Air Force Basic Training | Air Force Boot Camp Training

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] fooling around Oh father grandma Cantonese won't move oh this is not what's gonna get harder get up get up you're about halfway let's go don't stop you're right here let's go let's go come on stop stop and let's go let's go get up here come on you two let's go come on come on guys let's go let's go watch it watch the lock move over a little bit game over I'm over Tamaki moving you got a guy right in your heels let's go let's go on this hell well then we're pensive we're at all curse on it you'll know someone to pull a little flag down or you don't want some outside Illinois so wait they push out push out week on the road don't forget we get Marco let's go let's go chill close it close it hissing let's go in there come on dig deep you almost done come on come on walk dig deep you're almost done come on don't be stopping now don't stop now come on keep moving forward you're not ready for you know reach out for reach out for come on there you go go around if you go around if you need to dig deep dig then you're moving on come on don't stop normal stop now you'd open tough slog you'd open touch that log let's go reach out for it slowing down now greg's you've got an appointment here at zero seven you're not going to do pt oh so you use hey East where's ease East you're going with them all right so you guys need to change into a B use you guys gonna go eat MS here just have the park service use it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why are we tearing up why were you here we go why are we bearing up arms down good water good water [Music] eighty-three premature off the recording 45-degree angle [Music] you're perfect on there [Music] and no kidding like it needs to fall all the way down all edges are even in plus a view Chargers on you're a huge others you should be able to say our note and the dustbunnies or anything like that try to pull you drop the lab that t-shirt it should be at the six o'clock position open it baseball [Music]
Channel: Times Archives
Views: 1,540,660
Rating: 4.8838072 out of 5
Keywords: air force basic training, air force, boot camp, drill instructor, training, Lackland Air Force Base, recruit training, times archives
Id: e9Gc3uPz3y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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