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This video is the story of me and the hamster Peanut who have been together for 2 years and 6 months. Two years ago, I adopted a hamster. The hamster was a baby hamster less than a month old. I named this hamster Peanut, Whenever I had time, I had fun with Peanut. What's fun!! I'm thirsty~ Give me some water!!! After a while Peanut lying down and drinking water haha What is this leg? lol Unlike other hamsters, Peanut has a unique way of drinking water. Look at the front paws of Peanut. I thought Peanut's front feet were the cutest. Peanut's favorite food It's sunflower seeds. !!!!! I can't stand sunflower seeds Peanut eating sunflower seeds deliciously Peanut, eating a lot of sunflower seeds makes you fat! Ugh~ nagging again~ Humans eat chicken all the time, so I will eat sunflower seeds too! I had no choice but to give Peanut another sunflower seed. Sleeping mochi after a while... no, hamster. I thought Peanut was so cute. What if you touch a hamster while sleeping? Falling asleep, Peanut I'll touch the Peanut a little bit. Peanut goes back to sleep right away lol Don't touch hamsters when they're sleeping^^ Making Peanut's House Peanut liked digging, so I put the bedding high. Peanut is going into bedding soon.m Peep-bo There's no Peanut! And then, Peanut went straight into the house. Mix sawdust and paper well to maintain the shape of the tunnel and hamsters like it! Peanut in the sand zone Do you want to see hamsters playing with sand? So cute Peanut is heavy lol Peanut I just woke up. zzz Let's give a hamster a mealworm. I prepared a new food for Peanut today. It's a millworm that hamsters love a lot. I moved some wheatworms, Peanut is approaching soon What is this? Is Millworm alive??? Peanut to catch a mealworm And Peanut starts eating wheatworms. Peanut, I'm sorry, but can you show me the front? I wanted to see her eat, but in the meantime, she ate all the wheatworms Peanut is excited after tasting the mealworm once But She keep missing Millworm. After a while, Peanut finally caught the mealworm Peanut eats wheatworms very deliciously. Unfortunately, wheatworms are also high in fat, so two to three per week is appropriate. That day, Peanut enjoyed the mealworm. Hamster's House At first, I thought the house was not small for the hamster. But Peanut's ideas seemed different. Peanut who spending a boring day in bedding The hamster needed a much bigger house than we thought. So I decided to make it for her. A big house for Peanut! I ordered plywood directly over the Internet. gluing with wood glue The other side, too The work was easier than I thought. Until I put on the bottom... I'm applying glue Make sure to fix it with tape when working on the bottom plate. T_T Attaching the Windscreen (acrylic) Move Cage put a hinge Cage making is done! Now let's fill in the interior. Fill the cage with sawdust Put the bedding that Peanut used to quickly adapt to the new house. What does this make? Downel's mental training course, which people who raise hamsters go through once in a while Why is this a mental training course? Let's find out together from now on. Let's go! Downel mental training that makes you feel at ease This is the Digging Zone for Peanut. I also let go of the ladder so that Peanut can go down well. Then, the Digging Zone is complete! How do Peanut go up to the Digging Zone? Ladder installed! The Wheel for Peanut's Health This is Peanut's bedroom. Peanut Brushing Supplies (Dried Lotus Pod) What do you think it is? Flower path for Peanut Peanut need a bridge to cross the flowery path, right? installation of a bridge Peanut, please walk on the flower path! a sand zone Finally, Peanut's house is completed. How will Peanut react? Let's move Peanut to a new house. Peanut, let's go to the new house Peanut is starting to come out And peanut that comes up above my hand At this time, Peanut was really fat... Peanuts, this is your new home. Peanut, embarrassed by the big house? Peanut taking grass into the house lol Peanut came out a little later Peanut goes up on the wheel. Unfortunately, Peanut only rides a wheel when it's dark. Peanut approaching Dry Dried Lotus Pod in a few minutes This is a dried flower chin of a lotus flower and is used as a tooth grinding item for a hamster. After a while, Peanut goes over the wall After a while, Peanut