My oranges are starting to get moldy :(

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i was gonna say happy wednesday but it's not wednesday it's thursday so happy thursday um amber this channel currently does live can you put on the brow thank you this channel currently does live streams only because i don't have the bandwidth to actually record edit upload my own videos it's just not possible with a full-time job that's already making videos and my depression and just the general state of things um so currently it is pretty much 99.9999 live uh cryptocurrency ad i'm gonna get my laptop be right back hello everyone it's the aaron hour i know how much you enjoy the airing hour right now you get to see me washing fred's dinner plate unit sierra now get out [Music] i hope you had a good day too amy um so i don't know if you remember the last time we tried to make blood orange cake and it came out to be a very ugly cake but nonetheless we ate it and aaron enjoyed it however i still have seven blood oranges left one of them i realize is starting to mold right on top so i'm going to trim that off i'm going to trim off any questionable parts we'll give these another rinse because they've been in the fridge for a while i did wash them before um and then we'll make stuff with it i'm thinking we'll make cake we'll make another candied orange peel maybe this time we'll put some zest in the cake and then with our trimmings i might make a jam of some sort because i have already eaten so much today that i don't even want another bite of food there's fred hi friend say hi say hi fred oh my god what a rude cat jesus christ so yes i will read the extract bottle this time i'm soaking a peanut butter container i'm going to dump this out because we're going to need this pot [Music] foreign and it's kind of like i fully didn't learn from my mistake last time where you know we just winged it and the cake came out kind of horrendous but still edible as long as i can keep making mistakes that are still edible i will never learn from you know not winging it every time and also i just found a bunch of in my fridge that i need to start using up because i just have way too many random jars of crap that i don't want to throw out so we're just gonna make a crab cake we're going to make a moldy orange crab cake guys boggle in for the ride freddy ready are you ready for a crab cake okay that's that's a yes face that's a yes face and our teddy jar is amazingly clean after i rub the label all across the residue thank you teddy for making jars with labels that um come off easily i i truly do appreciate this in companies you make reusing and repurposing that much easier makes me eternally grateful bye friend he doesn't say hi he does the irish goodbye you know whatever we'll get used to it we'll get used to this um okay so let me just trim off some of the more problematic spots i caught some scallions on this knife i just want to make sure that there's like no scallions left you know tammy you always catch me when i'm scrubbing jars because i'm always scrubbing jars period so anytime you catch me is the time that i'll be scrubbing jars uh not a surprise oh my god everything's falling over okay you gotta smell your board too this is something that i learned working pastry in restaurants as you always have to smell the freaking board because you never know when the savory side just used your pastry board without asking you and then put it through the dish and didn't smell it afterwards and then put it back on your pastry station and then you go ahead and you chop some oranges or apples or melons and you make your freaking dessert and it comes out tasting with a vague suggestion of garlic all right this pot we're going to use for the peels this pot we're going to use for the jams i will be putting my supremes in a bowl of some sort i guess perfect this one let's hope i don't break anything prematurely all right this looks a little problematic all right that one's clear we're just gonna inspect all of our oranges make sure there's no visibly disturbing spots and if there are they're going straight into the compost because uh these were already like five for a dollar oranges so we're not going to take any chances with these they're fine for the most part guys don't worry about me i probably have enough fruit mold in my system to like get cancer in the next 13 years uh check back with me then if we're all still alive which is you know looking less and less likely by the day if you came for sunny content and you're new here you've come to the wrong spot i recommend you go back to your landing page on youtube and select another channel all right we're gonna rinse these how are we doing folks uh i rinse my hair every day i don't shampoo it every day um i'm allergic to penicillin so even if it is penicillin i'm allergic to it and i will die uh mushroom lasagna sounds good yeah salmon and pork scrap bags are usually found for me in asian grocery stores i don't see them in like white people american stores i think americans just have a aversion to bones skin anything that reminds them that the meat they're consuming came from a living being that had to be slaughtered and disassembled uh fun fact burgers come from moo moos and by that i mean cows not the dress vicky i really just i like to make life harder for myself i really don't want to buy a product specifically made to solve one specific problem which is making shitty labels that make your life harder i just makes me angry that i have to buy a product to solve a problem that should not be a problem in the first place and while we're on that topic why are my taxes so damn high this year and why is it all going towards wars that all right cool we're gonna start uh peeling some orange peels the planes are back they are fierce they are loud they will never let me rest and we will have to learn to be okay with it it is not something i can change i'm just going to fill this pot with water and this pot is where i'm going to be putting all my peels into and once we have the pot full of peels we're just going to bring this water up to a boil twice we're going to dump it out each time so that the rind can get a chance to get less bitter and then we'll add in some sugar on the third boil to make our peels now before i start peeling these oranges i think what i'll do is zest a couple of them to go into our cake i also put garlic on this today so we gotta wash it i really don't want garlic in my taste today yeah it would be cool if we got to direct our taxes towards the causes that we wanted it to go to and it would be really cool if we could actually elect some people who represent our interests instead of people who don't be nice i'm really angry today it's cool to chill oh laura you make my chickpea tacos all the time i don't even know if they were that good but i'm glad you think they're that good that makes me very happy i mean not all white people anything you know allison but i'm just saying a lot of americans that i know can't handle a lot of body parts from the animals of whom they are consuming the meat i don't know if that made any grammatical sense at all there were too many uh possesses in there but you know what i mean once again i will reiterate that if i were to ever become a tyrant anyone who wants to eat an animal will have to kill that animal themselves and if you can't kill it you don't get to eat it all right let's see i will zest you you smell really good i always scratch the surface of some oranges first to see how flavorful that zest is before choosing it you will find that just like people some of them are better than others so choose the ones that are the most fragrant what you can do is if you can't smell it right away you can just use your nail to like scratch it and bruise it a little bit and that'll release some of the essential oils and that way you can give it a sniff and see which one you like the most especially when it comes to blood oranges i find that the flavor and the fragrance varies widely between different fruits so like this one doesn't smell as good this one smells kind of soapy compared to the last one wow that one was a winner the first one what wow these are disappointments all right you the one i will settle for you sometimes you just gotta settle on a scale of one to five how aggressive am i tonight five being the most aggressive and makes you wanna turn off the channel be honest i'm gonna watch the chat if you're not honest i'm gonna kick you off i have telepathy i will know who's lying don't me mmm smells good a 10. wow all right guys i'm gonna set this aside there and now let's begin the supreme process maybe i will bring you closer to me i am so aggressive that fred has left me for the night so i understand i just uh it's been that kind of a day you know you know guys sometimes it'd just be that way now it's