My Girlfriend Of 2 Years Cheated & I Found Out When She Was Engaged

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my girlfriend of two years cheated and i didn't find out till she was engaged three months later but i got the last laugh i met my ex when we were both attending college i was 24 and she was 22. i had never really dated much before her i had just gotten out of a toxic year-long relationship that didn't work but we were amicable the other girl was seriously depressed i loved her but she was so overwhelmingly depressed i couldn't do anything i consider myself an empath and her depression would seep into me so i broke it off my ex was the one that sort of approached me as we were both living in the same apartment complex i had gone out of my way to help her a few times but she asked for a ride and that was what sparked the friendship then relationship i would spend hours with her whether she was at home or closing at the sandwich store she worked at she was taking time off from school due to depression and a failed engagement from a year or so ago we partially bonded over her story about who she had been betrayed and cheated on by her ex though i now question how much of the story was true we became inseparable she introduced me to her parents only after two months of friends with benefits after a few months i wanted her to become my girlfriend since i simply had no interest in other girls aside from her she declined saying she wasn't ready because of her past engagement this should have been my first red flag but i like the idiot i was gave her a pass we continued dating exclusively she didn't date anyone else and neither did i month later i brought up our status again because if we were exclusive anyway why not just admit what we were she continued to fight it there were times during our relationship where things seemed perfect she seemed to like everything i liked she had similar goals and we just seemed like a perfect match but sometimes i would notice backhand remarks about me she would sometimes compare me and talk about her different exes we would sometimes fight over such a small thing and i would try to de-skill at it but she wouldn't have it she would run out of my apartment and at times i would chase after her she would become angry that i did that saying i should give her space so the next time she did that i wouldn't chase after her and then she would accuse me of not caring about her she also began to gaslight me about certain things i remember her saying but like a sucker in love i went with it many of my friends would remark to me when i spoke about her that i could do better that she didn't treat me right but i just brushed it off people listen to your friends they usually are looking out for you after dating for a year i would still bring up becoming an official boyfriend girlfriend but she was still resilient she would still say she wasn't ready but i was the best guy she had ever dated all of her friends knew we were dating but to be honest i didn't like them she would invite me to hang out with them but they were very cliches and i'm not like that also they had a cat and i'm allergic so i would use that as an excuse as time went on we would go on dates she would call me every night and we would stay on the phone all night until one of us woke up the next day she said due to her depression i was comforting and helped her sleep we continue to have problems at times where she would even get physical she slapped me hard onto occasions both were not because we were fighting but because she thought it would be funny each time i told her that was disrespectful and that since i would never do that to her i expected the same in return during one of our fights she once stated my roommate knows all the guys that would be willing to be non-committal make-outs in the complex so i don't really need you but finally after a little over a year of dating she gave in and decided to be girlfriend boyfriend but i noticed that she seemed to keep it secret to everyone except her family i thought it was weird but seeing as i had gotten what i wanted i paid no attention to it i'm going to put this in here and say there were times i wasn't a perfect significant other i also deal with depression and the stress of work school family and she became too much at times i lashed out but never hurt her i would point out the things she had done that were hurtful to me we broke up several times sometimes i would break up with her and sometimes she would break up with me but each time one of us would relent and come back to each other one time i was a bit manipulative and self-harm to show her how much it was hurting me she had also self-harmed and expressed being suicidal during us dating and to be totally honest i got the idea from her i was truly in love with her she told me she was with me we discussed marriage children where we would live etc during this time she moved twice first to an apartment down the street and then to her parents house about an hour north during when she lived in the apartment down the street she threw a party when it was over none of her friend stayed to help clean just me she told me this was proof i'd be a good husband after she moved to her parents i would visit her almost weekly but i began to notice a bit of distance at times she was replying slower and slower to my texts and calls but if she called or texted me she expected a quick reply whenever she needed me i would come to her even at 1am in the morning when i had work and school the next day after a couple of months i began to suggest getting engaged but then she started to do the same thing she had done with being a girlfriend boyfriend she would use her depression from her past relationship as an excuse and then she asked if we could go back to casually dating this was the dumbest thing i had ever done i said it was okay i thought this would show her that i was the guy for her over the next few months she would go on dates but she would tell me about them and tell me how much better i was than them i continued to not date because i was in love with her but i had told her if she found someone she wanted to pursue i would end our relationship and she could go after him but then after talking to my friends and family i had a realization that why was i doing all this for her when she wasn't even my girlfriend anymore so i told her and she agreed that any physical relationship would end until we got back to being exclusive except it didn't we would go on dates and she would guilt me pressure me and i would give in she would then immediately afterward would become angry saying why couldn't you