My PCT Thru Hike Gear List 2024

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hi there my name is Julianne also known as roadrunner and in 2022 I thre hike the entire Appalachian Trail and in 2024 this year I am planning to hike the Pacific Crest Trail and today we're going to look at my entire gear load [Music] out so I I literally put everything in here that I will be carrying on my through hike and I put on the clothes and all that stuff just to kind of represent what I'm going to look like and just kind of like I mean yeah so if you see I'm wearing a Mountain Hardware Sun hoodie for my hike especially in the sieras I am planning to switch out to another shirt when I get more into like or Oregon as well as Washington but for the desert and California I am planning to wear a sun hoodie I'll also be carrying a light AF fanny pack so I'll show you boom boom boom it's a new one my old one is a little bit bad shape so I decided to get a new one and I got a new one for for Christmas which is really awesome so in my fanny pack I'll be carrying my sunglasses for the Pacific Crest Trail you definitely need some sunglasses these are my toosi sunglasses boom boom boom and then I'll be having them in a little I don't know like a little protection sack I also be having my garmon messenger in my fanny pack I like to carry it there sometimes I put it on the outside of the pack um so it just depends on how I feel that day I'll also have a lip balm in in here as well as my my wallet so I carry my driver license my credit cards I also have the fire permit the California fire permit and I'll be carrying the Pacific Crest permit once I get that um you can't really print that out until 3 weeks before your date I believe that's my fanny pack right there so I'll be carrying that for my hike I'll have just shorts and um darn socks I decided to go with the longer version so that it'll help me a little bit more with protecting from the dirt and of course under it these stn Tuff socks I am wearing some in jingy toe liners and then my shoes will be the Solomon speed cross I like the generation 5 and I'm not going to be wearing any Gators because the shoe themselves they do come with like a build-in Gator and in addition to that I am carrying I'm wearing the longer socks to help prevent from any dirt to come in there I know I will have dirty socks so I don't really anticipate to stay the cleanest on this Trail so here's my pack it is the hyperlight Unbound 55 there is a smaller version there is a 44 I opted for the bigger one for through hike I'm just not an Ultra ultral light person and in fact stay tuned to find out what the weight of this pack is for the Pacific Crest Trail so you'll see I have it all packed up so what am I going to go with first oh so first I have a little uh pack towel that helps me kind of wipe my face and when I you know blow my nose to just you know wipe that off or any sweat or anything like that I do have a little temperature gauge right here I had it from the at it's still working I just put a new battery in there I am carrying a little extra pouch right here and I'll be putting my tripod in there the tripod that I have is the Joby I don't know what else it's called it's a Joby I like it a lot because I can kind of bend it and change it up and you know I can put it like on trees and all kinds of ways it really helps with being able to get you a really good shot like a straight shot not just an angled shot I also be carrying this positive potato it's from one of my amazing subscribers and supporters he sent me like a few little cute stuffed animals and I decided to take the positive potato with me so this one will be making some appearances on the trail everybody needs like an extra little friend right so for now I don't know exactly at where I'm going to keep him but for now he's going to be in that pouch on the other side side I have my 1 lit water bottle well one lit water bottle and then normally I carry my PE rag on the side of my fanny pack um but for today I just put it on the side right here if you go into the pockets I always carry my headlamp on my right pocket and I have the night core nu25 I love this headlamp it's a good one and then on the other side I'm not sure if I'll have this in here but on the other side I'll be carrying some gloves as well as an extra little um part of yeah in fact actually I should probably mentioned that I did cut this up because the original pack towel was just huge so I cut a piece off and this is just really good to kind of help you wipe down stuff and things like that so and then on the uh this side right here I have my filter with another water bottle so let me take that out so I do mark my dirty water bottle with an X just so that I don't ever make a mistake the cap of this tip fell off so I'll probably get a new cap and my water filter is the saw squeeze I also I will be carrying two of these sonok 2 L water blads as you can see this is old and this is new so that my water carrying capacity is 6 lit I'll be carrying my U I'll be carrying my 10 staks on the