really bright i want to make this right how do i make this the right amount of bright i will settle that's fine chop off both ends until you can see the segments on the inside and then we will follow the curve and get rid of all the white pith i like to hold my knife this way with one index finger on this side of the blade to kind of control the curve that i'm bending the knife in and the thumb is stuck on this side to give it support and pressure you want some opposing pressure for that ultimate control this is the only thing that i have some control over today in my life so for that i am thankful um i had a pastry chef no i had a chef chef who once told me i should only do one thing at a time so i'm gonna peel all of these oranges before i start segmenting them so that the voice that's still in my head can stop nagging me about how much of a waste of time i am ashley glad to hear you are doing okay my friend yikes that does not sound fun i am sorry um yeah my taxes are insane rebecca this year is the first year i will not be getting any refund from the federal level um which is quite shocking considering how much was already taken out of my paycheck i in fact still owe taxes somehow and it does not make sense i do not support a lot of the things that have happened in this country in the past year i really hate that i have to pay taxes to a place that makes me feel quite uncomfortable but this is the game we play i'm so happy that some folks got money back very very delighted to know that not everyone is getting over debbie thank you so much i can only do me unfortunately so i appreciate the support i wonder if i could do anyone else who would i do i would do jesus probably he was badass he was like the son of god got ridiculed nobody believed him he flipped over some tables in the church because bastards were selling in god's temple and uh he knew what was coming for him in the end and he stuck it through my god what a dude am i right you don't see those anymore now i haven't filed my taxes yet either i want to figure out what the hell is going on before i submit it because if i find out that i made a mistake and i end up paying the government more money than i have to um i'm going to be very angry at myself and i really don't need that additional anger this is actually very meditative for me and i'm glad i'm going to get rid of all these straggling bits in my fridge it will be quite therapeutic for me to know that i cleared some space clear the clutter clear the physical clutter to clear the mental clutter no they're not due today i believe taxes are due in may now guys no freaking out we're cool or cool we still got time to uh give money to go to war in unknown places killing unknown people supporting unknown powers for anyone who thinks i am a person who shares way too much and therefore am potentially insane i am merely making up for the fact that i feel like there is absolutely no transparency in our society and i would like to not participate in that makes me really angry makes me really sad and it makes me feel really lost and i would like to not perpetuate that if possible and if you think that makes me crazy so be it i cannot control what you think of me hell sometimes i cannot even control what i think of me i love blood oranges guys they're so different all of them are so different every single one it's always a surprise when you cut them open they remind me why i like going to thrift stores a lot it's like that element of eternal surprise you just never know what you're gonna find inside and then everything just seems so much more special erin scale of one to five five being the craziest how crazy do you view me as you know don't worry about it i won't punish you i'm too tired too oh my god you're such a whip dude come on what can i possibly do to you if you answer this question i already have internet strangers answering this question all right guys since aaron won't answer because he's too scared on a scale of one to five five being the craziest how crazy am i to you this is your subjective answer and i will accept any and all numbers that come in so many twos jesus really we don't have anyone in here who thinks i'm whack oh okay cool thanks dexter thanks for your support 4.68 hell yeah love those decimals so precise we got a robot in the house tonight guys calculating my craziness levels it's amazing the technology these days mind-blowing all right one thing on time we have all of these peels now beautiful i'm going to slice them into my desired candying strips we're going to just start boiling them um i don't know how long this live is going to be tonight but probably really long because we're processing seven oranges and if you only want to see the cakes being made maybe tune back in like i'm gonna guess 25 minutes yo crazy should run in everyone's family considering how bad things are how bad things have been all right holler if you saw the show can't get you out of my mind wait is that the name of the show aaron what's the name of the show oh can't get you out of my head my bad guys raise your hand if you saw can't get you out of my head esther this is a carbon steel santoku knife made in japan somewhere um that i got from brooklyn kitchen maybe seven or eight years ago for about 110 bucks ish feel better alimas um yeah one thing that uh since somebody mentioned cocktail the only reason really why i'm making more orange peels instead of composting these is not because i want to give myself one more source of potential sugar to binge on but because the um syrup last time came out really delicious and aaron enjoyed it in this cocktail so i think it would be a great thing to have some orange flavored syrup would you say yes aaron orange flavored syrup would you like love it he loves it he says he loves it holly i feel like it's on youtube no i thought i linked it in my description box i feel like the whole series at one point was on youtube for free let me know that's no longer the case maybe they copyrighted it um esther i do sharpen this knife not as often as i used to because i've gotten lazy and depressed but i did actually just sharpen this knife on a previous live not too long ago i have a whetstone that i've inherited from aaron and i only pretty much use the 1000 grit side to sharpen my knives i don't really use the finishing side which i believe is 6 000 grit i have not seen gravel the fireflies is that a japanese animated movie i've heard great things about it yo if anybody has a link bob pulled up to the um free upload of can't get you out of my head if we could just post that in chat for holly that would be awesome thank you all so much yeah it's not a happy movie i know i know i know basic britney we are making um moldy orange everything we're making moldy orange candied rinds we're making moldy orange jam we're making moldy orange cake maybe if i don't fail at it this time like i did last time uh we'll see no promises neighbors alarm actually didn't go off today guys which makes me wonder do they actually watch this stream and if so who are you make yourself known to us oh sarah i really could not get into howl's moving castle a lot of my friends told me i would love it and i was like what the hell is this when i first started watching it but you know i think it was my mistake because my friend showed me the dubbed version and dubbed dubbed japanese animation is just so strange and unsettling and i hate it well victor i hope we're not making mold cake we're just making slightly moldy orange cake i i really do hope there's no substantial amount of mold in here just maybe a little mold well if my neighbor watches i don't hate you okay i just i appreciate you turning off your alarm i hope it never goes off again that is horrendous if you want for your birthday christmas or just for a gift out of nowhere i will buy you a brand new alarm clock that does not sound like that and the only condition being please turn it on like 50 volume instead of 250 000 times that would be great that would be that would make everyone's life so much easier and it would really calm the out of the dogs down my hall del toro is pretty cute it wasn't like as amazing as i thought it would be but i think everybody had been building it up to be such a classic and i had heard so much about it that my expectations were raised way too high and so um to each their own my favorite miyazaki will forever and always be spirited away i might consider living in the countryside one day i'm a person who fears change but once i get used to it um you know i'll take to it adaptation such as human nature um i'm very stubborn and that i don't want to change least of all myself which raises a lot of issues for me there goes all of our peels we're going to turn the heat on we're going to try to immerse all of them in here and we're just going to wait for that to come up to a boil in the