My Mom Visited England: Here's What Happened

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hi everyone it's me so my mom has arrived in England and she's already left real sorry about that but I would like to show you what we got up to alright everybody Welcome to what did my mom think of England let's find out so first up snow oh my God I have very rarely seen snow since I've been living in England for the last seven years I'd say maybe twice maybe maybe three times at a push no this time when my mom was going to visit it snowed just absolutely shocking it freezing too so it felt very much like Canada I think I might have jinxed it because before she arrived I was like yeah it's eight degrees don't worry about it it's gonna be like completely fine it won't be cold and then it snowed and it was minus two so that that might have been my fault I'm really sorry and also because I have absolutely perfect timing my mom came to visit me during Southeastern rail strikes so we were going to be stranded they were going to be striking for almost the entire time she was here my bad so I ended up renting a car um which it had to be done so this is how we're getting Motorway footage because if you rent a car I don't have a car anymore and I have since returned it so goodbye to the car saying that though even though it was cold even though there's no trains even though there was snow we had a lovely time thank you so much for asking and on this particular day I was taking mum to Rochester now I maybe quote unquote used to live in Rochester and I love it I think it's just a wonderful town a town with a cathedral and a castle wow sign me up um but yeah it was freezing as uh this video probably shows I hope this is working never know if it's gonna work out or not anyway we went to Rochester um and we walked around showed her the town um I just think it's a wonderful place it's a beautiful town it's quirky and silly and a little bit weird and I just love it so if you have the opportunity to go to Rochester please do this is not sponsored but I wish it was now the reason we were in Rochester not only because I love the place but because I was taking Mom to a very fancy afternoon festive tea probably would say festive afternoon tea it doesn't matter anyway there is a restaurant Cafe nucleus not sponsored I wish it was I love them um a little bit fancy so I don't go too often but I wanted to take Mom for the full afternoon tea experience something um very British and something that she would not have experienced in Canada so we booked a table for afternoon tea this particular day and I ate so much I thought I might die so we're talking mince pies we're talking Christmas pudding we're talking scones I personally put cream then Jam you can find me in the comments I don't care we also had a bunch of little sandwiches and little treats and chocolates and a gingerbread man and so many goodies that I almost rolled down the stairs to get out it was so good oh and I got a beautiful Royal blend tea um loved it delicious now even though I don't really like mince pie I will say that these mince pies were pretty good um and I ate all of it mom ate all of it too um even though they're not really that popular in Canada there's something about like a really fancy fresh warm from the oven mince pie yes please anyway so many goodies just tons so much but it was really nice so mom's verdict on some of the Christmas afternoon tea bits warm mince pie was nice I'm okay also look at the building sorry the side note worm mince pie was nice um Christmas pudding less so which yeah it checks out I absolutely agree Christmas pudding there's something about that that it's just hard it's hard to deal with but leave a comment down below if you can only pick one mince pie or Christmas pudding you let me know now our next big outing was going to Leeds Castle now I've actually never been I think I went there for bonfire night fireworks one year but I've never actually done the castle like in and of itself so we went to Leeds Castle not to be confused with leads this is Leeds Castle in Kent um again absolutely frigid but it was such a beautiful day blue skies it was clear there was hardly anybody there um snow it just looked very Christmassy and cozy they were also doing the light Trail at night now I actually wanted to do both but annoyingly the castle closed at like 2 30 and the first Christmas lights Trail thing started at like six so we'd have like so many hours in the Middle where we had nowhere to go and nothing to do so instead of doing the light Trail we did the proper visit instead and we can do the light Trail another time so um beautiful day sunny crisp freezing absolutely um red noses all around but Leeds Castle now it's a castle but it's like not really a castle it's more like a giant house a giant Manor where really Posh people lived but it was a castle as well so it's kind of both anyway beautiful day absolutely I saw probably four other people which is pretty cool so we kind of had the castle grounds and the castle slash Manor to ourselves beautiful architecture beautiful blue sky I would have been so pissed if it rained but it didn't rain which is awesome I can only imagine what their heating bill must be like though anyone else suffering with a ginormous heating bill yeah me too Merry Christmas anywho we toured around the house it was lovely um it was all decorated for Christmas so pretty much every room had a different Christmas tree um and I took pictures of every single one I couldn't help myself also I'd love a library does anyone have a library in their house because I would like to be one of those people but the house is beautiful sun streaming throughs those giant single pane frames I can only imagine we have single pane windows which absolutely sucks um just a beautiful place so we had a great time walking around um and taking a million pictures one thing that expats maybe don't realize or talk about or maybe foreigners don't think about no British people maybe don't think about is when you are an expat you have to make a real point of taking photos with your family when you see them um I didn't have nice pictures with my mom for the last couple of years because it just didn't happen so while we also look at the size of this dining room huge anyway while we were in Leeds castle and pretty much for this entire trip every time we had a moment my mom and I were taking photos together because you really have to make an effort to do them when you're together because I don't know the next time that we'll have nice photos so just a hot tip from this Foreigner to anybody listening just take the photo you'll thank me later anywho what else would you like to know about Leeds Castle um I'll tell you it was built in this year because I can't remember Elena of the future is going to have to Google that um but it was very cool and um I had a great time mom had a great time I didn't realize so much history that sounds really bad so much history is is in this man or castle house but it is very cool and I'm very glad that we went and I had a lovely time so um while we continue on with more leads footage okay here's the thing originally Leeds Castle was gonna be its own video I was gonna post that on my YouTube page YouTube channel whatever you call it um last week and I decided you know what I just don't want to so um it's in this video instead but I did try