My Journey with the Keto Diet - No Sewing Chat

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keeping power tools with bread so this video isn't gonna be a whole lot about um sewing I got a little bit of sewing stuff going on don't remember I was making them jelly leggings I ended up using painters tape to put pattern together I never did go to Dollar General down with the coasting go get any tape and then I'm also working on that pink tunic got everything I got two pieces of it cut out I got the bus darts and I gotta get that going some more um hold on I have a dog okay the reason I wanted to make this video today is because lots of you have asked me about the keto diet and my weight loss now I want to start by saying I am NOT a dietitian I am just somebody who has struggled with weight my entire life my mother was very thin she was hyperthyroid and so you know she ran around 90 miles an hour before they figured it out and started treating her and so she was always very thin and she cooked like she could eat anything and I get my weight from my father's side of the family my dad always struggled with his weight as well I do have to tell you my I think the best thing I ever did for myself was to join the military the military made sure that I was within standards for 20 years and that means for the better part of my adult life especially my younger years I was within normal weight standards and that matters a lot when it comes to your numbers and and how all that works but I had to lose a lot of weight to join the Air Force I was well over 200 pounds when I got out of high school and you know that it just crept up on you I mean I just oughta was skinny as a rail until they turned 15 and then all of a sudden poof and within three years you know bad habits and it happens I do not lose weight by exercising I have done you name it Weight Watchers tops Jenny Craig Nutrisystem Weight Watchers did I say Weight Watchers bad diets and the the diet at years ago it was a diet now it's kind of a way of life for me I was on the Weight Watchers I did really well with the points plan but you know it's very restrictive and it's kind of hard to stay on so one time now and let me back up I had been in the Air Force maybe about 15 years and started having serious digestive problems ibs-d that's what they diagnosed they put me on nexium and 40 milligrams and I have been on it ever since and I've been out of the Air Force now since 2003 but I was having serious problems with that and up until then still eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and using probably more like the starvation method just to keep weight off or to lose weight and then um when I was doing Weight Watchers that third or fourth or fifth time whatever it was I went on there simply filling program instead of points and when I did that I'm a simply filling program they give you a whole list of foods that you can eat and you're supposed to recognize when you're full and stop eating and it was on that particular plan that I realized that I had a problem with wheat I don't have a problem with gluten I have a problem with wheat and wheat is anything that's made with flour cakes pasta bread gravies stews everything in the world that you can imagine that is made out of wheat white wheat brown wheat whole wheat did not matter it was wheat and when I ate those foods on the list that contained weight I had problems when I didn't eat them I didn't have problems so it wasn't a problem with carbs okay it was a problem with wheat I can eat corn carbs rice carbs potato carbs love potato carts favorites but it was the wheat products and so I this was probably about four years ago four or five years ago I took wheat out of my diet completely and I loved a piece of wedding cake with buttercream icing my favorite dessert ever um if I am going to eat something like that which is rare I'll take an X E I'm ahead of time just to make sure I don't have any issues but still sometimes you know you can't get away from it so when I decided to go on the keto diet and I'm gonna call this keto modified because I don't give up cheese I love my cheese and I lost a lot of weight back in 2014 doing Adkins a lot of weight like 40 pounds less than I am right now a lot of weight and I just lost 45 pounds on keto and I did it by not eating carbs pretty much I eat breakfast breakfast usually is about I don't know two sausage patties and several scrambled eggs I take it to work in a bowl and heat it in the microwave and lunch I'll go to Burger King and get a bacon cheeseburger double no onions no tomatoes tomatoes have a lot of sugar a liitle a few tomatoes and no buns and a lot of places now are happy to make it with no bun they'll make your hamburger with no bun just about every fast-food restaurant will do that I cook very low carb and take my lunch most days if somebody told me one of the commenters told me that they have a hard time when they go to restaurant so they go out with friends and they're trying to stay on it and what are my secrets um I order like for instance we stopped at Bush's Fried Chicken on the way home today from the coast and oh it is President's Day 2019 so I picked all that breading off the chicken I ate a little bit of it but not much because it doesn't like me breading wait not good I started making all my gravies if I do at all if they're pretty thin gravies and I make them with cornstarch I'd no longer buy packaged seasoning mixes