10 Tent Mistakes Every New Backpacker Makes

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I can pretty much guarantee that you're making at least five out of these 10 Common tent camping [Music] mistakes most of us place our backpacks over here over to one side of the vestibule but this is bad because it blocks a big part of the Gap underneath the vestibule doing this reduces the air flow coming through the tent which in turn greatly increases the condensation buildup in the morning so instead put your backpack over here in the center the vestibule or put it inside the tent making sure that no gaps are blocked building your tent in an open area sometimes actually is okay if the night isn't going to be too windy or too cold but ideally you should build your tent in a place like this right next to some trees this will increase the temperature inside the tent by several degrees and also reduce the condensation due to Natural protection from wind rain and the Morning Mist but before you do that all always check that there aren't any dead trees nearby or right above the tent unfortunately deaths from trees falling on the tent are quite common so always make sure to build it only under smaller and younger [Music] trees do not dry your wet hiking shoes gloves socks or your rain jacket inside the tent this will cause some of the moisture to evaporate and increase the condensation in the tent which in turn will make your other gear damp in instead put them all in a dry Sack or a trash bag overnight to isolate all of the moisture it's much more efficient to dry your gear during the day in direct sunlight while having a pause or while having a meal for staying warm the most important thing is to keep your upper body warm because your heart and most of your arteries are located there one thing that can help with this is putting your empty backpack underneath your sleeping mat this will add some additional padding between you and the cold ground which will make you warmer setting your tent up on a slight incline might be bearable but during the night your feet will slide into the bottom part of the tent this will make the bottom part of your sleeping bag wet from condensation and make your feet feel colder if there's no flat ground try to set it up in a way where you're sliding against the mesh part of the tent not the bottom part of it or you could also set it up like this and put your feet inside an empty backpack which will keep your feet from getting cold and [Music] wet when the sun sets the cool air drops down to the ground because it's much more dense and heavier than warm air in the mountains this usually means that the valleys fill up first because they act like Pockets where all of the cold air accumulates to illustrate this point I'll tell you about the cetal sinkhole in Austria it sits at 12200 M of altitude for for comparison on Mont Blanc which sits at 4800 M of altitude the lowest ever recorded temperature is- 43° C and in this sinkhole which is much lower in elevation and theoretically should also be much warmer the lowest ever recorded temperature is a whopping minus 53° C this happens because the cold air gets trapped within the sinkhole and it pretty much has nowhere else to escape so if you can always try to avoid setting up your tent in deep bellies because it will be colder there your face usually gets pretty cold when sleeping in a tent in a winter but breathing into your sleeping bag will just make you colder in the long run you'll get a lot of moisture in the sleeping bag which will worsen its insulation properties and make you colder a good idea is to carry a buff in a situations like these because it will isolate the moisture within the fabric and make your face feel warmer at the same time if your feet are cold don't put on another pair of socks this will restrict their blood flow and make your feet feel even colder instead switch to a fresh pair of dry socks that aren't too tight if you only have tight fitting socks then you can try warming up your feet with your hands before putting them on this will make your feet warm up much much [Music] faster if your water filter freezes then the me branes inside of it could break from expanding and Contracting which could essentially ruin it and your electronics always drain quicker charge much slower and could even start glitching when exposed to very cold temperatures So to avoid this from happening always place your water filter as well as all of your electronics inside the sleeping bag overnight so that they're nice and warm when setting up your tent always make sure that Each corner or the guideline is set out at a 40 5° angle from each Corner this will make sure that the tent is sitting up nice and straight another benefit is that L force will be applied to each tent stake which means that it's much less likely to come out in high winds honestly when I was just starting out I was making all of these tent mistakes and I'm probably still making other tent mistakes right now just because I don't know about them yet so if you know other tent tips that might be useful to other people please write them down in the video comments thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Oscar Hikes
Views: 312,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tent mistakes, tent tips, camping mistakes, camping tips, backpacking tent tips, hiking tent tips, hiking tent advice, sleeping in tent tips, sleeping in tent advice, sleeping in tent mistakes, camping sleep mistakes, how to sleep in a tent, tent advice, better sleep in tent
Id: M98wYdANfTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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