Equestria Girls | Better Together: Most Likely To Be Forgotten | ALL PARTS | My Little Pony MLPEG

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[Music] you are myess girl Swit it brightens my day [Music] sun you right all along together we're always better we could turn sketch into a master when you're here I feel like I'm complete you are my [Music] [Music] girl back in the day I used to walk these Halls acting tough but all alone I needed a friend to lend me a helping hand I couldn't do it on my own we've come so far together got memories to treasure I look at you stories come back to life and if I need reminding I know where I can find you in these Pages you'll last [Music] forever remember when I I lost the crown you didn't leave me out in the rain we still had songs to sing magic transforming special in every way the jams chose us by name we've come so far together got memories to treasure I looking you stories come back to life and if I need reminding I know where I can find you in these Pages your last [Applause] forever [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] forever in these Pages you'll last forever excuse me I'm sorry I didn't see you come in I've been here for a while I didn't realize I've been trying to get your attention for like half the song ain't she a quiet one yeah and we know some pretty shy people am I right we do who I'm Sunset Shimmer president of the yearbook committee and editor and chief do you want to join we could always use extra help I'm Wallflower blush nice to meet you I've been on the yearbook committee all year oh um we met in ninth grade English and I was saying it was nice to meet you then you didn't let me finish anyway I counted up all the votes for the yearbook superlatives most likely to succeed fast smile Class Clown oh we won best friends Apple Jack Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Rarity Pinkie Pie Twilight Sparkle and me I always knew I liked you all but now it's official in your book form the people have spoken oh good for microchips most likely to invent cold fusion no reason to be jealous I'm not don't worry Twilight we know you're a genius besides it's just the yearbook just the yearbook now you gone and done it the student body has entrusted me with the responsibility of gathering their memories into the pages of this book in 30 years we might not remember everything but we will remember what's in the yearbook well I'm entrusting you not to put us next to best muscles every time you close the book it'll be like we're kissing bulk biceps oh why don't we take our picture at the beach on Saturday everyone's bound to look adorable Beach day I'll make my world famous fun in the sun cupcakes the secret ingredient is edible sunscreen it's SPF 100 the great and powerful Trixie demands to speak to the yearbook editor immediately unfortunately for me that's me what do you want Trixie just as I suspected I was not voted greatest and most powerfullest explain yourself how should I put this you didn't win greatest and most powerful because it wasn't one of the superlatives H neither was biggest meanie but that didn't stop you from winning at our freshman year that was different the whole school voted for her she was so mean of course we all know you've earned the right not to be remembered that way thanks we not having a greatest and powerfullest superlative sorry oh you're the one who'll be sorry Sunset Shimmer when you least expect it I'll have my revenge and then I'll disappear like this Behold The Magician's exit allow me we were actually on our way out huh I'll just finish up o forgot to turn off the lights in the dark dear princess Twilight I thought you'd be happy to hear that the girls and I were voted best friends in the yearbook today after all if you hadn't forgiven me I'd still be the Arrogant student I was when I left a questria you gave me the second chance I didn't deserve and I'll never forget it your friend Sunset [Music] [Music] Shimmer group picture practice run number 36a attempt 7 success oh no your eyes do not deceive you I finally invented a selfie sensing camera it hovers into position whenever it detects a selfie opportunity I prefer to take selfies myself which Beach Blanket should be used for the photograph you mean the white one or the white one this is toasted oat and linen Lamb's wool eggshell warm Frost pale Nimbus and well that one is white I suppose yeah that's what I was talking about don't worry Rarity I got it no I got it I got it I got it I got it I don't got it oh moner Quincy the Sea Turtle says the Tide's coming in we should take the picture soon or risk having damp ankles oh he's so thoughtful oh Twilight you got the self sents are working okay so who's ready to take a best friend's picture uh-oh what did I do should we do it now or did you want to swim first how's the water Sunset Shimmer asking to be an Our Best Friend's picture now I I've heard it all am I missing the joke here the only joke is whatever this is you're playing on us acting all nice like you're our friend and it's not funny because you aren't nice and we ain't friends wait what you got