My iPhone 13 Pro Max Review

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get over here okay so last week i was shooting a video on this phone here the iphone 13 mini and it was an easy video for me to make right i'm coming from the 12 mini and it's got simple upgrades to talk about it's got a new camera system it's got a bigger battery it's got a faster processor simple video right and at a really cool thumbnail for it but then something came up so i've been playing a game on the nintendo switch called pokemon unite it's this moba kind of like league of legends but you're running pokemon characters around and it's fairly basic right there's not a lot of depth to the game it's built for kids it's pretty simple but i liked the game partially because i love pokemon but also more importantly my kid loves pokemon and my kid loves this game it's his favorite thing so i had to get good at pokemon unite just a good brag to all his friends about how his dad is the best gamer in the world so for the past few months i've just been grinding this game like no more overwatch no more valerent nothing it's just been pokemon unite and i've been grinding that competitive ladder to try to get to the top and i've gone reasonably close but then on september 20th it came out for the phones ios and android both got it and the first thing i did was just put it onto the iphone mini right because now i can play it everywhere the thing is it's sucked on the mini like your thumbs take up most of the screen real estate and it's just difficult to control your stuff on such a small device and the battery drain while playing on a 13 mini was nasty so i installed it on the iphone 13 pro max big screen huge battery life fantastic gaming experience but this phone is big it's clunky it's chunky it's a big thick boy it's unlike all the small phones that i normally use but for the love of pokemon and for the love of trying to impress my son by hitting masters in that stupid game i stuck with it put my sim card in and i made this my phone and i grew to just love the device i didn't think i would because it's so unlike what i would normally want on a phone but this is an awesome phone even if you never play games but i do think that the experience playing pokemon on the phone is better than it is on the switch but we'll come back to that in a second the real draw to this year's phones i think is in the battery life so i ran the same tests as i did last year on the iphone 12 and the battery life on this year's devices are incredible particularly with the pro max like this to me could be marketed as a two day battery it legitimately was like eight nine hours of screen on time comfortably that's with everything going full tilt and i feel like if you nursed it you could probably get 10 maybe even 11 hours of screen on time it is a weirdly big battery i love it the other thing is the camera system so i'm not going to go too in depth on this because i feel like there's so many camera dedicated videos out there but i do want to mention one thing on the 13 mini and 13 regular like the two base level iphone 13s it has a tough time shooting things that are relatively close i'm not talking about macro photography i'm talking about like three to four inches away from the phone it just can't focus on closer things like that and remember the 13 and the 13 mini do not have zooms right so you can't rely on that to punch in and you just have a device that can't focus on things up close and it's frustrating now in terms of the pro model so the iphone 13 pro and the 13 pro max those camera systems are a step up it's mostly noticeable with the tough shots particularly with the ultrawide lens and you can also do macro photos on the pro devices this year now a quick note on performance so when it comes to iphone performance like year on year gains it's usually hard to discern the difference outside of a benchmark right but i did notice that in pokemon unite the iphone 13s load the fastest faster than any snapdragon 8 android phone even unreleased phones that i tested i mean look at the loading bars here compared to everyone else it's so fast and that dude on the blastoise that guy needs a new phone so it's very fast uh okay if you've noticed this whole video i have not talked about the 120 hertz screens and i purposely left it out till now so the 120 hertz panel looks really nice it's fast it's fluid and if you compare 120 hertz panel to a 60 hertz panel side by side like in a store or something most people are going to think that the 120 hertz panel looks significantly better but it is a cool feature that i just feel people tire of quit it's not they don't tire of it they get used to it quickly and it's just that's a thousand dollar hole you just burn in your pocket for a novelty now i play a ton of pc games where high refresh screens are fantastic and make a big difference in how well you play but when it comes to phones even phone games i just don't think it's necessary even for pokemon unite that runs at 60 frames per second and had nothing to do with the refresh rate of the screen as to why i was able to play better it's to do with the controls on a switch if you use any of the aimed abilities you have to use the stick and it feels slow and clunky and there's no adjustment for sensitivity but on the phones it's a touch screen it's fast it's responsive and it can make a really big difference if you're playing this game competitively but had nothing to do with the screen at least the refresh rate of the screen or the smaller notch i'm just saying uh the speakers on the 13s this year they're slightly better than last year's iphones like a higher frequency if it's loud enough it's just a cleaner sound but the overall iphone this year it's improved but i see this running commentary of like nothing's changed it's just like it's just like the iphone 12 and aesthetically yeah it's very similar but if you think about the fundamentals of the phone like what makes a phone good right big battery that lasts long a good screen good camera like they it's good it's a it's a nice improvement but the thing that i found most interesting and i never realized this until like just before i shot this video the pricing for iphones has not changed in four years like when the iphone 10 first came out that was a 999 phone four years later we're still looking at the same price i'm not saying that apple should have jacked up the price not at all but i feel like they would have right that's what you would expect apple to do they're good at making money how come they haven't jacked up the price like the phones have gotten better every year but the pricing hasn't changed it's almost like the actuarial math guys at apple figured out you can't price a phone more than a thousand bucks because then people stop buying it or something because all the other apple products just going up in price and people are accepting of it but not the phones which is honestly a good thing because otherwise the industry was just bumped up as well but speaking of industry because apple stuck bigger batteries in their phone this year heavier longer battery life i bet you the industry follows this is the this is accepted if people are okay with this it's the green light for all the other companies to do it as well that's what i think okay i gotta cut this video short so i can grind it out to master class i gotta be the very best like no one ever was [Music]
Channel: Dave2D
Views: 637,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dave2D, Review
Id: 82nGC_uNdqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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