My Little Pony | Daydream Shimmer defeats Midnight Sparkle | Equestria Girls | Friendship Games!

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um are you sure this is a good idea absolutely [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] I am party pooped [Music] [Music] I'd like to thank Principal Celestia for her unconventional welcome it's been four years since the last friendship games but it feels as though nothing has changed Kanto that high continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest and Crystal prep continues to field its top 12 students it has a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses your school remains committed to its ideals however misguided they may be I wish you all the best of luck regardless of the inevitable outcome no I'm sorry pinky I thought your party editions were really swell they definitely broke the ice yes if only that principal's cinch hadn't Frozen it again yeah she's awful wow pinky what happened to you I don't know everyone started having fun after Twilight and I fired the party cannons and I ponyed up of course you did but then the magic just drained right out of me wait what do you mean drained out of you hey where is that other Twilight oh the well she was right here good morning students I'm sure you're all thrilled to start the first day of the Friendship Games our competitors will face off in every aspect of the CHS curriculum culminating in the elimination equations finale welcome to the first event the Academic Decathlon you'll be scored on chemistry homec and everything in between but remember only the six students from each team with the most points will move on to event number two good luck I'm Gonna Take You Down [Music] down down [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] talk a little too much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in ourselves I can't wait till this is all over there's so much more that's going on and before these games are over I'll find out just what she's done [Music] can she do it will she make it who will win it who will take it can she do it who will take it did she win it did she make it who's the winner incorrect thank you that means the winner of the Friendship game's first event is Twilight Sparkle and Crystal prep that was awesome truly amazing but we didn't win that was as close to winning as canterlots ever been after a careful tally of the points we'd like to present the students moving on to the Friendship Games second event foreign [Applause] congratulations you are really great I'm sorry excuse me okay then ah [Music] [Music] do you want to give her a treat [Music] I guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into school just one oh wow it really is uncanny does he talk um not that I know of congratulations on winning by the way so it didn't seem like anyone on your team was very excited about it no one at my school gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves that sounds awful here hold this [Music] um why holding a bunny always makes me feel better well that's ridiculous but oh it actually kind of works I'm on the other team and you just lost why are you being so nice to me you look like you needed it [Music] oh bye Spike are you okay um I think so [Music] the Twilight wait bye Twilight come on wait for me why did you run away like that um oh I don't know maybe it has something to do with the glowing girl or the hole in space or my talking dog yeah weird right are you okay how do you feel what happened where did you go hey one question at a time this is pretty new to me too sorry all I know is I chase that pointy rabbit through the glowy thing and then it was somewhere else next thing I knew I was back in that nice girl's arms and I could talk don't really understand why I couldn't before I mean it's so easy Twilight hide in here who are you talking to um myself it's a nervous habit were you looking for me indeed I was quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving on to the next event are the same nice girls who were so interested in you don't you think I'm not sure perhaps you should get to know them after all but I thought you didn't want me to let's just say I'm covering my bases who knows perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's Newfound success I don't know spying feels kind of wrong well it's your decision Twilight it's not as if your application hangs in the balance on second thought yes it does man all I did was hand Twilight a bunny then I Pony it up I just don't get it Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits pinkies when she fixed the party and now Fluttershy and then Twilight's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me I couldn't even stand up like me at the party or me right before we met Twilight so she's stealing magic I don't know she doesn't seem like the magic stealing type yeah but she had something to do with closing the portal if her pendant can pull in Magic maybe it stole the portal too how I don't know and the pony or person or princess who could help me figure this out is completely unreachable now which is too bad because Twilight knows everything about magic and portals and magical portals [Music] oh for now let's just focus on beating the shadow bolts and as long as this event puts me in a playing field I don't think we've got anything to worry about oh it puts you on a playing field all right [Music] am I the only one who thinks this is overkill I don't suppose you made Motocross outfits oh don't be ridiculous oh yes I did you will race in pairs Indigo zap and sugar coat will handle the Motocross yes lemon zest and sunny Flair have requested the short track since archery is a standard requirement at our school any of you should be able to do it Twilight and sour sweet will start us off [Music] if you want to lose before we even start given the Twilight one the last event single-handedly I have every confidence that you will be able to pull her weight here won't you [Music] [Music] welcome everyone to the Friendship Games try cross relay in this event our qualifying competitors will face off an archery speed skating and finally Motocross so if the competitors are ready [Music] each competitor must hit a bullseye before their teammates can start the next leg of the relay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] and cancer lot is off to an early lead [Music] well that's just fantastic I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal prep you said it if CPA can't hit another Bullseye soon they'll be out of this race you're really bad at this I can't take anymore you have to stop aiming at the Target oh then don't him at the Target thanks so much you have to stop aiming at where the target is and aim at where the target's gonna be yeah definitely take advice from the person you want to hit the bullseye or not then trust me take a deep breath and let the arrow go right now yeah that's my girl foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] catalog only has two laps to go but it looks like Crystal prep is making up for lost time [Music] finished [Music] [Applause] awesome [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Dash you saved me I wasn't about to let my friend become plant food [Music] we could still win this [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] attention students please proceed to the gym [Music] is everybody all right better than all right all right yeah we won but somebody could have been seriously hurt the magic is going haywire and I have no idea how to fix it um excuse me I didn't mean for any of this to happen I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school I didn't know that it was magic or how it works that's okay neither do we oh no no no no okay yeah [Music] absorbing energy on its own but I'm not sure how what do you mean you don't know how [Music] it also causes these corresponding riffs to appear I don't know how that works