My HONEST Thoughts on Star Wars Outlaws

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does anyone even trust Ubisoft to open world games anymore [Music] open World Star Wars game ever which technically isn't true we have Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga which I guess you could call open world even though you're moving between different hubs Star Wars Galaxies was also open world even though there are extensive loading times this I would say is the first seamless open World Star Wars game but can Ubisoft deliver on everything they're promising in this new Gameplay trailer because it looks absolutely ridiculous it's basically GTA in space you can ride bikes you can fly straight into space jump to light speed travel to other planets it's all here you can get a wanted level instead of the place it's literally the Empire that are hunting you down until you ride off on your Speeder bike and then fly away to another planet to get rid of your wanted level hey everyone it's Andrew if ubisoft's massive entertainment get this Star Wars game right and deliver on everything they're saying this is going to be the Star Wars game we've always dreamed of the game we've been wanting for years and years now the reputation system in this game is something that has me really interested as an outlaw Smuggler you'll take on different jobs from different factions in the game and in the Star Wars Galaxy and based on how well those jobs go if you go undetected for example or engage in Blaster fights your reputation will be affected with that specific Clan For example we have the pike Syndicate the huts and I believe another faction in the game and at certain points throughout your playthrough you'll engage with each of these factions and how well your engagements go will affect the relationship with that faction you're also going to be able to make decisions using dialogue in the game which will also affect your reputation and your wanted level for example in this cutscene we see here the player chooses to not ride this Imperial officer therefore warranting a wanted level the forcing the player to escape the planet and fly to another star system space combat in this game looks unreal and it looks like they've taken elements from Star Wars squadrons and from Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter assault it looks like manual rolling is a thing in the game you can actually spin your trick which is a good trick indeed and at any point while you're in space you can Engage The hyperdrive where a countdown will begin you choose the planet you want to travel to and will jump to light speed even though I'd say there's a brief cutscene when getting into your ship and flying up to space it's pretty much seamless you'll watch your ship and be in control to an extent as you fly up through the atmosphere and into space and I'm assuming the same happens when you're flying back down onto the planet this is borderline no man's Sky levels of space to ground combat seamless it seems like that's the game's emphasis they really want to keep you in control and immersed for as long as possible I think Jedi fall in order and Jedi Survivor also do a pretty decent job of this the fact you're able to walk around in the ship as you're jumping to light speed customize your lightsaber whatever it be if this game takes that to another level with you actually being in control of your ship as you fly through space space combat itself also looks like lots of fun you can see here the player has the option to fire Rockets I think this is a blaster and this looks like a repair tool it also looks like they have a shield as well as health I hope a first person perspective from the cockpit is also a gameplay feature we see the inside of the cockpit in all the cutscenes so you wouldn't think it'd be too hard to implement this into the game I want to see exactly where I'm going going now Ubisoft is really pushing the fact that this game is open world has multiple planets but each of those planets is a different biome for example we see a brief gameplay of what I'm pretty sure is Tatooine I'm pretty sure this planet here is also kef beer from the rise of Skywalker one of the most forgettable planets in all of Star Wars history one of the most forgettable film the most forgettable and then the main planet in the game is actually a moon called Tashara this is where the Cantina scene is where we've seen most of the gameplay from the trailer and it looks like this is the most expansive open world in the game kind of like Kobo I guess in Jedi Survivor except it's open world and you have a Speeder bike and can ride around GTA style I wonder if you can steal other cars man can you imagine if you can steal other speeder bikes the other thing as well asking about the open world how open world is it how sandboxy is this game going to be are you able to just shoot civilians in the street you're able to start bar fighting Cantinas start shooting all the NPCs is it RPG as well where if you shoot an NBC they'll stay Dead Forever that's it they're gone I don't think it's going to have that level of creative freedom and real world implications but it looks like you'll have a lot of freedom in the open world to kind of do as you please especially considering this is Ubisoft game kind of like the Assassin's Creed games or I'm referencing Far Cry as well you can kind of do what you want with the NPCs steal their cars the game also has what looks to be quite a developed stealth System including stealth takedowns and also the ability to use your little companion NYX he actually seems a lot more versatile than I initially thought he would be you can use him as a