meantime i will supreme all of these and i will separate it into jam potential and no jam potential which means perfect segments for our cake imperfect fruit for our jam oh i found my rind let's get these in my bed my bad my bad i boil i boil these twice and i boil them until they come up to a boil i let them cool off with the heat off for like three to five minutes and then i drain them and then i boil them again and then i taste the rind because you want to get rid of the bitter flavors in the rind before you do anything else once you get rid of the bitter flavors a little bit more it'll just make your candied peels that much more enticing to actually eat for the segments i'm just slicing my knife through between each membrane cutting as close to the membrane as possible to yield the most fruit as possible um and this is what is known as supreme citrus so i've been told i don't know who came up with this name probably the french i don't know why it is so named um i don't know why we do anything but this is the name that the people have chosen for it and so you're left with kind of like a core of the segments and i'm just going to chop the core up a little bit so that our jam can break down more readily into smaller pieces and it'll go into our jam pop sorry if i stop reading your comments now i'm concentrating on not slicing through my hand if you have a burning question to ask please just keep typing it until i answer it i do not purposely ignore you or skip any questions because no question is too uncomfortable for me i just truly cannot see it so the persistent bird will get their answer or non-answer because sometimes there is just no answer for a lot of questions um this orange actually doesn't look that great to me it's kind of like desiccated and dry it feels a little chunky i have jesus christ i've let these go away too long way too long the segments are kind of just breaking apart hey this is a dangerous move i'm not going to do that i'm just going to chop it up into bits for our jam no dangerous moves tonight guys i just don't have i don't have the bandwidth for it cannot deal with myself today um do we have any highs and lows that the audience is willing to share with us today so that we can delight in your joys and commiserate in your misery this earring might have been from china i'm not sure anymore but thank you for appreciating it does baking soda actually help with the bitterness i've never done that before that's interesting i would huh interesting interesting because i would think that uh baking soda would make it more bitter no oh somebody bought a wok you gonna use it i hope you will i know that if i bought a walk i would probably never ever use it and then i would be like june why did you do this to yourself and then i'd be like june i don't know you do all the time that you don't like huh we trust the canning book guys tomorrow is friday already how did that happen it doesn't even feel like it it feels like we're still on tuesday night for some reason for me it's like the week just never happened and yet here we are time the greatest mystery of all oh what you doing in minneapolis thanks to everyone who's giving newcomers a breakdown of what we're doing i appreciate my official sparks noters your work is valuable also a weekly uh thank you to all the mods who are doing the work of keeping weirdos offensive weirdos out we like the we like the fun weirdos we don't like the offensive weirdos so thank you mods wow almost sliced my hand there it would have been really blood oranges raise your hand if you've already cried once today and then raise your hand if you want to cry again raise your hand if you're not exactly sure why you want to do so yes i have had pomelo and let us know in the comments if you have good tips on what to do if you want to cry but can't really bring yourself to unleash the floodgates any uh creative answers would be appreciated out of the box ones like we already know listen to sad music and read sad books and watch sad movies but like what else man what else really did it for you tell us all of your secrets bobby i made you cry god damn oh yeah i can't drive guys so that sucks can't do that all right that's it for processing i'm going to clean my board now so that we can have some more space to work with there are so many cuts on my hand from both burning myself and my skin condition fill air ups and just random knicks that uh it really hurts right now all the citric acid is really hurting right now oh yeah onions i've never bought durian i've bought durian ice cream yo watching the news does not work for me watching the news just makes me want to smash some glass just watch it all break apart in slow-mo all right guys this is up to a boil as you can see steam is billowing that means it's boiling and i will turn off the heat i will just let it simmer in there and get nice and soaky and then we're going to dump this out and we'll do it again um this hydraulic eczema yeah i was once diagnosed with lycan planus it's an autoimmune condition it gives you like this mass of rash on your hands and literally everywhere on your body but it's thank god for the most part contained on my hand so i'll get like really red bumpy spots that are really ugly and disgusting looking they're painful and they itch so bad in the night and they look like they have a little white tips when they get really bad which is right about now they're really bad um it is overall very unpleasant and it keeps me from going to sleep to our jam we will just add some sugar i probably should have measured this okay it's about one and a half cups of oranges oops which is about 300 grams so we're gonna do apparently the proper ratio for jam is like 30 of the weight of fruit and sugar but i would like a less sweet jam so i'm just gonna do maybe 25 so what's 25 of 300 75 is that right somebody i think it is 75. [Music] so there it is sugar fruit we'll just let that go that smells like garlic let's go with you okay bye eliza eliza don't worry about the view just go have a break thank you so much for the thought we're not in it for the views we're just in it for the company all right i'm gonna dump this liquid is starting to look a little bit milky nice and steamy we'll start it over [Music] again spotty delightfully pink color on the juice bye ellie moss turn on the heat again for our rides our jammie jam is starting to bubble there you are we'll give it a little stir we'll make sure nothing is burning the tricky thing about jam is it will start to burn on the bottom if you don't stir it so do give it a stir every now and then okay let's talk cake folks for our cake let's make some weird happen shall we [Music] let me show you what we found in the fridge we have this apple syrup that i reduced from a whole jug of apple cider that julia sent me via amazon prime that was meant to be martinelli's but whole foods decided we don't have martinelli so we'll send you a whole gallon of apple cider instead i didn't eat that much apple cider for anything and i also had no space in my fridge for it so i reduced it down to apple syrup we also have some leftover french toast soak you know when you soak french toast and you're like oh i have a little liquid left over let me just throw it away you know me can't throw it away we opened this evaporated milk for testing the butter mochi about a month ago yikes um we have some bean juice that we can use as an egg replacer potentially this is just from white beans it's not from chickpea so i don't actually know if it's gonna work quite as well we have like maybe a tablespoon of heavy cream in here i don't even know if we need it what else oh yeah i found this fine semolina in the freezer and i found this potato starch i've been trying to get rid of um some blue poppy seeds that smell a little bit stale and a butter wrapper that we can butter our container with whatever we decide to bake in um and that's it so [Music] i'm thinking we'll add some golden flax seeds to the bean juice and just let it kind of soak in there first maybe we'll just kind of haphazardly make a aquafaba flax egg oh it smells beany guys smells beanie this bean juice also has salt in it so i'm not going to be adding any salt to the cake itself we have 92 grams of bean juice it's not that salty so it's fine correction we have 94 grams of bean juice for anyone who's keeping track i will go in with a tablespoon of flax seed that's about 12 grams of flax seed i'm going to stir my jam heard on the probiotics i um really don't want to spend money on probiotic capsules maybe i'll start to eat more yogurt i don't know do i have any zero waste tips literally all of my videos are zero waste tips i don't know that's a very broad subject delish we'll be rolling out a zero waste package on earth day which i think is 4 20. blaze it um so if you want to head to on april 20th you'll