and even went as far as to ask me once if I was having sex with my boyfriend he would even walk over to the restaurant after my lunch break to remind me to remember to pay for my pizza slice before I go home only to walk back to his office he has even called to remind me on the store phone I finally had enough when one day my boyfriend got let off work early and he decided to stop by my work and grab a large pizza for us to have for dinner and give me a ride since I was getting off of work soon as well well Chad so happened to be helping in the restaurant that day and saw me wave hi to my boyfriend and tell him I'm getting off work in about 20 minutes while a co-worker rang him up I went to the back and started finishing up some dishes when Chad comes back there and confronts me he says so that's your boyfriend huh I'm like yep and tried to ignore him he says well I don't really like him coming into my store I don't like the way he looks and I don't trust him so you can't bring him around anymore he started asking for my boyfriend's first and last name and date of birth and all that I just said I don't think you have that kind of power he walked away I went home and while my boyfriend and I were eating dinner I get a call from the store manager saying Chad did an investigation on the people I bring into the restaurant as guests and that one of them has piercings and tattoos and long hair my boyfriend and even a DUI his father did but not my boyfriend and the store manager told me until my boyfriend gets a haircut and dresses more nicely he can't come into the store anymore I was shocked so shocked I just said okay I hung up and thought about it more this was a big box stores hundreds and hundreds of customers in and out every day and they banned my boyfriend because he looks too Punk I walked into the store manager's office the next day and quit and they flipped off one of the security cameras on my way out because I knew Chad was watching me I couldn't take another second of that creep most definitely one of the strangest experience I have ever had anywhere at a job or with anyone really weird kids college and breasts okay so during my sophomore year 2017 of college there was this interesting thing that happened it's not so more interesting but rather weird to an extent I guess it's the evening time and I have to go to my game development class so when I entered the classroom I see one of my buddies sitting at a computer and I walked to sit next to him until that moment everything else is happening as normal people file into the classroom sit down and start talking waiting for the teacher to take role and ultimately start class so the teacher arrives and starts taking role she's going down the list as normal when she gets down to a couple of us she just marks us down since we already had her freshman year after she gets done she starts the lesson at this point the classroom is relatively quiet since we're focusing on the code okay so this is where it gets different for the sake of this retelling I'm going to call the odd kid Billy since I don't remember his name so randomly Billy says in an extremely high voice what size are your breasts the rest of us are just in shock I tried to give Billy the benefit of the doubt I turned to my buddy and tell him maybe he's just talking to a friend on FaceTime or perhaps Skype my buddy says that it's a low possibility since he is sitting directly in front of the professor the professor responds saying um excuse me without missing a beat Billy responds by saying I said what size are your breasts at this point there is a couple of faint laughing that is filling the room the professor then walks a little bit closer to billion says something along the lines of I don't really think that is an appropriate question to be asking he then turns to her and bold-faced says I guess there are small since you don't want to tell me as soon as he says that we all burst out into laughter since it was just so peculiar that someone could just say that the professor then orders Billy to go wait outside until the end of the class that way she can talk to him about his inappropriate behavior the only problem with this is that the whole class is roughly two and a half hours long and we were only 35 45 minutes in as Billy is packing up his stuff he starts mutter some strange things to himself I guess he thought he was quietly speaking to himself but the rest of us could hear him loud and clear he started to say that if he can't get his way everyone else would have to suffer and that he wanted to go play beyblades etc it was a whole lot of mixed mumbo-jumbo after everything was all said and done Billy left the classroom to wait at the end of class Billy was of course nor to be seen the weird thing about all of this that it was still the beginning of the semester and we still had around 12 weeks left of the class I wish I could say that was the last weird interaction that he had in our class but it was actually one of many memories that I vividly remember crossroads I always remember how our walking you home started it was on the evening after a final term exam we gave together and I did not want to let you go home alone as you always do surprisingly you let me unlike the other day is when I'd keep on pestering you too it had opened up the pathway to a regular happening in our lives where I'd take you home everyday or even a company from your home even though it has been many months since we last got to walk together again but just for the sake of today I wanted to experience it again to walk on that path again the last few times it used to start from the plinth of the Fine Arts Building where you and I would sit for hours and talk under the eerie evening light or the golden afternoon then you would