my sims 4 save file overview: with NO CC, multifunctional community lots, realism & drama

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I'm showing you around my Sims for saile so my sa file is named Nora simers um the name is inspired by KIA Sims um she's working on a saile called Kia Sims first um so it's inspired by her her channel is really really good by the way like you should like honestly like really go check it out um so yeah the name is inspired by her I plan on making future updates um so right now I've done new Crest U moonwood Mill and forgoten Hollow and I've also done one lot in Delo Valley but I've renamed all of the worlds that are done because I felt like that's kind of fun that's kind of fun thing to do all of um the houses are done and they have lot descriptions as well so this is what the basketball court and public park is looking like out front we have a little bike rack um and we have some dumpsters over here I place another bike rack um I just placed this with the tool mod I've done a lot of um stuff with the tool mod around the world as you can probably tell I don't know maybe you can't remember right it looked like before but I do have before and after pictures so so if you go in here then you have the you know the basketball CT um there's just some basketballs around the place and also I put some um some backpacks and water bottles over here I made like a little um I don't know it's like a laundry basket but it has like basketballs in um so it's like a little basket first the basketballs and there's some more bags over [Music] here and then when you come in here there's some Hopscotch and people that are having some picnics um some umbrella stand some umbrella stands in case there's Sun out there's some girls so you can make some food and stuff like that then we have some swing sets and [Music] gardening more gardening and then we have the bonfire um I think actually yeah these are gaming tables so your some can sit and you know play cards and stuff like that oh yeah I forgot that so there's the picnic tables and then there's the gaming tables where you can play cards and stuff like that um so this is what the park is looking like so this is um the rid Line Drive area I think it turned out very good I added these um I added this like um it's called a crosswalk I think I feel like there was missing some crosswalks in this area so I did that um and here we have the public pool and then when you get in there is some vending machines in here we have the woman's um um shower room and there's like the little Cubbies where you can put your towels and stuff while you're in the shower and then in here we have the men's the men's shower room so when you go outside there's a little splash pad um and then there's like a kids pool area um and there's a bunch of these like umbrellas umbrellas yeah um and here there are some you can do some grilling and stuff like that and then over here there's another Pool um some um tables and there's some lounge chairs more umbrellas little you know like relaxing area and more Hopscotch um so yeah that's what the public pool is looking like um and at night it looks super pretty I feel like I added these like lights in this these flood lights they're from the snowy Escape pack so if you hide them in like items you can get some cool outdoor lighting at night so this is what the motel looks like um um as I said quite R down um and here we have the town area with the boardwalk and I put the bridge in the background um and this here is a parking MoDOT which added with the tooll mod so if you go inside um there's a little driveway to go down to the parking lot and it's set as a restaurant um I can show you the menu so this is supposed to be like you know breakfast um so there's just we have a little pool as well but it needs some cleaning it needs some cleaning up um and also some tables out here so when you go inside um this is the breakfast area you can also check in here um I feel like I love the way that this looks the style of it um we have some fishies and this thing from the strange ofil pack I love the strange ofil pack I think it's actually a really good pack but I know a lot of people don't agree with that but I really like it actually yeah so this is the breakfast area and there's also a little mouse and then we have the rooms um the rooms are all the same um because that it's kind of a little bit more realistic that way um but I also like how the rooms turned out I feel like they match this room as well and I love using City living so this is like a side table actually um because if I were to put a real table in here um your Sims would come in here to eat their meal because of the fact that it's a restaurant um so I put a little side table instead um so your Sims are not going to go into the rooms and eat and then we have a bathroom so that's the motel um I love the way that it looks at night as well like just the town in general I feel like it's very pretty so yeah this is the mall um this is the mall there's a parking lot [Music] and um some bikes and stuff um and this also looks very pretty at night T so when you go in here there's a sushi restaurant um I was actually I had thought about making it a around place for yourself to get some Ramen but the thing is since it's not set as a restaurant I had to this is not set as a restaurant I had to use these um stall thingies but the ramen one it didn't fit as nicely because of the yellow I really like the style in here this table is from Snowy Escape um it's this table but then there's swatches with stickers on it then next here we have a launcher mat um for this I used Gallery Art um and it doesn't have simlish text um to me that's not very annoying I don't really mind but if you think that's like very very annoying then obviously just feel free to delete it but I feel like this just fit The Vibes so yeah this is the laundromat I put a little TV as well some launcher Machines of course here this is a bubble store but it's mixed with studying so basically what I imagine is