find a lot of zero waste tips all right let's see what should we do so i'm gonna [Music] i'm going to start with half a cup of sugar i'm going to put it in a little bowl and i'm going to be putting our zest in there and i'm going to rub the sugar so that we get all the uh nice essential oils out [Music] uh half a cup of sugar is around 105 grams all right never mind i'm just gonna go with 90 grams of sugar you know when you start baking and you start dumping the sugar and butter in and you just start feeling guilty as you end your measurement and you're like let me just stop there that's exactly what just happened to me so 90 grams of white sugar and we're gonna pop in the zest of two blood oranges right in there [Music] dude i'm not sure what happened but there's like resin where i rested my microplane with the zest on there i don't know what happened it's not washing off whatever oh my god my life is falling apart this magnet fell isn't it cute it's a little cute congee bowl that my uh former co-worker brandon brought back from china it's really dusty all right orange rinds are up to a boil we're gonna turn that off we're gonna let those simmer jam is going we're just gonna keep making sure nothing is burning on the bottom of that and then this is going to get massaged into the sugar by my fingers my very gross lichen planus fingers thank god the resolution on my phone is so low so that i do not have to subject you to the horrors of my eczema-like condition hi jenny are you listening to the sound of that bubbling jam what a delight what a friggin delight it massages my ears i wish you could smell this it smells kind of like sweet dish detergent pleasant shadows fred is hiding he doesn't like me today i guess i told him to shoo off my yoga mat and he was a little offended but he nonetheless linked back to claim that yoga mat later so uh i guess he wasn't too offended cats be cats it has been a while since we've seen kathy huh i hope she's okay that sugar is quite pretty i wish you could see it in full resolution alas i am too lazy to set up a better camera for you all for these lives this is the extent to which my mental health allows me to perform these lives so we shall make do yeah i know lentils what are those uh lectins right lentils have a lot of lectins and leptins cause inflammation the bubbles are starting to get nice and thick nice nice nice that means caramelization is happening okay all right nice little steam there uh flax is not really absorbing the liquid too well that's okay we'll give it some more time and here's our sugar and here's our segments and i guess we should start preheating the oven soon let me literally clear off all the shelves in the oven my god oh my jesus christ this is an oven thermometer if you like baking you should get one because sometimes ovens lie to you and they're not actually the temperature they say they are so having one or even two of those cheap oven thermometers can help you really up your baking accuracy don't let the ovens fly to you if you don't want to stand for it okay if we make enough batter maybe we can make minis and we can make a cake cake look guys i finally bought beautiful bananas and not discounted ones because i needed them for a delish recipe treat yourself oh yeah yay come take a look at the jam wow google go away thank you glossy thick bloody just the way we like it yeah apologies to my neighbor um all right let's dump out this that is very hot guys has anyone ever dumped out water out of a pasta pot like this and then just at the very last minute lose control of the lid and have all the pasta spill out into the sink and you just never felt so much self-despair in that moment been there done that that was an airplane all right rinds are really nice and transparent i'm gonna take a taste when it's a little bit cooler in the meantime let's see what we got here uh in order of preference i'm gonna get rid of this french toast batter which has nice cinnamon sediment on there so i'm just gonna shake it loosen up all that sediment then i'm going to scrape it 85 grams of french toast soak with all of my finger juices in it because i was dipping those tortillas in them over and over and over again so who knows how much food poisoning is in this jar right now yum it's okay we're baking it at a high temperature it should be fine folks should be fine correction 90 grams of french toast soak thank you last teaspoon hi james so we got bean juice we got flax seeds we got some leftover french toast soak we're just gonna whisk that i'm not gonna use any butter today because i just don't feel like it i don't feel like opening anything else up for this trash cake it'll be fine we got our rubbed citrus sugar we're going to go in with that that was approximately 90 hold on let me get the last bit out 90 grams 93 grams [Music] we're gonna whisk that in yum all right we're gonna stir our jam it's looking nice still not quite jammy looking yet so we're just gonna let it go go go what's next i'm gonna add in some poppy seeds about a tablespoon's worth then we'll start adding in some of our semolinas 123 grams of semolina fine semolina 123 grams i feel like there isn't enough fat in here right now actually so i think i really ought to add uh this evaporated milk it's starting to go a little bit not gonna lie it doesn't smell rank yet but it's getting there so that's a hundred grams of evaporated milk you know when milk doesn't start uh smelling like creamy milky anymore and it starts smelling a little bit cartony smells like the carton more than the milk yeah it's time to get rid of that soon growing up my parents used to buy the kind of gallon containers of milk except they were kind of both asian and lactose intolerant and so the milk would never really get finished on time and what my mom would do is like just boil the milk when it's probably about seven days into the buying period like just around the two-day mark after the sell-by date she would boil the milk and that smell of boiling milk is still one of my favorite smells in the whole wide world are my parents hippies hell know they are the farthest things from hippies but i guess you can call my dad a revolutionary he kind of got in trouble with the chinese government writing some oh guys the jam it is evaporating majorly so i'm going to reduce the heat actually because of my thin pot uh it is starting to burn on the sides because of my thin pot so we're just going to keep a very close eye on it to make sure no bitter flavors develop i'm going to turn the heat up we want to maintain a bubbling but we don't want to maintain two wishes of a bubbling that the sides will start burning without me knowing about it and because i reduce the sugar this will probably be a very iffy jam so it goes all right time to taste one of these babies translucent a little bit wibbly wobbly flaccid um rind isn't rough anymore it's very bendy yeah very little bitterness so we're ready to wow this jam is getting mighty close um we're going to fill this with water one more time except i'm going to measure it this time oh there's seeds in my jam get out of there you taste them good though um starting to smell like burnt sugar a little bit so it's definitely close it kind of um when jam is ready i know you're supposed to do the frozen plate trick where you put a plate in the freezer and then you doll up a little bit of your jam on there and then you wait for it to like set and you draw your finger and it should part like the red sea yada yada i don't have space in my freezer for that so um we're just going to go by eye it looks pretty good right now and we're going to go by nose when the fruit starts to smell like candy you've probably gone a little too far i'm not too concerned though because that candying smell is probably coming from the burnt size of my very cheap thin pot and not the jam itself but it is getting very very close you can see on my spoon it is very glossy and if i draw my finger through it it holds so i'm going to turn that off that's probably done we're gonna let it cool and it'll probably be jam very pithy jam all right i'm adding just enough water to basically cover all the rinds and that's about 8 35 so technically i should be adding the same amount of sugar that's just a ton of sugar though guys i don't think i'm gonna do that maybe we'll do a cup so like 210 219 [Music] 219 grams of sugar it's probably going to be really not sweet rind but that's fine what do you expect me to do follow the rules lol my hair is starting to hurt so i'm gonna take it out all right guys well we have to go back to our cake now that our jam is done and our candying citrus is on the stove we must no longer ignore the cake i think i should turn on the oven now 350. yes yes indeed another backwards top it is the only way i where i wear my clothes can you see the texture of this jam as it cools it