My Mom STOLE My Life

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on with the revamp Show 4 years ago I had my identity stolen by my own mother she took out loans and credit cards in my name somehow the bank allowed this and racked up thousands of dollars in unpaid loans and credit cards a bank actually sued me unbeknownst to me because my mother had her address listed under the loan and the court granted them a levy against my bank account to take out $10,000 plus and put it towards my unpaid mortgage loan this along with a ton of credit cards falsely taken out in my name my credit score plummeted to below 400 I couldn't even get a one-bedroom apartment in the worst city in the state I was homeless slept in my car but then my car broke down and I had to trade it in for a working one read cheaper and smaller so I couldn't sleep in my car anymore not enough room I got a hotel room but it quickly became too expensive on my minimum wage budget I spent about 2 weeks sleeping in the Park before I saved up enough money to score a weekly rate with a hotel which was infested with cockroaches and filth I spent about 3 months at the hotel spending literally every time I had on the weekly charge plus terrible Chinese takeout food from the Right Aid nearby the Chinese guy knew me so well that he would pad my plate full of food I suppose he could sense my struggle finally after 3 months I was able to pass a lure test that allowed me to get a job paying a few bucks extra than minimum wage the few bucks made a big difference and allowed me to start saving money instead of just dumping it every week my credit started to slowly go up too but not much I was somehow able to score a one-bedroom apartment literally right across the street from one that declined Me 3 months ago I still had terrible credit but I guess he was willing to take a chance on me if I could pay the deposit which now I could a few months go by and I start saving more money but not much then I earned my degree about a year later with a few dollars in savings I was able to get a much better job with a much better salary it wasn't a crazy amount but allowed me to start saving more I saved every penny other than for rent car payment gas and food I didn't even have insurance I got pulled over and explained the situation to the officer and miraculously he let me go he told me to get insurance though and about 6 months later I did Fast forward 3 years later after saving every penny and doing literally everything I can to build my credit paying off my mother's debts she put in my name pleading with debt collectors claiming hardship and getting reduced amounts to pay everything you could imagine my credit started to slowly slowly go up I made every payment on time and didn't go above an 18% utilization rate I wore the same T-shirt and pants to work every day my coworker commented on it once and before I could say anything she goes but you probably just have tons of the same shirts huh like Mark Zuckerberg if only she knew how different but shout out to Zuck for saving me on that one fast forward to a few months ago when I started browsing to get a new rental because my landlord is actually Satan I won't get into the details but I'm sure you all can imagine I start looking for rentals and they're so expensive I think screw it why don't I just buy a house I laughed I knew there was no way I could pay for a house a former loser homeless bankrupt kid with no family like me owning a home forget about it but I was intrigued so I called a real estate agent and she told me I needed 20% down payment Dar I definitely don't have that I gave up but I got interested again now with my lease running out after turning a 30 days notice in and my best rental option a one-bedroom Shack for four times what it's worth I called another real estate agent I told her I don't have much money to put down and she tells me that's okay you might qualify for an FHA loan what what is an FHA loan I asked long story short I did qualify and was able to look for houses with 3.5% down payment wow truly lifechanging then I found this beautiful home with a view and snagged it my realtor was worried it wouldn't be approved for FHA but it came through and it was you hear stories of people stealing identities all the time and you just think wow how could somebody do that to somebody else the thing that's so shocking and disturbing is this mother did it to their own child just starting to make their own way in the world there aren't too many more things that you could do that are despicable than that literally making your child homeless stories like this are really inspirational sometimes it's the people that are given the hardest lot in life that end up being the best example to the rest of us my mother is a mega entitled Karen and I feel like a brck can record at this point by telling yet another story about her Endeavors but you guys seem to like them so here we go last week I wrote about her parking in the disabled parking space and getting a fine she refused to pay this happened about 5 months after that I was 14 2004 my mom and my sister both like riding horses which is something I was never interested in my sister 11 at the time had fallen off a horse more times than you can count but only ever ended up with the occasional scratch or bruise my mother on the other hand wasn't as durable she'd broken her leg in 2002 after getting buckled off an untrained horse I think her horse was Karen phobic because the same thing happened to her in 2004 I wasn't there to witness this much to my dismay but she got bucked off her horse and broke the same leg her fibula can't remember which leg have you ever wondered what makes a Karen more of a Karen a Karen in pain her leg was in a cast for about 8 weeks and holy cheese balls was she annoying she would complain at any chance she got even though she wasn't enough painkillers that I was surprised she could even feel her leg at all but did that stop her driving nope we lived out of town and mom didn't have anyone to drive her around as much as she would have relished in having her own limo driver so she had to drive herself to do groceries and run errands dragging me along with her as her slave looking back on it now I'm lucky to still be alive considering the strength of the painkiller she was on while driving not to mention how she was driving safely with her leg in a cast the usual and cheapest grocery store we went to didn't have a wheelchair for Mom to sit in while shopping she didn't have one of those Moon boots to