My husband spent the $1 million I got from my dad without asking, on renovating his parents' home.

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my husband surprised me one day by saying he wanted to use the $1 million I inherited to renovate our family home he said with a grin I was stunned barely able to speak my father had passed away leaving me the inheritance but I hadn't told my husband about it I've been considering divorcing him because he was too controlling and I didn't want him knowing about the money since he was always greedy for it but how did he find out when I asked him he confessed to threatening my mother to Spill the secret I couldn't believe his audacity I fumed as I'd argued with my husband but he just smirked and said doesn't matter what you think the deal's done your yelling won't change a thing now I'm Caroline 28 years old working at a big Bank always wanted to tie the knot but my busy job didn't leave much time for dating so I took a chance and signed up with a matchmaking agency that's where I met Robert a cheerful liery driver a year older than me in my line of work I hardly meet any women meeting Someone Like You Caroline is like hitting the jackpot Robert said blushing I feel the same way it's wonderful to hear you say that I replied would you go out with me with marriage in mind Robert popped the question I said yes and our love story began smoothly we tied the knot 3 years back at first I thought we were a loving I made more money than Robert but he always praised me saying Caroline you're amazing such a career woman but 3 years into our marriage Robert's attitude changed he started with sarcastic Jabs like must be nice earning that big salary and it wasn't just him my once friendly in-laws turned cold they used to be so sweet Caroline working at a major bank is impressive you must have worked hard we're thrilled our son married you they'd say thanks I'm lucky to have Robert i' reply we looking forward to having a great relationship with you my mother-in-law would say with a warm smile at first both my in-laws seemed so supportive looking at us with loving eyes bu issues with mothers-in-law are often talked about I never thought it would concern me but soon enough their true colors showed Caroline you make good money right give us some I want a designer bag it's not a big deal to help us out once in a while my mother-in-law demanded as if it were expected but I just got you a dress for your birthday recently and I don't lend or borrow money even within family I replied they were Furious when I refused how dare you we only agreed to this marriage because you work at a big Bank truth is we can't stand you sick of you always speaking your mind so so clearly my mother-in-law shouted exactly what's the point of a daughter-in-law who won't give us money giving gifts for birthdays is expected we're telling you to hand over cash even after we've asked so many times you still won't give in you're the worst daughter-in-law my father-in-law scolded backing up his wife Robert simply nodded along with his parents harsh words and didn't stand up for me to add to that he often splurged on take out and expensive furniture without consulting me saying you make good money so this should be fine it wouldn't have been a problem if he used his own earnings but his salary couldn't cover it all leaving me to foot the bill with a constant mistreatment from Robert and his parents divorce started seeming like the only way out since we didn't have kids yet I felt the decision wasn't as complicated so I began preparing for the divorce when I brought up the topic to Robert he' avoided it and refused to confront the situation divorce I'm too tired today I'm going to bed he brush it off wait Robert we need to seriously discuss this today I'd insist but he'd ignore me and quickly Retreat to the bedroom persistently avoiding the conversation I got a call from my mom during that time hi Mom what's going on listen carefully it's about your dad according to her a recent checkup revealed that my father was sick and needed urgent hospitalization got it I'll head to the hospital right away I said rushing to prepare as I was getting ready to leave Robert asked where I was going and I explained about my dad's situation but he just replied with a nonchalant H disappointed by Robert's lack of concern especially considering it was about his father-in-law I focused on going to the hospital without paying him any more mind when I got there I joined my mom to hear the doctor's diagnosis turns out my dad had cancer and his time was limited both mom and I were stunned we debated whether to tell him the truth about his condition but knowing he'd want to be fully informed we decided to be honest with him returning home devastated I was met with Robert's insensitive question back from your dad's Hospital huh how bad is it despite my anger at his tone I shared the Grim news about my father his response was callous oh weren't you talking about divorce if you want to stress out your already ailing father with our divorce I'm up for it any time his despicable comment plummeted my feelings for him even lower but I didn't want to burden my father further despite Robert's smug claims about being ready for divorce whenever we discussed it he seemed even more pleased with my workload and a desire to avoid divorce div discussions I focused on being there for my father avoiding the topic of divorce seemed like a victory to Robert worsening his attitude so what about your dad's inheritance how much are we talking about I'm his son-in-law so I should get a share right can't wait Robert asked eagerly that's ridiculous my dad is still alive how can you even bring that up shut up