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I wish this guy and the hot ones guy would get together and do a celebrity interview but with bullet ant bites instead of hot wings.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/emperorOfTheUniverse 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

He gets stung at 11.34

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/dilkoman 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Wellhhhh-As we can see-pant the- sting, fromthelionfish, is- extremely. painful.

If you are stungseek medical attention, asquigklyaspossible hyeneverknow how your body is goingtoreact... pant the venomhennessey?... In a situation like this.

pant hIt's an invasive speschies- it's a ss-fish, it's a fish that's very easy to come across, here in southern part of Florida- and up and down- the east coast, of, th'yUnited States.

sighhhhI'm Coyote Petersonpantno,w8wai-- hhhIf you seehhh... a lionfish- inthewild, just admire, from- a safe distance. It'sthemostimportantthingyuudoodoo NOT TRY TO CAPTURE pant these fish.panthhI'm Coyote Peterson... whew Be brave! sniff point hhStay wild! We'llcyaonth'nextadventureokay,I'mget'ndizzy

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

A lion fish hasn't got shit on the venom of the stone fish.

"I got spiked on the finger by a stonefish in Australia... never mind a bee sting... Imagine having each knuckle, then the wrist, elbow and shoulder being hit in turn with a sledgehammer over the course of about an hour. Then about an hour later imagine taking a real kicking to both kidneys for about 45 minutes so that you couldn't stand or straighten up. I was late 20s, pretty fit physically and this was the tiniest of nicks. Got sensation back in my finger after a few days but had recurrent kidney pains periodically for several years afterwards."

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Kidkrid 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Man does Charlie get himself into some crazy situations.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/themoplainslife 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy is like the educational version of wildboys

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ImDisruptive 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

