CHICKEN Monster Eats POOP And Other Weird Things - in Goat Simulator 3

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it is I the holy man and I'm here to bestow my blessings upon the people just lots and lots and lots of blessings how's it going there ma'am would you like to receive a blessing in your Ramen there we go just let me let me line this thing up there we go okay so it's right off the bench there so it's not quite in the ramen you might want to pick those up just gonna bless this Lake while I'm here there we go just turning this Lake into holy water see if I can make this a holy Gardener is that is that working it's not quite working stop spinning around like that oh my God I bless this trash ah there we go it's probably where it should go anyway did someone order sausage on this pizza there we go extra sausage so I got a bunch of comments from people telling me to get the chicken to eat things so we're gonna be getting the chicken to eat a lot of things in this video some weird stuff like cars and things here we go we got a golden car let's go find that chicken uh get in the car so I wanted to find out what would happen if the chicken ate the car while we were actually in the car oh my God where's this chicken we need to find the chicken okay here he is down here just run over a couple of people sorry about that okay drive the car just around to here look at our people I've got to put a car in this bowl somehow there we go all right is that is that in the bowl I'm pretty sure that's in the bowl cool all right now we need to hit the Bell and get back into the car really quickly oh yeah there we go okay come on eat me oh I popped out of it okay so you can't stay in the car while the chicken eats it all right I'm just gonna stand on this egg we've gotta hatch the egg gotta incubate it I'm just gonna give it a few blessings as well there we go just sliding right down the side down that's gross come on uh is this thing gonna hatch whoa oh my God there's so many cars there's like four of them five infinite car hacks is going on here all right let's go we're giving ourselves a new car awesome there's a person over here Dan dancing by the fridge why are you doing this I'm good at the soda and dancing okay two of us can do that loads of fun oh so it's weird when I do it all of a sudden I'm the crazy person uh this police person just managed to handcuff themselves how did you do that that was super impressive do it again do dude oh you missed oh you messed up oh don't don't I really need to go Jesus stop it ah it went everywhere the poop is all over the place all right get me up this building come on I'm gonna climb the building okay the next thing I want to see what a chicken can eat is a police officer I just need to drag this police officer all the way back over to the chicken it's kind of a bit of a trick I think I don't even know where the chicken is hey yeah any of you guys seen like a 50-foot chicken somewhere a guy's on fire just because of my flaming police officer hey you guys want some Fireballs the police officer keeps setting me on fire it's perfect look at this another Fireball hey what'd my cop go wait come back oh no oh no oh explosive cars oh it's okay all right let's put the Flaming police officer no just set that Farmer on fire as well okay you sit there no you get back in here wait get back in the bowl you're going to be eaten mmm tasty tasty police officer there we go eat him up get him okay yes yes he ain't the police officer okay out comes the egg now we need to stand on the egg we have to squat on the egg like this a couple of blessings nice and we just wait for the egg to hatch and find out what I fell off get back on that egg okay I'm back on the egg come on Hatch yeah look at that how many police officers did we get I think we got five here we go all right we can multiply cars we can multiply police officers I wonder if we could do explosives there's got to be something that can explode around here uh you guys got any bombs maybe some TNT oh a talent show check out this move I'm T posing I bet none of you guys can do this one or this oh my God second place ow ah yes explosives right here oh no oh no that activates it I don't want to do that how am I supposed to get it without setting it off okay uh oh no I just have to kick this thing all the way back to the chicken if I punch it or lick it it just goes off I really hope I'm going the right way I just kicked it backwards no okay you just need to kick this thing into the bowl oh it almost got in there so close just a gentle nudge I wonder if that counts let's train come on chicken eat the explosives do it I didn't eat it oh this is so hard it's like that time I put a house in there oh oh it took me 10 minutes all right here we go oh you serious dude are you serious he won't eat it why not okay what about now come on come on come on eat the explosives oh my God all right I have another idea there you go ah just eat me instead no come on eat the Flaming person oh there we go I've gotten eaten now I'm in the egg can I just roll oh you can actually roll around as the egg I didn't know that was a thing how long can you last as an egg for maybe you don't want to crack it I've got no idea okay looks like I'm an egg now egg life man what if I can run over no you just kind of get whacked around can we drive a car as an egg I don't think you can do anything as an egg what's going on in here it's like electricity and stuff I wonder if we can go in the portal all right I'm going in come on get in there egg oh you can't get in there all right guess we have to bust free all right I'm gonna hatch myself out so that I can go inside the tunnel and see if we can find Pennywise all right down in the sewers mmm smells great down here just gonna drop a couple of friends off at the pool there we go I can't climb up into the oh my God all right I need to collapse oh that's weird oh no oh no what have I done better switch back to Goat mode oh no I've clipped through the pipe whoa I'm back here okay I'm back as a goat