My idea to Raise Pigs on 120 Square Feet

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yeah well we were about to go but gideon decided you wanted to come about three minutes later we're ready to go so there's 14 pounds of food scraps now the bucket probably weighs couple pounds or 12 pounds but pigs three months old need three pounds of food a day there's two in there that's six there's gonna be plenty of food for them one today okay how they do it how you guys doing this morning after the wild move yesterday huh you happy you know your food I mean open this please okay why did he hit open you gonna put the other feed pattern you'll have to feed pants okay one right there would ya let's save that one for water you're going in it okay then you pour that out right there pour it out into the corner so it doesn't get on their bedding we want to keep their bedding as dry as possible mr. Brown you want to fill that out for me look they're fat and happy love to see them sitting and eating hey thank you for our pitchfork Jenna bring that over here let's uncover our mulch good the cool thing about pigs is they're clean animals they poop in one side of the area usually furthest away from their feet they're pooping over there we're just going to simply cover that up keep the flies off them keep it breaking down mixing it with this carbon material [Music] [Applause] we don't want to get the most wet okay okay this is their drinking water until today hopefully the nipple waters are gonna come today and we can put your tub in here okay you want to fill up we're trying to give them the wallow if they don't wet up the place too much I didn't see much animal protein in there so I'm gonna give you some okay yeah so what if you're a healthy conscience family you couldn't source quality pork in the grocery store maybe you could find some of the market maybe some non-gmo but then it's terribly expensive what if you didn't have much room like you lived in a neighborhood well what if you had a carport 12 by 20 once you put half of it into a pig pen with simple what you say buddy they won't bite you to stay right there what if you had a and then what if you got together some cattle panels T posts to help support them zip ties to attach tin as a retaining wall just what if just what if what if you you partnered with your local town or power company to be a place to drop off wood chips you could totally what you say yeah the one on the this one's from the Power Company this one's from our local town oftentimes they have to chip I have the room so I'll put it there on the bank next to the road you could totally put it under this side that's why I call this a 240 square foot farm because this is a total I mean you are a beautiful with questions this morning aren't you they dumped it with dump trucks yeah you could do anything yeah to pigs 200 pounds of pork out of each of these guys my um when they're two months old raise them until they're seven months old keeping them only for five months on this deep bedding look he's happy in there you guys you saw they manure over there Jonah has put the wood chips in thank you very much he's forging from that oh good he's probably gonna find some stuff in it wow we have had them a hundred percent this morning on food scraps it was lacking in a bit of protein so we have some spoiled milk you want to open that to them they're gonna love you you can pour it no that was to be your water that was to be your water and you're stepping in it if you want to step in some water go into your wallow over there okay we have a food grade drum this is not it this is CAI guess we're kind of using this as a trash can or example if you want to keep feet or something out here we have a nipple water coming we're going to drill it in right there fill this up with water and it lasts for look does it last for weeks this is good when they lay down to eat they're burning no Cal okay they're gaining weight okay so what else should I share about this well we have a door up high I mean maybe by the end of it we're gonna have mulch this high maybe so we have a door higher up so we can get in yes yes it's very tacky this morning the material we put in about three cubic yards takes about four cubic yards of material to fill in a foot we put in about three cubic yards of compost material a compost pile that was active on the very bottom we put in a few logs and we put in a cubic yard of active compost and then just a layer of woodchips and we're just going to add as we go this wall is totally removable so these T posts can come out these T's these zip ties can be cut when we're done with the pigs we can grab this material out and spread it right here on the carne Thank You Jonah Jonah poured the milk and upset Gideon get in Jonah you're so kind to go get him another milk okay he'll open it for you and then he's you're gonna let just get in pour it right can you get in there important the other one get in there go pour it in the other one without the liquid in it hopefully they won't lay in their milk alright go ahead get in alright that's plenty of food for them today so the first thing you want to think about with your let's call this the let's let's do it let's call this the pig fort huh get it I see that pigs inside they're inside a carport Pig port also kind of speaks to its mobility this is not a permanent