My new life in Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷

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[Music] ooh look at this lighting it's been so long since I've vlogged this actually feels crazy there's so much to update you on we're in Buenos ciris and look who's with me and look who's not leaving anytime soon nope no 30 days that doesn't count yeah we are officially in Buenos Iris we've been here for about a week and we're in Argentina for basically the next 3 months today is the first day that we're actually going out out to explore the city we've kind of just been getting our bearings here since arriving about a week ago but today it's time to venture out into the city be humans be social sightsee do the things so I have a friend who is coming to meet us on our way to uh where are we going re Recoleta so we're kind of packing our camera bag because we're going to be out for like the next probably like 8 hours yeah like the next 8 hours or so I'm so freaking excited we're staying in the Poo neighborhood and absolutely loving it but it's time to venture out look who it is meet Alyssa everyone wait I'm like looking at this okay I'm going to look at this I'm filming on the DJI osmo right now which is like my newest addition to my camera setup it's very small and easy to Vlog with but sorry now I'm getting off topic we've been Instagram friends for so long over a year and we're finally like actually able to meet up here in Buenos ciris and like every day this week literally literally Cafe yesterday like Park the yeah so many things so we're at the bus stop actually my first time riding the bus to our first stop of the day we're very excited how long were you here before 2 and a half months yeah so we're pro in the city yes yes I am relying heavily on her for the bus situation but it should be great the train is really easy to use so it should be very easy so this is the sub card this is the card that you need to basically use all the public transportation in Buenos AIS but also in other Argentinian cities right Alyssa all of AR yeah all of Argentina which is so nice so you have to wave down the bus or they won't stop and then tell them where you're going [Music] okay we're officially in the Recoleta neighborhood if you didn't know this wois is nicknamed The Paris of South America and I cannot completely see why being here the buildings are so reminiscent of Paris but really like Europe in general and we noticed this throughout being here but this is so cool I can't wait to walk around around these streets and explore but we are directly in front of what National Geographic has named the most beautiful bookstore in the world El ATO Grand Splendid let's go check it out I'm excited to escape the heat honestly it's it's hot very [Music] warm I literally feel like I'm in an old Performing Arts Center because it obviously used to be a theater that they've now converted into a bookstore it's seriously so beautiful it's like three different stories you can go up and get an amazing views there's a little cafe in the back if you want to just go hang out read your book definitely a beautiful place to kind of escape the heat to take some photos enjoy some books I will have to take my mom back here when she visits me in a couple months I think up here is like all the DVD no not DVDs vinyls and CDs we're still old enough to remember that I think like the ceiling and all the details on the walls are my favorite part like how is that the ceiling of a bookstore it's so stunning I'm such a Harry Potter stand like my entire childhood with Harry Potter I used to think I would get one of these letters in the mail that was inviting me to Hogwarts so I'm loving that they're spotlighting it here in the book store okay we're at a little cute Cafe spy that Alyssa brought us to our little guide little Hidden Gem and it's so pretty we're having a little Maranda so I'm having a cappuccino which first of all you know this is like my go-to coffee drink but I found in Buenos ciris they do it often with uh cinnamon and cacao which I'm here for and we also ordered these alha hores de usually they don't have this frosting around it but I'm kind of normally it's so different normally it's either like chocolate or a little frosting or it's just like a sugar cookie it looks it looks so good okay cheers Che oh my God that's so good let we see the inside yeah wow that looks so good it's so good very sweet I definitely cannot drink this whole thing drink eat this whole thing D do you want to try some I do no no I'll hold it I'm a vlogger now I think I have to have the coffee first oh yeah do you know that pinky I think I have this that's mine no sorry squish oh and that SMS like a slight fish yeah a little bit that really good 10 out of 10 so we had Grand plans to go to the cemetery didn't check it closes at 5:00 p.m. so just know that it is currently 5:30 but now we're just kind of wandering around Recoleta we stumbled upon this little Park it's just so amazing to just see people after work coming sitting in a park hanging out with friends laying in the grass reading a book kids playing people he like the concept of third spaces and they're always spending time together the concept of marenda sharing mate you enjoy life for its like Simple Pleasures and it's so beautiful going to cry I love it so one thing I noticed like right off the bat when I got to Ben Osiris is that English isn't super common here and it really helps to have at least a basic understanding of Spanish before coming to Argentina and my personal favorite app of all time to learn a language as quickly as possible is Babble they're one of the top language learning apps in the world and the sponsor of today's video I did a ton of traveling around Mexico last year and the last thing I wanted was to go home for the holidays and lose all of the progress that I made last year so I made it my mission to practice Spanish on the Babel app for 15 minutes a day and I know that doesn't sound like a lot but Babble has actually proven that you can start learning a new language in just 3 weeks by practicing 10 to 15 minutes a day on the Babel app and the