My Full 2023 Halloween Animatronic Collection | 75 + Animatronics

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ah absolutely free space free open patch of grass to do anything I want this is my full 2023 Halloween animatronic collection over 78 animatronics 11 years of collecting ever since 2012. my first animatronic I walked into a Spirit Halloween and picked up grave mortar and now till present day I went to a Spirit Halloween and picked up darling Dolly now but why do I have so many animatronics why do I get these things well one I'm addicted to I love animatronics I have loved animatronics at such a very young age I have always been encapsulated by them I love Disney I love Universal I just love anything animatronic wise I'd literally go to Chuck E cheese just to see the animatronics the other kids are on the playground I'm looking at the animatronics and freaking out over a rat that moves for me animatronics are a huge part and also haunting because seeing the reactions making a scene with animatronics just making an experience is a huge deal to me and animatronics are a huge deal to that so it is a huge reason I am so into Halloween I'm So Into animatronics and I'm just so into this I'm maybe a bit too addicted but it's okay in this video we're going to be talking about and demoing every single animatronic I own let's start with the big boys distortions unlimited Creep Show May May craftsmanship and care of Ed Edmonds here we go sorry I don't know why I specified that wow here we have my baby my babies Creep Show from distortions unlimited months and months and months of waiting and saving sold like 20 props to get this thing it was also worth it though to get Creepshow seeing this thing at transwood for the very first time just going to transfer the first time seeing this it was wild and I was like I set my eyes on this one and I was like at Edmonds can I have Creep Show and he was like well the thing is the audio the music the B mode the scare the scissor out and the air cannon the quality distortions is Top Notch if you can get a distortions prop I 100 recommend it Creep Show is my favorite thing in my collection of course I don't there's like this does nothing Tops This I still do wish little creep had the old movement but he is they're still so dope like it's still an amazing piece and they're from latex I love squishing his nose I love doing all that it is not well to the Texas heat though but endorse is a limited at Edmonds you can't beat the distortions team you really can't you can't beat this one of my favorite props of all time [Music] [Music] dinner is served here we have underworld class you can see his quality is horrible his arm welds are completely broken which sucks because he looks cool his qualities is so bad and his movement is cool like with his head and his arms going side to side but unfortunately you just equality came out from Morris in 2020. he's definitely super unique but guys quality is really questionable when he works though he is really cool to look at but unfortunately he's got really bad svi quality [Music] [Music] and here we have Kane from Halloween costumes designed by my good friend brick thunder lightning storm very very unique in a different take I love the look of his face with the candy corn and I love the swirly eyes and his long black hair he already does look intimidating in the face I feel he does a little open of a mouth but I mean I think it still looks really good and the canes as well he has a huge wingspan and he's also very large so I mean pretty intimidating but just him Swinging with the candy canes it's pretty cool he's also kind of like a multi-holiday prop like you could technically use this for Christmas too it is debatable on what side you see more Halloween more Christmassy in my opinion I think it could be used for both he also has latex buttons which first prop to have clothes at dry rot and he has the best shoes on any prop I've ever seen the craziest shoes I've ever seen mayor of solid these weigh like 10 pounds it's crazy how good quality the shoes are party gears actually did well with that which is surprising so I also love the colors of Kane as well with the blue I just really love his overall appearance like once again I'm just a sucker for colorful clowns and I think Kane is great made by a very interesting company with very interesting products but Kane's awesome I'm with us we will be having so much fun soon our favorite places are dark forests and narrow Alleyways I will tear your unhappiness apart and leave only joy here we have good old cuddles the clown online only from Spirit Halloween 2020. definitely one of the most underrated clown props ever in my opinion he has the same face as underworld kind of a re-skinnish with the face and he's also a reskin of catacomb creature but in my opinion he has the most personality he's a lot different from what we normally see from clowns I love all the heads that he's holding as well oh this one's not even oh yeah and I really do love like the movement of this with just all the head same with catacomb creature I think it's a really cool unique movement and I love it on cuddles his quality in his face though like it usually cracks which kind of sucks but he's still really cool he's tiring as well he's pretty much Italian bro and he's pretty intimidating to like be around like his movement is pretty wide and I think he's just great I really love cuddles I've got an amazing view [Music] [Music] oh I'm such a scam and here we have Lumen clown from Morris costumes an archway prop that you walk through and the bird is screaming in the background goodness gracious Lord raven come pick up your son oh my gosh and yes his base is questionable because like how are people gonna walk on this and just not trip and fall and just fall down to the ground like I have so suddenly take out the spirit kicks thank you Halloween enthusiasts your Legend blooming clown is cool though when you don't trip on him I think he's a great Archway prop you kind of just walk through him and that's pretty much it but he's moving around as you walk under him like hey what's going on up there he's like oh my favorite color is red but he's pretty cool he's from Morris he was 400 it's kind of expensive but I mean he's also like 10 feet he's actually pretty tall I mean he's an archway he's tall he's cool another year we're in 2020 when Morris in my opinion probably did their best year yeah he's really cool I really do like him he also kind of sounds like peekaboo clown same voice actor getting inside from the distance plateaus of the pyramid Builders we bring you Horrors so great hideous creatures no grotesque you will be running for the exit but don't bother we have the blocks it may be the cheats to get inside but quite costly for you to leave I love this job and here we have borker my favorite Morris clown a server clown done Justice I love borker so much when I first saw my trans wood I really did love him I love that he's on the box I love that he's a barker we normally see a normal Barker as like a human but he's a clown Barker which I think is really cool he reminds me of Uncle Charlie a lot I love his hat I just love his overall look so much I can't get over his look I love the colors on him his pants his box I just love it all on him any Servo he's got that extra movement that makes him really animated and like look around and like how he's talking to an audience I think it's really cool I think he's amazing this one's mine you can