My Honest Thoughts of The First Descendant

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guys we're going to be talking about our first impressions today I've got some things that are good and some things that are bad but we'll get into that discussion in just a moment for those that saw we finished last night and we are now on the the ingame track now is this game free it is free but it is stupid in its monetization and I know a lot of times the game will hide behind freet to play and say hey we're free to play we can do what we want to do it's okay cuz the game is free however dude stuff in this game is too damn expensive what the hell not only is it too damn expensive did you know for instance I wanted to test this out I went and bought myself the paint for this piece of armor okay so I go over to customize I hit this in the skin right and then I go over here I'm like I'm going to change I'm going to buy paint right did you know that you buy paint and then you have to buy it again for another piece of armor as in if you buy for I bought clear bright white I purchased it I thought I was going to be able to now take that paint and go apply it to whatever I wanted to apply it that is not the case you then come over here and you have to buy the paint again for another piece of armor brother that's terrible and look don't even give me started on the pricing of things in this game man everything is so expensive and look look look I get it it's a free-to-play game the battle pass is actually price normally that's a normal battle pass price when when you get down into these ultimate descendant packages dude an ultimate bunny is 5,000 5,000 of these what what are these calibers that's $100 that is $100 now granted you can go through the process of earning this stuff in game will it take you a lot of time yes yes it will because if you come over here you're like hey I want to I want to make a descendant all right let me make uh let me make ultimate bunny dude you're going to have to collect the bunny code this Catalyst the stabilizer these enhanced cells now what you need to really take note of of each one of these items is look what each one of these items requires within these items you have all these items required now look I'm all about the grind and that's completely fine and this is a free-to-play game and that's how they get away with it right but what happens is is as you're on this grind right you're like okay I'm going to go get my reptin and my my ceramic and and and whatever else here right suddenly you're going to be like damn I could go spend the next 100 hours getting these items or I could just spend $100 and you know what 100 hours may be worth that for you and you may be completely fine with that grind but here's the other problem once you obtain these items you then have to do the research and that takes 16 hours so you don't even get you don't even get the ultimate Champion the ultimate descendant or any of these descendants immediately you have to wait for the descendant to be crafted whereas if you buy it you you do get it immediately I don't want to get too Carri away with the monetization because it appears that I am in the minority and that this is an appropriate or or or at least the system that is in place that's just the way things are with all of that being said though let's talk about the the core of the game itself is this game actually good or is it going to die like so many have died before I I think there's been a lot of comparisons between what this game is people are like is it Anthem is it out Riders is it Destiny I will say that it's kind of a blend of a lot of different things it doesn't have the flying of Anthem but it's definitely got these these suits and stuff now you don't you don't have armor everything really comes down to your mods right these you know these mods and then you got your your weapons and whatnot that you pick up and you have infusion and then you have Mastery ranks and you know individual levels for your descendant itself Mastery ranks is by far the most important because this carries over think of this as like a count wide or descendant wide level that uh that makes a big difference in your overall lethality but um in terms of what the game is I mean it it is a looter it is a looter you go out in the world you kill things you come back you take those things you upgrade it amp it up you combine it with certain builds and yes I will say one thing that this game really really has going well for it is the variety of descendants here that my strength that are dope that are truly dope I mean the these descendants they they they have clear distinct differences and play styles that I absolutely fall in love with I picked up Kyle and at first I thought he sucked I was like dude Kyle sucks but then after building into his system dude he's such a tank but even like you know your your base your your three basic uh Champions that you start off with like they're very very good um bunny has arguably the best ad clearing capabilities in the game and speed wise she's just so so fast but the descendants truly carry it almost reminds me of like gch and impact in a way cuz people go crazy for the white food and also you know what was the what was the fire husbando that I was grinding for and it was like the first month that genin impact was out everybody was going was it deril or diluk diluk I'm thinking I D I'm sorry this Dil it's been a long time I haven't played gin in years okay um the point is there's going to be that same level of desire for these descendants except it goes further because yes the devs here are dipping into some other other areas cuz it's like yeah it's not just you getting a very good descendant but you can also get outfits like this you see what I'm coming from look when you have stuff like this you don't really have to