My Mom Starves Me

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hi there I'm Brooke and this is the story of how my mom found out that I hoard food my mom has always been obsessed with eating healthily and exercising loads she basically lives in the gym and she has to go everyday even on our birthdays and Christmas she has also been on some kind of diet for as long as I can remember she doesn't need to diet at all she's got a really nice figure she says that she's not on a diet and that she hates diets but she won't eat gluten wheat dairy red meat or refined sugar so I'm not really sure how that can be called a diet the thing is I wouldn't really care what my mom eats or does because we're not particularly close but she tries to make my whole family follow the same regime my sister finds it ok at home she pretends to really like the healthy food my mom gives us but I know she secretly goes out for burgers and chips with her friends she's amazing at ballet and is really good at running so is naturally slim though so my mom doesn't notice me on the other hand I'm quite chubby and shy and I hate exercise this seems to infuriate my mom and makes her even more determined to make me adopt her clean way of eating the more she tries to shove salads down my throat though the more I want to rebel she has a specially-designed meal plan for me though if she had her way I'd never get to choose what I ate it would just be breakfast porridge with an apple lunch salad with plain grilled chicken dinner some kind of vegetable soup and more salad how am I even supposed to survive on that my only safe haven is my room we're in an old plastic bag under my bed I keep my secret stash of treats I spend all my pocket money on chocolate crisps and sweets that my mom would never let me have when my mom asked me what I spend it on I just say that I am saving for college and that in reality I sneak to the corner shop after school and fill my pockets then smuggle it back to my room to eat when I'm doing homework chocolate and sweet things are my escape from my miserable time at home my parents only have time for my sister Libby as she is great at sports and super confident well I am just a bit of a bookworm sugar makes me feel better my favorite thing to do is melt Mars bars on my radiator then drink the melted sticky goodness out of the wrapper I find it comforting when I've had a hard day when I've been teased at school or ignored by my parents or failed a test needless to say my mom's radical diet is making no difference on me one day I got home from school to hear my parents having an argument this wasn't completely new my parents didn't really get on that well and often fell out over things I was just heading upstairs dreaming about my melted Mars bar when I heard what they were arguing about I heard my mom say something about finding 20 Mars bars oh I was in trouble I dashed upstairs and to my horror the plastic bag had gone I groaned I was going to be in so much trouble chocolate was the only thing that made me feel better it was all I had tears started running down my face and I sat down with my back against the door trying not to imagine the life of salad and plain grilled chicken that was waiting for me soon I heard a knock on the door it was my mom I pretended not to have heard her she went away but came back an hour later and then an hour after that eventually four hours later I was actually pretty starving so I relented and opened the door when she knocked I felt embarrassed for my stash of food but also angry that she had pushed me to have to hide food I didn't want to speak to her but she sat down on my bed and asked me if we could have a chat my mom was not one for heart-to-hearts especially not with me so I wasn't sure what she was going to say probably telling me off about my hoarding telling me I was going to get diabetes from the amount of sugar I was eating did the diet she put me on was for my own good but she didn't instead she started crying I was shocked this was the last thing I expected I couldn't see why it was something she needed to cry about was it that big a deal that I wasn't following her diet I can't believe I've pushed you to hiding food Brooke what sort of person must I be why didn't you just talk to me I mumbled something non-committal in reply not wanting to admit that I didn't think she was very approachable mom apologized again and explained that the reason she was so uptight about her diet is that her best friend at school died from a heart attack really young and my mom promised she would do everything she could to not go through that again but she admitted that she had let it get way too far consumed by her grief and obsession over protecting us she had stopped actually being a good mother to us she said she could see now that she needed to relax more she asked me if we could make a deal I would stop hiding food if she promised to be there to talk about anything bothering me half skeptical and half desperately wanting to believe it was true I agreed it's now been three weeks since we talked my mom is unrecognizable she is more friendly and caring than she's ever been we decided to compromise on the healthy food front her agreeing to buy some treat foods a me agreeing to try to eat less sugary snacks we can actually eat carbs now and actually I think we're healthier than ever I have much more energy now and I'm not sure it's because of the food or because I'm happier generally it's probably a bit of both really but I've learned to try to speak about how I'm feeling more and that food is never a good way to escape from the world my mom has also learned that talking to each other is way better for your health than any amount of healthy eating have you ever had a secret stash of something please share your opinions or stories in the comment section below don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 4,158,944
Rating: 4.751615 out of 5
Keywords: animation short film, animation, problems, stories, storytime, true stories, weird, lifestyle, my story animated, StoryBreak, animated channel, short stories, teen stories, teen, teens, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, mom, dad, father, sister, brother, family, routine, food, candy, sweets, stash, hide, secret, school, teenagers, life, benefit, life problems, busted, truth, lie, find out, healthy, healthy lifestyle, diet, fitness, fit, force, healthy food, gym, sports, practice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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