situation but think about when you're placing this how can the pigs benefit the farm if you've got more farm and how can the farm benefit the pigs well the pigs are right here next to the garden so we can harvest what we don't use throw it in there no but it looks like a carrot and then when we're done with this it'll break down while they're on it after they leave and then this is a future garden bed and if it's not we just will bare it from here down slope to our other garden beds the pigs feed the gardens and the gardens feed the pigs welcome to another weekly update guys where we're gonna walk you around our farm and update you on everything that's growing that was our 240 square foot pig farm the pig port hopefully it will inspire many many people to grow pigs even if they don't have that much space I'm teaching this system and my new course permaculture pigs we're kick-starting that right now part closes on that may 26 just like very soonish getting on that may 26 39 p.m. get in on that we leak the info out throughout the summer until the launch and then it'll be open up to the public so if you get in on the Kickstarter you're gonna get the material early oh no get her out of there get her out of there come on you dork come on you are laying and you have no care for Swiss chard Eve right from the pig port right next to the carport to Gardens away animal garden miracle continues the chickens are getting this area pretty good you're gonna let them out mr. Brown okay it's getting pretty compact though being as dry as it has been here you need some help let me get you started okay drop it don't know we need to fix our our door that's been a door up move this forward let's spread the fertilizer love buddy [Music] yeah that was less or too long if you're gonna get that egg you're gonna have to take it in like right now come on take it in or put it back put it back so tonight while we're out here their animal garden miracle we're gonna leave these guys here a little bit we can only do so much our garden we are planning to we have these two plots this garden plot is next I think we have some squash to go in there we've got squash tomatoes carrots here's the thing about carrots I'm learning you know weed them like crazy in the beginning but when they get older they start shading out the weeds and it's not so bad we've cultivated in these pathways a couple of times and now have put down leaf mulch in our path doesn't that look nice we got beets and Swiss chard coming on one thing and some cabbage down there one thing that excites me about this is when we have friends or guests or anything come over we have so much we're just like just take something all you want here's a bag here's two bags just go no we're gonna let that dry out in the Sun today okay if it rains we got to come cover it okay all right Rudy and we don't need a broody hen right now put you right back Rudy breaker hey you picks the door cool thank you look at that good job buddy now what shut did you line it up right okay good mine's that hey where's our other Guinea okay there's no telling where that another Guinea is actually we're down to two guineas and so one is either off land hatching some eggs or dead let's go check on the guinea k-y-t's while we're at it on our way to check two Guinea Heat's we have two more garden plots here gonna be planted all in squash I'll show you guys those in a second if they germinate no but we're gonna see if they we're just gonna check on them on my hands I guess back there by the layers we've got the a-frame set up we need to set our chicks our 120 layer chicks growing up out into the out there near them in shock or not fence very soon your hand and chicks are doing fabulous they're ready to be moved they'll be moved out with the when we move the layer hints or when we move the layer chicks to the a-frame and then we'll move them with them we got three broody hens I see that 24 guinea eggs you got to switch out their water Jenna didn't make one she didn't even get up to poop he's doing they're still under there you guys are doing good they're doing good I know you felt this this is a break the dirty box the animal garden miracle done there let's call that the frosty garden this one's a roons garden is what it's all going to look like eventually it grows up big enough it starts shading out the weeds sure there's some weeding to be done but let me show you the carrots this is what eventually happens with the carrots you show a lot of love in the beginning boom no weeds coming through nothing maybe one right here up one right here easily pulled out yes we're gonna have carrots this year I don't think we've ever successfully grown carrots in our basement we have germinating just kind of temperature controlled room but I don't see any of these this is supposed to be acorn squash oh wait germination the skinnies this spaghetti squash is germinated let's get them outside late now ooh these are molding candy roaster oh wait no they're germinating okay let's get this tray and this tray out Josiah and Jonah each grab one please nothing here and nothing here molding here so I'm thinking we're gonna need to start over on some of those okay guys take those up put it right here guys this is our outside nursery it's gonna be too hot in the greenhouse now you guys hook up the pocket nozzle and let's give them some juice