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what's up I am so excited for this we're doing a ranking my trick top videos video tier list you know how it is let's get this bad boy started number one you've got fam guard here number two you got bangers pretty good videos number three you got half decent which is another good sign I'm part of it but still it's not it forgot you know before you got average you know what that means number five get in the bin I don't know how many of those that made I've made some pretty crappy videos so I'm really excited there are all the lineups you can see they're the most iconic videos of mine let's get started with number one we're gonna do the first flipper video attacker small mobile was not a projectile slipper target me over and through a single arm initial velocity of seven meters per second Nike received 19% minimum distance 12 meters time to react one point two seven seconds move center of gravity to right foot pivot in for maximum momentum extend on to increase acceleration and torque to 2.9 meters per second squared approximate probability of dodging 99% okay this is the very first Sherlock Sal slow-mo slipper swing video I have three curly that has made this one was lit it was the first one and you can tell is working some of the kinks out its first time choreographing as well which I'm not the best at choreographing choreographing takes a whole lot of time because it doesn't work and a lot of the time I have to redo it every choreograph and reshoot but this one is extremely simple one throw one dodge that's it one movement I think it's very very simple but it works and that return at the end where the mom says I made into that is bangin SNL sign me up writing at its finest Gontier absolutely first one off the list no doubt this one right now clocks in at over two million views got you alright second video let's go [Music] Wow wonderful we have a little moat here don't we [Music] is this you let's rank Jana let's break it out of fusing the creativity how funny it is and the effort put in ever put in is not high in comparison to my slow-mo videos bf4 putting it is like zero that takes some points off it how funny it is I I do believe the shoes are very funny that's the best part I wasn't even planning on it but I just I saw a pair of shoes I grabbed it I was like are you are you dumb oh my god turned out so good so good to be honest but normal pair one it's pretty funny as well I'm gonna put that it is about put that a half-decent because it's pretty it's pretty good but I don't think I don't think it deserves the top based on that it just doesn't have enough effort put it I don't know take me like an hour to do it so I'm putting in a half decent but solid Happy's a video all right next one number three [Music] yeah that was that was pretty good that the take where the doorbell rings and that take that's take one I did one take of that and I was like done done said the check the gate the gate is good about what I'm really hyped about and the views are I think it's that like about 200k views so you guys love it and but it's got the highest like rate of all of my videos it clocks in at over 50% like great 50% that means a half of you guys who watched it press that like button and that's that blows my mind that blows my mind that's going up that's going up I'm putting that in bangers absolute banger there's no doubt about that such a banger ever put in as good couple of shots I don't I don't remember how many exactly I'd say like probably 10 10 9 to 10 shots I was drinking the same cup of coffee throughout some of the comments oh really that wasn't bangers let's go next video I love you so much we play all the time and you're the best my favorite Cuban yeah [Music] you bet slap at the end though that's love at the end go I speed up once I got it I got a plastic cup and I filled it up with water and I put it there and I was like yeah we got one take we go one take at this I'm gonna smack this Cup as hard as I can make this shine out of it I smacked that Cup to oblivion that was brilliant and Jesus look at this look at this this splash look at that splash that's wet it went out like three meters climb and bit pass through the bang I hit it with a hit with the slap Oh God - you got you know discussion that no one's got to you fellows got to you it has a good amount of effort put it though it does it really does specialist put all my other boots video the first half of that I got into so much trouble over because I was screaming I was jumping up and down going and and everyone was like oh shut up I got a lot of trouble for the video and then the second half comes in wow wow wow good God dear God you know dad I don't know how many views it's I think it's I think it's around 100k views like I'm really happy with that I think that's one of my funniest videos just fine energy straight up Wow done got to you absolutely next one here boy fetch that was fun we'll do it again okay sure give me the ball nope but I can't do it without the ball nope give me the ball yeah yeah yeah that's pretty like ha that's pretty good that's pretty like that video that video is gonna have to rent lower because that effort why's there don't have much it's only like I know it took me about half an hour to make that video creativity-wise is there I wrote that joke all by myself and it decided to just be as goofy as I can so uh effort wise ever nah it's low effort creativity-wise it's got creativity I'm gonna have to put that on average that's not very strong I'm okay with that I think that the viewership is under 100 K all right next one uno reverse card way too long I think I made that in my first week everything's pretty pretty dead it's not snappy at all sloppy in the editing but the creativity was decent I like the creativity of that an assassin comes in shoots a guy and the guy pulls out a reverse card and somehow the bullet just teleports to the assassins body and kill the assassin just because the reverse card it's pretty dumb but I love like I love the goofiness of it and it made me it made me laugh for the first bit effort wise was grant I suppose Nullah editing wise was grant creativity I drank it average I think this one this one deserves to go average yeah yeah alright next we'll get a nice definitely remember I made that video in my first week of make addictive so it was very very early stages and I wrote that joke entirely about myself I'm gonna say I'm gonna give it an A on creativity effort wise it took a while it took a while and that was recorded at like midnight to 1:00 o'clock in the morning so effort wise it took a good while creativity-wise I'd say it banks I say thanks let me think let me think yeah and funny wise yeah it's it's got the funniness editing took ages I swear editing took ages at the time it was literally my first week of making videos so I didn't really know how to edit and I wanted every single step of the foot of my characters to be on the beat so it took so much effort I put that a banger guys a bang of me that is