distraction he can attack other enemies but he can also open jaws and get you weapons that are upgrades mixes Blaster also has multiple functions you see here there's the Blaster module which just shoots regular boss a focused one which seems to be like an ion pulse disabling this enemy shield and then also a stun mode I think you'll be able to upgrade this as you play through the game and potentially even unlock other attachments but it also seems like you can pick up enemies dropped weapons and use them against them they'll have limited use but deal a lot more damage than your own Blaster one thing I noticed there's no minimap that displays on screen unless they just have this turned off but you do have a compass at the top of the screen with objectives you can travel to when exploring the open world also interesting that they film this in Ultra wide you guys notice that it has the black bars on top and bottom I thought maybe they just did it to look cinematic but maybe they like a wide monitor who knows I also want to know what happens if you choose to not escape the Empire if this is a truly open World sandbox Style game if you choose to stay and fight the Empire when you have a wanted level will waves of them just keep coming are there levels of wanted levels you can see here as the player has the Wanted Level is tasked with Escaping The Empire and is running to her ship an imperial shuttle is actually Landing in town which is likely going to deploy troops that come after you and once the player travels up into space as they still have a wanted level there are Tie fighters in the surrounding area you can actually take down but also fly after you and will potentially I'm assuming keep coming I wonder if you can hide hopefully you don't just have to jump to light speed to escape these guys but I think you also develop a reputation with the Empire perhaps you can get on their most wanted list perhaps you'll have to hide from the Empire and not go to Imperial locations unless you have a good reputation with them and see here the players also facing an atst at one point no idea how she survives this so that's going to be interesting there are actually some Imperial locations in the trailer you can see it looks like she's hiding in an imperial Hangar here here she's running through a corridor that looks like it's on a Star Destroyer so it looks like she's not going to be avoiding all Imperial entanglements she's a Smuggler after all Han Solo is getting himself in trouble so is she which Speaking of which why is Han Solo in the game frozen in carbonite I know you're going to have to do stuff with the Huts probably going to be spending some time going after Jabra especially if we're going to visit Tatooine but interesting that they're actually showing such a prominent character like Han Solo in the trailer even if he is frozen indefinitely in carbonite having a good sleep in there now I know a lot of people seem to be already complaining about the main character saying she's boring generic seems like her plot line is to just evolve as a person going from being this young girl into being a Smuggler finding herself self-discovery the most overused story in Hollywood in everywhere and even if that's the case I'm still excited to explore the open world to see everything in the game it looks like this has a lot to deliver and it's going to be a Star Wars game like we've never had before especially with the multitude of gameplay features they're promising even the fact it's open world and seems rather seamless I'm honestly surprised it's this far along in development as well I thought they only started working on this a couple years ago it seems to have come a long way now fingers crossed it doesn't get delayed or canceled you know when this trailer started playing as well the first thing I thought of was Star Wars 1313 seeing that Gameplay trailer all the way back in 2012 third person perspective of a character action-adventure Style game and my first thought was please let this thing not get canceled that can't happen I really don't think it will but I am still skeptical until we get hands on with this thing and see more gameplay this is ubisoft's first Star Wars game in a long time I believe they're saying it's the first open World Star Wars game and even though Ubisoft are known for their open world games this studio hasn't really done too much to prove itself just yet ubisoft's massive entertainment are also the ones who've developed the avatar game which is launching later this year along with the division games which were with mixed reviews but I don't know man this is looking pretty good so this trailer also has a lot of details in Easter eggs small secrets you might have missed I'm thinking you're making a video all about those if you want to see them and if you noticed any please let me know in the comments and if you want to stay up to date with this game come follow me on Instagram Twitter Discord and Tick Tock And subscribe a lot more content coming and thanks for watching this my name is Andrew I'll catch you soon
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 125,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Outlaws, Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay, Star Wars Outlaws Trailer, Star Wars Outlaws Game, Star Wars Outlaws Reaction, Star Wars Outlaws Breakdown, Star Wars, Gaming, Outlaws, Outlaws Star Wars, New Star Wars, Star Wars Game, Open World, Open World Star Wars, Open World Star Wars Game, Gameplay, Ubisoft, Ubisoft Star Wars, Massive Entertainment, Lucasfilm Games
Id: kRbJYIz43yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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