have the next one forget it I'm not full of that again fine we'll share here we have two scoops one of my favorite online only is from Spirit Halloween 2021 not kid-friendly as you can see literally he's more of a darker prop that you normally wouldn't see in stores I love that he had they have FNAF music that's so funny to me that they just have that and it just makes them makes them cooler to me I love that and I love how it's a two-headed mutant Clan they really do look mutant look scary and this helpless child in the ice cream cone pretty spooky stuff and I love the sprinkle clothing as well I love their clothing I just love their overall look their quality could have been better though the welding is kind of suss it's from do you using so it's not the greatest but they are really cool and they're also getting very expensive on like eBay right now and they're slowly gaining way too much value than they should be maybe it'll come back I don't know but two scoops is really cool and I kind of wish they were in store but oh well um here we have stilts from this year from Spirit Halloween 2023. he my opinion is really cool the blood on his pins his eyes as well look awesome I overall just love the purple and his colors they look really cool I really do love them a lot and he's got a lot going on his head is going 360. his bowling pins are going he's got a lot going on he just kind of laughs but I mean I still think it's a really cool prop we don't see too many proper bowling pins so I think it's also pretty unique I think it's really cool he's also very large he's like eight feet tall and look at that blue hair like how can you not love that luscious blue hair thank you so here we have slim killer clowns I'm so glad that slim final released this year we had shorty in 2021 and then nothing last year and now we have slim so I'm glad we waited and got a good slim I do wish she had more movement though he kind of just you know and then just opens his popcorn bag also his popcorn bag is just PNG of popcorn which like why I think the look of slim they overall did the actual look of slim Justice I think he looks really good four hundred dollars though no no no no no he also closes the bag when he goes down which doesn't make any sense because isn't he supposed to open it as he goes down just yeah some that's a bit weird but he overall still looks like a gr he's still a great looking Slim [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] and right here we got predator of the night from Home Depot he is awesome he is a very big Servo prop he has a huge wingspan it goes like 12 feet tall but he himself is like nine foot tall and he looks awesome I love his look so much I can't really see what I'm doing but there's something his arms are cool overall I just love the look of him his face just like craziness servonis he's very servo I'm taking my Sheriff I have to tear in half I'm okay with that 50 for you and fifty percent than me foreign clowns one of my favorite clowns I love multiple props in one prop literally two clowns in one two animated things in one I think we need to see more of that I think we need to see more props like working together if that makes sense like just dual dual props like we need to see like two life sizes in one three life sizes in one four life sizes in one that would be pretty crazy to see that's where I think it could be taken to the next level but I love tug of war Morse has a lot of kid props which is kind of weird but as you can see I have the Green version my favorite version is the green one the red one's okay but green is my favorite color so I just had to get the green one and I love the look of both Stevie and shatters I love the faces on especially ski over here and then shatters as well with his nose but they're really cool and really unique and they were really a standout from Morris in 2019 I think they're awesome okay I have with you what foreign [Applause] [Music] here we have Mr Happy from Morris costumes the good old counterpart to Candy creep the old man prop also kind of a counterpart to uncle Charlie nobody realized at the time that this would be Uncle Charlie's because in 2020 we saw Mr Happy and Candy keep at the Expo but we had no idea that this lollipop would lead to uncle Charlie returning so that was pretty crazy to see but I love Mr happy I really do like him compared to Candy candy crib still cool but I just love the clown aspect of Mr happy I think he works a lot better here I love the blue hair I love his colors the yellow he has a kid on his back it's kind of a very unique pose but it also doesn't make sense because it's like that when no human really does that I'm not sure how Mr Happy is doing that I don't know if he's really happy doing that for such a long time but he's still really cool I love his position too just like hello I really do love him he's definitely one of my favorite Morris clowns this was like in 2020 before they stopped doing clowns and now they're back with workouts are happy he's he's great bad Halloween costumes make me crazy they make me wanna funnel things with my hammer yes I think I think I'm going crazy again [Music] here we have the classic wacky mole from 2013 not the Remake I've had them for a year now I only got them like 100 bucks off Makari and he was definitely was extremely broken his motor wasn't even attached and nothing really looked good he was very Sun faded but I recently got him repaired a bit and he just got some pain again he's less Sun faded his hammer is painted again he's got buttons again from last year's collection video he looked horrible compared to now he looks a lot better he still kind of does move a bit he has no audio though but I still really like him I'm still really glad to have the classic whack-a-mole I do like the flashback but I mean you can't get rid of the fabric boots like the boots just look really good on him in my opinion so I like that more than the standard svi shoes so I mean he's like just one of the most well-known props at Spirit I mean got one in the back of 2021 we got him back but I select though because he also has the actual twitching movement not just like the that yeah he's classic from clown train all right so here we have lucky bottoms um he's really good when he works unfortunately mine is completely broken you stopped moving last year and now he has no more audio so he basically does nothing he's just kind of just static but I mean I guess he still looks cool but when he's actually you know moving he's awesome but unfortunately he's dead it's just completely broken but this is what he would normally do foreign he wouldn't do that he doesn't do that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have dead hummus all the way from Spirit Halloween 2013. he was my first 2013 prop that year for 60 bucks back then I was like I gotta get this he is really good and the classic clone train too and he's arising from the grave so he's like and his audio is very nostalgic to me as well I'm in thrashing clowns are just taking up all that techie space in the clown train I love him I still literally love his face although all the faces and eyes were like painted differently so many people have different looking ones but I still love dead humor very humor [Music] [Music] all right here we have sweet dreams sweetie basically the brother too Grimsley but he's got a kid and he's from Morris and he's like a dark nightmare looking Planet I really do love the look of a sweet dream he's a bit skinny though