you can like buy like a like a little card or something for them and then you can go in here and you can get study help you know they have like um study groups and then you can come in here after school and you can get some study help and you can get bubble te and stuff like that and then in here is a karaoke bar I love the colors in here I feel like it's very nice and then there's the karaoke rooms in some different colors and then in here we have a thrift store and next to it is a mini mart oh in the thrift store I kind of made it like I don't know I like the I like the colors in here we have the mini Mars um so I couldn't set all of the things for sale I had expected me to be able to set the nectar for sale but I couldn't like I couldn't even tap on them so the nectar is not for sale but most of the stuff is um but if there's something that you can't click on and buy it's because I like couldn't set it for sale because I said everything that I could for sale so we have some um coffee and tea and over here we have like laundry stuff and some tissues and stuff like that um and some beauty products and some school bags and new records and stuff like that I also put a little um dog ball in here and then we have the cast register um you can buy medicine and stuff like that some lighters so yeah that's the that's the mall and we're back in this area with the I think this is my favorite area I feel like it's very nice this is the cow plants in space House Cow plants in space that's their bent name I feel like the vibe is very fun and then in here is two of The Sims bedrooms have a little closet all the way with some laundry and their little practice room um and they have a bathroom I love this lamp actually it's kind of fun um yeah I think I did a good job at matching the bathroom to The Vibes of the house usually I don't usually I have a bit of a hard time with doing that actually and then in here is the leader bedroom so this is Cliff's house um Cliff Thurman I love the way that his house his house turned out and I love the little porch that he has I feel like it's very cute um he has chickens they lose his wife um made a little space for her here like a little grave his style is a little bit old um he hasn't upgraded his house much so you know the kitchen encounters are a little rund down um he's a fisherman and he loves the ocean so I do like his house it's pretty realistic I feel like or not like well no I feel like it is pretty realistic especially for an old older guy that loves the ocean like with the ships and stuff and then in here he has a bedroom some paint in stuff and then he has a little bathroom as well and this is the apartments um I really like how they turned out so first we have a little parking lot and then over here we have some basketball and the mailboxes and we have some Hopscotch and um you know clothes line I guess it's called and then we have chickens I put chickens in a lot of my bills we have some gardening areas and stuff like that um so I'm going to go up here there's a pool here that supposed to be living a family but I haven't gotten around to making them yet um I've been feeling a little bit more motivated to build rather than make Sims um yeah they have the bathroom twins um I love this mirror I love this mirror it's so cute um and then a little bedroom in here is an empty apartment at your Sims can move into um I tried making the kitchens the same on all of the apartments on or at least on most of the bathroom a kitchen you can have like a couch and stuff here and then there's two bedrooms and then in here there is the floating cow plants um band this is where they live they have more like an indie Vibe I guess you can say um I like the way their house turned out as well I think it's a fun contrast between the other band The the two bands they are Rivals um so yeah I think it's pretty fun they're quite different from each other she has a little octopus on her bed very cute and they also have a little hamster they have a bedroom as well another bedroom and then we go upstairs there's an an apartment in here I actually I really love this apartment and it was so fun to make there was supposed to be living a family in here as well but as I said I've been feeling a little bit more motivated to build rather than make families but I I will definitely make these at some point so there's the parents and then there's a dog and they have a teen boy and then they have a little bathroom um and this is their bedroom so you know this I feel like this is like a I feel like maybe they're part of a cult I don't know I feel like this is like a little bit creepy I'm not going to lie like you cannot tell me that's not a cult so I feel like maybe they're part of a cult I'm not sure you can make up your own mind about that um and then they have a teen boy um I really love his room it's very very small but it's cute anyway and I imagine that he has like a job and stuff and he's probably trying to move out I mean and then I have another Empty Apartment in here with another they have a bathtub so they have a they're a little more lucky and then a bedroom and then when you go over here there's another Empty Apartment with two bedrooms and also a bathroom so I wanted to make sure that there was a lot of places for Sims to move if if you didn't want to move into a furnished house I wanted to make sure that there's stuff for everyone so yeah that's the apartments so I actually think I'm going to end the video here because I've showed you a lot but I don't want to show you everything because I also want for there to be stuff for you to explore if you want to download it it's on my patreon which I will link in the description yeah I hope you like it um and hope you will enjoy playing in it as well um so yeah I think I will say goodbye for now and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: noora sims
Views: 12,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UW69ndQTuU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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