either is there anything you do know like how to get our magic back or how to fix the portal to Equestria Equestria you're supposed to be so smart but did you ever think that you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand but I want I won't understand but you don't and worst of all you put the lives of my friends in danger I'm sorry I didn't mean to oh boy wait [Music] you can't possibly call that a fair race principal cinch we all saw what happened you can't think CHS had some kind of Advantage can't I even without your trained attack plans your students have wings well the race certainly had some extenuating circumstances perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie a tie was this your strategy all along to force us into accepting you as equals I think not the games will continue and Crystal prep will prevail despite our Antics in whatever performance enhancing regimen your students are on I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening it's not your fault Sunset isn't it I should know how to control the magic I brought here but I don't I let everyone down and now principal cinch thinks we're cheating it doesn't matter what principal cinch thinks but it does the students here at CHS don't just want to win they want to beat Crystal prep it isn't going to count if the other side doesn't really think they lost crystal prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around and that magic is only around because of me since the scores tied the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games somewhere on campus a pennant from each school has been hidden the first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins and as soon as our teams are ready we'll begin I don't feel like playing these games anymore but we have to play this is the last event it's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening and I feel awful about what I said to Twilight especially since she obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did she's actually really nice let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters then you can go over and apologize I know I'm asking you to beat a team that isn't playing fair but kentalot high must be made to understand that even with magic at their disposal beating Crystal prep is simply not an option what if they grow wings again a fair question though I believe we can now Fight Fire With Fire I've seen what your device can do Twilight containing magical energy is fine but have you considered releasing it but I don't even understand how it works but you'd like to and since our opponents have already used it to stay competitive I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same unless of course you have no interest in Everton though honestly I think there's more knowledge packed in that little device than any independent study program could offer I realize that you've always been an outcast it's not everyone at school who likes to think to find a student that's like you I've had one or maybe two but the good ones disappear before I believe now I understand you have your reservations it's hard to have a brain as large as yours but if we don't win these games well I think I've made it plain what will happen if we have the losing scores [Music] colleague [Music] [Music] I will call it magic if we lose it we'll be tragic more important is the knowledge we'll have lost a chance like this won't come again you'll regret not giving in is an understanding magic word [Music] is here [Music] [Music] all right suggesting is very simple and since it's win-win on all scores and there's for me and all the others we only want what we deserve will [Music] it but we can win [Music] the magic Magic [Applause] [Music] [Music] like imagine [Music] [Applause] [Music] twice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] choice [Music] [Laughter] you were right I didn't understand magic before but I do now [Music] Equestria [Music] thank you [Music] where are you going anywhere to avoid that monster and I suggest you do the same Twilight can't do this why not there's a whole other world right there and it's just filled with magic swirled together so what there's more magic there and I want to understand it all all right don't let go [Music] [Music] this isn't the way I know you feel powerful right now like you can have everything you want I've been where you are I've made the same mistake you're making I put on a crown and just like you I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained I thought it could get me everything I wanted oh you're wrong unlike you I can't have everything I want no you can't even with all that magic and power you'll still be alone true magic comes from honesty loyalty laughter generosity kindness [Music] I understand you Twilight and I want to show you the most important magic of all [Music] the magic of friendship [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] take my hand Twilight let me show you there's another way just like someone once did for me [Music] [Music] I am so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen I know and going by my own experiences forgive you [Music] Principal Celestia on behalf of Crystal prep I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games clearly CHS has had unfair Advantage for quite some time and it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all at least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power craze magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game wow that's a lot to take in when you say it all at once that's ridiculous nope that's pretty much what happened actually we're all to blame mostly it was her obviously my students have been infected with your magic but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board good good I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings oh and the portals to different dimensions and don't forget to tell them about the talking dog because that would never ruin your reputation foreign [Music] well I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected but given what we've all just been through I think it's fair to declare us all winners [Applause] I guess that was one way to finish up your time at Crystal prep pretty sure cinch will be fast tracking your application after all of that I've been thinking about it and I'm not so sure now is the time for me to apply to Everton really I may know about a lot of things but friendship isn't really one of them and I'm definitely not going to learn more about it by being alone all the time so you're staying at Crystal prep well it seems the students here at CHS know an awful lot about the subject I don't suppose you could transfer to this school instead really you'd certainly be missed at Crystal prep but I think that's a great idea I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away especially still no word from Princess Twilight not yet but I think I may have figured out how magic Works in this world we Pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world but like Applejack said princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria we can't expect her to always be around to help us but maybe I can be it seems we have a new Wonder cult here at Canterlot High I'm not sure how much help I could be but I'd like to try if you would all give me a chance sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home you sure can [Music]
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 6,552,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, cartoon, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, friendship games, friendship games movie, kids, little pony, mlp eg friendship games, mlp eg movie, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony season 9, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life
Id: ePbOx0U8Xkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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