I Went Too Far To Get Rich

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hi there my name is Emma and I'm from Los Angeles please like And subscribe I was born to workaholic parents so I didn't see them much growing up my babysitter didn't find me too interesting either she'd spend hours watching TV watching weird wrestling competitions on the TV while I would spend endless hours drowning my face in fashion magazines it was my dream to start my own clothing line someday and it would be so successful that my parents wouldn't have to work another day in their life and spend all their time with me when I turned 16 mom and dad got me admitted into one of the best schools in the city and took me shopping to get some new stuff I was Smitten by this gorgeous designer handbag mom can I have this please Emma that's three thousand dollars we can't afford that not after that expensive school really you work so much I thought we were Rich mom gave me a weird look and we left but I couldn't take the bag off my mind so I decided to make my own money I made lemonade stands mowed lawns and walked every rich person's dog that needed to run even one's twice my size wait boy not so fast right before the term started I'd earned it have to buy a fake bag and it looked somewhat similar my first day the entire parking lot was packed but just then I found a cozy spot in corner slowly I made my way in feeling like a pro until I heard an awful screeching sound I'd hit a car and made a huge dent while I was reeling in shock calculating the damage a tall boy stopped and stared at me wow that's as big as the Grand Canyon good job sarcasm is not helping dude do you have any idea whose car this is uh let me see looks like mine sure enough he unlocked the door and tossed his backpack inside my mind went into overdrive how could he be so indifferent after I dented his very price looking car I'm I'm so sorry this is totally my fault I'll make it up to you cool get it repaired then I looked at him confused there was no way I could afford to repair the damages before I could respond he inched closer and I swear he smells like oranges or you could agree to go on a date with me your call take your time there's no rush I'm Caleb by the way he was cute but I'd barely met the guy I thought about it hard before saying yes and later found out that Caleb was freaking rich his dad owned a multi-million dollar company and basically everyone's parents at school worked for his father he was like a huge deal Caleb and I went on several dates after that and I grew to like him he was a great listener and totally grounded I want to start a business of my own one day like a super cute fashion line that sounds ambitious but I'm sure you'll pull through I can feel it a month later when he asked me to be his girlfriend he filled my car with roses and a giant stuffed teddy bear I was happy but the girls in school just went Bonkers on our first date as a couple Caleb gifted me an expensive handbag the original version of my fake one wow that's awesome but I can't take this you're my girlfriend now and you only deserve the best Caleb insisted and I couldn't say no it was my favorite brand after all one day after school Caleb invited me to his place where he lived all by himself while he's swam in his private pool I sketched new fashion designs in my journal what do you think very chic you know you don't have to work right I'll have more than enough money to support us I know but this is my dream and I want to do this for myself whatever floats your boat love just remember I'll always be there for you that summer I decided to take a business class at a local community college and I was by far the youngest one there not that I cared I belonged there I was busy concentrating on what the professor was saying when a heavy voice interrupted me so Professor you know all this from your successful businesses I turned around to see a cute guy in the back corner leaning in his chair with his feet propped up on the desk excuse me I'm just saying if you knew anything about marketing you wouldn't be teaching they went back and forth for a while my professor got angrier and angrier while the boy remained calm I couldn't believe how rude he was but I had to agree he wasn't entirely wrong after class I decided to grab lunch at the College dining hall I was finishing a sketch in my journal when that rude boy came behind behind me in line is that meant for a unicorn excuse me so now you're a PhD in designing too that's designing let me show you something listen I don't know what your deal is but you cannot insult before I could finish he pulled out his phone and showed me a clothing website filled with plain black t-shirts and they were listed at over a hundred dollars each this is my business these boring black teas you could get these anywhere he clicked a few apps and showed me his bank statements the number almost made me fall backwards how could this guy be making thousands of dollars selling regular old t-shirts I don't get it why are you even taking classes what can I say I'm a sucker for knowledge you're crazy actually I'm Eric and you need a better teacher someone who knows how to make big bucks in real life and not some loser Professor he went on to cut me in line and buy the cheapest thing on the menu for a while I avoided Eric like the plague I didn't want my work associated with him but the more I researched about his business the more I realized I needed his expertise he could sell t-shirts just from the hype alone so that following week I put my pride aside and asked him to tutor me little did I know it would turn out to be my biggest mistake he talked way too fast and laughed at all my questions he even made me work the customer service line for his business to understand how businesses work I complained about Eric to Caleb all day he's so rude and mean I don't even know how to deal with him drop his classes then I can't do that he's good at what he does and I can genuinely learn so much from him then take his attitude with a pinch of salt anyway I have something that'll cheer you up I want you to meet my parents I was shocked I only ever saw his dad on billboards or on TV commercials being nervous was an understatement we met them at an expensive Italian restaurant in town the next week his dad stood up to shake my hand but when I looked over his shoulder I saw none other than my tutor sitting at the same table you must be Emma we've heard great things I just then Caleb saw Eric too and he seemed mad what are you doing here not even a hello brother brother my head spun in a million circles Eric and Caleb Brothers Caleb looked ready to fight him until their father got in between them I invited him here son he's still family Caleb backed off but I was still in shock and to make matters worse Eric pretended he'd never met me Caleb's parents ordered me all kinds of delicious courses but I couldn't find the