to take a good chunk of time away from the internet while my mom was here it was a nice it's a nice break you know it's a nice little rest from the the World Wide Web but now I'm back and you can't get rid of me anywho have a look at that Christmas tree this room a lot of the rooms were set up as if someone was living there first off who is that honey who are you and where did you come from honestly I thought she was going to turn her head at any moment anyway so a lot of the rooms were actually um like decorated and set up like a super Posh family was living there um very cool very like 1920s Vibe um loved it loved to live in a manner as long as I didn't have to pay to heat it anywho um what else is there to say had a great time are you still watching this video have you ever been to Leeds Castle so with our tour of the castle we said farewell we made our way home in our rental car and I believe we made some mulled wine because we were absolutely Frozen and mulled wine fixes most things next up we went to Canterbury now Canterbury is another place that has a soft spot in my heart it's a lovely city um just lots to do lots to see lots to eat which is kind of my favorite thing so we went to Canterbury again freezing but look how clear that sky is honestly shocked when you live in England and you have a beautiful Clear Day you gotta be grateful for it because it's not going to happen often anyway um we decided to do like a walk around the city um but also the cathedral because I kind of had a feeling that the last time my mom was in England like four years ago we went to cancer sorry but you couldn't go in the cathedral for whatever reason it's had a lot of restoration the last couple of years I haven't seen it without any Scaffolding in a long time but she's looking beautiful they're really taking care of her um and I I respect and appreciate that so we did the cathedral this time love it I also as a Canadian and maybe this is boring to British people I love that this historic beautiful giant Cathedral is a working Cathedral people go to service here people sing in the choir here people do stuff at this cathedral which honestly just blows my mind I don't know if you've seen a lot of like Canadian churches or American churches they don't build them like this anymore this is just absolutely beautiful it is like a monument and I just love the fact that it is actually working it is a used building you know like people come to this church I just think it's wonderful I'm not religious but I respect the fact that this is this is like part of people's lives which obviously boggles my mind anyway the architecture in Canterbury and in the cathedral is lovely just beautiful um and hardly anybody there too I think there's like a field trip there's a bunch of like school kids running around like with some sort of scavenger hunt um and a couple other people but otherwise it was very quiet beautiful like Thursday afternoon before Christmas had a wonderful time still frigid though let me tell you wow wouldn't want to heat that either but the architecture is incredible also I forgot to wash my hair so um I have a knitted black hat shout out marks and Spencer for that it's my favorite hat not sponsored I wish it was couldn't take the hat off because I really needed to wash my hair so all of the photos and videos from Canterbury I have that hat on thankfully it's a nice hat it's my favorite hat you don't need to know that but now you do anywho really cool Cathedral um quite a lot to see and because I am an English Heritage member English Heritage I got us discounted tickets so you know why not a lot of the places here too when you buy a ticket it's good for a year so technically I have a year-long ticket for Leeds Castle as well I was kind of thinking it'd be nice to go back in the summertime because I've never seen it obviously you've never seen it in the summer I've only ever seen it in the winter time so that would be pretty cool can we also get a shout out to the absolutely unbelievable stained glass in this Cathedral I think a lot of the Restoration in previous years and maybe they're still doing it was around the stained glass it is gorgeous oh my God it's everywhere it's beautiful I wish I could just take some home with me if anybody's listening if the police are listening I'm not going to steal the stained glass okay just in my dreams anywho once we finish the cathedral we just sort of walked around the city a little bit um I don't think I filmed anything because I was cold and I couldn't be bothered sorry about that but I will say so around Christmas time Christmas Market stalls you know they crop up everywhere um Canterbury did have some as well they also had this one which I can only describe as singing reindeer [Music] now just a couple of bullet point notes on Mom's trip we did have a proper Christmas pudding at home set at a light and everything um custard the whole works I had a taste and I said you know what I remember why I don't like this mom did have some and she said it was okay but she'd rather not I also made my mom and I a cup of Yorkshire after one of our many frigid walks Yorkshire is still my favorite British tea and I will die on this hill completely unrelated I saw this dachshund butter dish at an antique store I want it I need it I also found these Hedgehog salt and pepper shakers I want them I need them you don't understand I need these things also I took my mom out for steak and Guinness pie with some veg and mashed potatoes absolutely Divine is there anything better than a giant pie on like a really cold December day I don't think so because we literally licked our plates clean it was fabulous overall I am so grateful that my mom and I had a lovely visit together one of the things that comes with being a foreigner living abroad is that the holidays suck the holidays just suck and people don't really talk about it because it's kind of embarrassing but they do suck you're away from family um and if you want to visit family it's extremely expensive anyway I am just so grateful that we had a love lovely visit this Christmas I got to share my English life with my mum and the types of things that I like to do here in England and we just had a lovely time so I'm feeling very grateful thank you guys so much for your support here on adventures and apps whether that is on YouTube on patreon on Twitch across social media or maybe all of those places thank you so so much honestly it means the world to me to be able to create these silly videos um and I hope you guys enjoy them so thank you thank you thank you thank you I am leaving now um and I'll see you next time alright um is it going to be 2023 unsure anyway I'm leaving now bye
Channel: Adventures and Naps
Views: 93,292
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Keywords: adventures and naps, living in england, living in the uk, alanna naps, visiting england, visiting the uk, british expats visiting the uk, england, london, leeds castle, leeds castle kent, my family visited england, living in england as an american, living in england countryside, english countryside, british countryside, american visiting the uk, american visiting england, travel vlog, american reacts, living in england vlog, england vlog, kent england vlog, kent england
Id: WuXWqMqkSrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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