resist why didn't i stop her she became very abusive and hurtful the worst was when she told me that if she got pregnant she would never tell me and only she would decide what to do then that hurt so much as i wanted to be a father and would never leave my children alone but i would simply fight with her and we'd end up making up during all of this we would continue to talk about a future together she would see a mixed baby i'm latino and she was white and say how she saw the cutest baby that could have been our baby whenever she was depressed she would call me or ask me would you still me marry me and i would respond of course i would i love you it wasn't until christmas when i was in florida visiting my brother did i began to suspect something more was up i'd text her she wouldn't respond i'd call her to do the phone thing at night but she wouldn't answer but one time she called and asked if i had some movie on dvd and when i asked why she said i wanted to watch it with my family but i could sense something was off when i came back from vacation and started the new semester of school she came to visit me sort of she came to my university for some reason and lost her fitbit and called me to help her i came to help and we spent some time together but i could feel something was different she then told me she wanted me to come to visit her in two days at her parents house as she had something to talk to me about it was then i knew what was coming i talked to some of my friends and prepared for the worst when i got to her parents house it was late she asked me to come at 10 p.m she came into my car and we talked for about 30 minutes to an hour she told me that she no longer wanted to date me and i agreed i told her i had felt her becoming distant and i asked her if it was someone else she denied there was something else she said she simply no longer felt we were right for each other but then she said other things she said that she never considered me husband material that she never saw us getting married having kids that she had always known from the beginning she even said another reason she didn't want to be with me was that her kids wouldn't look like her because of her being white and me being latino this shocked me i remembered back to all the plans we made all the time she had asked if i would marry her all the time she had talked about our hypothetical children that hurt the most i told her i loved her but that i agreed we were done we decided on no contact she decided to block me on facebook saying she knew if i blocked her i wouldn't be able to keep her blocked so she should be the one to do it i said fine we didn't end up blocking each other on our phones due to if there was an emergency i had no family in state as i drove away i felt sad but also felt as if a huge burden was lifted from me for the next month it was an uphill battle i would be depressed at night i realized she had made me codependent on her i had become accustomed to her nightly phone calls i felt very alone there were many nights on the floor of my room in tear-filled agony but i threw myself into my work my school and my friends but then about a month later i got a call from her early in the morning i answered thinking it was an emergency it wasn't it seemed as if she had but dialed me but that didn't make sense we hadn't spoken in a month what were the chances of her accidentally calling me i could hear a conversation but only bits and pieces i could hear her voice but also a voice i didn't recognize the other voice it was definitely a guy i heard something about snow and i swear i heard my name mentioned but then the call ended i know i shouldn't have but i reached out to a few friends and heard she had started dating someone i then reached out to her i know i shouldn't have and asked if she was alright it took a few days for her to respond she then said she had butt dialed me but she had wanted to speak to me she said she really missed my friendship and for a few minutes we spoke as i've nothing had changed she told me she had started seeing someone i told her i had heard and she asked how and i told her from friends by then i had seen a picture of the guy she began talking about him and about his flaws i just listened but i began to feel weird about it she then spoke about his hair being weird and i responded yeah it is a bit but i guess she had been speaking about his hair years ago and then began to question how i knew what his hair looked like back then i responded sorry thought she was talking about now she then told me that she had recently been getting a lot of random friend requests on facebook and she asked if they were me they weren't we ended the conversation shortly after and i began to have a weird feeling about it i was sort of happy for her but the more i thought about it the more i realized i didn't want to continue talking to her i messaged her the next day and told her while i like talking to you like we used to i think we should not speak she agreed i then proceeded to block her number a week later while on campus i noticed i had a voicemail even though my phone hadn't rung it was from her asking if i was home she came to drop some things off i personally felt like there wasn't anything worth her returning and it pissed me off that she had come and dropped the stuff off at my front door since no one was home i became really annoyed i had told her no contact anymore i then decided to write her an email i told her basically that i had loved her with all my heart but that she had mistreated me in a lot of ways lied to me etc i told her to thank her parents for being kind to me i then proceeded to tell her i want no contact of any kind that she was now blocked from my phone i said though we live about an hour away now it would be possible to run into each other due to friends living close to me and such i told her the way you treat me is how i will treat you if we see each other if you treat me like a friend i'll treat you like a friend if you treat me like an enemy i'll treat you like an enemy if you treat me like i don't exist i'll treat you like you don't exist i sent the email and didn't expect to ever hear back from her boy was i wrong a few days later i received a reply from her dad her dad is an ex-marine and a lawyer in his email he stated that i should leave his daughter alone he accused me of stalking her not sure how i was seeing as i was an hour away and busy with school work and friends he accused me of creating fake facebook accounts and stalking her once again i didn't create any to do that though i had looked at her account from a friend's account a few times but that was