but you just got to step him up and he's good like all the tiring grubs are a bit you know kind of skinny one of my favorites I love his music too it's like it's really cool it's B he's got a beat dude he's got literally it's honestly a he's got a Bop and he looks scary I love his green eyes too we don't get many props with green eyes so I think it's really cool in his nightmare appearance is just awesome I love him I just lose with Halloween spirit costume stuff too but don't worry he's the only lethal in large look at me I'm the picture of hell this will probably make you live longer and here we have our favorite 350 Clan animatronic nostrils the clown from Spirit Halloween 2022 our beautiful fogging clown we all love them don't we the most reasonably priced prop ever and I kind of gave up on doing the straight eye nozzles like from Flagship like that so I mean these are kind of normal nozzles again his hair is super fluffy though I don't know what happened I just kind of washed his hair and now it's just all fluff but I like it but I still really like nozzles like he could have had more he could have had a moving mouth he could have had more of a motion he has that whacking will twitching motion but he definitely could have had some mouth movement or something or like what if he had servo arms like there was so much missed potential because especially being 350 doesn't come with a fog machine no mouth movement and just kind of like why is it that much who knows who knows but I still really like nozzles a lot I love his character I love how goofy he is kind of like a unique STI climb to me he's just really overpriced I really like how he fogs on the nozzles I think that's really cool I think it's really unique oh laughs and here we have one of my favorite cons from this year Spirit Halloween 2023 poor George he is also another very unique one I love how he spins around just like that very unique I love his color schemes I love his faces this is my favorite face of his this one's all mean and scary and he's so loud though like he is obnoxiously loud it's kind of annoying in store like he is so loud it's crazy but he's still one of my favorite CCL clowns definitely one of the most unique as well and poor George is very popular this year a lot of people love poor George and I love him too he's great he's an amazing clown filler like he's just going great going backwards and going like that he's just gonna be great oh [Music] here we have a giant toy Monty the giant cymbal monkey not from cod zombies but more of so your original like monkey chime monkey toy he is one of my favorites from 2022. he is so freaky looking just like a huge monkey as an animatronic is terrifying but when he first released I was so disappointed with how slow his symbols I thought it was gonna be super fast like an actual symbol monkey but unfortunately it wasn't still his looks alone he really grew over me over time and I got him Last Christmas I gave you my heart but he was he was an amazing prop and he was the first box prop too and we have Monty on his toy box isn't that awesome first box prop Monty is great he's freaky he's great for a circus or just anything clown circus related he's amazing hey what do you think you're doing walking in here upside down like that isn't all the blood rushing to your feet and here we have bloody bagger Joseph from Spirit Halloween 2013 and 2021 this is the new model this is the 23rd not 2013. this is the 2021 model I'm so glad they brought back Joe I love Joe Clown train classic clown train prop the new one has a longer neck though and his movement's not as good I still really love Joe I'm so glad I got the new model any Squishy look at him squish squish I think I'm starting my own Carnival right here you want to join my clown crew you have a pretty funny face that you'd be a natural [Laughter] I'll let you know in the details it's all a bit up in the air oh better buy a balloon in the meantime kiddo oh you still don't want any that makes me a sad clown foreign now unfortunately as you can see I have the first wave his head is horrible I should be getting a replacement head soon but oh my gosh it's bad it's very bad like maybe squeeze it a bit and it looks a bit longer but it's how did this happen svi what happened other than that heckles is a really cool clown I love his balloon projection I really do like him a lot I love his colors as well he's got like the nozzles color but it's a bit darker of a purple and he has like this kind of peekaboo clown spiral but it's like orange and yellow he has this balloon sign tencent so that's pretty cheap he's probably not making any profit at all but I love his colors I love the way he looks when he's not deformed when he doesn't look like this when he actually looks like he was supposed to the new models that have coming out to stores when he actually looks like that he's awesome but like this this is not good no good but he has a great svi icon I really do love him I feel like he could have been so much better though if he had like the servos though lethal Lilly like the eye movements he would have been crazy as like a sad clown it would have been crazy but I still really love heckles he's really cool I have a great plan for him this year it's always awesome hopefully they get a replacement head soon [Applause] ice cream you scream well I'll scream or ice cream hahaha [Music] and from Party City we have ice cream clown literally a life-size Willy just look at that they are related they are 100 related ice cream cone I haven't really talked about yet or really made a video or anything about them I got him at Party City a couple weeks ago I really do love them I love his colors I love ice cream sign and The Cone I love ice cream clowns and he's a willy life size it's literally a willy Mr salty life size like that's crazy he's all grown up now time goes too fast I love ice cream cone his colors are great his quality is a bit sus though like his shoes are oddly bad it's weird and his lunge kind of gets it's a bit slow it's not as fast as hugs but over time it gets a bit faster but it's kind of a bit more slow than you would anticipate and he also has the cackles like Punchy wire lights as well on his like bow tie and stuff like that and the ice cream I think those lights are really cool we got this little ice cream hat too as awesome as that [Music] laughs foreign here we have the original clown that started the svi clown train and really just the clown Trend as a whole Grimsley the great creepy Italian clown from Spirit Halloween 2017 2018 and 2019 and now he's available in Australia I don't remember but he is also actually pretty nostalgic now to me at least in 2017 this thing was sold out everywhere at Spirits he's the first towering prop in really the first modern svi Club he was really the one that started it all and I really do appreciate him still to this day I still love his character I love his phrases I love his music I love everything about him pretty much he is just a classic well I guess classic modern svi I do have the 2019 version though so he doesn't have the best looking face his eyes are a bit you know I don't know about that but he's still really good I still love him I'm still glad I have a Grimsley welcome welcome to dude you arrive D it's finally time to eat laughs and here we have clown on stilts from Lowe's this year an unreleased prop final release in his full glory and he is amazing he is ginormous he is gigantic it's really hard to tell but he's like eight