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video is really for all the misfits if you don't think you can run if you don't think you can swim if you're probably going to get setback because of those things if you lie to your recruiter about something medical and then they may come out think this video is for you : x all righty so starting off I left from or I kept out of which means five from Jacksonville Florida all the way to O'Hare in Chicago it was freezing cold so I would suggest you bring a jacket if you're leaving in the summertime you could probably bring a light jacket as soon as you get there the sternness start they're not really yelling or anything but you just need to follow the directions follow the rules long story short you get on the bus like everybody else told you you watch a video it tells you about your general orders your training command and what's going to be coming up for you but you don't really know what it's like until you get off that bus yeah soon as the bus open they started screaming I was like oh shoot what did I get it too but that was the first time I even thought that and that wasn't even the topper so you get off you do it you know you make that phone call I called Christian and I'm like and I just hung up the phone I didn't even say anything he already knew I was gonna be calling I was already texting him myself beforehand so yep I said nothing fast forward you sit in all these little chairs if you get to boot camp earlier in the day versus later in the night you will be chosen based off of like your adverbs for things you're good at X Y & Z so that you can be put into separate divisions if you're going to boot camp during Kovac that's not happening if you are a female and you're going during Kovac you're gonna be in all female division if you're in if you're a male you're gonna be with the all-male division also when it comes to that and coded you will be bunked and placed with the person that is in accordance to your height if that makes sense so by the time you get inducted everything sent you will be given a bunk you will be given a bunk mate so I'm was one of the shortest people in all my divisions and are the two that I was in and so technically it would've been me and the next shortest person in the same bunk and we would eat together shower together everything everything is labeled and docked in because of Kovan is pretty much like if I got Kovac then me and I bunk mate we're both going down cuz she probably most likely has Kovac - all right so let's back back up get into our division we get settled that sea bag is heavy and it gets heavy or and so then you get to where you're going to be sleeping and stuff like that and I actually stayed up longer than most people they say that they keep you up for 24 to 48 hours I was up for 52 hours there just was a lot of like in doc stuff and at this time Koba did not really start like we had heard about it and I don't think I said it but I got to bootcamp March 3rd and I actually didn't graduate till June 5th but I didn't leave to get on a plane till June 15 so yeah fast forward into all those PJ's I mean you guys already know you're gonna have to go through the in dog situation you don't sign you starting a lot of papers you're staying up just trying to have your eyes open the few tips that I can give you which is like yes to duly notice one be quiet be quiet just be just be quiet if you're a talker prepare yourself to just be quiet if you're a doer prepare yourself to pipe down less is more during bootcamp I will tell you that I am a communicator but I am not very chatty like that and I learned real quick so after during P days now this is where it gets tricky and this is for like the mishaps now I'm gonna try to make this video click and like to the point and I'll like insert some little things you guys can just like fast-forward to like certain parts during P days we had to wait a couple of days to get our RT C's now in that way meantime you are still doing induct stuff but you're not technically training and P days did not technically start once we got our RD season biographies were really really good the first time around vision 172 and we went to one of the first things you do is you go to medical so before you run before you swim before you do any of those other things you are going to be somebody looking here you are going to be oh my gosh oh you're going to be going to medical so when you get to medical they have you sign these forms and these forms are asking you questions that we get to tripped up they're asking you have you ever had a parent died have you ever had this have you ever had that in have them mark yes or no now if you marked yes to any of those questions your file is going to be evaluated and that's what happened to me so because my husband is a military member and I do have TRICARE which is like a medical medical care company or whatever that pretty much documents everything they already had all of my records when I get back there she's like oh it looks like you had a looks like you had a heart murmur and I was like no like I already went to Mass I already got it cleared like the documents in there she was like it is that it says that you had the tests done like about a year ago and I said yes I did and I was clear like yes lady I'm reading you read him what I'm saying so she's like well I think we should go get this like checked out and I was like okay so I could go tomorrow I could go today she was like oh no it's not gonna be that soon I'm gonna I'm sorry you're not gonna like his news but I'm gonna have to