My Native Phrases!! 🫢| DAILY English! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | Advanced ⭐️ | British English πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

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hi there everyone welcome back to my channel English with Catherine so guys I want to tell you what I say every day I've called this video my native phrases and that's because they are mine I use these most days they are part of my vocabulary they're part of the way that I communicate this language will make you sound more natural more native more friendly very upto-date very current version of the English language so guys are you ready let's get started number one sounds good sounds good this is a reaction a positive reaction as you know I'm very positive I think it's a good way to be if you say sounds good it's a really good way to respond to someone that has suggested a plan or an idea or really just anything that's on their mind that you think is kind of cool you can use this in business it would sound great if you used it in a business meeting it's very informal it's very chatty it's very everyday the other week week when I was in Scotland visiting Tom's family we were making plans to go on holiday in March for a week and they were just kind of discussing their ideas and I was just like sounds good sounds good oh yeah sounds good one of the options was a walk where there will be Highland cows which are the cutest cows on Earth and of course I just said sounds good so the formal way would be to say I like that idea I think that's a good idea that is not wrong that is not incorrect but you need to to learn the informal and the advanced level option to and then you can decide which one you want to use number two nine times out of 10 nine times out of 10 now this is not a response like the first one this is actually about probability so you're making a comment about the probability of something let me explain there's a dog that lives opposite us and he's not very good with strangers like new people he tends to be a bit attacki by the way that's not a word vicious okay the word is vicious unfortunately and nine times out of 10 he will attack an Amazon delivery driver so there's a sign on the gate that says don't come in ring the bell but some delivery drivers maybe don't see the sign and they come in and invariably they get met with the crazy dog that is Mickey nine times out of 10 something happens meaning it very often happens nearly always number three at least at least at least I know I've said it three times I just had to so this is about positivity I've talked about positive language a lot in these videos it's definitely who I am as a person so you'll notice my I say this every day videos are going to be quite positive and filled with positive language so at least means at minimum okay so in a negative situation you're looking for the positive you're looking for that one thing that shines out and makes it a good thing for example two nights ago I think it was Saturday night I woke up at 3:00 a.m. for no reason at all completely Awake Wide Awake we say in English and I just couldn't get back to sleep I tried everything and I just I tried counting sheep I tried counting the other animals cuz I was thinking maybe the Sheep just weren't working for me so I tried pigeons and cats but nothing worked so I decided to finally go through my inbox and reply to all these emails that had been backing up in my inbox for many many months and I said to Tom the next day I had a really bad night's sleep but at least I caught up on my emails number four I take it I take it the reason I'm saying it like that is cuz it's not finished it goes on to the rest of the sentence now this is used for assumption when you assume something is happening we use this language on Monday I was supposed to go over to my mom's house for coffee and then I texted Mom at 1ish to say I'm really sorry my lesson has just been rescheduled I didn't actually cancel in the message but that I just said that and she replied with I take it you're not coming around for coffee then I take it you're not coming around for coffee then and that's a polite way of saying I assume that this is happening I hadn't been really that clear in my message obviously so she needed to assume something she didn't know for sure so she said that and I said yes sorry Mom I'll come another day today just doesn't work anymore for me sorry about three or four sories as usual number five I can imagine I can imagine what does this mean what am I talking about this is a comment relating to empathy so when you're trying to empathize with someone which means to understand their situation to try to relate to them in a usually difficult time is when you have to empathize with someone I have a student that's going through the process of of moving countries and the problem is her husband is in the country she's going to because he's already started his job there and she's with the kids in the country she's from and it's quite stressful for her right and I said I can imagine that's really stressful I can imagine that's a really difficult time don't worry just ride it out to ride something out is to just keep going until it ends keep calm and carry on God I'm full of them today sorry this is about 50 expressions in one video so saying I can imagine is just a way of saying I'm using my imagination I'm imagining myself in that position and this is the reaction it's difficult number six in order to in order to this is real