At this point I'm convinced he's a masochist.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DarkestRevenant 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Happy to say he chooses animals which aren't dangerous to humans. If you want to see the hardcore stuff this is one on the Irukandji jellyfish with 2 scientists taking a sting in the hospital.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Garod 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
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STUNG by a LIONFISH! andyp
11.34 dilkoman
"Wellhhhh- maycure
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PlaylisterBot 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
- [Mark] Oh, wow. I cannot believe you're about to do this. - I'm Coyote Peterson, and I'm about to enter the spike zone, with the lionfish. One. Two. Here we go. Three. Agh! Gah! Oh, wow, it's gettin' worse, guys. Ugh. - [Mark] Okay let's get you home. (dramatic music) (mellow music) - [Mark] Mmm. It's almost time to head out to sea, how you feelin'? - Well, you'd think I'd be excited, which I guess I am, but I'm also out there looking for my fate, which is ultimately being stung by a lionfish. That's our boat. - [Mark] All right! - Watch your step coming down here. Life Aquatic? All right, we we've got a lot of great space on board here to set up all of our gear. - [Mark] We're not diving today, we're actually gonna free dive. - Yeah, we are going to be snorkeling to get these lionfish, we'll be in shallower water. Now they are located deeper and shallow, I mean they're all over the place from what I hear, so, we've got about six hours out on the water and hopefully in that amount of time we're gonna come back with a lionfish. - [Mark] All right. - [Coyote] Today we are heading off the coast of Islamorada. We will be searching for one of these invasive fish with the ultimate goal of showing you how to treat the effects of their painful sting, which is often experienced by both fishermen and divers. Native to the Indo-Pacific, these fish were first reported off of Florida's Atlantic Coast in 1985, and quickly began to spread up the Eastern Seaboard. With no natural predators beside humans the lionfish has become invasive enemy number one. No one knows for sure how these fish were introduced to the area, but their numbers have increased rapidly over the last 30 years. So finding one should not be that difficult. (dramatic music) All right, guys, well we've made it to our first dive site. We're just off of the Florida Keys. We've got the shore in the background, and we're not too far out. We can actually see the bottom of the ocean just off the back of the boat, which is perfect for snorkeling. I'm gonna trade in my adventure cowboy hat for a mask, a snorkel, and a dive suit. We're gonnah head down there and try to catch the notorious lionfish. This is one of the most invasive species out here in these waters, and our captain tells us there is a 100% chance we're gonna catch one, which means for you guys I'm definitely going to be stung. - [Mark] Oh boy! - Here we go! All right Mario! - [Mario] All right, buddy. See you later. (dramatic music) - [Coyote] Positioned just off of a shallow reef we began to explore the craggy rocks. The slow moving lionfish is very distinct with its feathery looking fins and calm disposition. As long as we spotted one, catching it should be no problem. In total we searched for about 30 minutes. It didn't take long at all because soon enough we had a lionfish in our sights. (dramatic music) Okay we got one. - [Mark] It came back out, I see it. - Yep. - [Mark] It came back out through the coral. - It's just floating there. - [Mark] All right, let's try to get it. (dramatic music) - [Coyote] This was my moment, time to net the invader. I held my breath and kicked hard. Closing in on the fish, I scooped forward, and after a little finesse of the net, I made the catch. I did it! I caught a lionfish. - [Mark] Woo! Woo! - [Coyote] Making sure to keep the spines away from myself and the crew, I swam toward the surface. - [Mark] We have it! - [Coyote] What a beauty! - [Mark] Wow, it was making right for us. Did you see that? - [Coyote] Yeah. - [Mark] Aw man, did you get that? - That was awesome. - [Mark] Wow, okay, well stay back, stay back a little bit from me. Let's head back to the boat, we got our fish! - Let's do it! Woo hoo! (dramatic music) - [Mark] There it is, ladies and gentlemen, the lionfish. - [Coyote] There it is. - [Mark] Give me that here, I'll uh... - [Coyote] Can you bring that up? Woo, look at that fish. Beauty too, gorgeous, wow! - [Mark] There you have it. Look at those spines. - I would say that the stage is set for me to be stung by the lionfish. Okay, let's get it into this bucket, and let's get back to shore. (laughs) In case you were wondering, this invasive fish will not be released back into the wild, but instead will be donated to a research group in South Florida. - [Coyote] Okay. - [Mark] I see a tank, we need a fish. - Here comes the fish. Now, I'm gonna just scoop it up with this spoon, and plop him into the aquarium, you ready? - [Mark] Yep. - [Coyote] Here he comes, one, two, three, woop! There you go, buddy! - [Mark] Wow. You can see why people keep them in their aquariums. - [Coyote] Oh, they're absolutely gorgeous. I mean you can see why it's called a lionfish. With those pectoral fins all spread out it almost looks like the mane of a lion. Now, they're also known as red zebra fish. As you can see, those red stripes kinda make it look like a red zebra. Many different names for this fish, but one thing and one thing only that we know is that this is an invasive species here in South Florida, and they can give you a pretty nasty prick with those spines. Now let's look at some of the anatomy of this fish. Wow. First of all those dorsal spines that you see running along the top ridge of the fish all 13 of those are laced with venom. The venom on these spines is actually in grooves that run along the side of the spines, and you can see those fleshy things hanging off the side, right? - [Mark] Yeah, what is that? - [Coyote] See that? These are actually sheaths that the spines are in, so when the fish gets agitated, those spines come through the fleshy sheaths, and then the venom is exposed. So whatever gets spined onto there, has the venom go into its system. - [Mark] So those sheaths actually help put venom on the spines too, right? - They do, it kinda lubricates it with venom and then when a spine goes into your hand, well, that's how the venom enters your body. Now, there are a couple different methods that I could use to go about being-- - [Mark] Yeah. - Spined here. - [Mark] How are you gonna do this? This seems really precarious to me. - Well, the most dangerous thing, and the thing that would be really unintelligent would be to actually put my hands in like this and try to pick up the fish from the side. Ventral spines are shorter and thicker, and they will actually put more venom into me than I care to have put into my body today. The dorsal spines also will inflict a lot of venom, but I want to replicate what oftentimes happens to divers when they run