applesauce in your ears I said we ain't you sure can I am so sorry my friends are here to bring [Music] [Music] me look like I've been [Music] erased you are my girls you the light switched on it brightens up my day like the sun my friends come run you will all along together we're better we could turn sketch into a masterpiece when you're here I feel like I'm complete are myria girl this has to be a bad dream wake up Sunset wake up ow nope you're awake me too what about you no Rainbow Dash you saved me in that race what are you talking about I can see your memories and I'm not in them and exactly how is it you can see our memories if you don't mind me asking with this it's obviously a cheap knockoff of ours we got them together you were there remember why is she still talking to us Pinkie Pie what about when I came to your sleepover before the Battle of the Bands H the closest you've ever come to a party of mine as freshman year when you pretended to be Apple Jack and texted me your party is Lamer than a hungry duck in snow boots like I'd ever say that it really hurt my feelings and wasn't very nice to the Ducks either that was a long time ago Twilight you remember me right we've been through so much together please I only met you once when you yelled at me at the games doesn't anyone remember that I've [Music] changed maybe not anyone I'll be right back don't hurry back [Music] darling dear princess Twilight this is going to sound crazy but are we friends am I nice please answer of course we're friends are you okay what's going on kind of hard to explain might be easier in person well not person so to [Music] speak [Music] twilight sunset oops was trying to hug you so what's been happening this is bad Sunset it's Way Beyond anything I've ever heard of although what I just had an idea but you might not like it I'll do anything to get my friends back Twilight there is one Pony who might be able to help but I don't know if you two want to see each other who [Music] oh so Princess Celestia you'll never guess who's back actually maybe you can guess cuz she's right here but um am I helping Princess Celestia the last time we saw each other I was your snide little pupil who betrayed and abandoned you I wouldn't have said it that way what Sunset me to say is I mean that I come before you a changed Pony humbly asking for forgiveness guidance and [Music] knowledge or I can just go and you never have to see me again I've missed you Sunset [Music] Shimmer I'm so [Music] sorry I am not familiar with the exact spell that could have erased your friend's memories but it sounds like a equestrian magic is at work in your world indeed the toiling of this nefarious enchantment could portend unimaginable catastrophe if left unchecked sorry I'm just used to hearing you say no student Park in The Faculty lot this faculty lot you speak of sounds like a place of great power the answers you seek are in the caner lot [Music] Library there's over a million books in here I wish wish but don't worry you're looking at some pony who knows this place like the back of her Hof where are you going Princess Celestia to the Restricted Section there's H breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] Twilight [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh so many books all unread ancient historical artifacts I just I thought I [Music] can't you sure you're up for helping me go through all this stuff don't take this away from me I should warn you however the archives mechanical catalog has not been wellmaintained guess we'll have to read everything come on no way can you believe they have CER cannibal volum 31 you heard me 31 sunset that's when it gets good over here origin W go weather warning from the pree equestrian era oh I can't I just [Music] can't did you know Chancellor puddinghead tried to pass a law mandating Earth ponies drink carrot juice at every meal I do know that now a sounds like you got to read all the fun books I should probably take a break from looking because I found something you're familiar with the seven Trials of clover the clever obviously why well first of all these date Back to Before the founding of Equestria look at this the memory stone that sounds promising it belonged to an evil sorceress who was practically Invincible with the memory Stone she could erase any memory from any Pony Even fragments of memories fragments like memories of me being nice mhm Clover the clever knew the Sorceress had to be stopped and the stone destroyed so he chased her across land and sea but every time he got close the Sorceress would erase his memory and Escape but he kept finding her how these scraps of parchment he secretly wrote everything down so he'd know what had happen and where to go next like a trail of breadcrumbs clever oh Clover that yeah got it what happened on the other side of this portal the last page is missing Clover must have hit it to keep any Pony else from finding the memory Stone Sunset what if the memory Stone ended up in your world and someone is using it to make everyone hate me again but who [Music] you are my girl you s it brightens up my day like sun