My Month in Thailand for the World's Largest Military Exercise

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- Alright, so let's talk about Thailand. You guys probably know it from it's beautiful beaches, islands, cities, or temples. And of course, well, those are incredible. But what you might not know is that Thailand is actually home to longest running multinational military exercise in the world. Yeah, that was a mouthful. Now the exercise goes by the name Cobra Gold and dates all the way back to 1982. It's a demonstration of the partnership between the US military and the Royal Thai armed forces, in addition to over a dozen other partner nations who participate each year. For two weeks, soldiers, sailors and Marines gather across Thailand to train and learn from one another in a variety of different exercises and events. Now this year, due to COVID-19, things were scaled down quite a bit, as the safety of all participants remained the top priority. However, even during a pandemic, the importance of Cobra Gold is still prevalent. And so when I received word that I had been selected to help out with the media coverage and travel all the way from St. Louis, Missouri to Bangkok, Thailand, I was pretty excited. After doing some quick math, I realized that this would be the longest trip I'd ever taken. Over a month living abroad in a country 8,747 miles away. Yeah, that's pretty far. But to be honest, I couldn't wait. And so as I navigated my way through airport after airport and flight after flight, I finally landed in Thailand, my new home for the next month. But before things officially kicked off, I was going to have a little bit of downtime, which I guess leads me to my first stop on the journey. - Quarantine. Now, at the time I'm filming this video, Thailand requires all international passengers to complete a mandatory 15-day quarantine upon arrival. So yeah, for the next two weeks, I'm pretty much stuck right here in this hotel room. Now I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit worried about having no access to fresh air and pretty much zero human interaction. But on the bright side, the hotel room is pretty nice, I've got an awesome view here of downtown Bangkok, and the food that's delivered to me three times a day is not too bad. So for the actual Cobra Gold exercise, it only runs about 14 days, but because of this mandatory quarantine, I had to come to Thailand about a month early. But once I'm done, I'll be able to leave the hotel and then travel down south to the town of U-Tapao, where I'll begin helping out with the exercise. Now it is almost nine o'clock in the morning here in Bangkok, which means my breakfast should be delivered, which is honestly my favorite part of the day. So I'm going to go grab that, then I'll show you guys around the room and give you a little taste of what I'm going to be up to for the next two weeks. (Jazz music plays) - Alright, so today I've got what this hotel calls the "Western Breakfast". So it looks pretty good. They've got eggs, sausage, a few veggies, some bacon, a couple of pieces of toast with butter and jelly, a fruit cup, and then my favorite thing right here. This is pineapple juice, which is amazing, so. I'm going to scarf this down and I'll see you guys in a little bit. (Jazz music continues) So I just finished up breakfast and it was pretty good. I'd give it a solid 7.5 out of 10, definitely a fan of the Western Breakfast there. But anyways, as promised, I'm going to go ahead and give you guys a tour of the quarantine hotel room here. So I hope you're ready. Alright, so to start things off, this is the main area here. It's pretty much just one big room but I'll take you to my favorite part, which is of course these windows. So yeah, this is Bangkok. I'm about 30 stories up right now. You can see the rest of the hotel here, but it's beautiful. I imagine I'm going to spend a lot of time here by these windows, just imagining when I'm able to get out and actually enjoy what the city has to offer, but. Pretty cool. So over here, this is my bed of course, it's pretty comfortable. And I actually brought my computer, mic, mouse, keyboard, headphones, that sort of thing. So it's a little makeshift, workstation. Do some editing. This is the living area right here. Pretty comfortable couch, got the TV. And then I was super worried about fitness. You know, two weeks without like having anywhere to exercise is not the best. So I was pretty excited that they brought a treadmill in for me. Got some weights and then a yoga mat as well. Kitchen as you guys already saw. So stove, dishes, fridge. Pretty nice. But my next favorite part is the bathroom. It's beautiful, so. What's up? Yeah. Got an awesome shower. Gorgeous. So there you have it. This is where I'm going to be for the next two weeks. Hope you enjoyed. Cause, yeah. I'm