is very pulpy jam but as you can see it's very glossy how nice all right i'm going to taste this batter for sweetness fine i'll live with that it's not too sweet and it'll probably be even less sweet once it's baked but we are going to be putting blood oranges down on the bottom of the cake so i'm not too concerned i know so aaron and i don't really like to eat like what bam dessert dessert we feel slightly better if it's just like a mildly sweet treat so that's fine by me obviously this is not enough dry uh this is great if we want to make a pancake right now this is not going to make a cake cake i'm going to put in let's see how much potato starch this cake is gonna be super weird with potato starch in it i guess it's i guess it's marmalade i guess you could call it marmalade um 50 grams of potato starch just went in oh yeah nice and thick i'm gonna go in with a teaspoon and a half of baking powder just to guess i don't know why and i'm going to go in with like a quarter teaspoon of baking soda all right it's starting to look a little more like a batter but after our mishap last time i want to err on the side of dry because we just literally made such a such a weird cake last time so let me see what i got i'm gonna put this whipping cream away i don't think we need it or actually should we put the whipping cream in but yes vote no tell me tell me tell me i'm not going to listen to you guys actually i'm going to keep the whipping cream just in case we want to whip up like a tablespoon of whipped cream to eat with the cake sorry i lied to you this is not a democracy but you know unlike some people i let you know that it's not a democracy all right we have some very coarse cornmeal i'm just gonna throw some of that in erin likes a little bit of coarseness in his cakes so 62 grams coarse cornmeal i really should have added that potato starch in with another dry because now it's i see clumps of the potato starch oops and this is starting to look more like what i want my cake batter to look like i think and as the batter sits the cornmeal will probably absorb up even more of that moisture so lee you basically missed nothing we haven't even started the cakes yet i haven't even preheated my oven and we've been going for an hour and ten my goodness yet again another intense live so semolina does have gluten but it doesn't it's not as fine as whole wheat flour and i feel like even over mixing it doesn't really toughen up that bad um but what do you guys think should we add more dries at this stage do we have bakers in the house who have opinions tell me tell me what do you think this will taste like is it gonna be really crunchy is it gonna be really dry it's gonna be really runny is it gonna be really gross i don't know man i'm gonna preheat the oven while you decide what to tell me i'm going to butter our tin i think it's clean hard to tell but i'm too lazy we're just gonna butter it with this butter paper yeah i know i agree i vicky i'm not throwing in the math banana because aaron doesn't like mashed bananas he doesn't like banana baked goods he's okay eating a banana he just does not like banana flavored things so we're gonna avoid that but thank you for the suggestion i think you're right that it needs more fat but um i'm just gonna i'm just gonna ignore that i'm okay with it being a really weird cake guys i'm i'm in it for the for the weird you can tune back tomorrow donna i didn't put in salt do you think i should put in salt um don i think the i think the cake will be too moist and dense because uh whoever said i needed more fat in there is right i don't have enough fat in there right now because i didn't add any butter um so i might come out stodgy is my guess so uh you know whatever won't be the first time i made a quote-unquote cake like this and won't be the last time here's how the batter is setting up all right fine i'll go in with a little more potato starch 20 grams more potato starch i did not add the cream in no this is all in the name of experimentation the potato starch probably will make it really gooey and weird um it's usually used in baking gluten-free baking but uh not in such huge amounts like this i just want to get rid of it honestly i don't want it around anymore i could have used any number of other things that i chose not to use oh i'm gonna put some tef in remember last time when i thought i was putting in tough but i was actually putting in glutinous millet flour we're gonna put in some tough grains tef it says tef and we're gonna put in some bad vanilla all right 18 grams of tef that's what it looks like tiny little grains this is gonna be a weird concoction y'all weird as hell all right i'm gonna put in some olive oil whoever whoever you were you were right it just feels not fatty enough to me now [Music] we must add the oils we're gonna glug in three tablespoons 49 grams save me guys save me vanilla doesn't go bad no i just want some fake vanilla extract in here potato starch is kind of like corn starch it's like the asian corn starch it's a lot of fake vanilla guys a lot of fake vanilla just went in you're here at 6 a.m jesus christ go back to sleep all right vicky let me taste it first girl jesus christ i don't really think it needs salt but you're gonna keep harassing me until you get salt so i'll just i'll give you a little salt there one gram of salt about a quarter teaspoon you happy you happy all right i'm gonna pan you down that's our greased tin our oven is preheating i'm going to no our oven is preheated i'm going to start distributing these in here last time we only did two per and i didn't feel like it was enough so we have more today just gonna be a little more generous and a little more carefree good i'm glad you guys are happy you guys are very easy to appease man all right guys i want to know how do we get bernie elected now please write down all of your ideas oh no i went a little over zealous whoops we need some more redistribution of wealth sorry sorry to take your wealth away from you we need to redistribute okay [Music] wait they're taking stimulus distributions back erin is that true erin are you alive are they taking stimulus distributions backs on some of them is that fake news are you guys lying to me okay last time we went a little too full on these i remember so maybe this time we won't it's still looking pretty loose huh guys oh well too late at least the batter tastes good hey erin there's one apple in the fridge that looks a little worse for wear are you gonna eat that one raw or do you want me to use it wish them luck guys we're gonna set a timer for 15 minutes and then we'll check aaron's in the other room as for this i think what i'm gonna do is there's an apple in our fridge that's looking a little bruised um aaron probably doesn't want it i'll probably just make a smaller cake with that i have to find a container and i'm going to put some apples on the bottom and we'll just make like an apple upside down caramel cake oh my god oh my god there's probably no butter left on this butter wrapper honestly um i'll probably just olive oil it a little bit since the caramel will need it [Music] here's the apple in question as a little dingy ding okay so we're going to trim that off normally i like eating peels but this peel was very very waxy i'll eat it anyway whatever what's it gonna do give me cancer candying orange peels [Music] wow that compost bin smells rank every time i put garlic in there it's so bad all right i put my compost in the freezer if it doesn't uh if i run out of stove space yes maybe like a tablespoon around on the bottom of this container so that we have both enough to cover and enough to form a sort of caramel i'll just let that hang out while i slice my apples and because we don't have much cake batter left i do want these apples to get a chance to cook and i'm a little worried that if i um put these apples in now with the batter that they won't actually get tender so i think i'm just going to put some sugar and these apples and i'm just going to bake the apples first like parvate the apples first that way when the cake batter goes in the apples will have gotten some cooking time yes leftover orange juice in the caramel fantastic idea we're just going to eyeball the sugar just enough to coat the bottom in an even layer doesn't have to be perfect guys i'll just layer in our apples hi mexico thanks for tuning in not really going for a pretty pattern here tonight guys the theme is trash you can't make trash look too good that'll confuse the people and then they won't know what to think of life anymore you don't want to do that that causes panic you got to give people safe labels so that they know who they are what they want 5 30 a.m france yikes [Music] yeah i've been tired dawn when was i not tired this life has been exhausting the question is are you getting tired are you all right very