get up say your mother is going to kill you if you delay any longer and from the path behind the building our journey would start the sodium golden lights on the road would always light up as soon as we would start as if a cluster of fireflies to lead us through our regular path into the night on our way there would be so many crosswalks to go through even a busy crossroad just before your house you never could cross roads properly and it would always be my responsibility to lead you safely to the other side sometimes you would hold my hand or my shirt scuff while crossing if you felt too afraid or overwhelmed by the traffic I would always pull you through no matter what then we would go on walking and walking and our shadows would get closer than our bodies maybe I will try to slide my hand into yours as well wouldn't die it is raining right now and I do not have an umbrella the raindrops fall on my head and slide through my scalp mixing with sweat on my forehead but I don't mind as I walk even if I had an umbrella I would always give it to you because it is embarrassing to walk under the same umbrella even after two years of being together it was always so awkward and embarrassing but right now my scarred feet hurt like hell no I still want to walk with you so I do and so I will why not after all I walked with you for almost seven kilometres didn't I when did feet ache ever matter you would vent at me for walking with my shoes rubbing the ground but right now I do not really know where you are you might be on a car going to or from home or you might be somewhere else to find somebody else oh hey that girl looks like you hey it could be you oh no it isn't would you call me if you saw me would you even recognize me after so many months please tell me your memories of me have not faded yet oh well it does not matter I will just pretend that you are walking beside me that is better isn't it getting drenched with me passing that familiar burst and right after that tall building that we always make fun of you're so quiet so maybe I'll just sing love iane rose to you it will help won't it remember I did sing that on the night when I first realized whatever I did or tried to do was not really enough didn't I even though we were both broken I had to let you know somehow that it will be alright didn't I oh no it's already the dark intersection I stopped my pace I don't want you to go right now why not just a few more minutes what will happen if you go home just a bit late you're going to be gone forever so just take the time before you do if I could be reborn and reborn I would live this moment again and again and walk on but I can't can I so but no you insist you have to go you convinced me you have to leave and it's already been too late it is already far beyond what you could stay for but I do not want to let go of your hands I do not want to leave you out of my sight but well finally I have to accept it we start walking again slower than before and I can make best use of the time by trying to embarrass you as much as I can saying cliche cringe romantic things or trying to read your mind to guess what you're thinking right now you don't say anything again and I realize I cannot really seem to read you anymore before I can say anything again the crossroads come like car running the red when we cross the crosswalk you go straight forward or your houses and I go left onto my the bus stop but there are so many cars and buses and trucks on the busy crosswalk today much more than any other time and crossing it is so difficult I can't get over to the other side so easily so I try to hold on to your hand I look at you to tell you that I love you for the last time because I won't be able to say again when you go home but where are you I search for you here and there but you've already crossed the road thinking back my past 20 years I just want to write them down my name is Claire from see I would like to be clear but English is not my mother tongue I'm 20 years old February 14th is my birthday I was born in a little city it's sort of next to the country's north boundary I have an older sister and a little sister yes my family only has one male who is my father I'll start from as much earlier as I can remember as possible most things only have some pieces left in my mind as time goes on it will have more detail the earliest thing I can remember is when I was four years old my parents both were people who sold wholesale vegetables as my thought they were really busy at the time every day they woke up very early and brought me to the stall small crowded place they worked very hard they were young and energetic in other words they were consuming themselves one thing I remember is that I was hanging out with my friend passed by a supermarket and we walked in and grabbed a pack of milk and just drank it I was too small to know I have to pay staff there wouldn't let us go till our parents found us in a hurry after two hours perhaps this is fresh in my mind because they were so angry and worried about us while I have absolutely no idea what happened we were poor like really very poor can't even afford extra clothes or a good meal by the way when I was four my older sister is a blur in my mind and my little sister wasn't even born yet so when I was old enough I started to go against her I wasn't doing what she asked no matter what so it was kind of dream whenever I didn't want to do what she asked of me she always made me feel guilty so I just ignored I said my family just normal and my parents are working very hard so I'll do some tiny things to let them feel at least relaxed because we can do nothing about their work for example when I didn't want to mop the floor she would say they're so tired from working outside they come back