gonna have a lot of time here. (Jazz music continues) - So there you have it, my home for the next two weeks. Don't worry, I'm not going to show you guys every second of the next 14 days, because that would be pretty boring. But I will say that I had a lot of time to be productive. And so, yeah, that's exactly what I did. But in all seriousness, I did start to get in a routine. I'd wake up in the mornings, hit a workout, crush a few emails, and then I'd spend my free time reading, watching some Netflix, and of course, staring out the window, imagining what freedom would be like. Before I knew it, the days were flying by, and I was starting to find that quarantine really wasn't the worst thing in the world. (Pop music continues) (Raindrops patter and thunder booms) - What's up guys just wanted to pop in and say that I have officially hit my halfway point here in quarantine. I just want to add that the hotel staff here is so sweet and so nice to work with. Look what they got me today. They brought this little surprise thing to the door. So little flowers and a little, hey, it's your halfway point. So we're on the home stretch. Just a few more days. So bear with me because we're going to be out of here in no time. (Pop music continues) (Snoring) - Alright, good morning guys. I'm super excited 'cause I officially made it to the final day of my quarantine here. I'm going to assume that that was probably the quickest 14 days you guys have ever seen go by, but for me it was a little bit longer. But I'm all packed up here. You can see all my stuff. I'm going to head out to check out in the front lobby and head on to my next destination. So thanks for sticking with me. Now the trip has officially started and I can't wait. (Pop music fades out) (Upbeat music begins) - All right, guys, we made it. Welcome to Pattaya. This is my home for the next month. It's beautiful hotel room here that I'm super excited about. And it's going to be pretty cool to kind of have this location as my home base, but then I'm going to be able to go out and about, explore different areas, and help out the different locations where the exercise is going to be going on. So with that being said, I'm going to kick back and relax for a little bit, kind of enjoy having a little freedom after that two weeks of quarantine, then I'm going to go check out the beach, check out what else there is to do around here, and show you guys around a little bit. So, super excited. (Upbeat music plays) - All Right just wanted to stop for a second, and show you guys this view over the end of the hotel here. Beach extends for quite a ways, which is awesome. So I'm gonna head down there and check it out. (Upbeat music plays) - I mean, this is amazing. It's already super hot and humid though. So that's going to be fun. I'm already sweating. But look at this. It's going to be awesome. I'm dying to get in the water. I guess it's the Gulf of Thailand here. So I'm going to run in for a second and just see what it's like. (Upbeat music plays) (Funky music begins) - Guys, I think I love Thailand. Now I'll admit that thought might be a little bit inflated because I spent the last two weeks in quarantine, but seriously, it feels just awesome to be able to go outside, run around, and see a little bit about what Thailand has to offer. Now with that being said, tomorrow is my first day on the real job. So I'm going to be be throwing on my uniform here for the first time in a couple weeks, and a heading out into the field to start my job here with exercise Cobra Gold. I'm not exactly sure what to expect, but I've heard a lot about the exercise. So I can't wait to get out there to get started. But in the meantime, I'm going to head to bed, but I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning. (Upbeat music begins) - Now, as I made my way into the van that would be taking me to my first destination, I met up with my incredible translator, Isabel, who's actually been working Cobra Gold for over 20 years. Now we did have almost a two hour drive ahead of us, so she definitely kept me busy practicing my Thai. Isabel taught me how to say "I'm Lieutenant Sam" (Speaks Thai) That's right, right? Yeah? - That's right - (laughs) - Now, as we made our way north from the U-Tapao province, I enjoyed just being able to sit and watch all of the different villages pass by. Before long, we made it to the front gates of where we were headed, and after a few guards pointed us in the right direction, I was finally ready to start my job with Cobra Gold. Well, good afternoon, everyone. It is a super hot and humid day here in Thailand. I am sweating like crazy, but right now I'm in Chon Buri, which is where they have one of the Thai Army bases where they're actually training up a new recruits. So I can see them marching around and walking off in the distance