beautiful apples we're gonna let them bake a little seven minutes left on the timer now i get to stare into your eyeballs hello it's me i was wondering if after all this time i don't have a second thought um orange peels are going what what's on this i think we're safe smells like soap time to put all my crap away do you like how i said my objective was to clear out of my freezer and instead of using the rest of the semolina i decided to use some cornmeal and therefore i still have two freaking jars i truly do not know why aaron lives with me it's tiring oh my god [Music] why do you keep so so are we talking about mustaches whoa facial waxing the oven is at 350 sarah i feel like it's going to take them at least 10 minutes to get anywhere no alarm torture tonight i think or this morning rather thankfully and actually a very minimal construction noise today too that was great um [Music] i love talking about facial hair i thread my mustache does anybody else thread their mustache um yeah three weeks is pretty serious when i used to like uh go on camera in the studio at delish i used to thread like twice a week that usually the day right before i shoot just so you know in case there's any close-ups you don't have to see like my three really dark wispy hairs the construction team is working on replacing all the gas lines for national grid so they have been digging up the entire ground for three weeks now across four very long avenues of which i am lucky enough to be one of the liquid in this is starting to look nice and pink and we have 57 seconds on our timer guys i did not put enough sugar in this candied orange it's gonna take forever to boil off and it's not going to be sweet such as what i did to myself um i don't know if it's been mr micropeen today but there has been a car revving up and down that aaron realizes a car and not a bike so i think there's another micropeen threading does hurt and it especially makes me cry when i have to do my eyebrow area for some reason it triggers tears more than this but you get used to the pain as with anything else i could add more sugar but why would i make easier when i could do when i could do hard yep yep it's time okay let's take a peek at our cake oh not ready not ready but maybe five more minutes um when you're baking cakes and you can tell that the top is still very soft you don't want to disturb them because sometimes um you know if you have a super tender cake that has a lot of aeration and rise in it the more you agitate the tray the more likely it is that you cause all of the puffiness to collapse and then even if you put it back in to bake the structure has already collapsed so sometimes you really don't want to touch it you want to close the oven door very gently on it and that's what our cake is looking like right now it's very puffy and very wet as expected so oh look who it is hello my friend jenny i will not just show you the cake you're trying to ruin my life trying to make me look even worse than i'm trying to make myself look fred will you say hi to the people [Music] oh you're looking so cute bud we love it when you look up at the camera bye fred well that was lovely we like it when you visit fred come back soon here's a jam it's fully cooled to room temperature now for the most part um or marmalade i guess you would call this i'm going to taste the bit i want to taste the bigger bit there it is huh i guess i could have gone a little heavier on the sugar we knew that there's a little bit of pith in there so there's a little bit of bitterness that you've come to expect with marmalade but there's no like really hard rhymes so it doesn't have that textural intrigue but a lot of the segments still have um those kind of fibrous dividers in there so there is a little bit of a chew interesting fred jumps on the counter all the time yeah aaron will do that and fred will come but fred doesn't like me as much as he likes aaron i'm gonna check up on the apples oh guys the cakes are actually looking quite nice and puffy they're not like melting all over the place today i'm so interested to see what they taste like hi fred the people love you what do you want to say hi oh really what a heartbreaker oh my god just got hardcore rejected by my cat wow i haven't felt sadder today than just now it's okay i'll recover um victor we can make fred and only fans how much are you willing to pay hey aaron uh are you willing to check out the litter box he's digging again we're not sure if he still has the ring room yet we're waiting for the vet to confirm with results this is going to be a very thin cake with the apple underneath okay okay all right 20 minutes of baking i'm gonna go with teensy bit more the apples need a little more time too i'm gonna put five minutes maybe 25 minutes will be a little bit dry but i think considering how much oranges there were in there it'll be great i just realized what i did forget to do was put sugar on the bottom with the oranges so it won't be quite as nice and glossy as they were last time oh well did he poop one [Applause] are you guys talking about me why are we considering that june recognize all kinds of foods what kind of foods did i recognize did i actually recognize all kinds of foods are you sure these peels will take a long time to candy because there is not enough sugar in here my goodness they're gonna taste really bouncy with the potato starch um so hard to read this i want to go i want to go until the little spills that i made on the edges of the cake pan get really nice and dark because that means that we have achieved caramelization on the thinnest parts of the cake aka the parts of the cake that are touching the pan i have no idea who we have lined up for are you smarter than a pro chef i don't know these things guys you think i have the blueprint i wish um redemption cake visually yes but taste wise who knows looks are deceiving we know that there was leavener two uh one and a half teaspoons of baking soda and a quarter teaspoon of no sorry one and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda bye lina hi fred i'm gonna roast some peanuts i just splashed some water over them and now i'm going to put some salt over them and this is my way of salting roasting nuts the water will eventually evaporate and the salt will be left on the peanuts as you know i can't bake one thing in the oven so once the muffin tin comes out i'm gonna put this in which is now okay i hear you 25 minutes and the apples kind of soft but not really better not jump on here fred you will hurt yourself all right peanuts going in there's not enough cake to cover guys wow miscalculation not even my mini spatula will save me now uh the edge will not be covered that's fine we'll put 15 minutes on the clock we'll check back in thanks for sticking around y'all wow still 300 people all right all right all right okay fine meditation bowl yes i hear you fine okay warning to the folks who do not like the meditation bull sound we are getting the meditation bowl are you ready are you ready are you ready deep breath in think about how heavy your body feels right now think about that vague feeling of disappointment and that really achy feeling of just being so done with every single thing and think about how long it's been since you took a deep breath for yourself in calmness and not just in a emergency rescue attempt to not freak the out and we're just going to wait for the dust to settle within us we're going to wait for our heavy haze to clear a little bit off the top of our head we're going to try to feel our fingers and we're going to listen to fred's meow and we're going to take one deep breath in and we're going to let the ring ring through us uh-huh fred what's up where are you you okay what's going on okay any chance you want to try a cake aaron's doing the needful he's currently cleaning our litter box so oh i hope i greased these well enough guys yikes all right well we're not eating those crackly bits but this one seems okay sugar and water in the orange peels that's it oh yes the soothing sound of glitter so we're gonna eat all these pretty little cakes duh who else are you coming over to ethan look at the pretty jam pot yum yum jam maybe i should dump out some of this water rinse this pot out and put some of the water back in so i can get more sugar come on over face i'll give you one hello hello here are the cakes cakes cakes i think we just broke a little but i hope we're back nice these are beautiful jun i know they're uh orange poppy seed cakes yes nice should i eat one i don't know okay bye bye okay i'll eat one yum do you actually think it's yum you're just saying that no how much sugar is in here um well there's another cake in there and it's about how much sugar do i put in here guys how much not enough i think i put 100 grams so half a cup it's not very sweet do you want more sweet kind of yeah i