walk on so on top of her constant complaining about pain she would continuously complain that she was forced to spend a few extra dollars here and there on groceries if you read last week's story I think you know what's coming the first time we went grocery shopping after Mother Dearest became mother lims a lot she parked in a disabled parking spot saying I'm allowed to park there it's disabled parking and I'm disabled her floored logic never ceases to amaze me guess what happened when we finished shopping go on guess I bet you can't she got a fine are you surprised this enraged her and she hobbled back inside with her crutches to complain about the unfair fine she wanted me to go with her but I refused not wanting to be anywhere near Hurricane Karen when she erupted I stayed in the car and tried to hide behind the sun visor thank the holy chickens for tinted windows about 5 minutes later she came back opening the door and throwing her crutches into the back seat she got in slammed the door and started muttering inaudible angry sentences about how unfair it is that she can't park in the disabled parking spot you still need a permit to park there remember last time I'd warned her when she pulled up but well Karen logic they should have made an exception for me it's obvious that I'm disabled what about when I broke my ankle that didn't make me disabled temporary impairment doesn't equal disabled temporary what get your mind out of the gutter I think the painkillers were making her hear something else okay Mom I knew it was better to agree with her than argue further she had a few other things to do all of which she made me do as she refused to get out of the car more than likely sulking for getting another fine when we got home she made me carry all of the groceries inside and she went straight to the phone to debate the parking fine this was her second offense so the price was much higher $200 she tried to get out of paying it but of course she couldn't get out of it ignorance is not a disability it blows my mind that these entitled parents think that disability is somehow a good thing it's like they so desperately want to be disabled so that they are then entitled to park closer to the shopping center the whole point is to actually be there for people who need it not just for entitled parents for their convenience the background so I work at a bike camp it's during the pandemic and we have to stay socially distanced wear masks near the kids sanitize everything Etc of course because I work as an instructor I need to have my bike which I bought myself with saved birthday money almost 6 years ago and it's working great still I take good care of my stuff so I can actually show the kids what to do ride with them etc for clarification I got a popular bike brand and my bike's a mountain bike so I have gears shock absorbers meant for a 6ft minimum tall person I'm a tall 20 plus female and recently I purchased a bike rack that goes over my rear tile and two large weatherproof saddle bags to carry my lunch a rain coat sunscreen and anything else I have a water bottle holder for a water bottle I invested a lot into my bike including getting front and right lights for when it's dark out and a bell of course as I really enjoy the freedom of writing and being an avid Pokémon go player when I'm not working gives me a small advantage of getting to places faster and using less energy also no driver's license which I'm totally fine with as I don't mind public transport and don't want the hassle of a car yet basically my bike is my only free means of wheel Transportation the only way I can stay employed and I just really love it then this happened Friday last day of camp so report cards are being handed out kids grades and all that basically the kids are put in different levels based on their level of skill level one we work on getting training with me off level two kids learn to ride in control level three kids experience riding on trails and grass instead of just pavement level fours get prepped for Road riding level fives can actually do Road riding to where they can learn to ride on rough terrain the parents pay for a week of full day classes and at the end I the instructor get to decide if a kid is capable of moving up a level or if they need to stay in the same one again based off of skill and Improvement or lack of it we have always had very small class sizes but huge camp area but we're all on bike so we need the space so I had three kids all little angels two in level four and one in level three one of the level fours was the older brother of the level three and I was able to bump them both up a level the other level four however struggled with terrain riding and wasn't able to do hand signals to clarify hand signals are where you raise a hand off the handle bar while riding and signal to the car on the road behind you whether you're stopping or turning and which way you're going since you know bikes don't have brake lights or turn light signals basically this kid was not ready for level five and I had to hold her back she understood as I talked with her and really tried to help her improve I would inform her mom at the end of the day pick up about what was going on and strongly encouraged her to help her daughter practice at home you know like home work but on your bike I found that helps immensely with kids learning to ride and their mother totally understood when I told her on the Thursday before that I may be holding her kid back however that Friday her dad was picking her up I thought nothing of it as her mom had informed me that morning at drop off of the switch so end of day rolls around and I of course have not seen significant Improvement despite the girl's best efforts and unfortunately have to hold her back in level four I talked to the dad last having sent home the other two kids and after getting the confirmation number to prove that he's allowed to pick her up the conversation goes something like this so unfortunately your daughter is unable to move up to level five she's really struggling with riding on different terrains and her inability to ride with one hand prevents her from doing hand signals without hand signals she can't Road ride and it wouldn't be fair to move her up only to have her miss out on a lot of the the level five stuff note that I've had to hold kids back from level five before even if they have the skills if they're too out of control and or can't do the hand signals it's very unsafe for them to Road ride and since level five is all about Road