My Goat POOPED In A Shredder! in Goat Simulator 3

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welcome back to Goat Simulator 3 we're on the hunt for the missing gear step out of the way puny humans and I've come for the gear here have some goats there you go I can spawn goats using this creepy helmet thing all right there we go how many can we get oh my God we can get loads of goats we can have so many it's just raining goats get out of the way hey what have we got here it is a Sailors Camp okay can we do something cool with this Lane we can't do anything with it this thing sucks so at the moment I am giraffasaurus you can see I'm quite beautiful I have a wrinkly face and a super long tongue okay let's change my hat the golden poop that's what we're after does the giraffe have bigger poops no it really doesn't they look super tiny I thought they'd be massive okay that's what I'm talking about that is one realistic looking animal it actually has two tongues all right let's go so we're looking for the final back piece in this video you guys said in order to get it I have to find all of the jumps okay there's not too many of these things all right first thing we have to do is get ourselves a car thank you very much oh yeah dolphin giraffe is on a mission to do some sick jumps okay looks like there's one down there awesome oh yeah buddy yeah nice Daredevil blanket I got myself a back thing as well got a new costume you guys Cindy jumps around here oh my God look at those legs they look so creepy let's just switch over to the hat that allows me to wear anything as a hat how do we do this okay we'll lick an object oh oh that's how we do it wow I've got my very own umbrella okay I'll lick a barbecue oh I can Chuck that on there as well oh my God you can just keep stacking these things on top of the giraffe's head you can make a tower out of it we're gonna go to the Moon oh my God oh my gosh it's a tornado don't lose all my stuff am I right come on giraffe get back up again don't quit on me now hey there we go 25 items on my head fantastic let's see if we can still drive a car give me that cop car oh yeah awesome okay let's have a good look at how big this hat is oh my God that is the biggest hat I have ever seen there's so many objects attached to his Noggin all right there's a jump over here oh yeah nice oh right into the water I wonder if there's something I was supposed to do with this golden donut it kind of looks like there is can I flip through it no I just broke my goat oh my God all right let's get in there we've got the golden poops let's just poop on the donut that way no one will want to eat it ever yeah you guys work out come on do some exercise all right let's lick this thing it's a croissant actually it's not a donut hey I just got an unlock or an achievement I love donuts so much I want everyone to dress up as a donut oh my God this green group everywhere it's the attack of the Flubber do you guys want to just like maybe quit that hey I just noticed my donut is no longer gold all right let's just go ahead and put that on there awesome and then maybe a Homer Simpson head let's Chuck that on here as well all right there we go now everyone's dressed as Donuts look at that you know it's a donut cosplay convention thingy awesome I can't see what's going on this is far too many donuts so it turns out these jumps are the hardest thing in the world to find is that that's not even a jump are you serious I think I found one here we go oh yeah sick jump two out of two construction site ramps oh God into the ocean again I keep totaling my cars I need to get some disposable ones I like maybe a boat or something would be a good idea hey what are you guys up to my bizarre addiction what's this guy's addiction I love goats okay so are they really do look at this there's like pictures of goats on the wall there's a goat head there what's that about are you just filming goats dude that's super weird ghosts are my life oh yes nice I just got a goat mask I'm a goat and I'm wearing a goat mask that does not make sense that's fine I guess humans wear human masks too right oh another ramp right here right next to this bomb site yes sick jump dude run the ocean hey there lady how's it going you caught anything good here you go let me help you out I'll just go ahead and get on the end of this line you can reel me in come on oh they just died they died out of shock get back in the water where you belong I think this is the last one for the suburbs oh yeah it is we're actually doing pretty well these aren't too hard to find oh my God there's still so many okay this one might be a little bit too big to jump oh my God get out of the way truck all right here we go gotta take this one all the way down here just Bunch the people out of the way oh my God I hit the construction guy no no oh my god oh I hate that guy ah that sucks I fell off the dam as soon as you hit that guy with a jackhammer it's like hitting a brick wall and then it just starts flying around everywhere oh my God look at him just flying around all over the place okay let's see if I can make it down here without him like knocking me over maybe if I stand on this side I'll be okay all right almost got me let's go let's do the jump run over a bunch of humans while we're at it yeah yeah sick jump in the truck let's jump right in the middle of the forest yes alrighty let's see if we can ah right into a tree who put that tree there stupid Forest yes and where are we Landing oh we actually cleared no we didn't clear the river I haven't seen my hobo body in a while but apparently he's hiding one of the headgears inside his portal let's go inside alrighty champ where are you hiding this thing I think I need some wings let's just go with the pixie wings they work they all work the same okay don't judge me okay where is this headgear I'm missing maybe it's over that way all right we'll head over here to the right oh this isn't it this is how we get back oh no maybe it's like all the way to the top Yeah here it is cool unicorn are we a unicorn now yeah does it do anything I don't think so I think it's all for sure hey hobo Dave I don't know if his name's Dave I'm gonna call him Dave anyway all right just gonna get the palm of his hand hopefully he doesn't crush me thanks always a play hobo the gray that's his name oh the Unicorn thing does nothing looks cool though I've got one more to get scuba gear I don't know where I get that one after much grinding away I think I've done all of the jumps except for one and I think I know where it is I think it's just down this way gonna give some people some energy drinks just to pep everyone up all right we're gonna go up this weird little Trail here I found it and then I thought hey I don't even have a car but now I do so let's try this get out of the way you stupid tires yes we did it and I got a daredevil achievement ah fantastic and I got the crush a human what a good day okay so what does this thing do let's go ahead and remove the poop for a second there hold F to spawn a ride whoa dude the car like Zips around on the track of my back I got a bike that's so disappointing what is that where'd that car go oh dude that's amazing trucks and bikes hey this one's pretty good pink car so in the last video we finally got the golden poop hat and today I had a bit of an idea oh my God the green group The Green group is attacking again I had an idea to try pooping into the shredding machine so let's go ahead hey what's the dead old thing do oh what's this do oh it just makes explosions okay that's pretty awesome yeah we're doing it we're pooping in the machine all right we just got a backyard butt up to this thing come on just back it up not missed come on oh no oh no I got shot into the machine okay maybe I need to be bigger for this to work pretty well all right let's go let's just get a little bit bigger is it the bigger we are the bigger we poop no now we've got teeny poops we could probably do it right into the machine oh yeah okay there we go just lots of poops are they coming out big are they big poops I mean I think I need to lick them only I don't really want to lick them oh yeah look at that pooping right into the shredder everyone's getting super mad at me come on lick it you can't I don't think you can lick these I mean you probably wouldn't want to come on gotta make these things big I've placed a very crafty trampoline right here to see if we can get the poop to bounce off the trampoline that's the plane and then maybe it will bounce back into the machine and then we'll get super big poop there we go you poop into there the poop flies out it hits the trampoline and I think it hit one of the chickens oh my God all I want in this world is giant poops is there too much to ask for all right guys if you know a way to make some giant poop let me know in the comments I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 312,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Goat Simulator 3, new goat simulator, goat sim 2, goat simulator 2, goat sim 3, goat sim 3 release date, download goat simulator 3, goat simulator 3 skins, goat simulator 3 workshop, funny sandbox game
Id: P5f98a7pYOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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