reason why I've stuck to babble over all of the other language learning apps is because they actually teach you how to have real world practical conversations which when traveling the way I do is absolutely essential and I personally decided to go with the lifetime subscription because it gets you access to all of the languages on Babel's platform for life so if you're going to a new destination with a different language you can kind of brush up on whatever language you need to before that trip and I have a fire discount for you if you're interested you can click the link down below to get 60% off of your subscription and I'm super curious what language you're planning to learn next so feel free to comment that [Music] below me and Dylan are learning how to chill yes it's it's new for us and chill it's mate and chill it's mate and chill yeah all we're missing is mate and then we're being true argentinians so we're in Buenos Iris for 5 weeks and it's been a week and it just is so nice to not have to rush around to see everything all at once it's also nice that it's like 13 hours a daylight here oh yeah we went from winter in Florida to Summer here and it's been like I'm here our buies are still adjusting but it's been quite the adjustment because it's such a long daylight but yeah I'm just so excited for the next month here here and then we're coming back after we explore Patagonia so there's just so much to come and Dylan is finally able to be with me fulltime cuz if you've been following for a while you know that we've been doing like long distance on and off for way too damn long so that ends this year and life is good life is good it's our first time outside since yesterday and it's 530 p.m. why May you ask today's a la day that's all well also we had a sign ific amount of wine last night so we went to this closed door dinner apparently that's what they're called where basically we went into someone's home they're obviously chefs and they served us an 8 course gourmet meal with wine pairings it was so freaking good and a lot of wine um was consumed was consumed so hence why we've kind of just been chilling out all day we did do some travel planning this morning which was good and we are channeling our inner Argentinian because they drink coffee coffee at all hours of the day including 6:00 p.m. so we're having a little coffee at this new Cafe that we just ran across there's so many cafes here in palmo that's where we're staying that's to mention we're about to go do a workout right after this yeah it took a lot of motivating for us to uh to do this but we are training because we're going to Patagonia in like a month and your girl is not ready for the mountains so got to get in shape and we're holding each other accountable [Music] boom [Music] so we got a monthly gym pass here old ourselves cable it's also way more affordable than doing like a daily or weekly pass and for the monthly if you pay with cash it was 22,000 for the month and fun fact Saturday nights or Saturday evenings are a very unpopular time to come work out so we are loving the empty gym right now we were going to go to the Ros doll but then we walked by this cool outlet mall that we decided we had to come check out cuz there's all these shops and like outdoor food vendors and beer and coffee and it's like right in the middle of the city and we didn't feel like dealing with a bus so we'll take you to the rosad doll another day good morning everyone it is a Sunday and the perfect day to overcome my new fear of vlogging in public it has been a few months since I have really been vlogging obviously I haven't posted in a few weeks really since Mexico and it feels weird to Vlog in public especially somewhere brand new to me I'm kind of still like getting my bearings well we're putting that to the freaking test today and you'll see why soon but first we are going to a cafe that I've heard amazing things about I'm ready for more coffee are you excited for what we're doing today oh yeah it's going to be chaos but it's going to be a good chaos a good [Music] [Applause] [Music] chaos okay so this Cafe is known for their pastries so we're trying a classic media Aluna which is a very traditional Argentine pastry it obviously looks like a croissant but it's a lot deer and like less flaky I'm so excited and there's two kinds this is the sweet kind there's also like a Savory kind that you can have with like hamon and queso but I'm so excited to try this it looks literally so good that is so freaking satisfying I'm dipping in your Cafe it's seriously so good that's good that's even better right okay so we've got our subet card we're getting on the train which is my personal favorite form of public transportation wrong side wrong side so riding on P public transportation as a woman kind of varies depending on where you are in the world obviously I didn't do a lot of public transportation riding when I was Solo in Mexico City but here in Buenos ziris I feel very comfortable getting on the buses and the trains alone the only real thing you have to be aware of is phone snatching people kind of shoving their hands in your pockets your bags whatever so I would wear your backpack on your front it's usually like when when you're getting off and on during busy times but again that's true of like most public transportations obviously but that Al to say I feel super safe on the trains and stuff but just keep an eye on your things cuz people get their phones stolen a lot here but other than that it's lovely so I'm excited for a little train ride we might try the subway out for the first time so it should be [Music] fun okay we are officially at rtio station this station is so cool it's pretty big actually reminds me a little bit of the train station in Madrid just a lot smaller you'll see throughout this video If you you've already seen from yesterday there's a lot of European influence here with the architecture and certain things I can definitely feel it here in the train [Music] station so yeah you can pretty much find these cards at a lot of different kioscos or just like various of the little shops around town you'll see like a sub sign outside