set you back in training know actually scratch that because she wasn't that nice she was like I'm gonna have to set you back a few weeks and trained it and that was like now the whole entire time I was going through boot camp nothing was hard until this point there is no privacy there is no nothing like that and the entire time as you're there you're just thinking you don't want to get asthma the word as mode is going to be the worst word you can ever hear if you fail your run if you don't feel you're swimming by the time you graduate if you have a medical setback you're getting as mode I will look up with asthma actually means and I like put it down here for everybody who doesn't know what that means but yes so she says you gonna pull me back three weeks I just start crying but I didn't want to go like but you guys think about it now is funny but it really wasn't funny it really wasn't buddy I started like internally crying and I asked her for two she and she was like yes you can have them but you can't leave out of here with it you have to throw it in the garbage I was like that's what my to yourself I'm like you don't care I gotta have to live with this anyway so I go out there and I'm trying to keep it together I try to wipe my eyes and like not have anybody know that I am getting em and I'm gonna put out the division like we're all excited we're all like we've been with each other for like a week now so you know you're starting to learn your little cliques I'm like GRU we gotta kick this run together no I had to pack so my tell me I'm getting asthma because I have to go and get evaluated for our heart murmur again and I'm going to be placed in a recovery convalescent unit which is our CEO I just kept crying I was so nervous I just was like why is this happening to me whatever so let me fast forward cuz videos getting long already I get to RC you I don't know anybody I had to make the phone call to Christian to tell him that like I'm getting setback and training that was one of the hardest phone calls I could have made because again I'm trying like not to cry and he's trying to be like it's okay honey it's only gonna be like this much amount of time he was wrong and everybody there was to themselves now and RCU everybody there is broken or I don't even want to say that cuz it was so rude when people to say that to us everybody there was on like a medical hold was there because they had something that was setting them back in training so for me I was there because I was waiting for an appointment other people were there because they were had stress fractures which is like really bad shin splints they broke something like their leg their back or whatever and they have to recover before they go get put back into a division so during this time this is when kovat starts getting bad we have to start wearing masks 24/7 and she got caught without a mask you would get in trouble like like that long story short and in RCU you didn't really do anything because you weren't training so you would like shine your boots when I got there I didn't have my NW used my division got some of them but I didn't want to put them home cuz I kind of felt like well I'm not in a division why am I gonna wear this I want to keep on the little PT gear the yellow shirt in in the blue shorts like this girl was like no you have to wear you have to put it on so I end up putting it on and I'm really thankful for are see you because I met my two best friends Marcus and Proctor love you guys if you ever watch this which they should be but I met them and we we went through in there we I was in ICU for a total of like a month and from the start of our see you to the finish it was a lot of trial tribulations and the first week that I was in ICU they kind of made it seem like your appointment was already made which was a lot I had to go out and find my appointment then my appointment got setback because of co vid then they made me an appointment and I was there like all day I got cleared which was after two weeks of actually being in our Cu and then at that point there was no divisions they stopped bringing sailors and there was nothing for me to do so I was cleared ready to go into another division and then I couldn't so I had to wait two more weeks before I actually got put into a division but in that time it's like really mental like everybody around you is negative everybody around you has an attitude everybody around you doesn't want to be there and you're trying to keep saying so that you don't pop off on somebody or so that you don't lose your mind which is where my two friends really came in and like we kind of kept each other like saying our CEO is not a joke though don't go there or don't try to get out of doing something and go to medical because you probably will end up in RC you and your time and boot camp will be extended for however much longer and you don't want to be in boot camp for any much longer than it already is I'm just telling y'all that right now like don't do it you got shin splints run through that girl run through it until and to them legs give out run through it so at this point I had done nothing in boot camp like I had to nothing because I got as mode in PJs so what they decided to do was is they were like you guys should be leaving this week we have another division coming up we are excited for the last for the final two weeks around the RC you we've been getting told that a division is coming so we've been waiting on it girl y'all people sis cuz up they've brought in another division but it was an all-male division so all of the males