don't raise your voice at me no matter matter how much I objected Robert seemed unaffected his constant speculation about what he might get after my father's passing disgusted me so I started staying at my parents house I told my mom that I'd be staying there for a while since it was closer to the hospital after some time my father passed away after his battle with illness he left this world peacefully as if he were asleep my mom and I cried so much it felt like we'd run out of tears but with funeral arrangements to be made we couldn't dwell in our sorrow I called Robert to inform him about my father's passing and the funeral date although I still wanted a divorce I felt obligated to let him know since we were technically still married so your dad finally passed away H sorry for your loss I don't feel like attending the funeral too much of a hassle he said casually despite my suspicions Robert showed no signs of sadness I had hoped he would at least come to the funeral but it seemed even that was asking too much seeing his indifference I not only lost any remaining feelings for him but began to detest him I regretted marrying a man who concealed such a cruel side do whatever you want I replied surprised by my own coldness why are you so upset oh and I'm curious about the inheritance Robert taunted unable to bear his mocking laughter I cut off and ended the call in the end Robert didn't show up for my father's funeral some called him heartless but I believed it was for the best that he stayed away and didn't tarnish my father's final farewell in truth I felt relieved he didn't attend after the funeral a family meeting was arranged including my mother and me to discuss the inheritance there were talks about who would receive what but since my father had made decisions before his passing everything was settled smoothly feeling like I have finally found some closure I decided to head back home but as soon as Robert saw me he dropped a bombshell hey it's been a while I've decided to use the $1 million you inherited to renovate the family house what I was so taken aback that my voice faltered I hadn't discussed the inheritance situation with Robert how did he know about the $1 million and why was he planning to spend it on home Renovations still reeling from the shock I asked Robert what do you mean I have no idea about any large sum of money with a chuckle Robert responded I had a chat with your mom I may have nudged her a bit hinting that if she didn't Spill the Beans about the inheritance I might consider divorce she quickly spilled everything it turned out that Robert had coerced my mother into revealing details about the inheritance you're despicable threatening my mother like that just to find out that's a low blow I exclaimed my voice Rising without me even realizing it I don't care the renovations are already underway with that million bucks you did what yep lucky me for snagging that cash good thing we still hitched Robert retorted smugly while I was preoccupied with funeral arrangements and other tasks Robert had already arranged for the renovations using the inheritance I was speechless you're obsolete now but I'm feeling generous you have two options move in with my folks or file for divorce Robert smirk was downright repulsive I sighed deeply and replied calmly I choose divorce but I won't regret it Robert laughed dismissively as if I'd regret anything with that he handed me a lawyer's business card from now on we'll handle everything through this lawyer and don't forget to transfer the inherit to my account he added silently I packed my belongings and left even as I walked out the door Robert kept reminding me don't forget about the inheritance when I recounted everything to my mother she seemed taken aback she hadn't realized how strain things were between Robert and me she also apologized for divulging details about the inheritance to Robert it's all right Mom I should have told you everything but Robert threatening you is the worst part I reassured her then asked if I could stay at our family home until I found a new place she readily agreed the following day my phone buzzed incessantly with calls from Robert all of which I ignored eventually Robert showed up at my parents house ringing the doorbell persistently and causing a commotion despite my attempts to ignore him Robert refused to leave and continued to shout loudly outside hey open the door I know you're in there feeling overwhelmed by his aggressive behavior my mother suggested Caroline maybe you should talk to him to prevent any further disturbance for the Neighbors it might not lead to anything productive but if things escalate we'll call the police all right I understand I replied reluctantly with Robert showing no signs of leaving I reluctantly opened the door partially leaving the security chain latched this is getting out of hand Caroline whenever you transfer ering that million dollars I can't afford the renovations without it Robert shouted attempting to shake the door and break the chain remaining calm I responded to Robert it's under consideration confused by my reply Robert looked puzzled and asked what do you mean under consideration I confronted him with the truth saying what I inherited was my father's vacation house it's not in cash so I can't transfer it to you Robert's eyes widened in shock but then I had something that surprised me too how did you manage to secure a million dooll renovation contract usually they wouldn't agree without proof of funds well I have a relative who owns a construction company I mentioned I'd be receiving a million dollars soon so they skipped the usual checks Robert explained looking stunned if that's the case remember when I warned you before