and then you can load them up kind of at the same places if they have a sub sign on the outside then you may be able to refill your card we each put 2,000 Argentinian Pesos on here and we should be good for a few weeks to ride because it's like I don't know 5 to 10 cents a ride depending on how far you're going which is great but our Subway leaves in 3 minutes we are officially in the oldest neighborhood in all of Buenos Iris we are in bario santelmo I have been so excited to check out this neighborhood there is so much history here here for the architecture is beautiful you got the Charming cobblestone streets and we are heading to the most iconic Market in the entire city right now I so excited for this I already know there's going to be so much like food antiques let's see what we come [Music] across this Market literally was built in 1897 so it's been here for over 120 years and it originated because of all the immigrants that were coming at that time from Europe mainly Spain and Italy to get them access to the fruits and veggies and all the fresh produce and now it's evolved into this massive Market that actually really reminds me of the Barcelona Market the main one on lambla you can definitely tell that this one is more historic so I'm excited to eat all the food because there's tons of vendors we can sit down have a drink have some tapas but I'm really into all the spices the foods and the shopping is also amazing so you can spend hours in here easily it's known as being one of the most famous antique markets in the world so I'm excited to check out all the Antiques Dylan's on the hunt for a Rolex wait did I just find one hold on no way I think I'm wrong but hold on can't tell what that is it's not a Rox though you never know what you can find in an antique shop oh there is one no way yeah but I don't I don't know if it's real and then there's one that's laying down you can see it right here okay so obviously there's the whole indoor part but if you walk outside on Cay defensa literally for like 10 blocks are all of these vendors selling everything you could possibly imagine and we may even see some tango dancers here soon I've heard that they like to practice out here in the squares but there is just so much cool stuff out here and the architecture is so freaking stunning like I actually can knock it over everywhere you walk there's just the most beautiful building surrounding you and it does feel very very European [Music] [Applause] been looking for incense all day and it's here I'm so excited oh and they have soap look at the Apollo Santo want this one oh wow I'm going to get this got to pull out the wad I can't count okay that's 3 mil four mil 5 mil here we go just casually with my cash yeah two okay let go I will say that's much more affordable than Mexico for pal Santo see okay muchas all right finally bought something I love palosanto I missed [Music] her that market goes on for actually so long there's so so much you could spend the entire day walking around I think we've gotten at least 10,000 steps under our belts we're now chilling in PL de Mayo it's so gorgeous here the palm trees are just everything there's so many cool museums around here but I will not lie we are exhausted I think we are in a little siesta mood so that's what we're going to do how you feeling drone Master got all the cold shots it's like every time I put the Drone up and bring it back down I'm like oh that was a good one and then we walk 5 minutes and there's like something that's 10 times better so we'll [Music] see as much as I'm loving the city so far and I'm just so excited to be spending the next few weeks here it definitely has been quite an adjustment and not necessarily because of the city itself although it is really really big and I do get kind of overwhelmed in giant Urban settings like this but to be honest over the holidays I worked myself way too hard and I think I don't think I just got extremely burnt out and it's really been difficult for me to get back into filming because I just have really really really bad anxiety right now um it's something that I've struggled with my whole life comes in pretty intense waves and right now it's just been you know one of those intense times so picking up the camera and filming and being myself has definitely required a lot more effort than usual so if it has kind of seemed like I don't know I've been maybe stressed on camera or not my usual ual animated self that is why and I just wanted to be honest about it because no matter you know where you are in the world can be in the most beautiful amazing place your mental health can still get the better of you so it's something I'm working through right now and I am feeling a lot better today and yesterday so I have High Hopes um but I just wanted to let you in on that I'm totally okay but it's just taking me a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things and vlog in my life but I am really excited to take you along on this journey and I'm excited to show you more of what we get up to in benos ciris and Argentina in general we have a lot of Amazing Adventures planned so I am going to try and share as much of that with you as I can while still prioritizing my mental health and living my life in a way that is healthy and has balance so yeah but thank you so much for watching this video I hope you're excited for this Argentina series because I know I am so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure to hit that subscribe button and give this video a like if you enjoyed it it really really helps me out and I will see you guys in the next video [Music] bye
Channel: Crosby Grace Travels
Views: 87,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buenos aires, buenos aires argentina, buenos aires travel, buenos aires vlog, buenos aires 2024, living in buenos aires, living in buenos aires as an american, living in buenos aires argentina, san telmo buenos aires, san telmo market buenos aires, san telmo market, recoleta buenos aires, palermo buenos aires argentina
Id: CRt6Q3Dmm50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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