stomach to eat anything and after dinner Caleb took me straight home and angrily drove off without saying goodbye during our next tutoring session I was still fuming when Eric walked up why didn't you tell me about your family you never asked and besides I didn't think we're that close what do you mean you're related to my boyfriend and you yeah that's kind of unfortunate you're not really a type to be honest that's not the point I can't deal with this I'm leaving wait Emma I'm sorry I was just being a jerk I calmed down as Eric spoke that he had been estranged from his family for two years because he refused to take over the family business his clothing line was a result of wanting to prove he could make something successful without being connected to them part of me understood I still wanted to pursue my clothing line dream even though Caleb said I didn't have to when I told Eric he didn't laugh but he seemed impressed take out your computer you're making a website today Eric helped me create my website from scratch as usual he was going super fast and I scrambled to keep up but when I looked in my laptop reflection and saw him laugh he looked different to me almost attractive step out of that Emma he's your boyfriend's brother my website was good but for the first few days I didn't get many orders but I didn't lose hope and continued sketching and building my brand I worked on them for days until one night I got a call from Caleb and he sounded a bit off wanna talk about it not really but I have a surprise for you Caleb told me that he'd put my name in a small fashion show for new designers I couldn't believe it oh you really shouldn't have yes I should and yes I will I've decided to be more supportive of your dream that's thank you I was over the moon that day but when I told Eric he didn't sound as impressed it's just a small show yeah but it's big for me and maybe after this I might actually get some customers you will come to the show won't you you're inviting me well you've helped me get this far it would be rude of me not to when the day came I peered at the audience behind the curtain I was blown away to see Eric sitting in the back row I was glad he showed up too glad to admit once my models were ready they were off strutting down the catwalk wearing my designs surprisingly the audience went crazy I walked out and bowed with the last Model and then jumped into Caleb's arms behind his shoulder Eric was watching and he looked irritated by the time I made my way to the back of the room Eric was gone the show had tremendously boosted my sales Caleb invited me to his parents home to celebrate my brother will be there sorry why do you hate him so much he's a total jerk anyone would kill to get my father's business but he would rather do his own thing whatever joke's on him I get the business now Caleb's words didn't sit right with me but I kept it to myself we got to his mansion and my eyes instantly started searching for Eric but he didn't show up we were halfway into the party when Eric Strode through the door with a girl guess I wasn't missed Mom Dad this is Angelica my stomach turned since when did Eric have a girlfriend by the looks on everyone's faces they were thinking the same thing Angelica is a model from New York she has her own Beauty brand the more I watched them interact the more I felt sick it didn't make sense to me why I cared so much Caleb however seemed to care for different reasons that's so typical inviting people without asking dad uh spare me for not being dead little saint suddenly Caleb's dad flew into a rage making Eric's date shrink away from the scene that's enough Eric if you don't want to be part of this family then stay out gladly father gladly he turned and left the party I found myself following him Eric wait I'm sure he didn't mean it and you've known them for what a week now you're an expert I looked into his eyes and saw there was pain there even though he tried to hide it you do care you act like you don't but you do his face was so tense I thought he would snap instead he sighed and turned away just leave me alone listen I need to as I rushed behind Eric my toe caught on a bump in the sidewalk and the ground rushed up to me when I sat up my ankle was throbbing and Eric swooped me up in his arms as he carried me back I couldn't stop myself from falling for him I knew this was wrong I was with Caleb But Eric was so much Kinder and helpful and sort of a jerk but he was always there when I needed him after that day I decided to keep my distance from Eric Caleb was my boyfriend and I couldn't betray him I spent my days working on making my business better and one day my brand ended up exploding all over social media I had to investigate so I went online and did some online digging the root of it I discovered was none other than Eric's sight where he'd promoted my line he also left me an email in my inbox I know you don't want any boosts or freebies but us entrepreneurs have to stick together enjoy the extra press you've worked hard and you deserve it sincerely your tutor I wanted to find him and thank him but Caleb told me he was leaving the country to open up a store in England and he was taking off that night good riddance you don't care that you'll never see your own brother again not really no but why do you care so much I I don't I was just wait please don't tell me you have feelings for my brother you do don't you before I could say anything Caleb snapped after I supported your dumb business you went behind my back and cheated on me with my brother Caleb I didn't cheat on you oh it smothered all over your face Dad was right about you you're classless and shut up you're the worst Caleb I had no idea you thought so low of me but I'm glad you told me now and by the way eat bugs we're done I was horrified with how mean Caleb was and after that day I broke all ties with him I tried calling Eric multiple times but he never returned my call so I guess that was done too some months later I opened up a popular Boutique in the city keeping Eric's note at the bottom of my register I tried to keep my mind off him as best as I could and decorated my office with selfies of my parents enjoying their vacation in Greece why one night just as I was closing the boutique I heard a voice behind me does this come in immense Eric I rushed and hugged him tight that's a reaction I could live for now tell me do you have a size larger hey too many burgers in England taking the shirt he was holding I went into the back room and found a large for him to try on he too handed me one of his overpriced t-shirts how is it I feel like a unicorn what about yours oh you know feels like a regular old t-shirt laughing he grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 14,621,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lhl3_3i8ESo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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