My Mom Made Me Popular In School And This Ruined My Life

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hello my name is ellie if you want to be one of the popular girls at school please watch my story till the end if you already are one of those popular girls i suggest you stop watching now because you probably won't like what i'm about to say i don't have any siblings unfortunately my mother stopped working when i was born i said unfortunately because since she has nothing else to keep her busy her whole life revolves around me after a certain point me being her sole focus naturally became a problem i'll give you an example so that you can better see what i mean ever since i can remember my mom had been saying she's not happy with her nose and every time my dad would tell her then you should get it fixed but my mom is so scared of surgery that she would never dare to do it so one morning at breakfast when she told us she was finally going to do it my dad and i were really surprised do you know what her motivation was my middle school graduation ceremony she literally said my daughter must be proud of her mother i can't go to the graduation with a nose like this she went ahead with the surgery only for my sake and arrived at my graduation with her new nose i think that gives you an idea of how important i am to her i know she means well but i wish she wasn't this involved in my life when we go shopping she makes me buy all the stuff she likes she can't stay out of my friendships telling me to be closer to this person or stop talking to that one if she doesn't like my makeup she sits me down and does it herself she even nags me about the shows i watch her eyes are always on me she wants me to be doing everything her way when i started high school my mom became obsessed with me being popular she's never admitted this but i'm sure that when she went to high school she wanted to be popular but never was she was going to live vicariously through me by making sure i became popular at first she tried to find out more about my friends acting all casual when she figured out i was hanging out with normal kids like myself she said someone with your quality should be popular at school you've got it all you deserve this more than anyone even though i said mom like why i really like my friends she wouldn't listen my mom never gives up once she has made up her mind about something and soon enough she succeeded in this as well i found out about all this after the fact but this was how my mom carried out her incredibly strategic plan first she made a list of the popular girls at my school by learning their names from other students and parents she knew she got to know the mothers of the girls on the list by meeting them one by one at the next pta meeting she gradually became friends with these mothers by getting together with them for breakfast or coffee then she started throwing these cookouts where the whole families were invited her goal was to get me to mingle with those girls you might ask how is it that you didn't see this coming but my mom was so good at executing her plan that my friend group changed suddenly before i could figure out what was happening yes i was one of the popular girls now i would meet up with them as soon as i got to school i was sitting with them in the cafeteria i was hanging out with them after school i'd completely abandoned my old friends to be honest i loved it at first when you're popular at school even people you don't know come up to you to chat all eyes are on you i was feeling like someone who just got famous i was enjoying my celebrity status until i got to know the girls better i thought i was one of them but soon i saw that it was impossible for me to be like them the popular girls had a strict hierarchy of their own there were two alphas at the top these girls decided if someone knew would be admitted to the group my mom's biggest success was to make sure i became good friends with one of them so i didn't have to try to get anyone else to like me i was admitted to the group directly under the alphas there were the betas the ones below them were the suck-ups who wanted to be betas these girls spent their lives complimenting others trying to rise up to the next level your hair looks gorge i love the color of your shoes your bag goes so well with your outfit you see their lives weren't easy but of course that was the lifestyle they chose for themselves at the bottom of the social pyramid were the newbies and i was one of them we were mostly running errands let's have some coffee who should get it ellie why don't you and tiffany go tiffany was another newbie even if they didn't say it directly we knew it was our job to grab coffee i stayed as one of the popular girls for about two and a half months that's how i was able to make some fun observations let me tell you about them quickly then i will tell you about what happened that made me leave the group the first rule of being a popular girl is having long straight hair no ponytails ever your hair color should be brown if possible and one more thing it definitely needs to be shiny another popular girl rule is you need to have a small backpack but it's not like any brand will do it has to be jansport since my mom figured this out before i did she got me a pink jansport bag right away makeup is another must but like seriously you really need to wear a ton of makeup since i rarely use makeup this was one rule that was difficult for me my mom was waking me up really early every morning and doing my makeup for me another group rule is to show your feelings in a dramatic way when you like something you have to make all these exaggerated sounds for example you have to totally lose it when you see a puppy and you have to shut a few tears at the slightest hint of an emotional moment it was always so surprising to me how these girls were able to cry so easily and they could laugh as easily as they could cry we always used to sit in the same spot in the cafeteria we used to laugh out loud at the silliest things because everyone else had to think we were having so much fun of course this wasn't something planned or talked about but everybody knew this subconsciously popular girls are so much fun and that's why they have so much fun together this was the image they wanted to portray next comes the weirdest rule if you're one of the populars your grades need to be average neither good nor bad if you accidentally get a good grade girls make fun of you for days there was this girl in the group named emma she couldn't take the pressure from her father and started studying so her grades went up they were so mean to her saying she had become a nerd that she ended up leaving the group even if i'm criticizing them now unfortunately i was one of them for two and a half months my take on a popular girl was like a fake version of me from another dimension i still can't believe how okay i was with acting so fake and dramatic but somehow it doesn't feel as bad when you're doing it you need to look from the outside to be able to see this just like i'm doing now popular girls spent all day gossiping about everyone else there was this girl brenda she was the meanest of them all we had a group chat called mermaids brenda would secretly take photos of other students and share them in the group chat for example she would send a photo of a heavy girl with a caption like soon she might eat us too she'd become an expert in snapping secret shots all she had to do was catch something she could make fun of she would snap a pic in a second one evening as i was hanging out in my room there was a new message in the mermaids group i opened it what it was a photo of my mom you could only see her from the shoulder up it was obviously taken secretly because a part of her head was cut off as you might have guessed it was brenda who sent the photo to the group she wrote girls if you're ever gonna go get your nose fixed you can show this to your doctor and say not this she was making fun of my mom's nose job when i figured it out i wrote what is this now to the group brenda deleted the photo right away that meant she didn't think i would see it since she wrote girls this couldn't have been a private message for one person and this means brenda and a few others had another secret chat group is there anyone who can explain this to me i wrote not a peep out of the group normally we would chat all night that day there were no other messages in the mermaids group the previous weekend we had thrown a little birthday party for my mom we invited my friends and their moms brenda obviously took this photo that day secretly of course at some point my mom had told them the story of why she got her nose fixed brenda couldn't pass up such an opportunity but she got busted when she sent the photo to the wrong group i immediately went and told my mom about this she was very surprised she said brenda's such a nice girl why would she do something like that my mom can be very naive i don't know how she does it but she always sees the good in people the next day i walked up to the girls at school besides me who else is not in that group i asked they looked at tiffany unbelievable they set up another group chat to gossip about the new girls brenda said i'm sorry i deleted that group last night this will never happen again i really love your mom but of course she wasn't being real she was in a jam and she wanted to get herself out of it this whole thing made it clear to me that neither brenda nor the others were to be trusted what was i doing hanging out with them anyway did i really need to see something like this happen for me to see i had nothing in common with them at first i was mad at my mom she was one who got me into this but later i saw it differently i was almost an adult now if i needed to be mad at someone it had to be me i hadn't said anything even though i didn't like how they were behaving and what's worse i had started acting like them as well are the popular girls at your school different from this if you can share in the comments we can all find out thank you for listening to me bye
Channel: That's My Story
Views: 746,046
Rating: 4.8680863 out of 5
Keywords: personal stories, story, experience, animation, short film, stories, animated stories, real life, high school, student, popular, mother, daughter
Id: qUer4WV5r1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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