and a half feet tall and he is big he's very large I'm so glad techie came through and finally releases men I'm so glad Lowe's is actually good and they release this man he is just one of the best clown props I really do like his movement I love his audio I love his movement he's just so intimidating one of the most intimidating techie props he's awesome I love him so much this clown is great here we have little Daisy in the Maestro and he is from Spirit Halloween 2020. he has a really cool concept I really love how he's a puppet we rarely get something like that and he's a circus probably he's a really good circus prop it really sucks that he wasn't as popular because he's literally on the site right now discounted because no one is buying him which kind of sucks because I think he's awesome I really I really love him he's also he's also bald he was like one of the first filler props as well I think he was a filler prop in 2020. but he is just an awesome prop I really think he's underrated also the girl on mine's head is a bit squished in unfortunately but he is still such a dope prep the cover right your past you will stay with me for the rest of Eternity here we have the black heart one of the most darkest props from Spirit in a long time just concept of a Reaper holding this poor innocent girl and the detail on the girl too is crazy the eyelashes and everything and the fact that's like a Reaper just it's really dark it's a very dark concept only thing is though you can kind of see his mouth Mech when he opens his mouth in the day so that's kind of sucks but other than that he is honestly amazing crazy great problem from this year definitely one of my favorites from this year from Spirit Halloween 2023. I love the movement with this like just that and opening his entire wardrobe to it's really cool like we really we desperately need to see this with a Vampire this with a Vampire motion would be crazy yeah we have the black heart step right up and pick a card hmm it seems you've picked a card of death we have Henry hustle from 2021 Ronald McDonald looking animatronic but Henry is still one of I think my favorite 2021 props he is a great scare when he is fast he is fast and all the way up there we have the classic 12-foot skeleton which unfortunately lost his arm in this video very sad it literally just ripped off when I stood him up I'll probably have to either contact SBI for a replacement part he is the original 12-foot prop you know he is so famous probably the most famous retail prop so many people know of him so many people have him he was in a commercial like he's multiple commercials he's still pretty impressive just 12 foot tall and mine wasn't very with the arm but he's still amazing have you seen my little pal he was around here somewhere [Music] here we have one of the most amazing online only animatronic clowns from svi ever Mr salty colors his look his music his phrasing once again Willy idea of him is a bit creepy but I really do love him still he's a great clown prop I remember too in 2020 the first thing the leak of him was his instructions and everyone was going crazy like on the instructions of Mr salty because nothing else had been out I think except for like Charlie flesh and gatekeeper I was going crazy for him I was going crazy for him and I still love him to this day he's still one of my favorite clowns I'm so glad I have him he's going to be super rare because he was online only his music too is just so dreamlike I love like this might be my favorite svi clown music they've ever done I just love it so much don't worry around scare me too the first flashback prop Uncle Charlie the hype was real for Uncle Charlie when he re-released I remember it because I made a video on it as another person that exists on a different timeline we won't talk about ever but Uncle Charlie the first flashback from Spirit Halloween 2020 coming back from 2010 updated SBI while the different lollipops got the Mr Happy lollipop but it was crazy when he first released everyone was freaking out when they still did sneak peeks like normally like each week and there was people for years wanted him to come back like in the comments like hashtag return Uncle Charlie like everyone one of them back and they finally brought them back and that was just a crazy year it was just crazy hype because their Spirit was finally you know listening and giving back all these flashbacks like this is when flashback started I do like the new model I like how he has a mouth movement now you can like easily debate that the old one yes he does have a scarier head yes it is more of a scarier position this one's more modernized but I still really like him I still really love the idea of him with him holding candy and he's just one of those well-known Spirit problems Uncle Charlie everyone wanted them to come back and he finally did in 2020. and he's bald let's put that back on foreign [Music] here we have moonshine barrel zombie one of my favorite zombie props as well one of the original scissor Mech props from Spirit he shoots up really fast and I love the barrel props they've always had like zombie barrel and moonshine of course he is a great scare as well he gets a lot of people because he kind of slams up with his scissor mine is missing a bunch of the poles like for these so the barrel kind of looks a bit sus I got him all the way back in 2015 and he is definitely one of my favorite 2015 props ever [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] and here we have my full jumping spider collection we have my brown jumping spider from 2014. we have this black jumping spider from 2014 as well and then we have this red and black one I had in 2021 I got and unfortunately don't put a brick right here to weigh them down because then he will click and then he will never jump again so learn from my mistakes and then we have another black jumping spider from this is from 2019 spiderwebs are actually still intact so the older ones just have no more spider webs they're all star it's just gone and here's another black jumping spider this came with my gatekeeper that I got last year not really sure what year it is I think it's an older one spiderwebs have a bunch of leaves and stuff it's kind of messed up and it doesn't work anymore we need a new jumping spider color again we had red and black let's get like green we need to get a green just looks better but jumping spider classic jumping spider all the way from 2011 still going strong in spirit today in the door jump scaring a bunch of people he is like so many people starter animatronic he is like the Spirit Halloween prop like if you go into a spirit you know you're really there when you hear a jumping spiders audio in the background when you hear that that just automatically means you were in a spirit one of the most famous props maybe the most famous most common animatronics foreign [Music] crawler all the way from 2020 Spirit Halloween another one of my favorite 2020 props one of the more darker creepier Spirit Halloween animatronics I love the way Nightcrawler looks with the feet and the position it's just it's scary and the pop-up no one expects it in the way he sways is so cool one of the best CCO props definitely [Applause] all right here we have Inferno Reaper from Home Depot 2021 another server prop from the first year that we saw servers in retail he is a really cool problem I actually do prefer his side to side movement over the smoldering keeper of souls that Home Depot has now basically just