side I usually carry it on the outside of my pack somebody recently suggests just put it in with my tent like wrap it up with my tent it's kind of an idea so I might go with that and then the 10 sticks that I do is the MSR groundhogs regular size I don't don't go with the minis and I do carry eight of them with me because my tent can use eight I usually just use six but I do carry Aid with me and on the other side I'll be having my um my Camp shoes they will be the TAA sandals they are really comfortable the reason why I switched from the Crocs to the TAA sandals is because of the packing ability I really love not having my my Crocs hang around smash all over the place which I did for the at and I like how I can just fit them right in there and then of course um on the other side will be my my um I forgot what do you call it my diddy bag I guess so I have the Trel to carry cat holes and toilet paper I keep it in a little extra protected in a little dog bag and that's really it from the outside oh no we've got this your pocket right there if you see if you didn't watch my other video I added this shock cord not sure I really necessarily need it I like the look of it but I'm doing a little section hike and March before my through hike and I'm going to see if I really need that so on this side I don't have it today but I usually have my trash bag right here it's just a gallon uh it's a gallon Ziploc bag and then I always carry my rain jacket on the outside just because when it rains also the Pacific Coast Trail doesn't really have that much rain so this will probably serve as a wind jacket mostly and this is I forgot this is the mon Bell don't ask me which one it is but it's that really really really light sleep uh that really really light rain jacket I and I changed this from some frog togs that I absolutely hated and um changed to that okay so let's go inside my pack I think that's it yep okay opening it up so first things first is my tent it's the zpack duplex it's the same one that I used from the Appalachian Trail through hike still going strong still using it and then moving on to my mid layer it's going to be the sky goat hoodie I do have a CI design Alpha direct hoodie and I'm still contemplating on whether I'll bring the sky goat or the Ala direct I really believe in the sky goat for any kind of East Coast through hike but West Coast I'm still contemplating so any thoughts on that would really help I also carry with me the 1/8 gossamer gear pad I put this under my sleeping pad to protect that I also use it as a sit pad or I will be using it as a Sit pad and it just has multiple uses it's only one of honestly one of the best pieces of gear you'll ever find also the sleeping pad I'll be using is the thermarest NeoAir X slide it's the same one that I use on the at still going strong I will be bringing my I'll be bringing my luxury item which is the flex tail pump it helps me pump up the sleeping pad and then in addition to that I also have the repair kit still in here always carry the repair kit and this is one of the pieces of gear where I like to have a stuff stck with it just to keep it kind of compact and Al together I'll be carrying a food bag it's the same one from the at it's the zpack bear bag and normally I don't have this stuff in here normally I have food in here but so I just put that in for packing purposes and I'll have my little cooking pot that is the toes I believe it's the 650 or the 600 and I do have a new lighter I love it it's a watermelon lighter and then my my stove is going to be the snow peak it's the same one from the at still going strong and I wrap it up put it in there and then what I do is I take the fuel if oh normally it fits right in hold on okay so put it in there take the fuel place it fits right in cover it up and then put the lighter in there boom boom boom boom okay also be carrying a spork same one from the at this is out XE I liked it a lot I'll also be carrying a um rock sack I made this myself cuz my other one got stuck in a tree in a section hike for hanging and then this is my I guess this is really the diddy bag it's like you keep all your extra things right so that's my bear bag so let's look at my diddy bag I have a few zip log I feel like you can't really go with too many zip log bags this one is the one I'll be having my water filter in when it gets to freezing temperature and you see there's a cap so what I do is I cover I um what I use I use this cap to you know close my dirty water bottle put the filter in there I also I do wear a retainer at night as well as I'll have my toothpaste and a toothbrush I don't really care about cutting down my toothbrush I like to have a handle to hold on to so I'm not like B another zip blog just love having those extra Ziploc bags a hair brush a girl needs a hair brush this is the Wet Brush it's a really good brush it doesn't really hurt there's a little mirror do need a mirror and then it just come you know it just sticks out and you can put it back in and boom also be carrying a little muscle relax or a muscle release ball