usually don't like overly sweet pastries but this is uh so mildly sweet it's almost too mild jam jam what kind of jam blood orange jam is that homemade also yep nice there we go that'll do it right [Music] that's great i think i'd like the cakes like maybe topped with some blood orange jam each that's what i'd go for what if i glaze them with blood orange yes well that would be best i was thinking about saying that i would love them blaze but i you know beggars can't be choosers i'll glaze them right now wow look at this everybody do you want one blaze we're getting a glaze i'd love one glazed yeah you know i'm a huge glaze fan i'm very pro glaze guys it's a it's uh yeah i don't know it's just mildly sweet you know nice nice orange flavor i'm terrible at describing things june's a lot better powdered sugar we're going to go straight in to this jar of leftover powdered sugar and we're just going to add some of our syrup can you um i'll find it what's he destroying i don't know go check him out jesus christ that was close is he refusing to use the litter i think we need a little more powdered sugar in here i think zoomies are starting yeah he's getting a little excited there we go nice little light shade of paint [Music] it is glazed at my good sire of course it will not be set until quite a time after but you are welcome to taste it and tell me what you think no worries no rush [Music] yeah i guess it's a muffin cake guys whatever you want to call it um cake and peanuts are roasting yes i'm going to oh my god fred is going not so i'm going to try to pop the rest of these cakes out i am so hot right now the kitchen is so freaking warm um it's it might be too warm for him to hang out honestly it's a little too warm for me and i have a sweater on and he always has a sweater on so like you know there's that i don't think these orange peels are gonna candy that's okay i don't feel like wasting more sugar honestly um this glaze is setting nicely though look at that wow our other cake is about to hit the 15 minute mark you guys are still here but numbers are dropping good that means there's only 284 crazy people instead of 300 crazy people yeah i don't know guys you tune in at ridiculous hours but here we are i accept you all as you accept me eliza welcome back [Applause] the water has evaporated off of the peanuts but they have not begun twisting yet so back in they go i'm gonna go another ten please don't stay guys it's over the two-hour mark jesus christ leave y'all who who does alive for over two hours who oh yeah you're still in the normal time zone oregon the time zone where people shouldn't be quite asleep yet i wonder what percent of us who tune in to these lives have sleep issues because i certainly do and i feel like there's quite a few insomniacs who frequent this live stream is this just like an insomnia support group now yep all right insomniacs united i honestly don't know what i was going for there but we're doing it we got weird jizz muffins unintentional but can't go back now hi hawaii no you want a little bit of sugar but not too much [Music] ta-da i don't think aaron is coming back for his muffin you can come whenever man it's ready for you oh you want it hardened all right well let me put it in the fridge then cool thank you for the glaze yeah beautiful the people can't see you my friend hi people i can deliver faith for a good price yeah i like this a lot more i thought it was black and sweetness initially which made it kind of bland despite nice you know how's the texture flavors i like the texture a lot that's probably my favorite thing about it well you heard it here folks don't skimp on your sugar when you're baking sweets i know you and i both like a little less sweetness in our pastries but there's such a thing as not sweet enough i guess um but yeah these are great like single biters poppers muffins whatever you want to call them um aren't poppers a very different thing i think so anyways um yeah it's good very good cool thanks for eating yeah um i don't know it's kind of hard because you made the orange cake another time you made it with the sponge cake style or whatever with the that was a failure of the cake yeah but that was also very interesting and i think everything about that was more interesting the texture was more interesting well these are basically just you know standard muffins like basic yeah but they're good sometimes you just want a muffin anything else june no it's not your job to be here you don't have to be here are you tired you can go rest i'm sorry one says poppers are for sex that doesn't tell me what they are though that's what they're for but what are they are they condoms oh my god we're having sex ed here jesus christ i wish you could taste the muffins too uh guy whose name i'm not gonna try to pronounce um how's your night erin i'm i'm good i'm kind of tired yeah i could tell i'll let you go you don't have nice another absolutely did you you didn't have dinner yet did you i had enough to eat today i just wanted to snack do you like it warm yeah i like but i'd also love to try them cold which i will i'll try them after are you gonna try the apple one that i baked where it's in the oven right now when 10 minutes you're giving the people a marathon stream tonight i'm giving myself a marathon stream if anyone thinks i'm doing this for them you are sorely wrong i don't do for anybody anymore i've learned better what about fred fred can go suck it he's right behind you tell him that um telling that to his face fred my tripod is falling hi fred you can go suck it i think i made him really sad i love you oh my god he rejected me again no my cat hates me guys you're very concerned about the neighbors eliza i'm not anymore why is she worried about the neighbors i don't know hi sarah from the cat second trade done i'm opening behind you he doesn't want to work for his food now he doesn't have to yeah do i prefer streaming as opposed to not streaming or as opposed to edited videos did you hear june does what she prefers so she's doing this because she prefers can you not lock him right by my cuts please guys get us a bigger kitchen please um of course i don't like to manufacture edited videos myself because i don't have the capability to and also i know i said i wouldn't eat anything but it's the pressure the the cannot speak the desire to try this while it's warm overwhelms me it smells quite faint it smells more of like a carby thing than a sweet thing so i think aaron's right we went a little too light on the sugar but it still smells pleasant enough like it's a baked good and you can smell the caramelization very faintly crumb texture is nice there's actually little bits of um texture air pockets nice little crumb it's very moist inside i think that's from the potato starch definitely reading a little more oil and a little insufficient in terms of sugar but i think my asian parents would actually really like this in terms of its sweetness and yeah the icing really helps peanuts getting nice and toasty i'm going to leave them in there because i like them dark okay cake is getting nice all right nice edges nice caramelization yes what i'm going to do is turn the oven off and i'm going to set a timer for 10 more minutes and that's it 10 more minutes of carryover cooking and y'all should go because i literally have no new content for you anymore unless you want to see me taste the apple cake which will take like a little another 20 so that i don't burn my mouth off but you know if you want to stay i guess i can't stop you fred fred can you look at me and tell me that you love me please fred fred i don't know what he's doing i've never seen him i've never seen him cat loaf on the kitchen floor before how do i know fred loves me he's never talked to me before he doesn't use words i need communication it's not a relationship without communication guys guys isn't youtube live basically a zoom class i don't get it what about this is not reading zoom to you yo living is fomo you gotta get used to that you want more treats fred can you come up on here can you come on the chair there tell him to go on the chair and he doesn't go on the chair all right i'll leave it on here you can eat here why does he do this why doesn't he just jump on the chair well it's exercise for him whatever works for me fred that's the way you want to do it our pot is starting to run dry so i think i'll stop it here there's our orange rinds not a lot of syrup unfortunately whoops sorry aaron all right buddy it's so hard to see you struggle like this my dude here i'll move your food we'll move it in here all right now you really gotta work for it i'm gonna give you some and then the rest is going in this box you see this box it's gonna go in here now what you have to do is you have to tackle it and you have to open it like this like that can you do that you can do