this guy is in here I need to get this guy hey champ that guy's so creepy all right we just gotta lick him oh there's people floating up there okay and I'm gonna see if I can take him back out into the regular one come on Mr clown man all right come on back out the tube where is he do we still have him gone so I've had a few comments from people asking me to try making myself really big to the point where the whale can't eat me yep too big for the sea monster let's see if we can do it all right I'm already starting to get pretty big we're gonna be one tall dude by the time we're done yeah look at that look how big I am compared to the other humans keep jumping in this thing looks like a Giant Shredder but apparently it I don't know it makes it huge somehow it's probably just full of wizards or something just some trailer park Wizards making me huge oh no I just made myself small oh that's bad alrighty guys I am so big I can't even see myself anymore I'm just fate okay I need to whale how do we do this let me just run down the road I'm running so slowly can we like grind or something come on grind it'll be quicker okay maybe swimming will be quicker it's gonna get in the water am I swimming right now is that oh yeah that's so big I'm swimming though I think it's quicker yeah that's it buddy you're swimming through the air he's doing such a good job okay maybe I can steal a car someone give me their car am I did I just climb something oh there we go oh this is much better the car appears to be stuck in my bum all right let's go let's find the Swale oh my God I'm so big I can't see what's going on ah crashed this is crashed all right gotta get out of that car we ruined that one just a pair of glittery legs all right got another one you have to jam that van right in there let's go Champs gotta you've gotta find this thing whoa yeah speed boost I think the safest way is just to go through the suburbs I hit something oh no I'm stuck oh something bad happened oh no I'm back here what it just exploded in on myself okay absolutely huge again let's try not to crash and let's go ahead and see if we can get eaten by the sea monster even though we're massive is it even possible we're about to find out let's go we've got to go down this way oh oh okay get out of the car make my way over there to the the thing in the what do they call a boy let's go all right yeah yeah oh don't get fished up by any of the people oh I just did he just fished me up could you not do that I've just I just turned into a planet like a sparkly Planet oh here he comes he actually I'm inside the whale how am I even fitting in here I'm not I can't move I'm way too big no um okay that's a problem okay I've become scarecrow man and now I'm back out here I still have an instinct there to play catch with someone I don't know how to do that if you need to play catch with someone let me know in the comments I haven't really seen like a baseball like any kind of small ball to throw at someone maybe I could just play catch with a random object hey catch catch this box that didn't work they just fell straight into the ocean okay let's go in see if we can find the alien egg and get the chicken to eat that thing I like the Scarecrow he's pretty awesome okay alien egg thing is around here somewhere I think it's hiding in one of these shipper containers yeah yeah there it is okay gotta grab this one uh nope that's the heat lamp grab the alien egg thank you unidentified object and we need to take this thing all the way back to the chicken and get him to munch on it okay probably want to get some kind of jet pack to get that there a little bit quicker here we go got the jet pack we've got the egg oh no scarecrow doesn't jetpack at all he's probably the worst for jet packing okay who's better than the scarecrow for jet packing probably a bombana or whatever he's called where'd my egg go where is it oh there it is give me this thing all right let's go dudes all right head back this way ow right off the Rocks see how direct the banana is a jet packing is so good oh it were bruised banana oh banana Factory it's where I was born all right Miss chicken got you an alien egg let's go ahead and feed this guy come on hopefully he eats this thing because he wouldn't eat the explosive I was pretty bummed about that all right just Chuck this thing right in there there you go oh that's in there good all right ring the bell come on come on he ate it actually ate the chicken egg I mean the the alien egg all right now we need to sit on the alien egg chicken egg fall off oh come on that's it hatch it real good what can we do we can uh we can break dance on the egg all right let's do that yeah nice whoa they hatched hatched so many of these things there's like eight of them whoa that's cool okay ring the bell he's so mad look at them all oh you kick them and if you kick them all the the eggs come out and turn everything sludgy and green like Flubber oh that is really cool man okay I'm gonna try and poop in the uh in the bowl let's see if we can do this right in there get a couple of them ring the bell come on eat the poop did you eat it it's still there hang on put like a bunch more in there there we go just like a pile of poop no I'm hitting getting hit by the green stuff stop it man that's annoying uh just gonna stand over here for a minute stay away from the green sludgy crap all right chicken bowl full poop oh it's disappearing it's evaporating in the Sun come on there we go all right come on chicken eat the poop do it do it oh you won't eat the poop but if there's anything else you want to see me try and feed to the chicken let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 562,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Goat Simulator 3, new goat simulator, goat sim 2, goat simulator 2, goat sim 3, goat sim 3 release date, download goat simulator 3, goat simulator 3 skins, goat simulator 3 workshop, funny sandbox game
Id: IsRuFs5KVwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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