try hard to sell anything it just sells itself and look I'm not like I this is too much this is too much I'm not saying I don't appreciate this but in the middle of a of a heated gunfight I can't have this much shaking in front of me I I that's why I'm just like dude just give me one of the guys just give me one of the guys that's too much dude that that stuff is going to sell that stuff is going to print and it is it is currently printing right now and so you're going to have this huge desire for these different descendants because the descendants are are you know all of them are very very potent and you can earn them in game but of course once you get that super dope descendant you may have a fully kiding out Ajax but you're like dude my Ajax it may be better than this guy's Ajax but does he look as good as this Ajax though no and so you're going to go over here and you're probably going to buy this Ajax suit and I I will M man I mean it looks really good now the games Campaign which is what you're going to spend the first 20 hours maybe 25 hours in I'm just going to say fellas it is brutal and by brutal I mean not fun I as a slog a repetitive it reminds me actually of like take the most basic mrpg out there and you remember like the mission designs of like some some MPGs you've played where it's just like hey go kill 10 of these enemies go kill 25 of these enemies pick up these three items that they may drop the same Mission structure pretty much existed in this campaign for arguably 80% of the campaign now there was a point in the campaign where the mission structure and the biomes really started to change and obviously that's like way further in the game and I appreciated that I was like wow this this is breaking things up the voice acting at one point yes there was a lot of cringe voice acting at least on the English side the Dub Side with my strength I will pull everything towards me even the final victory god dude can I make sure this guy doesn't fuing talk there was one point where Eugen and all them were talking and I was actually getting pulled in I was like wow this this delivery here is actually really good but for the most part you are going to be doing the same activity start to finish in various different areas but and there is some some biome changes there so that does mix things up but it is it is the exact same stuff I have no problem doing the same stuff over and over until you say hey do it for 20 hours to get through this campaign that's where I'm like oh my God like I'm not saying I would pay for it because I don't I don't like campaign skips but in this case I would I would be like dude can can I just cut this can I just cut this in half I would say the campaign experience here by no means is AAA quality the the the audio Mix Design terrible dude that the noise is so loud the audio was messed up during the beta by the way uh but the audio Mix Design throughout the campaign is a buggy mess you'll have many times people will get cut off mid sentence when you don't even press skip you'll have music Still blaring when like after you've already beaten the boss and you're just trying to listen to the dialogue uh even the audio mix for your bullet sounds are really really loud and I know people are like but there's a there's a there's a bar there's an audio bar there you can move back that has no effect on at least here on PC has no effect at all on bullet noises and and it's just so so loud and unfortunately I had to turn off like I had to bring sfx down really really low which hurts me everywhere else cuz I actually want to hear all the other things but my gun noise is just so loud that's the only thing that would tone it down again I just this all just kind of points back to what the campaign experience is the campaign experience is 20 hours of onboarding you to what you're going to be doing for your rest of your time here in the first descendant which is going to be you running those same campaign missions on harder difficulty which I'm actually okay with because you know I like I like challenge I like things that stress test my builds is going to is essentially is there to on board you for the missions that you will be running uh later down the road one thing I will give this game credit for they literally voice acted everything I mean I was surprised by that because I I definitely don't believe this this is like some huge AAA quality campaign experience but I got to give them credit they they did they voice acted literally everything from start to finish and sometimes too much like I I can't believe I'm saying that sometimes though I felt like there was too much dialogue I'd be in the middle of my mission and like there's a whole damn book being read to me I will be almost done with the mission and that's dialogue that started at the beginning of the mission would still be going on again I'm happy that they they voiced everything but it's a lot as far as the world goes guys again these are the different zones they're all they're all fairly good size um you know when you land you've got other descendants running around doing things I would say that the end game is going to be you running missions in these various zones uh on harde which going to be a lot more challenging and then really the big big end game is going to be you doing these these void intercept battles on hard so and and they are difficult uh I tried doing executioner last night we got slapped around we didn't we weren't cuz not only do you have to survive and not die because you only have so many deaths allowed but you have to kill that boss within a certain amount of time these are very very challenging for sure and you got to have good good kits good builds and a good squad because there are some mechanical differences here but I really I think this is the Highlight for me of the game is these fights