goes over the wall Yes, Peanut~ When crossing the flower road, use the bridge. Peanut taking a sand bath lol zzzzzzzz Can Peanut climb the stairs on the second floor well? twitching It's going up well! Water is PASS Peanut is only putting delicious food in her cheek And Peanut drinks water. Peanuts, eat slowly Peanut finally came to the Digging Zone. !!!!!!! And then she went into the cave in lol Peanut, what are you doing? zzz Peanut really liked this digging zone. Peanut came out after a while Peanut, use the ladder... Will Peanut be able to come down the stairs? Oops, she slips. Peanut is precious, so I'll fix it right away. Can Peanut come down well? It's good! Nice! Peanut's crazy adaptability How long will it take Peanut to get from the wheel to the Digging Zone? Take a good look! Let's go! Replay It's the actual speed Hahaha Peanut went right into bedding lol I felt really good because Peanut seemed to like the new house. a few days later Peanut : PleaseBee! Peanut is looking at me Peanut : Run away! Peanut, who's made a mess of the back grass... I made flower arrangement really hard.. Peanut hid in the grass forest as if he knew he had done something wrong Eventually, I put up a fence like this. I changed the sand zone to a bigger one. Peanut comes running when I call her Peanut always ran to me when I called him even though he was riding a wheel. Peanut, come here Peanut always runs to me. Peanut never bites my hand. I felt that I was getting closer to Peanut. Peanut, stay healthy for a long time! What if you give Peanut crickets? Peanut is usually very calm But something amazing happened to Peanut today. Peanut likes Millworm the most, Peanut gained a lot of fat, Since then, I haven't given her any mealworms. Poor Peanut who eats a small amount of healthy food every day... So I prepared a special food today. That is, Tada! It's a nutritious cricket. Huh? What's this smell? It smells really good? Peanut looks around and goes up to the 2nd floor How did Peanut react to crickets? Attracting Peanut lol Come here, Peanut~ By the way! hahaha The gentle Peanut looked at the crickets and completely changed. I'll put the crickets down now. The chase has begun. Finally, Peanut caught a cricket. It was the first time that Peanut looked so wild. Peanut eats crickets deliciously. the next day Peanut liked the cricket so much that he gave him another cricket. Peanut Detects Crickets In fact, hamsters have very bad eyesight. Because they rely on their sense of smell most of the time, If a cricket doesn't move, Peanut can't find it well. Peanut just caught a cricket~ Even that day, Peanut enjoyed eating crickets. Peanut on a wheel As you saw earlier, Peanut doesn't ride a wheel during the day. More precisely, Peanut ride a wheel only when it's dark. But one day Peanut rode a hamster wheel for the first time when it wasn't dark. She seemed to come down from the hamster wheel but, Peanut goes up again and rides the wheel This was the first and last time that Peanut ran on a wheel. hahaha (So cute) And Peanut went up and ran the hamster wheel again! Even after that, Peanut rode a wheel only when it was dark and no one was there. And Peanut went straight into the house But Peanut came out right away when I fed her Peanut, who likes to eat whenever he sees food Peanut is on a diet because she gained a lot of weight. Peanut is earnest when eating. haha Peanut, enjoy your meal That's how I had a good time with Peanut. Peanut has been well, too. a year later Peanut's 2nd birthday The average life expectancy of a hamster is about two years. To celebrate Peanut's second birthday, I decided to decorate the house anew. Peanut, thank you for not being sick and being healthy I'll give you a new house as a gift. Peanut has become a grandmother, but she is still healthy. These are all ingredients for a new house Haha I'll make it quickly! This is the material to make the observation zone. I'm going to fix it like this. Working on it Finished making observation zone for Peanut! I take away all the old sawdust. Super fast cleaning! It's clean! Ta-da! Peanut's new house is complete! This is where Peanut can sleep This is the place where Peanut will eat water and rice Also, this is the place where Peanut works out Ah, I didn't fill it with water and rice yet. And this is the observation zone Will Peanut get in there well? Haha