we decided to divorce I remind Ed him I did warn you properly you've got to be kidding me I already paid a deposit of $3,000 I planned to pay the rest in installments but now I can't what am I supposed to do Robert panicked continuing to fuss the wife's property is the husband's too right even if it's not in cash hand over that million dooll vacation home we're still married right you've got it all wrong Robert in Inherited property isn't shared it's solely mine not a send Bose to you and just so we're clear we're not a couple anymore we're total strangers I asserted firmly upon hearing this Robert's expression shifted from despair to rage his face turning beat red as he began screaming louder than ever stop playing games I'm calling off the divorce give me the inheritance right now he demanded attempting to grab me through the door Gap when witnessing the altercation my mother swiftly dialed the police Robert withdrew his arm upon hearing her on the phone but then smirked unexpectedly I'm done with you he sneered before fleeing the scene after you left the police arrived while the doorbell camera footage seemed to suggest action would be taken the officers advised me to prioritize my safety and to avoid engaging with Robert in the future regardless of the circumstances they instructed me to keep the doors locked and if necessary pretend I wasn't home 3 days later I received another call from the police regarding the documentation concerning my father's real estate when I returned to my parents house after divorcing Robert I had put the real estate documents in my bag only to discover they had vanished upon being informed that the documents were found I headed to the police station where Robert was unexpectedly present to my shock it turned out that Robert was the Thief who stole the documents as I demanded an explanation exasperated Robert wore a sullen expression and muttered you thought there might be cash in my bag since I inherited a million dollars right so when you went through my stuff you stumbled upon some important looking documents related to The Inheritance and decided to take them Robert explained that he hadn't examined the documents closely at the time it was only after learning from me that the million dollars wasn't in cash cash but a vacation house that he realized the documents he took were the property title of that house later Robert assuming that selling the property title would convert The Inheritance Into Cash took it to a real estate agent accompanied by my in-laws to initiate the selling process however upon my arrival the realtor informed me that since the title was still in my father's name they couldn't proceed with the sale as The Inheritance division discussion had just taken place I was in the process of finding the notary to transfer the title to my name even if the inheritance had been finalized the property would still be under my name making it difficult for Robert to sell it without my consent in frustration I demanded that they purchase the property since it belonged to my father-in-law their response was to call the police on me likely due to Robert's aggressive behavior which raised suspicion among the employees as I stood in shock Robert began making absurd claims to the police officer I was just trying to sell it on her behalf I didn't steal anything I haven't done anything wrong please let me go he pleaded contradicting his earlier admission of taking the documents remaining composed I clarified to the officer that's not true I didn't ask him to sell anything he stole it on his own plus the documents he took were just copies not the originals even if he tried he couldn't have sold them you set me up don't play games with me Robert shouted furiously spitting in anger I responded icily what are you even talking about you stole on your own and now all you do is spout nonsense just face the consequences of your criminal actions frustrated Robert bit his lip and as a result he was arrested for theft with news of Robert's arrest and the loss of the 3,000 deposit broadcasted my in-laws now exposed as the parents of a criminal were compelled to relocate from their town later they seem to hold a grudge against the real estate agency that reported Robert resorting to making harassing calls and spreading rumors the real estate agency understandably outraged filed the lawsuit against them for obstructing business and attempted fraud as they had tried to sell property they didn't own to avoid a court case my in-laws had to pay a significant amount in Damages in their desperation they reached out to me for help Caroline please we used up our savings for the deposit and now we're in debt to pay the settlement my ex-m mother-in-law's voice trembled with urgency but I felt no sympathy why are you asking me for help I'm divorced from Robert and as far as I'm concerned you're strangers to me now I responded firmly she pleaded you're wealthy aren't you can you spare some money we'll pay you back I promise I don't believe that for a second I'm ending this call don't contact me again I replied coldly before hanging up and blocking both their numbers Robert's number had been blocked long ago knowing Robert knew where my parents lived I decided to sell our family home and moved with my mother for safety as for the million dooll vacation house I put it back on the market and it sold without any issues now my mother and I live peacefully cherishing the memories of my father
Channel: Revenge Recall
Views: 34,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit recall, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: _yFulU0VqlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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