I carried that with me on the 18 and at some point I got rid of it and I really regretted not having that so it'll be coming with me I also have body Glide and I never knew about chafing until I did the at and this really was a lifesaver for my butt cheeks too much information and then um there will be lots of bugs and I usually don't like to wear a headnet because it does kind of inhibit your vision your side you don't have that uh depth understanding but I'll be carrying that just cuz people say the bugs are really bad I also be carrying some wet wipes I do like to get not just the individual ones I like to have this but then I put it in a Ziploc just because otherwise it'll it'll it'll lose its moist mixure and then all my little extra things I do have a little um pocket knife it's my new one cuz my other one was taken by TSA on my last flight the reason why I like this one because it does have some scissors and I really felt like I needed scissors on the at and I just didn't have that I also carry a little Neosporin with me some extra caps you can really never go with too few caps um earplugs cuz people be like when I talk about snoring everybody's like just use some earplugs I have earplugs I take them don't you worry and then I have a little nail file and then some repair stuff and this is dyema repair I do have a little tick Miggy but I never really Ed it on the at and some extra washers this is something that is really important bring extra washers for your filter they will break if you tighten it too much and then of course some lucco tape very important to bring the lucco tape and I think this is called what is this called Tenacious Tape this is something that you can use to pre to um repair your quilt and stuff or your clothes so that is all that I have in my diddy bag moving on to the inside first thing it's my sleeping bag liner it's the uh C2 Summit reactor it helps with another 15° of warmth there's another one that's like a different color I think it's a little bit more like 24° but I decided with the 15 and then of course my invention that I'm not going to talk about and then my puffy I do carry a puffy and a mid layer cuz you know I don't want to be cold and this is the Enlightened Equipment toret it's the same one from the at still going strong my sleeping socks same one from the at still going strong my my sleeping pants I always switch those out I really don't really switch my top I keep that on at night but I do change to some sleeping pants these are vub medium siiz I don't really know but they keep me really nice and warm and they make me feel all cozy and then of course my quilt which is the Enlighten equipment Revelation blue color on the outside orange color on the inside and then the straps that go around the pad and then somewhere in here some more oh these are my long hiking pants I was really thinking should I bring these but I I should I should bring them just especially when it's really windy I might wear them for prote ction when it gets cold in the morning I don't know they say you pack your fears and my fears not to have the right amount of clothes with me and then of course also all the way down in this bag is of course my electronics bag looks a little bit bigger because I'll be carrying with me two power bags one 20,000 night core one 10,000 night core so I will have a total of 30,000 uh milliamp hours I believe is what they called I feel like I need it as a vlogger and I don't know just it's my decision I think I want it and then the cables one of my subscriber actually Wingnut he gave me this little device that you can just put on here and it just changes the connection for the USBC so that way it allows you to not have to carry 500,000 cables my I phone cable I like that I'm bringing a long one those small ones are really annoying because then everything is just hanging on the power outlet my my charging travel charger I do bring a SD card reader so that I can save all my videos and then there's an SD card in there and then I'm bringing another SD card I could be mailing this to me all these like extra things but it's just so light and there's no reason to not carry that with me now I will be changing um some gear out when I get into the sieras one of the things I'll be carrying with me is a bear canister as well as micro spikes these are the exos spikes as well as an ice axe which is the Corsa Camp cors so almost everybody has this ice ax so it it seems to be pretty light I think it's about a half a pound or something like that but these three things add about 4 lb extra to my base weight so yeah so I hope this helped it was a little bit faster do let me know if you have any questions and uh here are the different base weights depending on whether I'm going to have my regular base weight or the Sierra base weight thank you so much for watching have a good day
Channel: HikingDancer
Views: 14,847
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Id: 4ha1tatF3eg
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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