Battle of Patience Against the Loudest Pomeranian | It's Me or the Dog

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p-nut barks incessantly you only do that when you bug see you pick him up look at that little strutting there's this peanut peanuts my first impressions of Shelby Craig he mountain stains if it's a little loud in that house there's a lot of barking though tummy issues Oh issues well the barking obviously is a huge issue with peanut he barks it everything okay so another issue is when I leave the house peanut goes crazy Shelby grabs her things and tries to leave but peanut isn't having it when Shelby tries to leave the house peanut doesn't want her to go so he nips at a trouser like he hangs onto her trouser leg and then he puts his little front paws around the legged like a child say mommy please don't go when we sleep at night we usually create him and when I put him in the crate every night he he goes barks and Mixel a lot of noise a racket but when craig puts him and he doesn't do anything i do it a little differently if you want to see yeah i want to see what it's my Leah brought the crate down see okay [Music] and you're crate peanuts he always is attacking you yeah you never met me or anything he acts like he's going to can I see what he does if I I put him in his crate sure okay let's let him out let it out okay so if I put a bit its prey you'll do it again I shall be there's something going on with you I don't know what it is the crate is very interesting peanut seems to be almost hyper attached to Shelby that he wants to be with her all the time and it's quite normal for dogs actually for dogs that do become hyper attached to exhibit the same kind of behavior that Pina is exhibiting I think peanut suffers from small dogs syndrome small dogs are allowed to get away with behaviors that may be big dogs wouldn't get away with small dogs are cute and cuddly and fluffy I mean peanut looks like a toy this is a very pushy demanding very needy dog he is really spoiled you can't even walk out the door without peanut grabbing onto your pant leg almost like a child like a toddler say mommy don't go and of course you give in to him because peanut box you pick him up you put him on their lap he now knows that's the way to communicate with you right you're going to give in to stop the barking he's just so cute I just it's really easy for me to give in to him peanuts very hyper aware he senses your energy he knows all the triggers of when you go out and hyper aware dogs also hyper sensitive why do you think peanut bought so much I think that he barked because he wants my attention and he wants to control our family with all of his barking yes I think insecure dogs control environment more he has found that the results of his barking are deeply gratifying to him because he gets your attention so from now on you change so whenever he box you don't give him attention in fact you turn your back in your total ignore oh you would not okay I want you to wait for three seconds of quiet what happens with these trainees you can get what is known as an extinction burst when you're trying to extinguish a behavior the dog tries harder so the barking becomes a bigger outer longer right did you have to keep going keep going because you know when the cops try to do more that the behavior is going to extinction right after a burst of barking peanut eventually catches on [Music] three-second rule is a good one to use because you know that you're not rewarding the barking you can make sure it's solid that you're actually rewarding the quiet behavior peanut will not only have to earn Shelby's attention he'll also have to earn his toys he's not gonna get it until he offers me a behavior I like barking certainly it's been very demanding give me the toy I'm waiting for about three to four seconds of Wow but peanuts not going to accept the new regime without a fight gonna figure it out peanut he's getting angry now it was really hard watching peanut struggle with pet he wanted that toy so bad and ever since he's been a little puppy he's just kind of barked for a way he wants and I've given it to him so I feel like he doesn't know any other way to get the toy Shelby was worried because she doesn't like to see her dog stressed out but peanut really wasn't that stressed out peanut was demanding the toy from me and he wasn't gonna stop till he got it that just meant I had to be more resilient and so I knew that I was gonna be sitting there for a long long time [Music] for so long I didn't think he was ever gonna stop peanut finally gets the message good boy three seconds good boy this isn't hurting him because he's coming back to me saying all right really just we're just gonna play more okay Oh after a few more tries peanut miraculously has come full circle and remains completely quiet as they play [Music] I think peanuts a super smart dog and he gets it now and he's gonna continue to do really well so I applied The Barking training to other things like feeding time stand there don't give it to him till he stops barking three seconds of course now good yep three seconds of quiet that's what you have to wait for okay do any sooner and you're rewarding the barking behavior you could do it later if you want but we want to set the dog up for success the most important thing is that you and Craig do this 100% of the time not 99.9 percent of the time 100% of the time because even a slight slip back Hiroko can't be bothered is gonna put him back to where he was now I know you have a real problem getting peanut into the Chris yep we do could you try to put him in his crate again okay hey peanut you're going inside that's a diamond dog right that is okay I'm gonna give you another way to do [Music] yeah yeah that's better hold a treat in your hand let peanut nibble at it whilst you sipping the crater [Music] Pease legs d'arnot those treats get me every time huh oh okay I also did it with toys too late again with him threw the toy into the crate he would fetch it bring it out yeah it's always important to make it light and fun and playing with your dog is a really good way to do that Oh funny I think that's probably what you're gonna do you're gonna use a combination of toys and treats and what you're saying is it's not every time when I'm with the crate that I'm going to show you in there you're building up a positive association with the fact that he's have got to go in his crate now I know you have a real difficulty leaving when you go to the door he's there biting your pant legs or grabbing out with his front paws and when did that start when I walk pack at my work bag and then I can act like he's me for worse it's kind of the same routine every morning okay could you go and get your work and cookies and do what you do okay oh my gosh Victoria solution is to change the pattern of Shelby's regular routine pretend you're reading get up with your magazine go towards the door sit down on the ground read your magazine he didn't know how to respond he was quiet get up again go and Shelby could walk out the door without getting that tap we're not tricking him we're just breaking the ritual so your job now is to find different ways of breaking up that ritual of you leaving in time peanuts habit of resistance will be broken and Shelby should be able to leave the house normally hopefully it'll be now much easier for you to get out of the hope so the next day Shelby continues the training at the door with Meena [Music] by switching the routine peanut finally snaps out of his usual behavior seconds later Shelby can get out of the door [Music] it's a real success [Music] and peanuts just not yapping away in the background and it's so much nicer peanut has some really severe behavioral issues that won't go away overnight but Craig and Shelby have worked really hard and I think are a lot happier and so are their dogs [Music]
Channel: It's Me or the Dog
Views: 3,933,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: It's Me Or The Dog, It's me or the dog victoria stilwell, it's me or the dog tv show, it's me or the dog watch online, victoria stilwell dog training, it's me or the dog animal planet, victoria stilwell, it's me or the dog usa, it's me or the dog pomeranian, it's me or the dog peanut, it's me or the dog barking, barking pomeranian, how to stop pomeranians from barking, how to stop pomeranian barking
Id: Lbfl3wd1AYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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