Chevy starter wiring trick ! Simplify

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well we're getting ready to throw the starter on here kind of cleaned it up the water pump on and harmonic balance pulley and a couple other things here figured i'd pass on a starter wiring trick that i learned 20 25 years ago basically what i do on all my chevys is they're wired like a ford that's a solenoid for the starter on the firewall that i put there see the black wire on the bottom left that's the other little wire that used to run down to the starter so after you do this all you have to do is have your main cable running down to the starter there is no other wires that run down to your starter just like how a ford is once i started doing this and a guy showed me i've never gone back the other way every chevy i've ever gotten that's the first thing i do is wire the starter this way it's so much easier because you don't have the other one or two wires going down there so you just you take your battery you got your positive here and that was hooked to the left side of the solenoid there and then on the bottom left there you got the black wire that used to run to the little post on the starter solenoid on the starter itself that ran to this little guy right here that black wire there not runs up there and then you got your 12 volt signal feeding the solenoid to activate the solenoid so then on the other side of the solenoid that cable there that's what runs down and hooks to my starter and there's several things i like about it for one if you're replacing your starter if it's wired this way you don't got to disconnect the battery as per say there's no juice on this end of the cable unless you turn the key on and try to start it so it's this side's always dead right out the gate and then once you got headers and stuff it's just so much easier only having this one cable so i swear it throws a little more juice at the starter but i've had a couple old timers tell me i was full of so who knows about that personal opinion so you take that other wire though you go there you got your 12 volts to activate the solenoid coming in from your key the other side on the left hook to your battery and then what you do on your starter solenoid is you connect this post and that black wire used to run to this little screw or not here bolt so that black wire runs up to the other solenoid now so what i do is i take the little shim when you get a starter it comes with a couple shims this is one of their little shims and i hold it you know i cut it to length with some 10 snips and i hold it up on here and mark the holes and drill holes in it and then kind of trim the sides on down you got to be careful on this side you know you don't want nothing sticking out and hitting anything else but you just connect those two together before you put your starter on that little shimmed plates just behind you know the nut and stuff so when i put my starter on the other cable will go on here the other cable will go on the other end of the cable from the solenoid the right side of the solenoid will go on here and there is no other wire because these two are tagged together it works great i've never had a problem been doing it for like 20 25 years that way it's a hell of a lot easier than messing with the other wire a couple wires i think my 73 had two other wires down there along with the big battery cable and just a pain in the butt all the more to mess with and then you're monkeying with them little 5 16 nuts and they're on the other side on the front of the motor you can't see him you're having to try to feel your way through your header and poop on all that stuff just move your solenoid up to the firewall bottom left corner tag your other wire there that was down there with your starter and then make sure you connect these two posts together that's all you got to do bam so just figured i'd pass that on i've really enjoyed that like i said i've done it to every chevy i've had since i've learned how to do it and i just it's just easier it's the only way to put it it's just easier and i swear personally it throws a little more zap into the starter but anyhow i'm just passing that trick along as i'm going the other direction with this stuff so everybody be safe
Channel: The Weldor
Views: 67,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: of0azfN4ULA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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