like a darker Grim like it's literally Grim's head but you know just like a bit more darker and he's really cool he's definitely one of the best Home Depot props I still really think he holds up he's also very tall he is shockingly tall so that's a plus his Scythe is very nice and the wind just keeps getting on crazier Lighting on his chest is cool too he's the world's amazing [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] thank you we have Rosemary zombie girl another classic techie prop that a bunch of people loved back in the day she was so popular back in the day and she was really Innovative and really good for her time for only 140 with all that movement you know going like going and then lurching out like she was very good for her time and then she eventually moved up 160 and then eventually she came back from Morris and I don't know what that was We're not gonna talk about that but this is my Rosemary she is really cool and her eating the brain just another nostalgic techie item and I've always loved the lurching techie props like I just love them thank you and here we got darling Dolly another new for 2023 Spirit Halloween animation she is so cool looking she is definitely my favorite doll prop they've ever released her freakish look her hands her tree looking hands are awesome and she just looks terrifying right look at that face that is scary that is a scary doll face and she's a jump scare too this gets so many people I've seen everyone in store get attacked by her she is definitely one of my favorites for the year and definitely a lot of people's favorites of the year she's awesome and she's huge she is seven foot tall so she's incredibly big you look afraid here we have the Goat Party City prop cackles the clown 500 animatronic clown animated Decor from Party City 2022. he is one of my favorite props that I own he is definitely my favorite 12 footer I love his look he looks freaking scary and terrifying I just love that look and his nails too they look awesome they're a bit scratched off though because it kind of fell down one time last year but he is just so awesome and his movement his music that's in it and the lighting too on him is so cool with the little wires definitely my favorite toe footer definitely my favorite Party City probably time well okay Mega wolf is amazing I need to see Mega wolf in person but cackles right now is still my favorite part to see a prop ever please bring back cackles he's now going for a thousand dollars on eBay the precious little human on my way my soul an Advertiser just to get any started add a little suck and that soul of yours here we have the ram goat Baphomet Muhammad bathtub moment bath omit he's another one I really love from 2021 just that front Archway in that year in 2021 with Mr Hal and bath it was an amazing front Archway both great animatronics this thing is huge too like he's also a very big prop the only thing that's kind of sucks on him is that his jaw is just shiny plastic but everything else is like really good like this is solid and looks pretty good and his clothes you know they could have been better clothes are just like kind of standard but he's still really cool and I love this jungle audio like it's just I don't know it's this is a cool different it is different compared to most props because we normally get like the Jolly svi or like that but on this guy it's like it's like some jungle audio it's kind of crazy one of my favorite 2021 props as well and and also fun fact he was in my bathtub so bathroom it careful there seemed to be lots of creeps out tonight yeah there's one right behind you [Music] to look I went to the living now we are we all want to turn your back on here we have Jack stalker from Morse costumes one of the most overpriced Morris props of all time he was like 500 and that is unacceptable he has maximum 300 in my opinion he is a centerpiece part of the Harvest section for me I love doing the whole you know Harvest display around him around Jack I love the project on the pumpkin even though it's a bit delayed I still think it's really cool that he has like a pumpkin and talks he really reminds me of nightmare Harvester it's like this pumpkin Reaper it does kind of suck like he's like a plastic face and a bit iffy quality up there but he's big he's he's like crouchy sizes you can see Crouch he's literally right there bro I just really love him he is a great centerpiece for them and he looks really cool I probably inject though who's better Jack stalker probably Jack do you like the lake but probably Jack is also pretty cool even though he's like fifty dollars more for some reason just because of likes but they're both cool not here you're right marrying something in the yard but we'll have loads of fun while they're gone the night is young and I'm ready to party are you here we have another game changing retail prop from 2021 same year as dark Grim this thing also shocked a lot of people seeing servos for the first time in retail was crazy because normally it would see surveys at a professional level with custom coding and all this stuff but we had grip in 2021 Spirit Halloween did The Impossible and they brought Grim now with the amount of server props we have now like there's so many like Barker predator of the night there's a lot more than that but like he is still in my eyes really impressive I still love his eyes how they are moving I just like the classic take it's just a skeleton that is talking as this huge personality I love his movements going side to side with his arms he is still really impressive to me and I still really love him I still think he's one of the best from 2021 probably the second best right behind Mr dark for Me Maybe Two Scoops he's definitely like the top three of that year beware more terrible things no man who will leave him all right so here we have the bavenator Lord Raven from Spirit Halloween last year 2022 is a great bird prop I love Lord Raven so much like look at this beak it's got such a long beak he's got really this cool arm Movement Like a raven and he's really cool I really want to see more bird crops and he also has his beard everyone forgets that he has a long beard just randomly like right here I kind of forget it's there too it's kind of unnecessary but I mean it's kind of cool really cool he's one of definitely the best props from last year because there wasn't the greatest year for Spirit last year wasn't it but he is still definitely a gold in the fire [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have another one of my favorite nostalgic props of all time from techy toys the Monika from 2010 2011 2012 2013 online only and she's supposedly back for this year at Spirit but we have not seen a trace of her very classic item for a lot of people she's the rising prop so she does the same thing as the howler and Damien he's just that nostalgic Spirit prop that a bunch of people you know just had Nostalgia for and all the way up there we have the 15-foot Phantom from Home Depot he is still the tallest retail prop that we have so far he was from 2022 Home Depot last year he is still so impressive to me I still love him a lot his clothes are very dirty you really don't want to see what's on his clothes maybe you can kind of see it but it's it's kind of suss now after being outside for a while it just kind of gets a bit weird it's not too bad but it's it's kind of weird and the wind catches his clothes all the time so you can never make him look perfect he is a static he only lights