in the other compartment in RC you about 15 of them left that day that's when you had to go cry in the bathroom quietly for somebody asks you are you alright because you've been waiting to leave you've been waiting to get back into training you've been seeing the division your old division that you were in now in week 3 now in week 4 they're halfway done and you're still in week 1 not even P days so it just really sucks so what they decided to do was they decided to take step in step RTC's in two other random Rd sees and are not one step RDC one are see you are DC and then one random one and make a maybe training group which is where I graduated from now let me tell you guys something if you fail your run and I'll explain this a little bit later in the video but if you fail your run you are going to set step is for people who cannot run who fail that one time they're gonna get other chances to complete the run and then they'll go to another division don't get to boot camp and think that you're gonna stay in your division if you don't complete your run don't get to boot camp not knowing how to run I'm gonna tell you that right now because there was nothing wrong with me physically running or anything like that and it really sucked to have everyone like a lot of people around you can't do that which sets you back even more and I'll tell you guys why so they put those three people together we had one RTC from RC u which we already knew and we did not like him we had the other RTC from SEP he was mad chill because all his job was to do was try and tell people how to run and not to give up so that they can get into another division and then we had our third RDC which was like she was pretty much like she was like on leave just kind of like relax and so she came back our first RTC from RC u was psychotic that she's my opinion he told us he was that he has that he's like bipolar so there was that the other one was cool and then the other one she was like a little bit heartless and choose a little bit stern up until like we graduated after we graduated she was so chill and everybody ended up liking her like a lot a lot a lot our division name was going to be 197 and that ORD our division number and that just was because the training groups that were around us was in one nine one two three four five six and then that one one nine six was the guy the males division and then because we were just getting added we were going to be 197 all right so let's just fast forward because we already been through Medical we're gonna get to the run oh and a lot of people ask me about the peanutbutter shot guys is not that bad you got to make sure you rule it out and don't be dramatic because you don't want people talking about you but I didn't take my peanut butter shot and then have to run the next day because I got a smoke there's that um I guess a perk of getting asthma so I got to the how do you call it okay actually let me explain so my division was all rejects so it was a whole bunch of people from RCU who were like injured and now they're fine and then they also brought back some people from separation so they were going to be going home because they could not complete the run but they decided to bring them back for whatever reason and then there was other people who are getting as mode out of their divisions from all around just for various reasons that came into our division so everybody in there was a reject from something which means we had to prove ourselves way more which means that everybody was talking about us all the time which means I had an attitude time well I was like internally just like pissed off about everything except like I didn't like belong there and I just couldn't understand why I ended up in there now let me go to what do we do first oh we ran hmm so you're gonna be running in Freedom Hall you are gonna have 18 minutes to run because of our situation there were some people who already had took their baseline PFA and they you know had passed it or they had enough tries to do do so so there was only six of us and I actually got to do it with only six people and Mark isn't practical with me so that was like super cute Proctor and I were a little like teammate so we none of us failed I have never failed like any physical things so I had 18 minutes to run but for Navy Sanders I had to make 15 15 because by age 23 crew and I ran in like 14 30 or something like that so I made me a navy standards and we didn't fail but if you do fail you get and because our division was already admin you got to stay in the division and then you had to try again in two days and then you know didn't do the backtrack so that wasn't too bad that Freedom Hall will give you some respiratory problems you're just gonna have to work through it and get through it it's not that bad but guys just please be prepared and please go there knowing that you can run for your time that's the biggest advice that I can give you just because so many people go to boot camp thinking that they're just going to learn or they're just gonna pop up and do it but just just know that you can do it I'm gonna sit ups and push ups they're also not that hard but I get clammy hands so you have to be doing like a lot of like these things before your before you do it cuz they're like get into the position and then like you just like stand in there and you just make sure you listen and follow directions like I said don't be talking and don't do too much don't have it somebody else next to you don't know what they're doing be quiet because the instructors gonna let them know what they're