right next door to the outdoor nursery the kids garden this is where the eye sees where this winter look guys your beans are coming up have you seen this your beans mr. Brown you're gonna have a teepee out here before you know it buddy you see a Cornish cross let's move this forward actually we should weigh them before we feed them for 4.2 pounds okay put your chicken in there [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] so we are under we're a hair under I think this is their pasture to burn more calories look at them so we can either be a hair under standard weight or start feeding more we got the biggest one good lord they all need to weigh that much shoot him beside the show whether it be picking your wife is cute one thing I should say about these sea monsters we only lost one and that was in the very beginning and a child accidentally stepped on one one like no illness no predators no nothin that's amazing and there's probably still 100 yeah this point more than hunter because they usually send more than 100 just in case way out here with the eye sees normally we're following three days behind the cows moving them every day we haven't we haven't moved them in the week because of kind of hard for me to move this fence this fence is a little bit bit too big for the boys we need to start moving them again we're gonna wait till the cows get back down to the flat pasture you're so high it's one week since I hurt my hand I'm allowed to take off my splint I'm just now in a and a wrap that's good it's not constantly in pain still haven't been able to milk with it mr. Brown you let these guys out let's actually get this up in the corner we've been running them in the same spot it's kind of hard to move this too with one hand he knows the other Guinea behind jump and Gideon's Jeep so he we still have two guineas third guinea uh unaccounted for but they made it a year good for them all right we have one more thing to check before we go check on the forested pigs under this what you all want to see that's I know that's what I want to see and God how do you walk through here I don't think mrs. stressed kids out like it does adults check them out the layer chicks everybody's doing good 17:16 court corners cross I mean CMOS Icelandic why was that you guys I see mother's doing good let's get everything out shoot their their brooder isn't even on Jonah which I don't think they need at this point so let's get the breeders out let's put shavings down let's clean out the water fill up the piece [Music] okay we took care of everybody two things to note in here we love this brutal system inside of this stall it's been absolutely amazing the other thing is notice the premiere one mr. fuse like I think it's a 40 pound Todd it's an automatic feeder have to use dry food for that though but we don't care we're using dry feed in here too we did permanently the first week the thin it's just so much easier in the brooder just to do dry feed so much easier like half the time easier and when they go back out in the field we lift it's soaked again the food but in here it's just so much easier to manage and we could we will put another we have another auto feeder that these guys are big enough to have oh good you got it good job good job let's do that I set up their straights but really we just need to put it in this open up these trees and pour them in there in there yeah they're like this okay [Music] basically you cannot do this with so sweet bottom Attica here and that will last assist me alright good and take up less room check this over a little bit let's get a little further away from our water mom we got one more chore before milking time towards the pigs good morning beautiful one your workout clothes yeah how was your workout good well I'm still working out I just talked to beauty can you give me a quick tour of your kitchen garden an update on what's going on Wow we we caught grass clippings in the mowing and we we did really nicely you do have a zucchini look it'll be ready in two days beans beans are climbing your poles these are cucumbers cucumbers I got a pole beam down there I've gotten some bush beans over here I'm gonna do some more bush beans here Swiss chard something seeds here Oh Rebecca you got your spinach going to seed got broccoli these Gardens are Jim and Rebecca you got cucumbers crop climbing your trellis more cucumbers climbing this trellis oh look look very back a Morning Glory you're gonna let this happen or is this beans oh wow good good this is gonna be so nice when this grows up protect you from the the Sun your Tomatoes looking good the raised bed gardens have been some of the most easiest most pleasurable Gardens ever yeah hello - come on yep I'm excited is that from our your patch right there guys the kids just picked it let's see see you try it get a strawberry Queen go ahead Benny I'm not gonna argue very sweet we've done our feed and our trailer boy this trailer you know we decided we mow behind the cows we mow the lawns let's get us a mower I'm mower was in bad shape no you come right up front with me okay and well we use Jonah's trailer and it's kind of like we have a side by side I'm comment I'm so excited to see what if anything they've done oh I hear I'm there here no disturbance in here hey do we have any in Hey look we have some disturbance over here and they're a little