up but he is still one of the most impressive props that we've ever had the tallest prop in retail he's still dope thank you you're like [Laughter] and here we have my first prop of all time hold up let me just fix her she's kind of dead on the ground but Brave motor all the way from Spirit Halloween 2012 techie toys techie design whatever you call them now she was my first prop ever this is literally what started it all you always hold a special place in my heart I remember when she worked fully unfortunately she doesn't anymore kind of pre-key as you can see she doesn't really turn that well anymore but she was just a simple graveyard prop and I just loved her she was only 130 and she was a great first prop to have this is literally what formed me what formed Ryan's haunts hey I'm never getting whatever never selling her she's always staying with me but she she's still like very nostalgic to me laughs [Laughter] here we have little Jack Carver at a crazy jump scare little pumpkin boy prop he is so fast you cannot tell how fast he is on camera this thing gets so many people it got me every single time when I activated them when I first got them fast this thing is amazing no for this year for 2023 for only 170 he is honestly amazing piece for Harvest and his lights stay on his pumpkin just stays on forever so that's just like another plus and he looks great he gets him he's a blood and he's Harvest scarecrow boy pumpkin man he is filler so we can't really see him on the display it's like a rare occurrence to see him on display he is definitely one of the more underrated ones for 2023 it's for Halloween I think in my opinion he's really dope thank you [Music] laughs Jack straw one of my favorite 2019 props from Spirit Halloween he has an amazing scare just shooting all the way up like that look at this let's get everyone [Applause] that's crazy it's a great harvest prop great scarecrow one of my favorites from 2019 another nostalgic one from 2019 because he was in the front boat and he would just pop up with collector and you know be like that and he was great definitely still one of my favorite crazy create props his quality once again questionable crazy great but he's an awesome scare I still love him to this day foreign [Music] [Music] animatronics from this year it was turned on but he is so fast when he works I've seen so many broken ones this year he is amazing he has some Spirit Halloween 2023 from this year he is one of my favorite props of the year he's a bat that shoots up as you saw his body still could have looked a lot better in my opinion hair is immaculate his scare is awesome and unfortunately his like tree stump that he's on sucks very bad it's like vacuform it's horrible it's very bad but other than that he's a great jump scare prop when he works another faulty one but one of my favorite props from this year as well [Applause] just here we have the OG gatekeeper all the way from 2011 his quality is very bad he has already snapped and is currently using wood to support him like there's wood just zip tied on him I got him for free last year off someone because they were just giving it away it's actually pretty cool I do like the Remake one better I do kind of wish I had the Remake instead but I mean he's still pretty cool I do like his look a lot I like his hood but his quality is just kind of dooky like it's just not great the greatest Mia's old svi so very very very epic quality as you could see thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right here we have my favorite prop of all time full Nostalgia bias the howler ever since I saw him in 2012 I've always wanted him and I was always just so enthralled by him the rising props from techie were always some of my favorites back then and the howler was personally my favorite out of demonica and Damien audio his looks his mouth movement his squishy nose the way he looks like he just always I always just love them and especially being from my favorite year 2012 Spirit Valley Farms with limiter because they were just a perfect Trio and he's he was my favorite one out of the trio I just love him so much he was the third prop I ever got I would never get rid of him I I will literally keep them forever until he dry rods yeah I love them enjoy the festivities you will destroyed powerful and here we have legitimately one of the greatest props of all time Yoda Yoda from Star Wars he is so Advanced he's on another level then literally 98 of the animatronics in retail he's got eye movements he's got everything isn't that crazy just look at that this is the best animatronic in retail yes I did remove the velcro and I did kind of remove some of the silicone so locked myself on the head for that he is genuinely one of my favorite Home Depot props of all time I'm just being honest Yoda and being a Star Wars fan and making such a crazy Advanced Servo thing like this is just wild to me he is easily one of the most advanced props from this year and he also looks great he legit looks like Yoda he looks really good [Applause] uh here we have lurching vampire all the way from 2010 2011 2012 on and only 2013 online only and now he is back from Haunted Hill Farm this is the original model from no it's not the original this is the 20 something 2013. I got them in online only 2013. so techie model it had the techie box but he is still one of my favorite techie props of all time he's very nostalgic to me I love the long lurching prop I've always also won a lurching Reaper and he's also back on hill farm so I might eventually get him alerting vampire one of the most classic techie props that you could ever think of he's just overall such a nostalgic piece Gotta Love lurching vampire I used to love him to this day we need more vampire props by the way just letting you know [Applause] [Applause] we have Jack holinger this is the 2014 version so he is automatically broken doesn't fully work has never fully worked really once ever his relay has always been broken he at one point did lunge like that but he hasn't since 2017 I think he's still a really cool pumpkin piece he is returned from Haunted Hill Farm this year actually working I still probably should get a new one but this is my classic jack-o-langer I'm always gonna remember getting this one in store for like it wasn't 200. I don't know why he retailed for 200 that's expensive but I think I got him for 175 he is a great little pumpkin prop I still use them I still love them great and I'm so glad they brought him back [Applause] here we have one of the best zombie props of all time when he works unfortunately mine is not Lurch anymore but lurching zombie from Spirit Halloween 2014 he looks incredible I love the way he looks in his face in his arms and his like shoulder looks amazing I love how it looks like that he is easily just one of the greatest zombie props honestly I would kind of be hyped if they remade him better quality better speaker maybe not like a flesh eating zombie situation where they change his face I mean he is already latex so they could probably just hopefully copy this but he would be a dope returning prop not gonna lie so comment down below if you want to see a flashback [Music] thank you [Music] here we have another amazing Banger prop from this year Harvest prop pumpkin prop yeah Gordo he is currently sold out because he's so good he is the best proper this year hands down maybe the greatest of all time he is the greatest of all time I don't know what you're talking about his pumpkin guts and seeds his