My London Flat Tour! | Hannah Witton

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(knocking) - Why hello there. Welcome to my flat. Do come in. Do come in. Make yourself at home. This flat tour is sponsored by Simba, but first, let's go through this stuff. This used to be my bedside table. It's now functioning as like a hallway unit but I wanna get something else that's a bit higher maybe and then a mirror here 'cause I feel like you always need a mirror so you can just check that you look alright. You see how the day's affected your face. Coats, scarfs, bags, shoes. Two of these pairs of shoes are Dan's. The rest are mine. And I have this gorgeous little map of London and it's so detailed that you can actually see our road on it but obviously I'm not going to show you that. So the first room is the bedroom. Come with me So as I mentioned, this video is sponsored by Simba and you may have seen this. So our Simba mattress arrived the day we moved in and we have yet to get blinds so we've just been using the box as our blinds because that area there is like an outdoor indoor bit so our neighbour walks past when he goes to work. Necessary. We absolutely love love our Simba mattress. It is so so comfy. I actually have to get up in the middle of the night every night. I have to set an alarm and I have to go empty my stoma bag. I can just fall back to sleep instantly, which is just so good when your alarm is set for like 3:34 am every night. This year, to be honest, my energy has not been great, recovering from two surgeries. Your body does most of its healing at night and its recovery. I like to get a lot of sleep and I need to get a lot of sleep so having the Simba mattress and just being able to get a really good night's sleep is so essential for me. You also probably know that I am a fiend for productivity and organisation and all of that. You'll see later, I've got my own home office and stuff. Being able to get a good night's sleep just means I'm on it, on it the next day, feeling refreshed, feeling productive, and it's incredible. So thank you Simba for the incredible mattress and for helping me sleep a lot. Check out the link in the description to get your own Simba mattress. If you use my link you can get 75 pounds off so you're welcome, you're welcome. Alright, to the rest of the bedroom. So you may notice a theme. Everything on here is mine except for this and this one and this one is Dan's. This one is shared and the rest is mine. Yeah this is just my dressing table, chest of drawers. There's nothing really exciting except for this, a dildo that is now an ornament. Also down here this place is a work in progress. These are the Linda Blacker photos of me in my underwear and I got them framed and I'm gonna put them up in here because what other room could I really have them in? That would be a bit weird. But my bedroom, fine. This is another frame that we need to get hung up. It's New York. Before me and Dan were official he was in New York and he brought that back for me because he knew how much I love New York. What a sweet boy. Next up, un suite. Welcome. I think the main thing to point out is our shower head. Look at that shower head. It's amazing. There's not a whole lot in here, again. This is mine. This is Dan's. Theses are my teeth. Well these are my teeth. This is a mould of my teeth. This box here is where I keep all of my stoma supplies. There's a lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff. I just recently got a delivery there I'm saying. That's the bathroom. Look at our mirror. It's incredible. Look at that thing. I love it. Currently reading The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. To be honest I'm not sure if actually only working four hours a week is something that I want to do but it's definitely teaching me a lot in terms of outsourcing and automation. This is our wardrobe, built in, so this came with the flat. Again, a bit of a theme. We wanna get a mirror here so there's just like a mirror on the inside of the door so we can get rid of this, 'cause I don't like this. Onwards, upwards. Let's go. This is a storage cupboard. It's very boring other than the fact that I now own a rechargeable hoover that hangs on the wall, and the water tank. This is another bathroom. This one actually has a bath in it and it's where we store all of our toilet paper. This is the box our TV came in that we haven't gotten rid of yet, because think about it, everyone in this block of flats moved in at the same time. Our bin storage thing is full. We just can't get rid of this yet until that thing's been emptied, alas, alas. This is where we call people in. There's a little video we can see of them. Right, kitchen. This is the microwave and the oven. This timer's wrong 'cause I don't know how to change it 'cause of daylight savings. Welcome welcome The kitchen is here. My favourite thing about the kitchen, even though it faces away from where everything else is, is that this whole bit is a mirror so you can still chat to people whilst you're cooking and see what they're up to. Before we moved in Dan and I knew we wanted a blue sofa and orange dining chairs and we achieved that dream and I'm obsessed. I love it so much. Big fan of colour. We have this incredible rug which I've shown in a video before. I'm obsessed with it. We've got lots of frames, lots of pieces of artwork. My sister did this one. This is all gonna become a gallery