come run you will right all along that together we're always better we could turn sketch into a masterpiece when you're here I feel like I'm complete you are myri [Music] girl we've been out here a while time to [Music] Rea I've been thinking should we be worried about Sunset Shimmer yeah worried she comes back I think it's a shame the way she's treating you but pretending to be your friends she's obviously up to something Sunset thinks the whole school exists just to serve her water please you know seeing as how the yearbook president seems to be having a little identity crisis I believe that means the vice president takes over and why that's you Rarity if this is your way of asking to be made the greatest and most powerful the answer is no and didn't we have this conversation yesterday I can't quite remember uh maybe we did maybe we didn't memory is such a thick old thing you never know when you'll forget something important like how great and powerful I am which is why I need to be in the yearbook I'll think about it that's all I ask I should be getting back to my world maybe I can convince my friends I'm telling the truth now that I know what we're looking for the memory Stone I'll stay here and search the Restricted Section top to bottom until I find a way to get your friends Memories Back if that's even possible oh it's possible even if I have to reorganize the whole Library by subject or maybe chronologically oh and fix the broken catalog machine I'll figure it out thank you both of you this is quite a contrast from the last time we parted ways but you are not that way anymore with every choice you make you prove yourself to possess a kind heart I guess I had a good teacher you were a good student are you saying I wasn't a good teacher oh no I wasn't I didn't say that she didn't say that I Princess Celestia has a sense of humor looks like I'm not the only one who's [Laughter] [Music] changed it's been a grueling afternoon but here we are the final match next Point win a hush Falls over the crowd of 10,000 fans go [Music] sports I'm not holding back this time that's what I'm afraid of Bring It All come on Rainbow Dash you andity just bought your team a oneway ticket on the express trange and you're going down nice Game Face Pinkie Pie thanks I've been practicing all day isn't that right little baby camera you're at my house [Music] now somebody's jealous please call me when the flying can opener learns how to fetch you're the [Music] [Music] worst great news guys I figured it out someone's erased your memory with equestrian magic you don't remember but we're still friends this is the memory Stone do you recognize it right guess not but look see this is proof we are friends please this is the same girl who made Flawless fake photos of your friend trashing the gym yeah wait a minute this this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face i' never make a face like that Preposterous fake I say my work here is done Trixie and don't forget Rarity you promised to put me in the yearbook wait you did [Music] what it was an accident I can help fix it I think you've helped [Music] enough I don't want your lunch money I'm not mean mean got it I'm not [Music] mean so here we are here we do [Music] are you really want to do this here in the hallway and front of everyone up to [Music] you behold old Canterlot High School's greatest and powerfullest student if a seven scale mockup doesn't convince you I don't know what will where's the memory Stone you turn my friends against me just because I wouldn't put you in the yearbook as the greatest and powerfulest the powerfulest isn't even a word what are you talking about it's not a word no what memory Stone the one you use to erase everyone's memory you manipulative blow hard a stone that could make everyone forget all the bad tricks I've done which is no Trix your puny Rock pales in comparison to the great and powerful Trixie I don't believe it you have no idea what I'm talking about I don't sorry did somebody really erase everyone's memories of you mhm and even though we all know you're the biggest meanie you're saying you're not mean anymore it's complicated so you have this idea of who you're supposed to be but no one at school sees you that way is that it trust me I get it I can't believe the only person who believes me is the one I call called a manipulative blo hard sorry I took it as a compliment let me help you find the stone what's in it for you no way absolutely not well if you'd rather go on being the biggest Meenie that's fine by [Music] me I've looked everywhere why can't I find the missing pages I've always been good to you [Applause] Library this is it the last piece was in a secret compartment Clover the clever buried the stone this rock formation must be somewhere in the other world but it doesn't say how to get your memories [Music] back perhaps if I had destroyed the stone right away some of my memories could have returned but when the sun sets by the third day after a memory has been taken it is erased forever you must warn Sunset Shimmer at once so where should we start partner how about with what I