scare his pillar he all just has it going on and he is amazing he is one that actually is generally one of my favorite pumpkin props now how could you not like Gordo he has Vine boom he has a cat noise in his raising best I'm sorry but he's just the best that's why he sold out there we have The Inferno pumpkin and oh my gosh the wind just got crazy hold up everything is falling down yeah inferno pumpkin from Home Depot 2021 he is still an amazing 12 footer his lighting is sick his rooted look is amazing too I love the way he looks phase two with all the lighting and the digital eyes it looks really cool in his hands too his hands are so sick but just look at the body the rooted body the tree looking body looks so dope and he overall is just one of my favorite 12 foot preps from Home Depot [Music] I'm such a sensitive Soul perhaps you will come closer and keep away the boogeyman [Music] moving on to 2020 we have one of my favorite props maybe my favorite prop from that year we got swirls peekaboo clown he was the game changer for digital eyes he went all swirly eyes and we thought he was wacky mom at First Imagine thinking that that was wacky Mo clown that couldn't be me that definitely wasn't me but he's also one of my favorite 2020 props ever just I love the way he looks I love the colors on him the orange the blue kind of greenish this blue hair looks awesome too he's just one of my favorite clowns and I love how he just plays peekaboo I love that I mean it could have been faster it could have been like a way better could have been more post correctly because I've seen people pose it like this which makes more sense than like that he's still really awesome I still really love him he's probably my favorite in 2020. one of my favorite svi clowns he's amazing digitalized done correctly [Music] Boogeyman one of my favorite 2016 props and one of my favorite techie props because he does this he's just so cool this movement is so violent and like crazy like I just love when he goes literally Bonkers like that he is probably my favorite 2016 prop so glad I got him in 2017. there was like five boogeymans left over from the previous year so I'm so glad I snagged him easily one of my favorite techie props as well and his movement is so just terrifying to see and look at it's really fast and really loud the motor is so freaking loud but he is so dope he was so dope for 2016. Halloween is upon us experience haunts the night oh my God foreign [Music] all the way back there we have the 12 foot Scarecrow from Lowe's from this year in my opinion in my opinion he is one of the best looking 12 foot props ever and I really do like his look compared to Inferno Inferno is still cool but to me scarecrow in pumpkin creep looks so much less cartoony than Inferno like Inferno is still dope but scarecrow looks scary look how scary he is dude he is terrifying and his Scythe is ginormous he is definitely my favorite Lowe's prop from this year and he's an amazing 12 foot prop one of the best for 400 he was definitely worth it with his mouth movement and his lighting and his ribs like his ribs could have been a bit bigger like his rib cage could have been bigger but it seems really cool like literally sitting right next to Inferno pumpkin they're both just really cool cool to get the end of the eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr dark the one who changed it all one of the most game-changing props ever from Spirit Halloween Mr dark seeing a scissor Mech in retail like this was so crazy for its time in 2021 it was so insane seeing this thing for the first time I could literally remember where I was I was at home watching a flagship stream specifically psychotic circus of savannas they went into the store we saw the first demo of dark and everyone just lost their freaking mind because we didn't expect anything like this to even exist in retail and now we have him we have Emmeline we have so much more that I could imagine coming it's going to be wild seeing what they can do with something like this and he really was the one that changed it all and he does really hold a special place in my heart because he did that it's definitely one of my favorite techie props still of all time he was just so crazy and he still is he's still an amazing scare sometimes I pretend that [Music] I won't be pretending anymore yeah Wednesday Adams I'm missing Molly returning is the 2023 model originally came out 2017 in 2018 and now she is back but she's really kind of a cool scare like just bending backwards I think that's really cool reminds me of broken spine girl she'll definitely catch people off guard and I think she still does look even though this is the new model doesn't look as good as the old one like she still looks pretty freaky I'm glad she returned I'm glad I have her because I've always kind of wanted her since 2017. because that year I instead went with sitting scarecrow and the Boogeyman which were from both from 2016 so I didn't get any 2017 props that year but missing Molly so glad to finally have her so glad that she's back thank you crazy crate thank you spirit of Halloween bringing this animated Decor back so missing Molly she's pretty good ah [Laughter] foreign Goblin William Defoe actually he's from Spirit Halloween 2012 this is problem Goblin he's also one of my favorite props from 2012 super nostalgic to me because you know you should shoot out like that hey Spider-Man he's awesome I've always loved him I love how his pumpkin stays on it's great and he's just you know like an easy oh dude look at the heat on the plastic that is not good this is why you don't want to do this in Texas weather unfortunately I'm in Texas and I have to deal with the weather so I couldn't really avoid it [Laughter] oh here we have Sitting scarecrow of course we have seen him for so long he's been in stores since 2016 and he has kept returning every single year since that year for Spirit he's just a good old jump scare there's nothing too crazy Gary sitting scarecrow my opinion is now better and looks better than him but he's still kind of a classic to me when he first came out like 2016 2017 in 2018 I really did like him like I still like him he's still like a kind of a cheap scare easy scare but I do like scary sitting scarecrow more now still pretty good like for anyone beginning this is a great prop to start out with foreign [Applause] [Applause] all right and here we have an OG Spirit Halloween prop this is limber from spear only 2012 2013 online only 2017 flashback he is one of my favorite wolf props of all time one of the most nostalgic props for me seeing him in 2012 in spirit Valley Farms like those were really the good old days that was my favorite year for spirit and I just I just love them so much along with the howler and wolf spitter they were just such an amazing Trio and wolf spitter he's just one of my favorite life sizes of all time one of my favorite wolf props and also another bonus on him he's got squishy feet squishy film latex feet yay although a little dry rub although it will dry rot very sad legendary ogs VI prop his quality is OG svi so it's kind of bad but he's still good you you look excellent fertilizer for next year's crops and here we have my boy possessed pumpkin from Spirit Halloween 2022 he is a legend he is a whoa you little monster he's just a legend dude like he's better than crouchy honestly he's better than okay maybe not better than crouchy you're a collector but like I really like him some people don't I think he sounds