here. Definitely brings me back a little bit. But right now I'm headed to meet up with the US Army Security Force Assistance Brigade. So they're in-country helping train the Thai on different techniques, tips, and tricks, that sort of thing. So I'm going to be shooting a video to kick off Cobra Gold, and I'm looking forward to doing it. So I'm going to go meet up with them, and then I'll tell you guys a little bit more about what I'm up to. (Upbeat music plays) - Alright guys, so I found my spot right here. I'm going to be shooting in front of this building right here. We're going to put up a flag, make it look a little nicer. But the whole point of this video is to kind of have some of our US soldiers speak some common phrases in Thai, in recognition of National Thai Language Day, which is actually on Thursday. So I wrote down a few phrases and had the help of my interpreter, Isabel, kind of say, you know, what sounds a little bit more accurate in terms of how to say it in Thai. More than I could do on Google Translate, I guess. And then we're going to have some of these soldiers just say those phrases and make kind of a fun Buzzfeed-style video here, so. Excited to get set up and go ahead and get started. (Upbeat music plays) - Alright, so nothing too crazy of a setup here, but one thing I've noticed that, because it's so humid here, when I take my cameras out of my bag, if they've been in the hotel room or they've been in the car, like it takes a good 20 minutes for them to, like, get the moisture off and like acclimate to the climate. Cause all the lenses fog up. So I brought everyone out here and was ready to hit record and then I realized all the footage was trash because it was like, fogged over. So just a note for next time, you know, put your camera bag out in the humidity to adjust for at least a half hour. Anyways. (Upbeat music plays) (Speaking Thai) (laughs) - Alright, one more time. (speaking Thai) - All right, I'll do better at like, hearing you do it back there. - (Sam) Okay, sounds good, yeah. Whatever works for you. (Speaking Thai) (cheering) - (Sam) Nailed that, that's it. - All right guys, just finished up. I'm excited to see how the video turns out. I mean, those guys were super fun to work with, so made my job enjoyable. But yeah, I mean, not a bad first day. It was exciting being out here and just, it's cool to meet different Thai people and just learn a little bit about their military experiences and how it differs from us here in the US. But hope you guys enjoyed that. This was just the start and I'm excited for what the next couple of weeks here have to offer. (upbeat music fades) - Now, when I say the next few weeks were busy, yeah, they definitely were. After the opening ceremonies were underway, my first job was to head out to the field with the Marine Engineering Support Battalion. Their job was to assist the Thai forces with constructing counter-mobility obstacles. It was honestly really cool to see the teamwork between both countries, and I had a blast spending some down time in the shade with the Thai Marines learning about their culture. I then had the chance to cover the amphibious assault vehicle training, which, if you've never seen an AAV before, they're pretty incredible. Now for the next couple of days, I spent my time with the US Army Stryker Brigade Combat Team. There was a lot going on here and each day was something different. I started out in the classroom covering some instruction on company level defense operations, essentially a lesson on battlefield, maneuvers, and tactics. I then moved on to take some photos of the mortar proficiency training, where the Royal Thai Army was working alongside members of the US Army on how to operate various infantry mortars. (Upbeat music) Last but not least, I moved on to the firing range where members of the 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade were instructing Thai soldiers on how to handle and fire various weaponry. (Upbeat music plays) Honestly, lunchtime was something I always look forward to because we would try different local Thai street vendors and the food was really good. (Upbeat music continues) Now, as you can imagine, the days were pretty long. And so when I did get back to the hotel each day, I did my best to squeeze in a workout and then head to the pool to relax before grabbing dinner and going off to bed. Things were busy, and as the days passed and the closing ceremony for Cobra Gold approached, there was one more mission in particular that I was scheduled to go out on. And let's just say that this one was something I had really been looking forward to. (Pop music begins) - All right, good morning guys. I am super excited for today because I'm actually going to be headed to the Thai province of Sa Kaeo, which by car it's about a three hours drive to the north. However, I