[MY HARDEST DEMON] BLOODBATH // Riot // [H3LL DEMON] | Geometry Dash

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don't [Music] [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] [Music] way 44 oh damn I got 44 [Music] there ain't no way I just did that bro I got 82 I [Music] got no [Music] [Music] okay be quick [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] all e [Music] what what what what what what what what what what I beat it I beat it I beat it I I beat it I beat it I beat it what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what he beat what he beat what he beat it he beat it I beat it oh my God meing oh my God I beat it I beat it you actually beat it oh my God bro holy en dude don't don't don't I'm going to I need to take I need a second also oh my bro how did I not die I know I'm going to I've been doing this for almost s months oh wait I got to make a guys I got to make a comment hold on someone actually said GG tricks I was like thank you bro somebody commented on L saying GG tricks thank you man thank you so much all right what what I know Caleb stop spamming hold on Caleb I'm going to get shut up Caleb all right I'm you know what I'm timing Caleb out I'm timing you out Caleb stop it one minute stop spamming mom I beat it I heard mom I beat it congratulations very you beat it I love you Mom I love you too um okay wait I did beat yeah I did beat it choco milk yeah you just missed it I you just missed me beating it who missed you beating it oh my gosh thank you guys so much for the nice comments thank you guys GG tricks it's me King by the way hey King all right I got I got looks like video you've been doing oh my gosh guys thank thank you guys for the comments all right I got to make a comment bro when you got P that straight play I was so nervous holy crap how did I not die at the triple Spike all right the triple spike is free that's I know hey hey when you get free now shut the [ __ ] listen if that were me I would screamed my head off I would have jumped out of my chair and I would have sat in a corner I would have been like I can't put my comment man good no hey hey uh Mr Mr uh Twisted what why is the start in sonic wave unlimited harder than sonic wave oh let me say it all right that's my comment all right it says 7 months and over 100,000 tips go and die just hello everyone um we're going to be doing a Q&A in a little bit but um want to give a shout out to Galu for beating blood bath and um and if you didn't know um we were racing to beat it and he actually uh won the race so go support him in the comments and yeah um let's get on to the Q&A I guess am I your favorite mod um [Music] well um uh all right you know I'm just going to answer this for real um yeah um uh all of my mods are my favorite mods so yeah you are my favorite mod [Music] unfortunately what is my end goal in this game oh um that's a good question uh let's see um become rich and famous from getting so many views from making YouTube shorts and being just like my idol k no no no I'm messing around I actually um my end goal is probably to beat an extreme in the top 10 at the very least I don't know maybe I really want to beat something in the top 10 where where it is or I really want to beat like something that I really like yeah I don't know what is my favorite main level um it's either electrodynamics or uh electrodynamics blast processing or probably Dash it may be electrodynamics I really like the gameplay of electrodynamics and I'm probably going to get so many angry comments from 5-year-olds about how um you know electrodynamics is so bad but it in theory it actually is good you just need to try it for yourself technically what do I plan to jump to after I do blood bath and if I will do something in the top 10 um after blood bath it's probably going to be blust or slaughter house I have no idea one of those two I want to do blood lust but I really want to do slaughterhouse too probably going to be bloodlust but I really Pro I probably don't want to learn a level like that I don't know but yeah I probably will do either of those but but yeah I'm going to do something after boy bath definitely definitely it's going to be harder than boy bath for [Music] sure hello everyone I want to give a quick shout out before I go um shout out goes to track Galu Caleb king everything Blaze 2022 Galaxy RI I don't have much time right now to read all of these so you can read all of them but I love you guys take you so much for the support in the streams like this has been such an insane support I absolutely love you guys this level made my streams like do really well I'm like really glad for every single one of you thank you all and goodbye because what's next to come is going to be an incredible journey to witness [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Triqz25
Views: 20,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #geometrydash
Id: eclLq7rGftw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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