it i believe in you oh my god it's not there anymore dude sometimes i think i want to believe that he's smarter than he is but he's not it's not there anymore dude we moved it it's in the cup now and if you want treats even though we fed you two meals plus other treats then you have to open it fred i don't know how many times i have to say this to you fred you can't just put on your cute face and make people tell me to give you treats and expect me to give you treats i don't work like that okay i'm an asian tiger mom i need you to achieve jk i don't need you to achieve nothing i just don't want you to get too fat because then i'll have one more thing writing on my back telling me i'm a failure that i failed an elderly sick cat i don't need that in my life right now honestly is that cool with you can you play with that toy can you knock it open wow why are you so cute holy shmoles he's so cute guys wow do you want pets i have to finish decorating my muffins so aaron doesn't think they're under sugary can do you want to ask aaron if he wants to pet you fred he loves you maybe he loves you more than i do even who knows anymore all right i'll go get your toothbrush and we'll pet you you okay you sound a little easy aaron do we have to do the flovent wheezy boy gotta pump you now you ready to get pumped up pump it up hi friends so are you sad are you a sad boy oh my god you're such a weezy boy what a weezy boy peanuts perfectly roasted cake wonderfully golden peeling from the edges i did great guys i did great that's the show folks that's the show these peanuts look bomb they look perfectly toasted guys this is my perfect level of peanut roasting color you obviously can't really see but i think you get the idea nice dark golden but not brown skins are salted we got our cakes nicely everything's great everything's wonderful i'm going to have a bite of scraps with icing on it yum wow so many things i don't have enough counter space for any of this shall i serve you a little bit of the apple rendition hello again so apple cake not apple muffin correct apple okay cool nice and thin hopefully crispy on the bottom well the bottom has apple uh caramelized oh yeah it's really caramelized shall i serve it to you upside down yes so the folks can see your beautiful caramelization upside down apple cake everybody who knows what you get with a night in june's kitchen it could be anything do you want a little top of icing what kind of icing is this the same icing you just ate golden on the bottom pretty nice and matte golden on top it's pretty hot people are rushed i'll eat the crust got a nice piece of apple on there the apple is nice and sugary and caramelized you know what i like the apple cake better it's sweeter yeah i didn't think i would but i do i guess i like apple everything here have this piece it's quite good with show the people that caramelization beautiful caramelized apple oh yeah these apple pieces are cooked perfectly i would love to just eat these apple pies as a snack wow cheers cheers my god that's so sticky and gooey it's the it's the perfect caramelized apple wow brilliant work as usual jim thank you for eating did you want a roasted peanut can't turn down food that you offer me jun oh man these peanuts are so glorious listen to them listen to peanuts oh they're still crackling are they hot yes oh i love those how did you get them like where the salt like the salt flavor is sort of they're salted melted throughout i poured water on them then i poured salt and then i bake it so the water first steams the peanuts and then bakes the peanuts and then as the water evaporates the salt that's already on the peanuts gets stuck on the peanuts that's delicious that's like that's kind of like just like sprinkled salt on top because it just makes the peanuts taste so seasoned here take the half ones the half ones are the crunchiest ones they're almost like blanched peanuts that were then fried yeah this is awesome i can eat all of these right now maybe i will okay these are like shelled peanuts without the shelling they're as salty as a shelled peanuts i feel like yeah it's an amazing snack that's it guys you just need water and salt water and salt where am i going to find those you're right the salt store wow he's so snackable i bet if you mix these with some dried chilies and some sichuan peppercorns it would taste exactly like those chinese snacks you gonna do it no no i just want to eat them i'm too lazy to do any of that now too tired i made you chili oil okay let's do it you didn't have dinner [Applause] [Music] yes but i don't know how uh that is it's okay there's also the chicken fat one that you never used we'll just do this for now we'll use june's beautiful stolen heart spoon yep stolen i need to get this cake out before it completely just stays in here so it's not there forever here we go boys and girls chili oil salted peanuts salted roasted peanuts this is going to be a flavor extravaganza dude it's a flavor extravaganza that's it yeah that's an awesome snack that hits uh exactly the notes you want to snack to hit after a delicious sweet apple treat like that the chili oil is just um dried um chili crisp let june obviously pour hot oil on it's like the simplest recipe that everybody should be making at home if you're a chili head like me unless you have an asthmatic cat then don't well we have an asmr cat and you did it i know are you a bad person yes i don't think i should again guys here's what's weird he's asthmatic and as soon as i made the spicy chili oil he came into the kitchen and would not leave even though i was begging him and shooing him too he has like a masochistic streak he hasn't had an asthma attack since uh we started treatment though yeah two hours 37 this has to be your record yeah it is you guys are lucky don't ever say jude doesn't give you streams she gives you content right here on people will complain that i don't give them uh like edited videos there'll always be something to complain about that is the nature of the internet and you know what she does it all without demanding a single penny she won't even let you give her money with super chat oh my god give me money though cash i'm kidding what is your account i don't even know my cash app if we have billionaires watching right now can you just please share the wealth it will go to the fred fund what a great snack i'm sweating i'm sweating so hard something weird actually happened my cash app passed i don't know a couple years occasionally like maybe once a month i would get money from strangers uh and i haven't publicized anywhere like i've never asked for donations is it a mistake it must be a mistake because like i would get the email like so and so has sent you twenty dollars or forty dollars or whatever and obviously wouldn't accept it i would just wait nice of you well yeah because they probably were paying somebody else and accidentally sent it to me but it's happened like about eight times so far you have a common name maybe so i just decline it and gets returned but a few times somebody sent me money like multiple the same person tried sending me cash out uh multiple times i think three times the same the same guy it was a guy's name sent it to me i kept denying and he should be i don't know that was that was it that's it actually he stopped sending ah he should be more careful anti-climactic i don't know all right i'll taste one of these since we're here me too need some sweetness not sweet oh well we'll see it's not sweet enough no well it's sweet enough for me because i have a mouthful of chili oh yeah so you're welcome to have more okay i'll have one more so i ate the sweet stuff which made me want salty spicy stuff and then i ate the salty spicy stuff which made me want the sweet stuff so i'm back on the sweet stuff this is a never-ending chain of salty sweet craving that will make sure that you eat infinite calories every day why did you guys not tell me it's 12 40 a.m holy wow we made pretty delicious things though great gene bye bye good stuff i'm gonna clean up thanks for tuning in fred say goodnight all right good night
Channel: junelikethemonth
Views: 24,265
Rating: 4.825666 out of 5
Keywords: budgeteats, lowcost, cooking, cookwithme, junexie, byjune, delish, trashfood, nyc, newyorkcity, queens, cheapeats, homecooking, howtocook, cookingvideo, cookingshow, recipes, norecipecooking, cookingchannel, food, cookingathome, homecook, easycooking, lowcostcooking, foodchallenge, foodrecipes, vlog, vlogging, foodvideo, cookingvlog, baking, frying, boiling, foodblog, foodforthought, fooddiary, foodoftheday, snacktime, foodporn, straighttalk, letschat, live, livevideos, livecooking, low cost
Id: lfsAFqTrGjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 44sec (9644 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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