was able to get a spot on the Army's UC-35 aircraft, so I get to fly there, which is going to be amazing. Now, essentially what's going on is there's a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new building that's opening, so we have several of the higher-up leaders from the US military that are going to be there to support that. And of course they needed someone to cover down on all the photo and video. So that's going to be my job. But with that being said, I've got to head out to the airport right now, so I'm excited to bring you guys with me and see what this adventure has in store. (Upbeat music plays) - When I climbed on board the UC-35, I realized things were a little tighter than expected. I happened to be the lowest ranking passenger, which meant I was given a very special seat all the way in the back. It actually happened to be where the facilities are located. Not that I would be needing them, but I guess good to know. Once we took off, it was really cool to see Thailand from such a unique perspective. It really is such a beautiful country, and having this experience to cap off my month-long trip was awesome. (Upbeat music plays) - After we landed, I grabbed all my gear and stumbled my way out of the airplane, where we had vans waiting to take us to the site of the dedication ceremony. We passed a few villages and drove out into the countryside where members of the local community were already gathered to celebrate the opening of this new building. (Upbeat music continues) - All right, guys, I made it here to the Sa Kaeo province. The building behind me is actually the one that was just built, so it's going to be the one that's going to have the ribbon cut here in a little bit. A bunch of important people are here right now for the ceremony, people flying in from Bangkok and all over. So some of those higher-up leaders are in the main room. So I'm going to head over there to get started taking some photos and videos. But yeah, should be fun. (Upbeat music continues) Every year Cobra Gold incorporates an engineering civil assistance project where US service members work alongside the Thai to construct a building that gives back to the local community. Now this year, the project involved a new school here in the Sa Kaeo province that will be used for both education, community gatherings and even English classes for the young Thai children. From everyone I talked to, this is definitely one of the most rewarding parts of the exercise and for me personally, it was really cool to see all the little kids so excited to have a new place to go hang out and learn. (Upbeat music plays) - All right guys, well, that's a wrap on today's events here. It was really cool to be a part of it, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, this building is going to be used for kids in the local community to come to school, and also just for the community in general to come gather. So it's really cool to see kind of what the US is able to build alongside the Thai. Now, with that being said, we're going to head back in the van, back to the airport, and then catch a flight back to our hotel here. I know I need to shower and (laughs) yeah, looking forward to that for sure. (Upbeat music plays) (Upbeat music continues) - Guys, take a look at this view. That is gorgeous. Well guys, that about does it for my time here in Thailand. And I was just thinking, I mean, I've been here over a month now and it's crazy how quickly everything's flown by. But at the same time, I can officially say that this has been one of my favorite trips I've ever been a part of. I mean, everyone here, all the Thai people in this country are so kind, so generous to all the Americans participating in this exercise. Definitely made us feel like home. And I've been trying to practice the language a little bit. So I think I'll end by saying one of the phrases I've picked up, which is (speaks Thai) which just says, "I'm so happy and excited to be here in Thailand". As always, thanks so much for tuning in guys. Hope you learned a little bit and had a little bit of fun for this month long vlog. And as always, well, I'll catch you in the next one. (Pop music plays)
Channel: Sam Eckholm
Views: 954,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cobra Gold, Exercise Cobra Gold, United States Military, Thailand, Sam Eckholm, Military Exercise, Day in the Life Military, Air Force Photographer, Military Photographer, US Military, United States Army, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force, United States Navy, Royal Thai Armed Forces, Royal Thai Navy, Royal Thai Marine Corps, Kingdom of Thailand, Thailand Military, Large Military Exercise, What the Military is Like, Overseas Military
Id: VB2673vUvMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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