and they see their house so dirty and I feel like it's my fault I don't talk to my big sister much for a long time she always has a way to get me pissed off maybe I'm too judgmental towards her but sometimes what she said is really annoying and I don't like arguing so I won't talk to her unless I have to but she's a talker her words are plentiful sometimes I do feel lonely and I want to go to crowded places because I want to meet new people and new stuff an understanding or comfort of what I'm looking for I'm not a good talker don't have any move just as things go on I'm eager to be understood and have someone who can really be with me when I get upset but I can't find that I can't be with or close with the same person for too long at the start I wouldn't I would have tried my best for that person but I can't be straightforward with my thoughts on the contrary I always want people to care about me my tiny world or implied meaning you can guess that's basically impossible so I wouldn't try to explain or discuss anything but my self-defense start to build I like new things cuz new people means new me new experience I don't like to talk about myself or even don't like to argue or anything so even sometimes I meet something unfair I would self digest but it's just getting bigger now I can't digest it myself there will have to be something I can figure out so at the moment maybe I'll leave it but next time when something happens I have to solve the digest the past wouldn't come through again I have strong self defense like if one day I feel you're not really wanting to understand me I wouldn't ask anything but the wall between us is building I would fade I remember I had a really good friend when I was in primary school like we talked about everything and we were always together but I don't know I just got tired in the end and tried to keep pushing her away get her away she didn't do anything wrong I just felt suffocated but people come and go right I'm a totally contradicting person I can't stand people so close to me but can't even understand me I was longing to go somewhere very far on my own like what I said before meet new people and experience so I started to collect relative information about it but I can't just travel so I found a volunteer thing you can get a certificate which can be very helpful for a job in the future it also has to be inexpensive so I chose India I stayed there for six weeks they covered accommodation and food all I needed to pay was project fee and a plane ticket about the project I chose I didn't think too much they all have a very similar introduction so I chose randomly it's about teaching kids English to be honest I prefer to be with kids or pets than older adults so I made an interview and I went there in my case that would be totally alone space probably added dog and in a beautiful countryside that would inspire me you may notice that surroundings will influence me a lot but every time when I want to face them I would get so nervous some time I was thinking maybe I'm a control freak because if things out of expectation I would be like don't know what to do I don't even know if I'm real in love with traveling and meeting new things maybe that's just an excuse to escape I'm always chasing something currently I'm not and put my expectations on that but the truth is even though I get eventually sick of things it won't change too much I don't know what is wrong with me you know you know I always feel better in places not so familiar to me that's why I only send letters to foreigners and and only join foreign communities different languages and culture will minimize my sensitivity and I would rather travel alone I may never travel with others even travel I prefer to go to other countries far from mine you will pay there are many consequences to your actions but this time you will pay your daughter Julie is mine you don't deserve to have her she is being kept safe for now for each day that I don't receive my payment I will mail a piece of this pretty little girl to your house starting with her feet and working my way up to her head if you wait too long there will be nothing left so I would hurry if I were you I want five million don't keep me waiting the time starts now el mr. Jackson stood in his penthouse office and stared at the note that he just received Susan call 9-1-1 right now he screamed his secretary dialed 9-1-1 for asking any questions his heart was racing and he called his daughter over and over but no avail he anxiously awaited the arrival of the police and when they got there he showed them the note they said that they couldn't do anything until they had some real evidence they told him to be patient and wait for more notes a few days passed and he was growing impatient of waiting for any the cops had contacted mr. Jackson and told him that they turned the case in but they still have no evidence to go on he was at work and he couldn't even focus on anything that he was looking at he looked down at the paperwork that he was working on and it was all a blur his vision was deteriorating due to lack of sleep and his mental illness was slipping out of existence he looked at the picture of his beloved daughter and deceased wife sitting on the edge of his desk and he began to cry his phone began to ring and he quickly answered you were running out of time your daughter is very beautiful but she won't be for long beep the call had ended before he could say a word he stood up and ran downstairs to his car and sped home when he got home he ran upstairs to his daughter's room and it was completely empty he looked around the room for anything that he could use as evidence to try and get the case going when he saw it there was a little red box wrapped in a black bow sitting on the bed