My Old POS Episode 2. Remote Starter Solenoid Tricks!

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hello again in my last video you saw me take out this solenoid and replace this factory style starter with a high torque mini starter the reason I had this on there was to solve a hot start issue but it didn't solve the problem so I pulled it back out I am going to show you two ways that this can still be useful though for you so don't write this thing off entirely as you can see I've got it this little Frankenstein setup here we have our simulated battery which is just running off the battery jumper we have our positive coming into our hot side of the cylinder we have our switch source for the solenoid this would normally be activated by the crank position on your ignition key and then we have the switched out which goes to our starter you can see on the starter I still left my little bypass connector here that way the solenoid gets activated as long as this power comes in still and then we have our simulated ground normally the starter would ground through the block we don't have a block so it's just running over to our ground here and then we have another ground connecting the chassis of our cylinder to the ground as well so the electromagnetic electromagnet in this thing would still work the first scenario would be if you do a lot of work underneath the hood of your car and you want to be able to a bump the engine over without having to reach around the door all the time to do it you can do so and don't get me wrong everybody loves a good reach around but it gets a little after a little while so what you can do is wire this up to this terminal here to a switch that's mounted either on the firewall or on the fender and then run that switch back to your constant 12-volt someplace that way when you connect when you push your momentary switch you'll complete that circuit and activate the starter and bump it over it's alright handy for doing your compression tests timing things of that nature I'm going to turn on the power here and I'll show you how that would work I went untrained idiot so don't do this at home I'm just showing you how the system is supposed to work I've got the charger set on its a medium setting so this doesn't fly off and try to kill me or anybody else Bob's your uncle starter starts up scenario two let's say you're out in the bush and your jeep or other 4x4 vehicle the you go to get out of there you put your key in turn it to the crank position and nothing I have the re the fuses blow the wires burned out the switching system inside is burned out whatever the case is you're screwed but not necessarily what you can do is you can actually jump from your constant 12 here straight to this terminal using something like a screwdriver or a wrench like so that should get you started and you can get the vehicle home and you can fix your wiring or figure out whatever your problem is all right I hope that gives you some ideas that you can use with this starter solenoid if you have any other comments questions or suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comments below
Channel: In The Garage
Views: 58,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chevy, starter, selonoid, diy, remote selonoid
Id: L2Aurj3YoxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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