shelter hey let's continue to encourage them to disturb throw it right in there just so they have just there's some disturbance where they hit last night yay have you guys come over here I think there's a little bit right here why they've done some work up there oh look under the pine tree oh yeah looky here looky here this is probably nice cuz it's under that pine tree okay so we have some disturbance now let's direct their disturbance by putting it put in feed where we want them to work so we put their feet in there they're not used to this yet they've been padding pants you guys have to work a little harder for it he's the happiest pigs on the planet right here check their water hi yeah mucho odd what do you think even found it oh yeah they'll find it they'll recognize when wet here good stuff thanks Bill all right that's where the grunt cows have been I'm trying to see if they have two days in here Oh what happened to our water isn't there any that would be running and secured that back I'm looking at this we've got to slow down our cows we got it it's you know the spring flush is over grasses slowing down so we gotta slow down our cows I just got to make sure there's I know the days worth of food in here there's more food here it's more down there there's more here and plus they have the entire orchard up there so I think we're good came back at my Leatherman fell out well that's like not on there tight fix it you know I can almost I can sort of milk when our legs right can melt with my my bum arm I got a gallon and a half from Flossie look they got some flies Jonah's been swatting them they have a hard time standing still in the stanchion but they also have a hard time when I'm swatting them yeah so maybe get the legs look look at the legs did they jump is bad when you watch this you must be on 105 this morning isn't life grand let's do a check-in from what's on the farm you know there's some sauerkraut there fried cabbage not from our farm but it could be soon you think we're actually getting a cabbage what's harder to grow cabbage with carrots yeah we're gonna get carrots eggs are from the farm the eggs and then we got bacon bits inside the cabbage so I'm gonna say 60% from our farm this morning that's my latest for the Kickstarter guys 305 backers almost 200% funded and guys we still have while I'm doing this update because as of today Saturday it's 4:00 p.m. I don't know when this will go up five six like a little over 24 hours to get in on this this is a pig project one side documentary where we document our two-year journey growing our own food pigs in this case also permaculture pigs the course teaching you everything I know for raising pigs and not just what I know I'm bringing in others so that you can get everything you need to do this in like one evening guys the prices are 50% off and another great thing about getting in on the Kickstarter is you're gonna get the content we create it throughout the summer this will not be available to the public until we launch into like the fallish now speaking of folks are gonna come in and help me teach I mean you got you you backers have already helped us you guys have already made it possible for us to go to Virginia to see Joel Salatin learn from him go up to Maine learn from Jon Arbuckle it's gonna be amazing I'm still a baby pig farmer so I'm enlisting the help of the experts and together they have a hundred years of experience speaking of experience I just recently lined up how lum now once you guys listen and check out out I'm gonna link his YouTube video towards the end of this video and down in the description it's totally free you can go check out his youtube video in it he's building his barn he also shows his pigs he's been keeping pigs for a while and at the homestead level so I think al has a lot to add he's got a wonderful blooming youtube channel and it's no wonder I've been there his place is great he's legit he's doing things right he's absolutely amazing so I think it's just worth checking out for that go and subscribe to him check out his video in his video he talks about his role in our Kickstarter and he's actually taking questions from you guys so I think especially you backers who are gonna back go check out Al's video even if you're not just go check out that Al's video he builds a bar and most of the time and it's fascinating and he doesn't have a call to action at the end too check out our Kickstarter but also to comment and let him know if you have any pic questions that he can answer in his content that he's gonna create for us so go check out Wow check out our Kickstarter whatever you want to do I'll leave the links for that down in the description remember times almost up it ends Saturday night 11:59 p.m. I guess can you see I can't have too excited this is gonna be so exciting this pitch for big project I'm so excited for it thank you guys for who have already back thank you thank you thank you and thanks to you future backers who are just supporting the project whether you want pigs they're not many of you are just looking forward to the documentary many of you are just supporting us for that I think [Music]
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 194,688
Rating: 4.8812647 out of 5
Id: gqSPPcLx9FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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