daily English you have to know this so This relates to purpose when you're expressing the purpose of something of why something was done or why something needs to be done so Tom came home from work early today in order to film this YouTube video just to let you know I am terrible with all things cameras technology and you know anything that requires pressing buttons and that kind of thing I am learning and you know I am getting better but anyway Tom is the techie in this project so without him the videos would not be possible thank you Tom he's up there in order to make a cup of tea you have to boil the kettle in order to lay an egg you have to be a chicken you get the idea number seven it doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me what does this mean so this is a reaction okay this is a response when something is not a problem for you as in it really doesn't affect you it it's cool you know you can say it doesn't bother me for example my mom said sorry Katherine I forgot to buy you some Ry bread I love Ry bread I'm obsessed with that typ anyway when she said sorry I just said everything really doesn't bother me it's absolutely fine it doesn't bother me I'll just have the other bread I just have the regular bread I'm easy another example sometimes I get quite strange comments on this channel sometimes comments can be quite rude I decided to just not not really let it bother me and I can actually say it doesn't bother me what I do is I just delete and block it's a very good strategy it really works for me I think if you let things accumulate that can sometimes be a bad thing right but I just nip it in the bud which means to stop something from getting worse so delete the comment block the user job done number eight keep me posted keep me posted I love this expression I use it a lot so this is something you say as a response when you're waiting for someone's answer on something for example my friend has moved quite far away at least 3 and 1 half hours drive I would say say because I'm quite busy at the moment it's been quite difficult for me to really commit to a date and basically she asked me if I could do the 18th of this month and I said oh I don't know yet can I let you know really soon and she just said y keep me posted so that's basically like keep me updated on that let me know when you have new information on that number nine onwards and upwards onwards and upwards this is really positive this is something to say when something bad has happened but you want to just say come on let's all just look to the Future brighter things are coming for example my sister really wants to get a dog from sorry I just said dog really loudly get a dog from Battery dogs home where you can adopt dogs and it's a really nice thing to do you can rescue a dog I'm sure you know what this is and basically because of the demand because so many people want dogs in London it's becoming a very big big big thing everyone pretty much everyone has a dog in London there's a waiting list and they were due to get a little sausage dog they were so excited and then it turns out that the sausage dog wasn't available anymore for some reason and my sister was so disappointed and she just said onwards and upwards Let's cross our fingers for the Chihuahua instead it's difficult to have a dog in London obviously because if you live in a flat you can't really have a golden retriever you're kind of limited to little tiny dogs that live in handbags or sausage dogs or pugs or French Bulldogs I think they're all so cute number 10 to pencil something in to pencil something in so this one relates to making plans as you can tell this is very much part of daily English I use a lot of language to do with making plans with friends and family and and when you're not completely sure about a date that you've given to someone they often say to you I'll pencil you into the diary for some reason I'm struggling to say pencil pencil pencil gosh maybe I'll add that to a difficult words to pronounce cuz I'm finding that quite a challenge so basically as you know a pencil is not a permanent thing is it you can rub it out it's not a pen it's not ink so if you say I'll pencil you in it means I'll just put you in the diary as a kind of maybe but you will confirm later on for sure it's difficult to get everyone free if you've got a group of friends of like six or seven people so difficult finding a date so sometimes we say let's pencil that in let's pencil that in for March I hope you enjoyed listening to what I say in my daily life you I'm not that interesting but hopefully you found some of it cool as usual I'm so happy to have you here I'm so grateful I don't know if I say that enough but honestly thank you if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be able to do this clicking subscribe however does help me continue doing this so that would be great you can also follow me on Instagram just go over there type in English with Katherine and you'll find me I also teach English lessons and you can get in touch on my Instagram page about that there's also a free ebook if you head there as well I hope you have a lovely gorgeous weekend and I'll see you next Friday bye
Channel: English with Katharine
Views: 42,258
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Keywords: Language Learning, learn, online, classes, learn to speak, online learning, English language learning, English classes
Id: lK_UOjpHFXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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