My Google Interview Experience | Campaign Manager Interview Questions | Google Hiring process

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so today we are going to talk about my experience with an interview at google question and answers what was the process and everything related to it so let's get into the video so many of my friends and family members constantly ask me this question that how was the interview process at google and how did i manage to get the interview so i'm in today's video gonna break down the complete process all the five stages of the interview what the questions were asked and how it all went through and the complete timeline so i applied at two places one was at i'll link it down below and the second thing i did was i just emailed the recruiter saying that hey this is my resume i'm an engineer i also have a background in marketing so please take a look at the resume and let me know what you think i was not sure if they're gonna actually see my resume because a recruiter at google gets thousands of emails every day but in the next seven days i got a email from google saying that hey are you available for a small call i was surprised i didn't even expect that so the first round was like a general hr round um the interview or the recruiter was from singapore she called me we had like a 15 minutes normal chat she asked me like basic questions so this role that i was being recruited for was either in singapore or either in india so she asked me a couple of questions that hey if you like you would you be able to move to singapore do you have any problems with that any family issues so like basic questions she also asked me a couple of background questions the questions were not related to any technical or any educational background she was not concerned about that her questions were more like um talk to me about the leadership qualities that you have or talk to me about your problem solving abilities just very simple questions like that uh she said that she's gonna talk with the hiring manager forward my resume to her if she likes me then i'll go for the second interview so the second round of interview was with the technical person she was kind of a team lead for that department so she gave me uh two questions to solve one was like um some analytical questions based on maths and the second one was more like hey there was there is this uh cosmetic industry who has a store in bombay and they want to open a store in delhi so how are you gonna drive online traffic to this new store so that was the second question the first question was pretty much like hey if the distance from place a to place b is this much and the speed is this much if you don't look more like analytical question um where you calculate like speed and stuff like that uh and that was the first round on that day and the second interview i had with her and one other manager it was they were like pretty cool the second manager was like really cool uh so she asked me questions more like um what was your background um why do you want to work with google my answer was like because it's google and after that first round on that day i had a second round where um there were like two people interviewing me uh they were like pretty cool they asked me about general questions what was your background so you are an engineer why did you decide to do digital marketing um what inspires you to work at google some some special questions like that i was so curious that why i was selected for that interview it was a campaign manager slash account manager role and i was like without any background why was i selected for that role and i asked them that question so they are like sam because even though you are like a computer science you even though you have a computer science background there are so many things on your resume that makes you like a team player so after these two rounds i was extremely curious to know that why did they pick my resume and why did they decide to interview me i was extremely curious and the reply from the hiring manager was sam uh we do not care what education background you have we just saw some extra stuff on your resume that made you a team player so there was stuff like i was part of a debate i was part of a dance group there were like couple of competitions that had that i had won uh in presentations education competition debate competition i was also in sports i was a skating champion so they said that apart from being you know like a topper in the college uh literally that doesn't matter to us we want someone who has um abilities to be a good team player or who can grow in a leadership quality or a leadership role so after a couple of days i got an email from them saying that hey sam congratulations you have cleared round two and now we are gonna move to round three round three is more gonna be like a technical round uh everything we gonna ask you in this round is related to digital marketing and campaign optimization role they also sent me a bunch of study material it had like links uh to youtube videos uh some pdf documents some extra links to like cabin optimization role interview experiences uh it also talked about the process that i'm currently explaining you right now in this third round uh uh there was a technical manager who asked me questions like very very she she was like very very smart and she asked me questions like sam what do you think an ad rank is what is the difference between cpc and cpm what is a quality score how do you calculate a quality score if we give you a budget of five grand how are you gonna spend that you have never been to a country like say canada or uh say africa how are you gonna how how do you know or how are you gonna determine what the behavioral characteristics of people there are and how are you gonna drive traffic to a particular website or a particular store how are you gonna do that uh say we give you a team of five people to manage how are you gonna manage that how good are you at project management she hammered me hammered me with like a lot of questions it was a very quick interview like a 20 minutes interview but she kept asking me questions one after another and that was like super fast so that was my third round one of the questions i remember that she asked me was um what are the three industries that google should invest in right now and that was i was like so conscious at that time that i said that google should invest in artificial intelligence uh google should invest in like self-driving cars i i don't know what the third one i said was uh but i remember saying self-driving cars at that time um which was i believe pretty interesting so after the third round i believe there were two more rounds that i had to uh go through the fourth round was supposed to be with the team um who would like just ask me questions or like i don't know it was like a group chat or general discussion type of round and the fifth one was the final round where you risk a salary and stuff i was not able to go through the fourth and fifth round because during that time i was also dealing with my u.s visa so i'd applied for my l1 visa and i got it and i was super excited to go to us so i had to unfortunately tell the recruiter that i cannot go through the process anymore because i'm moving to u.s and when you are in us when you are working on an l1 visa you cannot work with any other company so unfortunately i had to say no to google and then i moved to us and that's a complete different story some of the things that i would like to mention about the google's interview process was uh they make sure that you are pretty comfortable um there is no formality everything is like pretty chilled out pretty cool um i in my current job work with google all the time i work with three of their teams one team in downtown toronto another one in ann arbor michigan and the one in india and the people there are pretty cool uh i would have loved to work at google at that time but unfortunately i chose to go to us which turned out pretty good i don't complain i don't want to complain um but yeah it was a pretty good experience also i would like to say that this was my interview experience some of my friends who had gave interview at google they had different experience so do not judge um google's policy or google's process just based on this one video uh do your own research sometimes they ask you questions based on situations like they'll give you a situation hey this is the situation or say your boss is lying to you what will you do in that condition or your one of your one of one of my friends got asked this question that hey there's a team of five members and only one person is doing the job and the four people are not doing anything so uh what will you do in that situation or there's a team and there's only one person who takes the whole credit and the other four people don't get any credit what will you do in that situation so more like judging your personality how you are how open-minded you are are you a good human being what qualities you are are you more emotional are you more analytical they test all these things also uh i believe the fourth round is because they the whole team wants to see if you are a good fit in that current team which i think is a very very uh good process and uh that's how it is right now if you want to know more about the interview process i believe google has a channel of its own where the recruiters talk about uh what the interview process is how it is changed um they also have a video which talks about how it is changed because of this pandemic so check that video out also the interview processes for all the different roles are different obviously uh but some of them some of the rounds like the first two rounds are extremely similar so you can get like a lot of answers on glassdoor as well so check that out apart from this if you have any other questions or if i did not cover anything in this current video let me know and i'll try to answer all your questions also follow me on instagram you can dm me there ask me questions and i'll try to answer as much as i can till then stay safe
Channel: Sam B
Views: 2,832
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: google interview, interview at google, interview tips for google, google job interview, google interview preparation, google interview process, google interview tips, google interview experience, google interview questions, google interview preparation guide, digital marketing interview, digital marketing interview questions, digital marketing interview tips, interview tips for marketing and sales, google, life at google, google jobs, working at google, marketing job interview
Id: Hip_LanwbWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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