supposed to be doing don't be a tri heart and don't do too much it's really not worth it not want to swim I was pissed this swim walking in there you also have to follow directions they're not nice they're Stern that wasn't the hard part you get through when it was time to jump off that Tower the scary part wasn't me jumping off the tower it was watching other people jump off the tower then just like walking up the thing and then seeing someone get scared and then and then the guy like feed it and push you like that he kind of like like didn't want to go like right behind you back and like you ain't have no choice but to go forward and you like have to put your feet over the edge and then that's when you go so watching other people go up like made my heart drop and I'm like oh like I'm gonna be able to do it when I get up there but I did I climbed up there and when it was my turn I just curled my feet and I was thinking like you ain't got no other choice like you better just do it so you put your hands like this and then he was like Keaney and say oh he said age and then he said step when you put your feet to the edge off the edge he said step you better step up off their water so he likened it like this to me I said Who I went down and I just like remember what Christian was telling me like you know just make sure you come back back up and then just start going yeah I thought it was Michael Phelps I just started swimming I just started swimming and then the guy was like you're doing good but you need to like pick your head up because I had my feet my head like in the water - two minutes later after getting like almost halfway there he was like just flip on your back and I was like I don't want to so he said do what I said flip on your back now mind you I didn't know how to swim from like like this I guess going like forward to then like going on my back like I can swim on my back but I couldn't I couldn't maneuver I don't know yeah I couldn't do it so he was like um dude do it now and then I couldn't do it so he was like get out the water saw his piss so I had to go over learn how to swim like learn how to do it and then they kind of teach you like right than in air but don't also don't go to bootcamp not know how to swim because it's just gonna be harder for you and even if you kind of know but you don't know when you get those lessons they're not nice lessons like Christian was like honey they'll teach you if you don't know yes they will teach you but you have a time frame to learn in that time and they're not like it's okay you got it they're like let's go next person in the pool get up get out aren't let's go so it wasn't as like cakey is like other people have made it seem for me so you have to jump again and then swim across again which I was able to do and then the next thing was a prone flow where you like you have to like lay on your back if you fail you they're gonna make you do that next thing on your back we have to lay on your back for five minutes which is actually a perk because you don't have to put your face in the water the entire time the only thing is gonna have to watch out for taller taller men bumping you around cuz if you feel that then you just leave the swimming pool then you gotta come back the next day so that's why you should kind of know and even now even if you have to go back the next day you'll be alright cuz that's what I had to do some guy like kind of like whacked me down into the water and then like I didn't know what I was doing cuz it was I think it was like six feet of water I can't stand up in there anyway so I just touched the edge and he was like oh you're done let's okay get out and he had said a nice I didn't think like nothing had went wrong and I was done sorry to go back to the next day and then I pass so that was that it wasn't that hard either but if you guys have any questions up to so far what I have mentioned you can just like always ask me so that was the run that was the swim I told you about the shots now I'll start telling you like some other like little things that why my bootcamp experience was different so I told you already that everybody in there was as mode I told you already that my RTC's were on a hundred on ten we did get beat like everybody else did but we didn't get beat as much we were really trying to graduate early but we didn't graduate early because a lot of people in our division could not run we also had a lot of people who got to take alternate cardio which is a cop-out if you ask me I'm sorry I ran my time I did them push-ups and sit-ups oh you should too especially if you want to be in the Navy but that wasn't the case and you know everybody need a little help in here so if you get alternate cardio you're gonna be allowed to take the bike which is doesn't come easy but I think for the time I end this in my opinion for the time they were just like you know let's hurry up and get these people out let's just give them another try and another chance the way it works is you feel your run you go to step they give you three more tries or they give you X amount of tries and then if you make it you go into another division if you don't you're going to separation then you're going home for some people that came into our division they already had they treat three tries they already had got set back in training and all of that and then they were pretty much either gonna get alternate cardio and make it or go home so that's what happened to to us we started with around a hundred people or something like that we graduated with 86 but in the middle of that we had