it i mean who hasn't but then he used that line about treating her the way she treats me and he highlighted that part and said i consider this a threat he proceeded to tell me to leave her alone otherwise he would get a restraining order i was blown away her dad and i had always been on good terms i just couldn't believe what i was reading i spoke to a few people and having studied a bit of lauren university responded to him i told him look i want nothing to do with your daughter she was the one who reinitiated contact in fact she came to my house without my knowledge a week ago if i'm a stalker why would she risk coming to my house i told him that we both know what he had said were unsubstantiated and no judge would ever give them a restraining order i told him never to contact me again or i'll do the same to him and his daughter it was then that i wondered what the hell was going on what stories was she telling people about me what's up tail is she spinning and why i told some of my friends about what happened and they were blown away too they just told me that i had dodged a nuke and i should be happy i thought the story would end there but like i said this is a cheating story a long one but a cheating story nonetheless so we had broken up in january just after the first week of april a friend of mine messaged me while i was working and told me that my ex had just gotten engaged i was flawed it had only been three months for the girl that had constantly said how hard a relationship had been for her because of her cheating abusive ex-fiance it just didn't make sense but what was interesting my friend told me was a comment that someone had put on her announcement this person was congratulating her on her engagement and so happy she could help them get together back in november november the same november when we were still going out yes we weren't exclusive at that point but to me since i had given her several outs and she lied about there being someone else i consider that cheating i was livid and then everything came into place that's why she became distant at christmas that's whom she wanted to watch that movie with that hurt but i got on with my life i was still having depression issues trust issues i spoke about it to some people friends church people but the more i spoke about it the more i learned about her people who had known her and didn't know we had dated came out and said yeah that girl had issues they told me things they probably shouldn't have told me but whatever i found out all the nasty things she said about other people and i began to realize that she never really cared about me she simply wanted someone to care for her and then dump once someone better came along i realized that the reason i fell in love with her was not because of who she was but what she pretended to be she had heard about me knew i was a nice guy and decided i was empathic enough to trick she simply reflected me back at me and i thought i was dating someone similar to me but i had been dating a narcissist but this helped me understand a lot about myself that i care too much love too deeply and need to be careful whom i give my love to lesson learned so half a year passed i hadn't run into her but i had heard she had moved back to my city with her husband so much for me being a stalker some of my friends had a few run-ins with her and one embarrassed her by making a sexual innuendo about something she had done love you danny boy brothers for life i got invited to a friend's wedding i couldn't make it to the actual ceremony but i made it to the reception i was just finishing up making a small speech making fun of my friend dude had a laugh that was so annoying and loud you wouldn't believe i was ending my remarks and was about to sit down when a mutual friend started walking into the room and who was right behind her my ex and her husband i saw her and was a bit surprised just as she was about to walk into the room our eyes met and at that moment instead of walking into the room she pushed her husband back into the hallway out of sight and quickly followed i was taken back and stepped out to the other side of the building to collect my thoughts and feelings i was overall fine but the shock of seeing her was interesting after a few minutes i came back into the room and noticed my ex and her husband had never entered the room i then asked my friend if he invited her and he said yes i told him a heads up would have been nice but he said that he didn't even think about it he wasn't that close of a friend more of mutual friend of one of my best friends anyway minutes passed and the new couple were about to have their first dance so we all moved some chairs out of the way i happened to be on a side of a door putting chairs away when my ex came through that exact door saw i was right next to her and ran to the other side of the room with her husband in tow we avoided each other for the rest of the reception except for a couple of glances but at that moment i felt whole again all those months after the breakup i felt broken and like a piece of myself was missing but at this moment seeing how she reacted how ashamed she seemed to be i felt my power coming back i felt truly happy for the first time even though she was married and i was not i had won the breakup she was ashamed to even look at me i had no such problems i had an overall clear conscious and now here i am over four years after the breakup writing this i'm still single but overall i'm happy and maddie if you end up reading this freak you i'm the one who ended up finishing university and you're just a housewife after all that talk about changing the world and crap all you're ever going to change are dirty diapers and be a freaking liar in the cheat thanks for watching if you like this video hit like get subscribed and give the op any advice you have in the comment section and support the original writers with upvotes links in the description box
Channel: Beast Stroke
Views: 134,025
Rating: 4.6192126 out of 5
Keywords: Beast, Stroke, Beast Stroke, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit, tts, funny, serious, top, posts, stories, story, reddit and chill, r/, r slash, ask, cringe, reddit funny, reddit serious, reddit best, askreddit, reddit top post, top posts of all time, best reddit posts, subreddit, askreddit reading, r/askreddit, cheating, cheating stories, my girlfriend of 2 years cheated on me, i found out when she got engaged 3 months later, but i got the last laugh, my gf is cheating, my gf was cheating
Id: Wi_PyIuUFw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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