Peanut, you had a hard time waiting, right? Peanut : Show me the new house! Peanut : Wow! It's a new house! Peanut going into the house She came out quickly, I think Peanut likes this. This is a white millet, a naturalistic snack that hamsters like. Peanut enjoys food, Peanut is curious about everything. And after a while, Where is Peanut headed??? Tada~ The highlight of the new house, the observation zone! I was curious about the hamster in bedding, but it was really nice to see it like this. But look at Peanut's back... Peanut's back is bent more than before... I looked up a lot to see if she was sick, It is said to be a typical symptom of aging.. T_T Peanut was also a grandmother, and her body was gradually changing. It was fortunate that Peanut was still active. Peanut who ran around all day long Peanut climbed up the house and was very excited. Look at the cute rump Hahaha And a long time later, Who are you..? lol Peanut must be having a hard time after running around all day When she was young, this was just cute, but now I felt something sad. Peanut wakes up and eats delicious rice I wanted Peanut to live a long, healthy life. 6 months later Peanut is getting more and more sleep. Two years and six months seemed like a long time, but it was such a short time. In the past, if you knocked on it, it would wake up right away... Now I just had to let him sleep comfortably. Peanut, who always slept in sawdust, Not too long ago, she started to go out and sleep. It was as if she wished I could see well. Peanut is having a hard time even drinking water now. The most heartbreaking thing was the slender legs of Peanut.. I was so pitiful just looking at Peanut.. Peanut who comes out and sleeps today, too Did Peanut want to let me know that he was still alive? I could feel that the breakup with Peanut was imminent. a few days later Peanut didn't come out today... I felt that day had come but, I couldn't admit it. There must be Peanut somewhere in this sawdust.. I just couldn't dig into the bedding. After a long time I decided to calm down and look for Peanut. I thought peanuts might be near my house for some reason. And I took out the house... no... Peanut passed away there. When a pet dies, it is said that most of them have crossed the rainbow bridge, It is said that the hamster left for the star of the sunflower seeds. Hamsters love sunflower seeds, Because we can't give it much because we think about the hamster's health, As much as there, I want the hamsters to eat sunflower seeds to their heart's content. I couldn't do anything that day. There are still so many things I bought for Peanut... When I saw the remaining houses and things, I cried at the thought of Peanut. the next day A few days have passed since Peanut was sent but, Peanut's house is still intact. One day, Peanut comes out lying flat like a mole and Peanut goes into the wrong place, Peanut was running on a hamster wheel and pretended he didn't run when I came, Peanut almost choked on peanuts, Peanuts pee on the wheel all the time, Peanut always hides everything delicious in her cheek, If I decorate it pretty, Peanut made a mess of it all, Peanut is not a mochi but pretends to be a mochi, Peanut pretended to be serious, so I wondered why, Peanut pooped in my pants and ran away, Pretending to be stupid, Peanut plays with me, I feel like you're still here somewhere. I still feel like she'll run to me whenever I reach out. Two days later, Peanut's flowers bloomed even more. Peanut, don't get sick there and eat a lot of sunflower seeds that you like... Thank you so much for being with me as my Peanut. Peanut, bye... Thank you to the subscribers who have loved Peanut in the meantime.
Channel: 제발돼라 PleaseBee
Views: 1,024,950
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, 햄스터 키우기, 햄스터 죽음, 햄스터 죽기전 행동, 햄스터 케이지, 햄스터 죽었을 때, 햄스터 사망, 애완동물 죽음, 반려동물 죽음, 동물 죽음, 햄스터 죽음 처리, 햄스터 사후, 화분장, 햄스터 화분장, 햄스터 죽음 화분장, hamster death, pet death, mort de hamster, mort d'animal de compagnie, ハムスターの死, ペットの死, смерть хомяка, смерть питомца, 仓鼠死亡, 宠物死亡, morte de hamster, morte animal de estimação, morte del criceto, hamster chết, vật nuôi chết, muerte de hámster, muerte de mascotas, hamster death stories, pet death scene, 햄스터 장례식, hamster funeral
Id: J00n8yo5xoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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