call you I'm thinking the Great and Powerful trixes a pretty decent assistant detective helper [Music] person [Music] you are girl s it brightens up my day like sun mys come running you will right all along together we're better we could turn a sketch into a masterpiece when you're here I feel like I'm complete you are my Equestria [Music] Girl a j a cafeteria full of suspects two detectives and only one memory Stone seems impossible but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat and I do that all the time what let's talk motive who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you if you go back far enough everyone known enemies [Music] all good afternoon ladies you feeling okay that depends on how well you answer my questions has anyone come in complaining of memory problems in the last few weeks not that I can recover call you can't recall we're too [Music] late will you accept a half chewed carrot stick what ew I told you I don't want your lunch money and I definitely don't want your lunch speak for yourself thanks word around schools you know a lot about erasing memory I erased a ton of memory just this morning you did 4 terabytes of Quanto Cellar Flex memory to be precise how come no one's ever impressed by that is there anything you can tell us about it anything at all I can't tell much from a drawing okay only that it's falsy contusive ous granular and texture most likely arranged in an equigranular Matrix with scattered biotite mic and ampal at least 65% i f spit by volume with a melting point of 1250 CRA plus orus 10° sorry I couldn't be more helpful sure it seems like we've only come up with dead ends but I mean it could be worse it's worse good as new best friends yearbook group picture take two number 36a attempt 8 best [Music] friend oh stop looking at that you're just going to wind yourself up you can't think if you're wound up oh think Trixie I wanted to come in here to see who we're missing but we've talked to everyone A to Z wait not pictured Wallflower blush who's Wallflower I'm right here you know who are you Wallflower I've known you since third grade I remember third grade not you specifically but what a grade it was the great and powerful Trixie debuted her disappearing frog trick you know a lot of people don't realize how much work goes into raising tag Poes you really have to coddle them Sunset we think think the memory Stone was buried under this rock formation and if you don't destroy the memory Stone by the time the sun sets today all those memories will be erased forever how am I supposed to find a rock formation that looks like that rock formation that'll work can I ask a silly question Wallflower where did you take that lovely photograph oh that's my garden well the school's Garden technically I'm the president of the gardening club I founded it too I'm also the only member and the only one who's ever been to the Garden or seen it or even asked about it you're not really into other people huh I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook what do you think sorry Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in her yearbook no matter how much they deserve them no you should do do that Wallflower um so don't let us keep you from working on it what the great and powerful Trixie is annoyed and [Music] insulted what are [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] that was different the whole school voted for her she was so mean of course we all know you've earned the right not to be remembered that way why should you notice me after all your Sunset Shimmer everybody loves you now why can't they see you haven't [Music] changed [Music] [Applause] you you erased everyone's memories uh yes wait who are you [Music] again you don't see me fitting in I'm sitting here alone right beside my shadow always on my [Music] own if I could share my wildest dreams maybe they would see I'm more than just a warflower there's so much more to me I'm invisible invisible I drop it in the mid invisible invisible it's like I don't exist right benath my picture this is what you read a laundry list of nothing not likely to succeed you're book with blank pages no one wants to sign a memory forgotten Until the End of Time hey what are you doing what did I do to you honestly I don't even know you exactly you had everyone fooled but now they know you're still the biggest meanie you're about to see how mean I can get wo whoa whoa whoa whoa let's not antagonize the person with the all powerful mystery rock I don't like confrontation let's just forget this ever happened don't [Music] erase what was I saying I'm sure it was something brilliant but also how is it already [Music] 3:00 why won't this door open and what are we even doing in here I don't [Music] remember you are myess girl you s it brightens up my day like sun mys R you right all along that together we're always better we could turn into a masterpiece when you're here I feel like I'm complete you are [Music] my is anybody out there somebody open the door if we don't get out of here and figure out who has the stone in a few hours it'll be too late to restore everyone's memory