my mom went to the hospital...roblox experience

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if you watch the last video you would know that me mama was in the hospital my poor [Music] Mommy anyways my mommy's feeling better now so say hi Mommy hello everybody I'm here I'm feel better I want to say thank you for thinking about me okay that that's it oh okay so I thought why not explain how she got to the hospital so yeah this is the hospital experience to explain the backstory I was laying in my bed kicking my feet watching Tik toks and thinking of video ideas you know YouTuber but while watching Tik toks my mother call for me Mi please now listen M Mama already does miha come downstairs please but this nah this was different the way she said it I immediately ran [Music] downstairs I opened the door to the bathroom and she lifted her head mommy what happened I got hit with a tubo what you need to go to the the hospital I think so wait don't get mad before I continue this story I need you to understand something about me Mama you see my mom refuses to go to the hospital no matter how much pain she's in bro she's a thug at heart for real okay Mommy you're going to feel better no I don't want to Mommy where are you going Mom I don't want to go to the hospital mommy you have to M mommy bye-bye Mommy Mommy so the fact that she agreed immediately I ran upstairs but I didn't have any pants on I had shorts it was 10 p.m. I rushed to put pants on trying not to trip over myself and I told my mommy let's go we got to the hospital gave the nurse the information and sat down finally as we sat down my mother told me the full story how she got hurt my my mother was putting up a tent but not no camping tent no a party tent bro them rods thick Triple C type stuff so she explains that her and two other men were trying to put up a party tent at [Music] night as she's putting up the tent one of the metal rods is loose so it went on my poor mother's she got hurt on her eyebrow the side of her nose and her right cheek while telling me how she got hurt bro I was trying not to tweak I was going to tweak why Mommy why when finally after an hour of waiting in the ER we got sent to another waiting room we were now 3 hours in waiting waiting since the Bonk was on her skull I didn't want her to sleep because hold up let me teach y'all for a second too much impact near the head equals a possible concussion possible concussion when unsure do not let the person sleep because there's a possibility of them not waking up I shouldn't be teaching this okay teach time over I don't know if my mother was tired or the Bonk made her a little dulu because she started talking about bananas what happened what did you want before bananas what do you want banana banana Mommy you're in the hospital so okay I want banana what are you doing that's not nice that's not nice what you do to me why you do that to me because you want a what banana that's why I did it because you want a banana okay banana banana we both were losing it at this point it was now 4 hours in and she finally got sent to get an x-ray then we waited a bit [Laughter] longer after like another hour the doctor came back to let us know the information thank God she didn't need surgery she had to get nine stitches and the doctor explained that she had a nasal fracture we was officially let home at 3:00 a.m. yay my mommy could finally be able to sleep next to her bananas and and that's the story of my mommy going to the hospital and wanting her bananas now here are some words from my Mommy I want to say thank you thank you very much for everything you guys do it with my daughter I very appreciate every single thing you do and with her thank you and God bless you a you're so cute so guys please hug a banana for my mommy I know I just ended the video but uh there's bloopers so here are some [Music] bloopers those sound so happy is serious I'm serious you sound like you're mad at me I am not mad at you if you watched the last video you will know that me and M mom went to the hospital oh my God you're going too fast no we haven't you have to be careful I am being careful I just need to take you to the hospital yeah but you has to drive it slowly how how many miles 40 oh okay can you can you go like we no because I have a pain in my eye I cannot say I'm not siding I scared okay let's go can't get out from the car it's Frozen no okay the right button and then oh Mommy Mommy Mommy subscribe you're so cute ready
Channel: Crystal
Views: 118,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, roblox speed draw, roblox hospital experience, roblox hospital, mom in hospital, Crystal, Crystal mom, speed draw, roblox hospital with mom, 1LuvCrystal, Crystal1Luv, crystals mom, orb, crystal, comedy, animation, roblox funny, maple hospital
Id: vmkzju4E6cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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