like Lipton onion soup mix or any of the McCormick's the very first ingredient or two on all of those is flour well that's wait and I can't eat it so I there's a website called copycat recipes I think I go out there and I make my own I make my own seasonings I make my own you know MIT seasoning mixes like Lipton onion soup mix I make my own and if it calls for any kind of flour I used corn starch and it works for me but I use it very sparingly and I have kept my carbs below 25 a day now since August and I'm down 45 pounds like today I haven't had any carbohydrates at all I had sausage in scrambled eggs this morning for breakfast and then for like well that's not true because we did go to Bush's chicken I probably had a few carbs on that breading it just would not come off that chicken I would I bet you it's less than five or ten that I ate today I need a lot of green beans I don't need a lot of root vegetables I gotta stay away from the carrots you got to stay away from onions they're full of sugar tomatoes are full of sugar and again I'm not a dietitian I have just been dealing with this my entire life and my the Air Force sent me to plenty of dietitians because I was always right there at my weight max and you know this diet is not for everybody some people don't do well with it vegans I meet like it's like it's no tomorrow my numbers are healthy too my blood pressure is within is normal my cholesterol is normal my triglycerides are normal I'm not on any medication at all except for next year I take that I tried to wean myself off of that and I just got too much of an acid stomach so you know a losing weight is a personal journey for everybody I think I have found something I can stick with it thank goodness there's no weed in Miller Lite but I love my beers and there are only three carbs sometimes hello any carbs all day so I can have a beer in the evening you know you got it live a little right but you know it is it's a personal journey for everyone and it's a struggle it's it's it's hard I'm about 6 pounds from gold right now and that still is over my Air Force wait max bye mmm 7 pounds but I'm healthy and I'm comfortable at this weight having this weight issue is really really hard when it comes to sewing for me y'all I have clothes in my closet from size 10 to size 18 it's crazy and I get rid of them and then you know thinking oh I'll never wear that again and then Sharan two three years later I'm back it's a lifelong struggle it's just something that you do and I'm not saying I won't be heavy again I hope I won't be heavy again I'm gonna really try this time I have maintained this now pretty well because I've learned to make it work for me and not eating wheat has really not being able to eat wheat has really helped me I know a girl at work she had the crumbs horribly like she wore a bag she stopped eating wheat she has lost 45 pounds and she just had her very first checkup she had she had the bag reversed several years ago she just had her very first checkup where she's she didn't have any ulcers in her colon at all ever in her life has in her adult life has that been and it's because she wasn't eating wheat I don't know if they're processing it differently now you know every once in a while I'll do something stupid and have a bowl of macaroni and cheese that blue craft box I did that part about four months five months ago oh I won't do that again oh my goodness y'all I was miserable I couldn't leave the house it was horrible that's just me you know I'm gonna call it a blessing that I can't eat like that anymore because it's it's really helped me stay on oh and prayer this time I asked the Lord for help please help me stay on this diet so I can be healthy to praise you you know that has really seemed to help me believe it or not I've never prayed before and I didn't stick to it before so but I feel good at this weight even though I'm not super trim anymore but I'm not super heavy anymore either I really let myself go back in 2018 2017 2018 so and with sewing like this tunic y'all I cut the sides way big so that I can trim them down to how they'll to where they need to fit me I find if you've ever been heavy in lost weight they call it body dysmorphic disorder you don't realize that you're not heavy anymore you don't realize that you know the pajama shorts I made yesterday there are Saturday they're ginormous on me I'm like why did they make them so big it's because I'm afraid I'm gonna make them too small if I make them to my actual size good thing quilts fit anyway I just want to share that with you for those of you that are struggling I'm with you I feel you I've been there and you have to find what works for you that it's possible without the private e but it's hard it's really hard and it takes a takes a lot of determination and strength and then once you lose that weight it's harder I think to keep it off there really is so it's just something that is going to be a lifelong struggle for me I'm sure it's a lifelong struggle for a lot of you and you know it's just who we are so anyway that is my journey with keto diet this time and so far so good with cheese we'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Power Tools with Thread
Views: 6,073
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Id: YGeWiV-p1m4
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Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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