into these fish, which is getting spined by the dorsal ridge. So, I'm going to pick the fish up by its jaw, it's not gonna hurt it in anyway whatsoever. That dorsal ridge of spines is gonna fan up like that 'cause it's gonna feel threatened, it's out of the water, and I'm going to wack my hand down on top of the spines and venom is going to go into my skin. - [Mark] Well, you've gone through some stings and some bites. How are you feeling about this particular experiment, if you will? - Well this will be my first marine stinging. Technically it's not a sting, it's a stabbing, or a barbing, or a spiking. I'm a little nervous because I don't know how my body will react to marine life venom. We do have an epinephrine pen with us, as always. We're also back here in civilization so if anything goes extremely wrong, if my body were to go into anaphylactic shock we do have local medical experts on call ready to receive me if something bad happens. - [Mark] And you're good to go with this? - No, I'm sweating. I'm nervous, my heart is racing. You can see the fish is completely calm right now, just there resting on the bottom of the. - [Mark] Oh! Oh! - Ooh. - [Mark] That's how you get it. - That scared me. - [Mark] There's water all over your-- - He flicked his tail at me. (laughs) Yeah, that'll make you jump. I thought I was gonna get it from the ventral spines. There are three large spines on the back that they'll flick your tail and get you with. He didn't get me there, which is good, but I think we're gettin' close. Okay, we are just literally a couple minutes away from me being stung by the lionfish. You guys know I get nervous right before I do these things. Those are some big spines. I've never been spined by a marine creature before. I have no idea how my body's going to react to this venom, which makes me even more nervous. - [Mark] It is time. - Go Pro is officially rolling. Okay, now, I'm gonna pick the fish up from the front of its jaw, and then I'm going to drop my hand on top of the spikes. Now, I may be spined in the process of getting it out of there. If that happens I'm just gonna run with the scene, okay? Depending on how bad it is. - [Mark] Okay. - Okay, I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm actually gonna use the wooden spoon to turn it around. I wanna hold it with my left hand. I'm actually gonna position it... Look at that. Look at how it's turning the spines into the spoon, can you see that? - [Mark] Yeah, it's instinctively positioning the spines-- - [Coyote] It sure is. - [Mark] To attack its predator. - [Coyote] Okay I'm gonna try to get it by the mouth. Ready? - [Mark] Yep. Ooh, be careful. Careful. - [Coyote] Okay, I've got it. - [Mark] You have the mouth? - Got it by the mouth. There we go. There it is. - [Mark] Oh my goodness, we're here at the moment. - Look at that display of those spines. Wow. Okay. Now, I'm gonna drop my hand down on top of those. You got a decent shot? - [Mark] Yeah, can you position the fish a little more (mumbles)? - Yeah, let me kinda hold it up like that so you can see it. - [Mark] Oh wow. I cannot believe you are about to do this. Oh, buddy. - I'm Coyote Peterson and I'm about to enter the spike zone with the lionfish. One. Two. Here we go. Three. Agh! Gah! Agh! Agh! - [Mark] You all right? Did he get you? - Oh, yeah. - [Mark] How you feelin' right now? What's it feel like? - Agh! - [Mark] Does it hurt? - Ooh, pinpricks! Ooh! Yep. - [Mark] Ooh, man. - It's actually really not that bad. But it is, keep in mind, a neurotoxin. It's gonna take a couple minutes for this to set in. It's not instantaneous like a wasp, tarantula hawk, or even the bullet ant. Here's two of the spines went in, there, there, and I think his body kinda turned. I got like four spinings. Agh! - [Mark] Is it hot? - Nope, fingers are gettin' a little stiff. Agh. Mmm. Mmm. Yep, I'm feelin' somethin' now. (laughs nervously) Agh! Mmm. Agh! Hold on a second. Ooh. Ooh. - [Mark] The fish is okay! - Fish looks good. "That's what you get," he says, "For pickin' me up!" Agh. Oh, wow. Yeah, oh, wow. Oh, it's kind of comin' in a wave. Oh, you know what that's indicative of? - [Mark] Gila monster. - Gila monster. - [Mark] Yep. - Oh, man. Oh, man. All right, I'm gonna take this thing off of my wrist. - [Mark] Feeling any swelling or-- - Yep, I can feel my arm gettin' tight. And this is actually cuttin' off the circulation. And what you don't wanna do is cut off the circulation. Ah, my gosh. Aw man. Dude. Feel my forearm, dude. That's like instant. Squeeze under here. Under there, - [Mark] Oh yeah. Jeez, your arm's all... - Woah, man, yeah. Ah, it's burning good now. Agh! I felt the spikes go in. Agh! I though to myself, "Huh, that's kinda like a pinprick!" A big pin, but a pinprick nonetheless. I kinda got up and said "It's not that bad." - [Mark] How long will this last? - Oh. It's gonna last until I get my hand in some hot water. Not boiling hot, I want as hot as I can stand, because that heat will actually break down the proteins in the venom and it should dissipate, but oh wow. Okay, it's gettin' worse, guys. It's gettin' worse and I'm gettin' dizzy. - [Mario] Hey, Mark, should we take him to get the hot water? - [Mark] Yeah, I think we should probably wrap this up. - Okay, okay. No, no, no, no, no. Gotta get an outtro. Okay. Well, as we can see, the sting from the lionfish is extremely painful. If you are stung, seek medical attention as quickly as possible. You never know how your body is going to react to venom in a situation like this. It's an invasive species. Its' a fish that's very easy to come across here in the Southern part of Florida and up and down the East Coast of the United States. I'm Coyote Peterson. No, wait, wait. If you see a lionfish in the wild, just admire it from a safe distance. It's the most important thing you could do. Do not try to capture these fish. I'm Coyote Peterson. Be brave. Stay wild. We'll see you on the next adventure. Okay, I'm gettin' dizzy. - [Mark] Dude, just sit down a minute, sit down. - Ugh. - [Mark] Okay, let's get you home. - Oh, man, dude, I'm lightheaded, I'm lightheaded. All right, maybe it is a little worse than I thought. - [Mark] Remember where you got the keys? - [Coyote] Getting spiked by a lionfish was pretty bad. Make sure to stick around and watch the aftermath episode where I do my best to show you how to treat a lionfish sting. And don't forget, subscribe! So you can join me and the crew on our next aquatic adventure!
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 30,684,517
Rating: 4.8813868 out of 5
Keywords: sting, stung, stinging, stinger, bullet ant, ant, venom, ant sting, painful, pain, fire ants, adventure, adventurous, animals, breaking trail, coyote, coyote peterson, peterson, trail, wild, bug, attack, cow killer, cow killer sting, worst sting, painful sting, ouch, lionfish, lion fish, stung by a lion fish, stung by a lionfish, lionfish sting, snapping turtle bite, bitten by a snapping turtle, spiked, barbed, stingray sting, spiky sea creatures, venomous fish, scorpion fish, creepy creatures
Id: Fa13JKGG0ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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