like Cookie Monster but that just makes me love him more in his eyes too I really actually love his eyes I love the concept of having a big pumpkin monster character like this he was honestly one of my favorites from last year from 2022. he's dope and it's a crouchy reskin yes but like he's just I really like this reskin [Applause] and we can next up we got one of the best witch props of all time the 12-foot hovering witch she's from Home Depot she's flying she has dope lighting movement imposes unique best retail which can't jump anymore but she's awesome all right so back here we have the immortal werewolf from Home Depot unfortunately he is fully broken do not leave your props outside because like have a hurricane or any crazy lightning occurrence and you can't save your props in time Immortal werewolf when he is working he's a really cool wolf prop also when he has like an arm as well his other hand and arm just kind of broke off moral of the story don't leave your props out for too long outside but a mortar werewolf is still dope I'm gonna put a video of him actually working he's also a bit Sun faded in the shirt so that's no fun and he is nearly 10 foot tall really big height he's still an awesome Marvel though was he worth 400 though I don't think so 300 is perfect I don't know I don't know if he's better than Mega wolf though Mega wolf is kind of on like a different level but he's still good evil here on this Earth more evil than I can ever dream to be I collect human flesh to feed that eagle the more the better here we have collector from Spirit Halloween 2019 he's a huge seven foot Reaper prop mine has also broken his mouth does not work any longer he's really cool I mean his back movement he's a big old Reaper he's like oh oh he's really cool he also got some pointy fingers that you pose his finger that's pretty cool right and he's a really nostalgic prop to me specifically for 2019 because he was always there in the front boat so I was like dang you know you were in a spirit when you hear this guy in the background in 2019 so he's actually fairly nostalgic I wish he was better quality though unfortunately Party Time cannot handle that so he's got a broken mouth but he's still pretty cool [Music] here we have Mr Howe all the way from 2021 Spirit Halloween also one of my favorite werewolves when he works all mine does is this now he's just like and that's basically it that's all he does oh he is a very faulty animatronic but his looks alone his size is huge is that as you can see there it's just overall a great werewolf prop he's literally like what I wanted because before this crouchy came out I wanted like a crouchy sized werewolf and this is exactly that unfortunately made by William though so he doesn't really last and also he goes for 800 now so kind of impossible to get any parts for him to replace or even get him because he's too much thank you scalpers on eBay and Makari but he's still awesome I still love him nonetheless one of my favorite 2021 props foreign [Music] one of the greatest props of all time in my opinion one of the most revolutionary as well she is phenomenal jeez because she does that I think she might be my favorite proper of this year because she shoots out so far Innovative Mech from techie she's so amazing she looks good too this thing will get so many people she's she's awesome and she's such a fair price for what she does she's literally a retail poison prop animatronic she will literally injure anyone like me if you're in the way so stand clear one of the best techie props by far one of the best props of this year maybe my favorite ah you missed me There Is No Escape [Music] [Laughter] all of this is another amazing witch prop one of the best witches of all time from Spirit she's literally like a whole show she's got so much going on she's pouring the fog in the club and she's making a mix she's breaking in her bottle just fell down in The Cauldron when she actually works she's amazing she's one of my favorite witch props she does look uh got a bit of a pizza face there and her eye is not her eyes not a lion but she's still one of my favorite witch props she's awesome techie did a great job on her there's not many good witches but this this is an amazing witch [Applause] Gotta Love death stalker another one of spirit's best animatronics ever death stalker one of the scariest most darkest Concepts we have seen what even is this thing is it a fish is it Boogeyman an alien I don't even know don't ask me I would say it's closer to the fish but he is amazing he is so awesome he looks scary he's big big latex unfortunately one of the best Spirit props of this year and probably they've ever made and here comes tonight oh I'm so happy you come to help celebrate and so have all my critters slithering around your feet okay and here we have one of the goat witch props of all time and literally one of the goat props of all time this is lethal Lilly she is one of the most advanced animatronics ever in retail as of now this year with THD with Yoda with Lily she is one of the few that I just have such crazy movements she's so Advanced Home Depot knocked out of the park with her for only 200 this thing is a steal he's awesome like look she's like taking a nap right now I don't I kind of turned her off mid-activation there you go she's wide awake now kinda looking down a bit well look dude this is her eyes this is my favorite part of any of the new Servo props it can make them look like they're crazy but not lethal Lee is one of the best witches of all time one of the best props of all time I know there's another Home Depot which that's pretty goaded over there hovering which I'm very sorry well actually I don't know who's better hovering Witcher Lily I don't know Misa Lily is amazing and she also got a frog so why not she that just even makes her better here we have the pumpkin stack one of the best Home Depot items ever for a harvest for literally anything pumpkin related this is a goat item okay it's eight feet they can be all taken out and be single or pumpkins it's only 200 and it's weatherproof it's so worth it and they it's they're amazing and I'm so glad they keep bringing them back so glad I got one for this year the air static and they only light up but they're amazing they look great in their very sturdy [Music] and here we have my grandpa pneumatic Grandpa from Lowe's one of the first pneumatics in retail history a crazy achievement he has crazy violent and fast it's kind of it's scary but he is my grandpa and he is really cool for a first pneumatic or one of the first got two cylinders and he just goes crazy and for like 370 or 382 actually for steel pneumatics like this it's really good price techie did phenomenal finally oh my gosh that's all of it that's all 78 of my animatronics so much went wrong things broke things were flying away things were attacking me in many hours and days spent working on setting all these things up and staking him to the ground walking around so many times I'm so sore oh my gosh but it's all worth it to see all of my animatronics my animated Decor all in one spot it is a sight to see it is honestly worth it going nearly broke every single year getting animatronics not only for the haunt but because animatronics are just awesome foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryanz
Views: 281,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uwVnsUseJJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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