wall that's gonna go over the sofa but not yet. This is our TV. It's 50 inches. When we were trying to pick what size to get it was actually me and (name of friend) that decided because Dan was playing video games and (name of friend) is around a lot. And so me and him picked this TV. We got the measuring tape. We measured 50 inches and we're holding it against the wall just like that's too big. That seems huge. That is ridiculous. And then it just took one of us to go sit on the sofa and just be like oh, wait no, it's not too big. It's literally because when I'm up against the wall going it's too big too big. And then we have this classic Ikea calyx unit that everybody has. It's where we're storing all of our board games and card games and things. This is the last box that we've yet to unpack and it's just full of copies of the American edition of my book that I've yet to give to the people who need these. Go buy my book, woo. This is the couch. I'm obsessed with it. It's from Made. It was a housewarming gift from Dan's dad and it's just stunning. This is our makeshift coffee table. Big Potato, the games company, and they often send me lots of board games and stuff and the first time they sent me anything was in this crate. So this crate does also have lots of board games in it as well but it's currently being used as a coffee table, which I quite like. This is our clothes drying and then we've got outside. Should we go outside? Oh my God, we've got perfect weather. Yesterday it was pissing it down. This is our balcony. We have so much space out here. I love it. It is getting into winter now but when we first moved in it was still warm enough and we ate some meals outside. We have a dead plant over here but you know, flowers aren't supposed to bloom all year round. And then over there we've got some chilies. But I think they're just the chilies that you look at, not the chilies that you eat, like decorative chilies. They were a housewarming gift. Both of these things were housewarming gifts. One of them is dead. Let's go back inside. So this is where the actual magic happens. This may be my favourite room in the house. I don't know. I can't decide. This to me feels like something I've wanted for ages, which is like my own home office and my own home studio. I film in this gorgeous little corner which is my bookshelf and the sunflower painting. This is my section of the desk. That is Dan's section of the desk. He is currently building wall hammer kill team, something like that. So my filming corner, we've got my gorgeous gorgeous bookshelf, which is Billy from Ikea. And then the sunflower painting is actually something that me and a friend did when I was about 15 years old and it's been in my parents' house all of these years. I just have my filming equipment out. I don't need to put it away 'cause I've got this space. This bit here is like my achievements section. There's my book in all its different editions. There's the British U.K. one, American, Dutch. This is a proof copy and this was the first mock up that I was given. And then there's a bunch of awards that I have won and then Youtube 100,000 subscribers plaque. Up here I've framed my merch posters, which I love. They look so much more sophisticated in frames. What is it about frame? This is the classic Ikea day bed. We've had quite a few guests stay over so this is where they stay and it actually pulls out into a double. We also got some boxes 'cause we've had a few problems with things getting delivered because this is a new build and it's a new post code and people couldn't find us. So we've complained many times, got refunds, and they were just like order again. So I ordered stuff again. Suddenly they seem to have found where we are and all of our stuff that was lost in transit is now arriving. So we've got duplicates of everything. So I'm just waiting for them to get in touch to be like can you send it back? If not, might keep it, I dunno. I love this little corner and we've got our (artist name), our Hufflepuff, and our Blondie posters. Well that's not a poster. That's actually the record sleeve that was my dad's. Control the lights from here. No, not that one. Control the lights from here, hey. This is where I film my videos now. Also, I need a bit of advice. I've got so many lanyards from lots of different events that I've been to and I want a cool way of displaying them or something. But I just, I dunno, I dunno. So that concludes my flat tour. Thank you so much for watching and thanks again to Simba for sponsoring. You can check out the link in the description where you can get 75 pounds off their mattress. We've only been here for two months but I feel like we've achieved so much. It's very livable in. It's got everything. All but one of our boxes are unpacked. There are still a few little things that we need to get, such as blinds. Please give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and do let me know in the comments what I should do with my lanyards and also what should I do with the gallery wall? I have no idea how to organise it and what looks good or anything like that so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon. Bye, now get out. Get out of my house. (electronic music)
Channel: Hannah Witton
Views: 185,197
Rating: 4.9335408 out of 5
Keywords: london flat
Id: 8OEKD_ndfrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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