riding to bump them up when their next instructor will just have to bench them isn't fair the entitled dad however didn't see my logic but why not you're her instructor so you should have taught her such me having had similar grief in the past sir each child learns at their own rate I didn't even start Road riding until a few days ago true story and it could be very scary but this is completely normal to be held back as all it means is that she needs some more practice then I pulled out the girl's report card and show that I had written the comments in the back see she just needs to keep practicing and hopefully after going through level four again she can ED Cuts me off then it's not a big deal just bump her up and we'll practice before bringing her back back sorry sir but it's policy that unless myself or another instructor sees Improvement then it's not possible to bump her up and even if I did she wouldn't be Road safe and we would have to stay on site and miss out of the road riding completely the dad wasn't having this how dare you hold my daughter back a level she can improve in a day you're just a terrible teacher and at that point his daughter who was riding around in free time turned her handlebars too sharply and fell over another reason I'm holding her back I literally spring into action and in five strides I'm at her side mask on and helping get the bike off her legs it's a cute one with Frozen pictures on it and given that she just badly scraped up her knee I scooped her into my arms to carry her to the main tent where the first aid stuff is all instructors are first aid certified just for these types of incidents as I start treating the scrape I ask another instructor if they can move the girl's bike to the side just so that other kids riding around don't crash into it as they do so it's policy for safety and all that and we're pretty sanitized and I'm treating the girl's Wounded Knee I can hear the dad complaining to my manager great it then hit me that this guy is entitled I want to know why this instructor me won't move my perfectly capable daughter up to level five my manager who knows about why I'm holding the kid back I'm not responsible for the instructor WR on the report cards and I trust op when she decides whether not to move the kid up a level Ed is just starting to get upset and storms back to our area and I finish bandaging up the girl I gave her a cameo style one because I've nicknamed her a little trooper because whenever she falls down she tries to get up again and she's Fallen a lot we return to the dad only to find him complaining to another parent me having enough of the dad woke up to him daughter and toe sir I'm giving you a courtesy keeping your kid in level four she's actually be needing level three or even level two teaching because she is really struggling with writing her dad loses it what you want to bump my daughter down in levels me having had it I will if you don't just accept the fact that your daughter isn't capable of safe road riding yet because unless you want her to get hit with a car how dare you try and threaten me I can get me fired good luck with that and you know what I grabbed the report card and a pen I'm moving her down to level three just because she's not even ready for level four the Ed is literally fuming but I don't care I'm trying to look out for the kid and during all that I realized I'd been a little soft keeping her in level four I have bumped kids down before so it's not that big of a deal though to him having a 10-year-old is kid struggling to ride a bike was probably embarrassing but the girl needed to learn at the appropriate level first hey I have a friend who didn't get her training wheels off until she was 12 and it took me having to teach her how to ride on the road to make her even comfortable with riding on residential roads so it's all dependent on Comfort level of each person Ed is still steaming when I gave him the sanitized card and still threatening to get me fired but then he sees my bike his eyes light up and I get a bad feeling I'll make you a deal you can put my daughter down a level if you give her your bike with all its accessories me Furious what no that's my my bike and need I remind you that we're in a pandemic I've been touching my bike all day and sneezing on it at least once from my allergies do it or I'll get you fired go ahead see how far you'll get but I'm not giving your daughter my bike it's too big for her anyways and always will another note both parents are shorter than me and their kid is also small she'll never grow into a bike my size Ed at that point shoves me aside ignoring social distancing and storms over to grab my bike I have only a second to react and well I yanked down my mask and managed to spit on my bike's handlebars and almost the Dad Gross I know completely wrong right now I know but it worked Edie yanked his hands back almost like he'd been burned what the heck I just stormed over shoved him back and grabbed my bike avoiding the spit next time try not to take off the girl who is grading your kid I then grabbed a report card from him and write something on it now I'm not punishing your daughter but see this number here I point to the phone number I had written on the card this is who is going to be calling you about the incident report I'm about to file against you for both your behavior and your threats and you'd better answer now good day I then stormed over to the cleaning station washed the spit off and while my bike dried filled out an incident report with my manager that whole time I could hear the entitled dad screaming at me but I ignored him shouted a goodbye to the girl girl and biked home the saddest part of all of this is the girl probably is just really enjoying just learning to ride a bike and she probably doesn't care what pace it's at as long as she can grow at the pace that's right for her I can imagine being a 10-year-old kid and if you're not comfortable to ride a bike yet you don't want to be riding on the road like that's a pretty scary thing it sounds like the dad cares a lot more about how the kid represents her in her capabilities rather than what's actually good for the child submit your story to be read on the channel at voicy stories at and join our voicy veteran community at r/ voicy here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boy veterans I'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: _wKX9Yk_pcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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