there was a letter beside it with his name on it his heart dropped with his hands shaking he opened the letter slowly it had been four days since I last contacted you as you can see I left you a little present your beautiful daughter is never going to be as beautiful as she used to be l Jackson was at a loss of words he looked over at the Box in his heart sink something was wrong he hadn't been home in a few days and his daughter was missing so who could have been in the house he picked up the small box and undid the bow he closed his eyes and prayed that Julie was okay he opened the box slowly and discovered a bloody box cutter the words there will be more to come were written in blood on the top of the box Jackson immediately called the cops and they rushed to his the cops examined the box they took out the knife and they found a little bag under it they took out the bag and their faces were met with horror there were four toenails one for each day that Jackson waited to pay the cops called it in and a giant search started it lasted all night but nothing came out of it Jackson started to panic why does this always happen to me why can't i ever seem to find happiness why is my happiness always taken away from me he thought another day passed and he got another letter in the mail it's day five I wanted to play with her for a little bit but now I'm getting bored so I'll give you the location where I want the money dropped off do not get the police involved or your daughter is as good as dead I'm watching you I know your every move do anything out of line and I will kill her Elle Jackson didn't know what to do he couldn't get help from anyone he was lost he was alone he looked down at the letter 815 South Pelican Boulevard 7:30 p.m. leave the money in the bag on the red park bench and drive away I will contact you again once this has been done I will check every day but you better hurry she is running out of time this address is for a local park he thought anyone could just walk up and take it he brushed the thought aside and went to the bank he pulled up five million and an extra hundred thousand just to make sure everything was going to go smoothly he sat in the parking lot for a while and thought about everything that was happening to his daughter and he couldn't do a thing about it he felt helpless he couldn't stop thinking about how every promise he made her about always being there to protect her was broken the very minute she was kidnapped he felt so useless and that he had let her down he opened the glove box and pulled out a sheet of paper he began writing I have paid what she wanted in full and added an extra 100,000 so please return my daughter she is my most prized possession and I can't live without her I will do anything please let her go he walked over to the red bench and sat the money down he put the note in the bag and left the next day he woke up to wrestling in the kitchen downstairs he jumps out of bed and grabbed the pistol that he kept in the nightstand beside him he crept downstairs and looked around the corner into the kitchen there he saw his daughter tied up she was sitting in a chair with tape on her mouth she had tears rolling down her face and Jackson ran over and untied her she hugged him and cried she had no visible scars or bruises but she had many mental ones she pulled a letter out of the back pocket and handed it to her father he grabbed the letter and and opened it without a second thought you did very well if he would have gotten the police involved she would have been dead if he would have sent only the five million she would be dead if you didn't follow my directions she would be dead don't worry I never touched her the bloody box cutter was from cutting into meat and the nails were fake ones that I touched up a little to make them look real she doesn't have a scratch on her you will no longer hear from me this is the end Elle you twas the night before corona mas some background information this I wrote earlier for fun and there is definitely some poetry sins in there but I thought it was amusing enough to share I wrote this for a bunch of my friends and co-workers who are all doing a secret santa thing to perk up each other's spirits due to Co vid Corona mas seemed like an appropriate name twas the night before corona mas and all through the streets not a creature was stirring no tossing of sheets all children were tucked snugly in bed a Disney themed mask wrapped around their heads when all of the sudden there arose such a ruckus I had just fallen asleep the is bupkis I stumbled down the stairs half in my robe to find a knock at my door I walked through the Cove peering through the eye hole there was a brown clad men ups on his chest and a name tag that said Stan I opened with a groan and yelled man it's 3:00 in the morning what the hell stand he looked cheapish to apologize package in hand this fell in my truck earlier I hope you understand I toured the box from his grasp and slammed the door thinking how you'll never use that service no more looking at the label however a smile crossed your face your friends had remembered kronum us and with not a moment to waste you slid open the box and toss the peanuts with glee what did they send to you you can wait to see you smiled at the thoughtfulness book held aloft in hand you carried it upstairs and on the bed softly do you land night light is on sleep gone from your eyes you spent the night reading from your pleasant surprise happy Corona mus everyone and to all a good night
Channel: Real Story Animated
Views: 54,132
Rating: 4.5914488 out of 5
Id: W_HDKbCzPvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 24sec (5724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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