I'll lose my friends forever how are we supposed to catch someone who can erase our memory every time we get close to catching [Music] them by being clever I wrote myself a note check the [Music] video yes it's been recording this whole time Twilight's camera what are you talking about I don't remember doing it but I must have realized our memories would get erased so I pressed record that's my garden who's that Wallflower blush name's not ringing a bell you don't long song huh what did I do to you honestly I don't even know you exactly you had everyone fooled but now they know you're still the biggest meanie you're about to see how mean I can get she's kind of right about you yeah thanks actually the wise and moralizing Trixie was making a point you said you didn't do anything I didn't I wasn't mean to her at all well maybe it's not good enough to not be mean to someone maybe you have to be nice [Music] you're right not that it matters I'm still trapped in here unless you can magic us out of here oh what's the point in trying you've seen enough of my tricks to know what'll happen at least when the Sun goes down and everyone hates me forever I'll still have one friend in the morning huh and I mean she is the greatest and powerfulest celot high school has to offer so I guess I can't [Music] complain you poor fool you actually believed me when I was pretending to give up mere stage banter the great and powerful Trixie never gives up on herself or her friends I mean her pretty decent assistant assant detective helper people Behold The Magicians exit yes it worked I finally did it still in here um um oh part of the trick have you out in a jiffy you know what just leave me in here just go I owe you one Trixie I will never forget this Never Say Never [Music] Wallflower Wallflower stop you remember my name I remember everything the memor Stone how I acted all of it what how I erased the whole [Music] afternoon listen I used to be just like you sure I was popular but I was lonely you're nothing like me and I'm not lonely because I have plants that sounded less lonely in my head I'm sorry Wallflower no you're not you're just trying to look good in front of your friends and it's working how am I supposed to get back at you if nothing I do matters I hate [Music] you I wanted to teach you a lesson by erasing your friends good memories of you but obviously that didn't work what if I erased all their memories of high school you can't you'd be stealing their memories of each other they'll think of each other the way you think of me which is not at all no I ruined their friendship once before I'd rather give up my own memories than let it happen [Music] again let hershy no Apple Jack Rarity Rainbow Dash keep by Twilight don't forget [Applause] [Music] me this isn't Canterlot where am I Princess Celestia what's happened to me some pony help me who are you we are your [Music] friends we may not remember you but after seeing what you did the sacrifice you made for us we'd be proud to call you our [Music] friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wallflower you have magic you do not understand but it is nothing compared to the magic of yeah yeah we get it light her up [Music] Wy [Music] Twilight Sparkle Sunset Shimmer we're so sorry I'm just glad to have you all back I'm so ashamed when I first found the memory Stone I only erased little things awkward hellos saying the wrong thing literally any public speaking I've had plenty of awkward moments I wish I could erase too but it's no excuse I was so used to erasing memories that I got completely carried away I'm sorry for everything it's okay I'm sorry too I may have stopped being mean but a great and powerful friend helped me realize I still wasn't very nice to you everyone matters Wallflower no matter how insignificant or invisible they [Music] feel dear princess Twilight you can add a new ending to The Archives the memory stone is no more no student parking in The Faculty lot [Music] thank you for your help give my best to Princess Luna and of course thank my second best teacher Princess Celestia make sure she knows you're kidding when you say that though I'm happy to say everything is back how it used to be I demand to speak to the yearbook president how did this get in here a yearbook president never reveals her secrets well not exactly how it used to be I got a yearbook delivery for best [Music] Gardener that was fun [Music] really oh come on [Music] [Music] seriously
Channel: My Little Pony Official
Views: 1,621,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, cartoon, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp, mlp eg songs, mlp equestria girls, mlp equestria girls music, mlp equestria girls song, mlp music, mlp music video, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlp theme song, mlpstopmotion, my little pony, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony song, my little pony song lyrics, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, pony, pony life, toys
Id: t_v4t_AT4WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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