a solid solid banger and it was my very pretty viral video that teeny teeny viral it's my very first video to cross 100k views so I'm very proud of it it's a solid banger for me solid bang let's go first a projectile duck under to create smaller target directing the next throw to an easily dodge of a second projectile use engaged right leg to accelerate upwards third projectile extend arms to stabilize welcome to momentum through the torso to the right foot direct projectile back with triple the speed dinner delayed PlayStation confiscated what being defended get done that is way too good but none that none I'm not stop it first of all first of all watch this done that is the single best video I have ever created ever no doubt this first of all you guys the blooper is up for that so so go ahead and watch it there were 26 shots all together and 91 takes I remember that took three days to make three days that's what all the shadows are different in some shots raining I don't know if you can pick it up on the camera the creativity was took me choreographing three times i choreographed then I shot then I edited and realized oh no it doesn't work so I recorded a free shot Rihanna's hit odo doesn't work again so I did it again after all the footage was shot and edited I wrote the voice over to the footage and been stuck in a banger did Italy PlayStation confiscated whooping defended massive win big dub there's no doubt about that and it got here all day best video I've ever made that video right now I think clocks in at over two million views two million views Matt it deserves it though it deserves the creativity got into that not only the thinking of the thing and choreographing the thing a scripting the thing but doing that over and over again because I failed the first time then the second time I failed again and then I had a rewrite and a third time it finally finally worked by the way this script is like double the length of that scripted other scenes a shot other scenes at a choreographed roughly like 30 seconds more of storyline and footage and in the edit I realized yo it doesn't work I can't match the pacing I can't match the cut so I ended up scrapping that entire half so what you see in that video is a half of what I've scripted choreographed shot and edited half of it is is cut and it's in the bin and I'm really sad about that um it's it got you it's a good there's no like don't even don't even talk about it got here right off the bat no discussion oh this is an OG video yo if you're an OD you know this video nice that video that video took about a day first of all recording it took about a day and I wrote every single joke on the spot they had the camera there and I was like all right I'm already talked about McDonald's all right I'm going to talk about pop I should pull a muscle maker grill muscle movie about yokas point then one where I lifted the weights know what those quite poor element at the TGI Friday is a bagger cuz y'all know what is Storting y'all know what he's doing when it comes up you hi DJ Friday how can I help you come for Panda Nootka so in a console pendant Capano Express Panda Express that was a bad joke Chipotle people are always eating their own food man I swear to God all Chipotle employees eat their own food so you know there's so many jokes written in that the out back out back is lost really a so it's upside down so many jokes went into that creativity a plus a plus the creativity effort I give it a beat but solid solid effort gotten good at listening to the music by the way y'all notice that office music hell yeah so I'm gonna I will put that em up put that a bangin yeah deserves a banger for me the solid solid banger boom solid bang alright next one oh my god that fall and forgot about that fall I totally forgot about that fall heythis like alright it's not the best it's one of my early videos again that by the way guys that fall where I fell off the hammock was entirely real and that was not scripted I was planning on jumping it and like doing just striking a pose that absolutely failed and I fell off the thing and it hurt Jesus you think that's grass but no it hurts men my full body way we're right down in a cut up camera for that moment alone this video is worth it but you know overall creativity's not so high but at the time there was this trend of like a pose music where you do a different pose that everybody was doing glamorous shots look at me and pretty but I thought you know what I'm gonna go the opposite way I'm gonna do it awkward version that's what I did but you know what honestly I I would say the creativity is quite poor it's just being awkward there's no jokes written in there there is great effort Matt I have to say that's my poorest video today yeah as my post video I'm gonna put it in get in the bin alright next one hey I've got a question what if you buy a 3d printer use it to print a 3d business but you don't return the original Matt's how do I rate that Jesus the idea sewed up yo the amount of people I triggered with that video go ahead and read through the comments I swear there's at least 100 people telling me yo you can't do that you can't print a 3d printer with a 3d printer bro how you gonna put the electric I know it's a joke late it's a joke obviously you can't print the electrical parts of it I know that but I actually I love how many people are triggered it was mad at least 100 comments telling me yo you can't do that and I love it I love the trigger I love it you know what that's a decent video it's a half decent video every put it not a lot action very poor very poor effort creatively it's a good joke I mean I mean I thought of it so that's creativity right there executioner's man it's based poor as well it doesn't deserve a hierarchy it's either getting the better average but it has a high view right now it's right about to hit 200,000 views though right now it's right about here tooth out 200,000 views but I don't think it's wrong I'm gonna go with i'ma go is average yeah I'm gonna put average on there alright last video welcome to the golden can I get for you can I have a comp our confirmed politic and a low main please it's so accurate is the reason why it's funny if it's of legit Chinese restaurant you know that's gonna happen if it doesn't it's blue it's a good joke execution was alright it didn't take long no it took like half an hour to shoot that I'm gonna put that in there no I just it doesn't have that much creativity to be honest I will put my egg in the bin alright there we go today we have our final list for ranking my diktats part 1 yeah this is really fun I enjoyed it and I enjoyed talking about every one of them behind-the-scenes stories and all that hope you guys enjoyed check out my tic toc and let's go for let's go for a cutie tomorrow alright press that subscribe button thank you so much for coming over thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Steven He
Views: 446,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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