here with the coloss side and it's come a long way cuz I remember back in 2022 when we first played the game the thing that we tested was the colossi fights and dude they were just so janky man everything about it and that came to like a core gameplay issue as well but everything was just so Jank but the fights themselves just weren't fun and that's when like you know the devs pulled things back and cooked it for another you know what was that year and a half 2 years but that's essentially the end game is hey you're going to go in these areas you're going to you're going to change the road difficulty to to hard and you're going to go do various missions and the good thing is is that you can Target loots I think just about everything in this game you could Target loot just about everything in the game you see the different items that are dropping from all of these if you're trying to get a certain you know set of items ingredients to to craft a certain item you can do so but it seems like everything in this game is able to be Target looted so that that is a good thing and as far as like Rarity goes you know you have your common drops and then you get into your rare drops here uh with these purples and then you have the ultimate drops and then above that which is like the rarest in the game I have not gotten it's called Transcendent drops and those are the rarest of the rare but the good thing is like for instance I just crafted these these two ultimates I can Infuse these items up and I can bring them to my highest level which all the weapons here caps out at level 100 and really the end game after that is going to be hey taking items kiding them out with the the best mods possible and then after kitting them out with the best mods possible upgrading those mods and your descendant yourself you don't have armor that you swap out you have these mods that you swap in and out upgrading these Mods make a big difference in your lethality and that's going to be the end game guys and it's going to be these little micro movements in your builds that will make you you know exponentially stronger and stronger and but you're going to have to be that strong if you want to go tackle you know void intercepts on the difficulty that it wants you to tackle it on which is essentially Hardman this game's going to be joining Anthem soon but the way things like leave off you know there's a lot of set up for ingame they've got a road map they've got Mega dungeons coming they've got dungeons coming I mean they they've got things there are we going to see raid level content here no are the I mean maybe maybe I but I haven't seen I haven't seen anything that's showing like a what a potential big raid ever coming into this game does this game have crazy mechanics in its boss fights no you know I think hangman was the hangman was the only one that was challenging enough where it was like okay we got to think a bit but no none nothing nothing's overly challenging there I definitely would not put this game on Destiny's level in any shape or form but this is also a new game if a ray like salvation's Edge was to drop on Destiny 1 week one no one would have been able to beat that damn thing hell hardly anyone was able to beat Vault of Glass if I was next on if I was the devs I would fool send and if I had a raid or anything like that cooking in the background I would drop it I wouldn't be like hey I'm going to stretch this out to December that we have something there for you know the next season or whenever I would drop it now because had Vault of Glass not dropped for Destiny one destiny would it would have died for me I was already getting bored at the game I was like all right like I've done everything I did the campaign I'm as lost as you are and I just happened to be messing around on Venus one day and I saw a fire team trying to open up this gate trying to open up this doorway and I helped him out and boom I found myself in the vault class raid and that changed everything for me so far guys I I will say I think it's a beautiful game it's fun to play I've enjoyed it I hate the monetization I know it's a reality of free-to-play games but I still hate it as I sit here standing in my sexy ass armor but I do hate it the campaign is extremely long with repetitive activities with that being said if the gameplay itself wasn't fun I wouldn't have made it 5 hours into the camp campign the game play is fun and Bill crafting this game is also very very fun I like the variety of ultimate weapons that are present I'm excited to get some of the transcendant weapons as well I like the the upgrading process of our different modules also like the master rank system I think this game has you know a good core actually genuinely good stuff at the same time I think Mega dungeons being 6 months out is way way too long way too far away and I think that Nexon needs to go ahead and move right now and drop some super in-game PVE stuff here in now and that will be the the the activity that everyone's going to be building toward hopefully Mega dungeon is going to be that challenging activity with it being 6 months out but the sooner the better slap that like button like your mama told you right [Music]
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 368,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, nexus, nexus the first descendant, the first descendant, the first descendant review, the first descendant playthrough, lepic, ajax, viessa, jayber, sharen, gley, blair, bunny, freyna, valby, kyle, ultimate lepic, ultimate viessa, best first descendant weapon, the first descendant guide, guide, best first descendant character, nexus games, the first descendant bunny, aztecross the first descendant, destiny 2 aztecross
Id: DQ9Bdc-NRyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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