way more people leaving and then we had random people coming y'all my division was so bad that for the RTC assessment which is your halfway mark we we had 12 people pass 12 out of the 96 or 110 whatever it was with 12 people passed you know I was one of them but 12 I wrote to Christian he was like what do you mean that 12 people failed I'm like minute and enough only 12 people pass and when it was for the final PFA and after the second round of people got their chance about 30 people got as mode out of out of our division because they could not make the run just let that second 30 somehow people and mind you your final PFA is going to be in weeks week 6 or week 7 so you've got all the way there all the way to the end just to get pushback don't do it and don't let that be you also another tip if you're going to boot camp during Corona or during this epidemic Brooke pack what you want to pack don't pack no suitcase don't even pack a duffle bag worth of stuff but pack a good backpack because you're gonna be putting it in a box and it's not going home it's staying there so any extra toiletries a pair of civilian clothes any any of that stuff that you think you're gonna need in a school that you're not gonna have time to buy or bring our anything like that make sure you pack it with you because your boxes aren't going home your boxes are staying with you make sure I'm gonna put the link for what to bring to bootcamp because every single item that I brought to bootcamp I got to keep I wish I actually would have packed more just because of the coronavirus like I didn't know we weren't going to have graduation I didn't know that we weren't gonna see our family or another that the only other thing that was different for my bootcamp experience was we didn't do the gas chamber we did everything else everything else when you're doing them this stuff does go by quick but the tips and advice that I'm giving remain this ain't be quiet listen and do less like I'm telling you less is more when you're going to when you're going to live fire it's not a joke they're not joking with you and you need to pay attention you need to do what they're saying if you didn't hear what they said asking it if you're just doing something wrong they're gonna they're gonna kick you out what other one was like a big one after after the days were passed I would like just put it out of my put it out of my head I didn't want anything to do with bootcamp after that day was over it felt like it was forever it was not fun I don't know what people are talking about because we didn't have graduation we had a capping ceremony if I had my camp I would get it I think it's like up there which is the Navy one we had stayed up all night at the battle station so we're all like dog-tired and they had some random cheap just come in and was like congratulations congratulations we were like and then they just gave us our ball cap that said like maybe instead of recruiting on it it was so dumb fast forward to like me like so now we're actually graduating that everybody should be leaving but now they're telling us that we're not gonna be leaving as soon because of Kovac I was coming to Texas just because that's where I was coming to and there was a whole bunch people going to Texas as well so I was like I'm in like Planum getting on that flight no my name wasn't called their flights actually got canceled twice so that was in between a week and a half span and I still had never had a flight so what they ended up doing was putting us into Thu Thu is temporary holding unit and that is for people who are on medical hold flight holds I guess now any other holds that has that that relinquishes you from actually being able to go to a school I didn't even really know that that was a thing but a lot of people who had I think it's like sickle cell or they heavily wear like this red band which is like anemia I think um don't quote me because I didn't have that but they had to wear this red pin and they have to get a waiver before they can go to a school pretty much saying that like and the military we know that you have this ailment if anything else happens other than what we we're holding you responsible and then and that's that so they have to stay there wait there I was only in Thu for about like three or four days it's a little bit more lenient cuz you do have your phone but you sooner our standing watches you still have to clean and you still have to be around the same people that you were around beforehand yeah if you don't like the people that are in your division and then they have your rate good luck to you because you're going to be going to a school with them I experienced kovat as far as like the six-feet distancing wearing masks not doing the gas chamber the select seating and ELISA like bunking but that was really only the extent that I had so I wasn't in an all-female division and I wasn't obviously in an all-male division and my bootcamp experience wasn't shorter and I didn't get put in hold holding for any other reason besides what I already explained to you guys the city was already like 30 minutes and most videos I don't watch for 30 minutes I'm gonna end this here if you have any questions like I said just please comment down comment them down below and on my all times and when I'm not in school I will message you guys back I hope you really enjoy this video that is all until the next one bye guys
Channel: The Villagrans
Views: 49,153
Rating: 4.9262185 out of 5
Id: jQnN_yaONAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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